HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-04-07 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Nei~rell No. 4 County Council I~;pril 7, 1967 k The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday April 7th, 1967. Members present Reeve Councillors Sec.-Treas. Jim Hajash A . Chrum_~a: 1. Musgrove R. Armstrong- F. Bergen , P. Bartlett G. Douglass' H. Scammell the minutes of the previous meeting of March 10th and t1~~ Union Salary Negotiating Meetings March 16th and 23rd and April 4th'vrere read and adopted, subject to the March 10th Council minutes being revised. Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the Secretary's monthly report of recepts and payments for March be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the application by~Calgary Poorer Ltd. to service the Empire State Oil Well in the Bantry Field be approved. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrunka that the application of Calgary Poser Ltd. to service the Chevron Standard Oil Well Pump in the Bantry Field be approved, Carried. Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the Preliminary Plans for eytension to Rosemary R.E.A. be approved. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the proposed subdivision of SW 32-18_14-4 be approved. Carried. Mr. Osborne, Mr. Walston, and N1r. Polonuk representing the Medicine Hat Planning Commission attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of the County becoming a member. l~pplication for the subdivision of NE 3-15-14-4 bras referred to Councillor Larsen. A letter from the Town of Brooks with regard to the operation of the A~~nbulance was read and discussed. 4 .. _. 9 Moved by Cou~lcillor Bartlett, that a Committee of the Council be appointed and to meet ~.'ith the To?,~n of Brooks to attempt to reconcile the Ambulance problem. Carried. It T:as unanimously agreed that the committee consist of the follo~ring: Councillor P. Bartlett A. Chrumka F. Bergen REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the ML.nicix:al committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstr~~ng,~that the Secretary be authroized to issue a permit to the Eastern Trrigati_cn District for the parpose of moving a minimum amount of equipment, ?hen it is essential that the equipment be moved. To apply only from 12:00 midnight to 10:00 a.m. Carried. School Committee Moved by Councillor Chrum_ka that the report of th, School Committee be accepted. Carried. <_ b. , Agricultural Conunittee Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the report of the ~.gricultural Conunittee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Cou_~.nillor Musgrove, that the District Agriculturist, and the Home Economist be requested to organize a LCounty Fair and ;Short Course in Brooks, to be held about the middle cf August =x_967. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove that the 1967 Tentative Agreement fox Agricu Mural services in the County as reco~-r2mended, be approved. Carried. Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Bartlett that the report of t11o Brooks ~Iospital be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Bassano Hospital be accepted. Carried. Civil Defence E.M.O, Committee Moved by Councillor Bartlett that the report of theE.M.O. be accepted. Carried. t `' ~ arm Purchase Committee `- :: o report. ~,...---'"'~ Nursing Horne Committee No report. Senior Citizens Committee Moved by Councillor Musgrove, -Chat the report of the P~re,~br~~oh Lodge be accepted. Carri ed. ~ogT Recreation Committee Moved by Councillor Bartlett that the report of the Recreation Committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the accounts for payment as per list being cheques Nos. 4768 to 4955 be passed for payment. !, It was unanimously agreed that the applications with regard to the i Engineering Techn~.cian be held over to the May meeting. 'I Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Nir. Oliver Ingram be approached with ~ the view uto the County purchasing his farm, being the Alltl 33-18-14-4. ~I~ Carried. ~, Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. /-/{, i l / v RE _;rr .~: Ate:. ~''D o J i !2 _ ~. 1 ~?t~r',.,rc~ ~,.,.,~~.,rar~ta ~ ;z~ A ........ Accounts Paya~rle for Air-~h, 1967 N0. Payable To: 4768 County of No,.tie11 Petty Cash 4769 Allied Distributors Ltd. 4770 B.B. Shoe Repair 4771 Mrs. A. Bird 4772 Botir Slope Shipping Assoc, 47`3 Bo~.rns Agriculture Whol,~sale Ltd, 4774 Brooks Cooperative Assoc. Ltd. 4775 Brooks Radiation Shop 47'76 Brooks School District X2092 4777 Brooks Stationers 4778 Burce Robinson E1<<c. Ltd. 4779 Bud's Service (1960) Ltd, 4780 Canadian Marconi Ltd. 4781 The Calgary 7arld 4782 Central Sales and Service 4783 Central Scientific Co. of Canada 4784 Coles Publishing Co. Ltd. 4785 Coneco Equipment Ltd. 4786 County of Nei-~rell #4 4787 Delday's Brooks Transport. 4788D~_~ ~~ Duncan Autom7ive 478° Emco Ltd. 4790Finl ey's Store 4791 MacLeod's Ltd. 4792 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd. 4793 W.E. Greer Ltd. 4794 The Head Hunters (Disel Heads) 4'795Hect or's Ltd. ~'-796 Imperial Oil Ltd. 4797 Industrial & Road Equi~om~nt Ltd. 4798 Mrs. Leo Juss 4799 Joyline Transport 4800 Ti~eKLeenbrin Colleries Ltd. 4801 The Lethbridge Herald 4802 Robert E, Lee 4803 M•& P General Store 4804 Mr. T. MacPha:il 4805 Mid West Paper Ltd. 4806 Mrs. Altha Neilson 4807 Pannc~r S~:rvice 480; Pheasant Sales Ltd. 4809 Premier Cartage 401.0 Princess Auto & Machinery Ltd. 43.1 Revelsto 7 Building Material Ltd. 4512 Robert & Hall Ltd. 4813 Russe-1 & Needham 48~~~.4 Mrs. S. F. Rust 4815 A.D. Sche-lenbcrg 4816 Schelski's ti~olding Shop 4817 The School Books Branch 4810 Sharp's Theatre Supplies Ltd 4819 Smalley's Radio Ltd. 4820 Mr. G. S71son 482, E. Tatem 4822 Street Robbins NTorroUv Co, Ltd. 4823 Ronald Tidiobe (Trust) 4824 Welders Supp7_y Ltd. 4825 Willo:a Creek Sand & Gravel 4826 Willscn Stationers Ltd. 4827 T~littmiers General Store 4828 Wyant & CQ. Ltd. 4829 Cancelled 4830 Nesbitt Publishing Co. Ltd. 4831 Munici;oal Supplies Ltd. 4832 Patricia Garage 4833 Mr. L. Scheibner 4834 N1r. C, Scheibn,r 4835 Wi11y Reumer .~ ~ 1149-P SPECIAL PAL SUPPLIES LTO. Nv~ ~~~ ~ Z~y pip 1~ ~~~~`~~ ~,G \~~ ~hQt~ag ~~ For : Amt-unt PW Fue7_ & repair 46.47 Aux. Serv. Cty. van rep. x'49.36 ~, POM Rep. & Repl. to bldgs. 5.00. Aux. Serv. Main. of pupils 178.00 POM 7acherages 8.64 , PPP ASB Pests & ~r~eds 4.96 Pv~T Fuel & Repair 11].1.75 Aux, Serv. Cty. vans 27.00 Accts. Payablo 3261.43 R Gen. Gov't, Office e-~_p. 11.60 -, POM teacherages 26.24 :. hint F uo i & rep . 8. 2 ~> Aux. Serv. Cty. van rep. 20.00 - P~rT travelling 10.08 Aux, Sarv. Cty vans & fuel 486.7 Ltd.Instr. Aids supp, & equip. 427.29 Instr. Aids Text boo'_,s 2.46 PW fu7 & repair 95.92 PT~r1 hire of machin:~ry 14.50 POM trucks & cart. 78.84 ~ PTrd fuel & repair 17 , 7 ~; POM rep. & repl. to bldgs. 864.76 Aux. Serv. Cty. vans fuel 250.67.. PW fuel & repair 72.03. I~astr. Aids supp. & equip, 9.40 POM Caretakers supp, 743.08. PT~1 fuel & rep. 777.15 Aux. Serv. rep. 74.17 PW 7el 19c.06 PW fuel & repair 86.60 Instr. Aid Text book 4.00 P~nT fuel & repair 108.00 POM H.L. etc. 128.90K Gen . Gov't . adv . 1. 8 9 '~ Aux, Serv. Fuel 218.96 K: PL^J f ue ~ & r ~ pa i r 9 .O l :. Adm, postage 7.3 .26 ,; POM Caretakers supplies 120.45 ~ Tnstr. Others 35.20,., Aux, Serv. Cty van fuel 9.45- A ux, Sorv. Cty van rep. 1100.81 PG,T, fue]_ & repair 5.00 x POM reel. & repair to bldgs. i6.7~~ POM repl. & repair to bldgs. ~00.70~ PW. fu7 and re~oair 18.36 , Ca;oital Duchess School 345.00,: Instr. Others 64.50 ,~ Social Welfar~o Unomployabl~s 10.08._ PW fuel & repair 6.00 ,, Instr. Aids Other 38.40 K Instr. Aids supp. & equip. 78.15K Instr. Aids supp. & equip. 18.22K Aux, Serv. Main. of pupils 630.00+ Gen, Gov't Pay to council 55.40 r PW fuc-1 & repair 204.27% POM rep. & reel, to bldgs 20.07 PW fuel & repair 129.29 . PW Gravelling 6241.05.. Instr. Rids supp. & equip. 1.19.10 Instr. Aids supp. & equip. 8.60 POM Caretakers supplies 85.00 Adv, prig. & stat. 264.28 Gen, Gov't. prtg. & stat. 345.83 Aux, Serv. Cty. van & Fuel 123.16 Aux, Serv. Main. of pupils 52.50 A ux. Serv. Main. of z~upils 52.50 Atax. Serv. Main. cf pupils 52.50 _2_ 4836 A9x, Fred Cilro~ Aux. Serv. Main. of Pupils 52.50x 4837 Mr. John H. Tic~ssen Aux. Serv. Main. of Pupils 52.50 '`~ 4838 N, U1a11ace Aux. Serv. Main. Of Pupils 52.50 ''` 4839 Waterous Equipment Ltd. PW fuel & repair 20,82 4840 Receiver G:~neral Gcn. Gov't. Deferred Can. Pen . ~-46.26 4841 The Can. National Instition for the Blind Donation 150,00 4842 Can. Arthritis & Rhematism Soc. Doncation 50,00 4843 G,~~1. Philpott PPP r'1SB Sundry 60,20 4844 Charltons A ux. Serv. Cty. van & fuel ,12,26 4845 Richman's Food Ltd. Socia- Welfare Un_:~mployed emp_'oyables 69.43 4846 CPR Ltd. Po~I Sundry 98.79 4847 Board of Administrators Acc. Rec. ATA 1720.10 4348 Aib~rta Tenders Assoc. Acc. Rec. ATA 499.00 K 4849 County of Neti~~el1 #4 Payroll 47836 .~ n 4850 Cancelled 485,_ Ray Tautfes ASB Pests & :,eeds 5_.10 '. 4852 Franklins Tires Ltd. PTnI fuel & repair 244.00 • X253 T.H. Pcacoct Dist. Ltd. A ux, Serv. 582.82 - 4854 Stan Craig ASD Pests & ~~r eds 113.35 4855 H, C. Scammell March car allcwance & mileage 53.60 4856 Lloyd Dunn PW hire of machinery 60,00- 4857 Grolier Enterprises Instr. Aids Text books< 42,33 41358 Time International of 'Can. Ltd. Instr. Aids lib. & ref. 7,50 4859 Bank of ~lfova Scoti~~, Aux. Serv. contract vans 305,00 K 4860 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux. Serv. Ccntract vans 450.00 K 4861 M. Miedinger Aux. Serv. Contract vans 1350.00` 4862 Bank of Nova 'Scotia Aux. Serv. Contract vans 365.00•. 4863 Treasury Branch A ux. Serv. Contract vans 500.00 . 486' Treasury Branch Aux. Serv. Contract vans 343.00 t• 4865 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux. Serv. Contract vans 395.00•: 4866 Jubilee Insurance Agencies Ltd. ASB Insurance 15.00 K 4867 Provinical Treasurer Instr. Others 18.00 4868 Greyhound Lines of Canada Ltd. Instr. Others 385.00: 4869 Little Chief Construction Ltd. Accts. Payable 4538 .85 • 4870 Bay Slope Shipping Assoc, Pw Material 315.40 - 4871 Cancelled x 4872 Board of A dministrators Accts. Rec. ATRF 23 96 4873 Brooks Sa~eing & Credit Union Acc. Rec. George Timko ,E . 100.00 4874 County of Newal.l No. 4 Acc. Rec. J. Wallace 15.00 ~, 4875 Cancelled 4876 Rolling Hills Saving & Credit Union Acc. Rec. G. Timko 25,00 4877 Rolling Hills Saving & Credit Union Acc, Rec. N. Green . 55,x;0 4878 Royal Bank of Canada Acc. Rec. Mrs. L.E. Christeans on 9C,00 4879 Alberta Teachers Assoc. ,~c~ts. Rec. A,T.A. _, 4840 Receiver General Income Tax 836 51 { 4881 PROv. Treasurer G.G. Pension , 2LS,5% x 4882 Receiver General U.I. C. 3.~~ 1 , ~?" ~; 4883 Alberta Blue Cross Acc. Rec. ABC ;; 5, ~ ,: ., 4884 M.S.I. Acc. Rec. M.S.I. 610.6~~ . 4285 County of Newell No. 4 Payroll 4645.61. ~: 4886 Cancelled ~ 4x87 A,.Gr'T Aux. Serv. Cty vans rep. 5.00 ~~ 4888 A.G.T. POM Telephone 288.15 :•C 4889 Gordon Alnderberg Gen. Gov't. Sundry 70.00 K X890 Tcti,m of Bassano POM H L W 80.00 4891 The Bay Instr. Aids Lib. & Ref 48.69. 4892 J. Beringer PPP ASB Sundry 215.00 4893 R, Bishel A;ux. Serv. Cy vans fuel 34.51 4894 Bi~~Bird Bus Sales (1964) Ltd. Aux. Serv. Cty, vans fuel 10. 05 4895 Boti~r Slope Mutual Telephone POM Telephone 14.95 X896 Brooks North East Nutual Tel Co, Ltd POM Te1e~'Lone 5. 50 N~~~EQ o ~~ Z' P~d11 ~~t~~ts d aC~P}eA ALSO VI 149-P SPECIAL ;IPAL SUPPLIES LTD. -3- 4897 4898 4890 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 ~~909 4910 4 911 4912 491`3 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 492 a 4930 4931 493° 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4931: 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4:.'55 Brooks stationers Brown I"1acLean Wiedemann & LUtes The Calgary Herald Calgary Pvaer Ltd. Canadian Centennial Library Canadian Linen Supply Cc~. Ltd. Canadian Liquid Air Ltd. Jess Chizik Cr oi~1n Lumbe r C o . Ltd . Village of Duchess Eastern Irrigation District The Edmonton Journal Electric Equipment (Alberta) Ltd. Nick Fakas W.J. Gage Ltd. P. Harder Mr . G . Ha ~.~~ n The Head Hunters (Diesel Heads)Ltd. Holt, Rinehart, & Winston J. Hutchison Hut~~ns Ltd. Ingram's Dept. Store Irrigano Publishers Ltd. L~aasa Industries & Co. Brian Jackson D.N. James Mr. C.L. Kadey Ernest S. Kloepper Robert E. Lee K. Maldaner Marshall's Books Store The M. H<~t & Dis'~rict ~.ss;>,~. for Retarde~5 Children J. D. Miller Mr. M. Miller Modern Auto Service Moyer Division Pdoble Cultivatcrs Ltd. Parkland Steamers Ltd. h_-._P.en~~r- __ - __ Pitney Boti~res of Can. Ltd. Premier Cycle & Sports (Calgary) Publishers Clearing House J. L. Rai°Jleigh & Son Village cf Rosemary Mrs. S.F. Rust Schelske's Welding Shop Sharp's Theatre Supplies Ltd. N. A. Shuttleworth Simplex International Time Equip, Smith & Stark agencies Ltd. John Snyders Autc Wrecking Albert Steegstra '!-Line Chemicals Ltd. Office of Queens Printer TnTe1-dens Supplies Ltd. Mr. C. F. Annis Duchess Auto Body Postmaster Instr. AidsLibr. & Ref iGen. Gov't. Legal fees Adm. Adv. for teachers PW 'Sundry Instr. Aids Libr. & Ref. PW fuel & Rep. PW fuel & Rep. PPP ADB Sundry POM Rep. & Repl to bldgs. POM H L 61 PW Hire of 1Kachi:~~~_ry Adffi. A,dv, for teachers PQM rep & r~pl, to bldgs. Gen. Gov't Mileage Instr. Aids Text books Aux. Serv. Cty vans & fuel PW Mileage Aux. Serv. Cry. van rep. Instr. Aids 'supp. & Equip. Aux. Serv. Main of pupils Aux_. Serv. Cty vans rcpt. Gen. Gov't. Office exp. PPP ASB Sundry Adm. Prtg & Stat . Cen. Gov't office exp. Gen. Ccv't. Mileage Instr. Other Aux. Sarv. Cty van & fuel Aux. Serv. Cty van & fuel Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils Gen. Gov't. office equip. Pgts.to Schcol Dist. Tution fees Ptir fuel & rep. PW Mileage Aux. Serv. Main of pupils Aux. Serv. Cty van & rep. Instr. Aids supp. & equip. PW fuel d rep. PW. Culverts Pfd ~i Iea~~ _ Adm. Office exp. LTD. Instr. ether (sports) Instr. Libr & ref Aux. Serv. cty vans fuel POMHLW Instr. Other PW fuel & rcpt. Instr. Aids supp. & Equip. PW Mileage Co. POM rep. & reel. tc bldgs. POM Insurance Aux. Serv. Cty vans Rep. FOM Teacherages POM Caretakers suppl Gen. Gov't. Office e~,~er~~e. P~^1 fuel & repair Instr. su.p't F~xpense Aux. Serv. Cty van Rep Gen. Gov't Postage 14.18K 41.10 73.08 , 32.20 264.00 3.10 16.20 120.00 919.49 39, 62 46.00 103.32 76.64 5.00 76.86 ~ 105.00 K 21.00 y 305.27: 201.08 210~y00 70.26 3.99 2.50 15.50 27.00 5.00 50.00 9.00 112.54 40.00 116.48 168.00 K 7.50 K 5.00 x 40.00 6.00 ~, 120.61- 372.71 24.00 ` 5.4u' 77.751 29.32 ~ 5.95 108.80 :. 125.00 68.70 19.44 89.86 1'3.10 7.00 2.67 37.00 100.00. 25.20x: 1.50' 10.55 104.20- 6.25. 95.00 R° ~SC~ ~+ s. P 1~ ~~,~ts 7~ tv~f~ R`'~~-tul/' ~,h9t "e,,..s'