HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-10 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No. 4 Council Meeting March ]_Oth, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alta. at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, ~ rch 10th, 1967. Members present Reeve Councillors Sec.-Treas. J. Hajash' G. Larsen• A . Chrumka T. Musgrove F. NL.ndevi]_le R. Armstrong F. Bergen- P. Bartlett. C. Douglass H. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of Feb. 10, 1967 were read & adopted. T~Toved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Secretary's monthly report of Receipts & Payments for the month of February be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville that Bylaw #320 to donate $50.00 to the Canadian Arthritis & Rheumatism Soc, be given 1st, 2nd, 3rd readings & ~ finally passed. Carried Unanimously . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Douglass, that Bylati•rs # 321 to donate $150.00 to the Can. Inst. for the Blind be given 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings and finally passed. - Carried Unanimously Moved by Councillor Hajash that the County offer to become a member of the Medicine Hat Planning Commission for a fee of $500.00 per year, with no increase in future years„ except by mutual agreement, tc be negotiated year by year. Carried. A letter from Water Resources Division and Dept. of Agriculture, re the proposed Drainage Projects were read, discussed & ordered filed. Notice was received from the Bcard of Industrial Relations of the appointment: of T. Grothen, T'fedicine Hat, as Counciliator in the C.U.P.E Agreement dispute and confirmation of meeting March 13, 1967. • ^ • • • • . . --`"_`~ i fly A letter from Gordon E. Taylor with regard to Highway 36, was read ~~ ~ r°' } discussed and ordered filed. • -`~ . . . . ,~ ~, The report on the Inspection of the Duchess School was received. Adj o~~zrned for lunch 12:20 to 2:00 p.m. 49-P SPECIAL L SUPPLIES LTD. -2- Reports of Committees Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that application be made to the Dept. of Highways to have the Load Limit on all County Roads increased to 56,000 lbs. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that application be Wade to the Water Resources Branch to have the Bassano Drainage Projectcanstructed. Carried. School Committee Moved by Councillor ~ndeville, that the report of the School Committee be accepted . Carried. l~'1r. Jas. Pdesbitt, Editor, Brooks Bulleting, attended the meeting the proposed publicity of County ,activities. l ~ Agricultural Committee Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Agricultural Ccmmittee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the tender of Modern Auto Service $2042.57 fora new half ton truck be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen that the salary cf U7. Sheldrake be increased from $340.00 to $400.00 per month, effective Msrch lst, 1967. Carried. Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the report of the Brooks Hospital be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Rs.ssano Hospital be accepted. Carried. Civil Defence E.M.O. Committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moved by Councillor Bartlett that the report of the E.M.O be accepted. Carried. Farm_Purchase Committee M~~;ed by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Purchase Committee be accepted. Carried. "-~-r • • • . . • . ~^ ~^+'~r,.... ~-P SPECIAL L SUPPLIES LTD. II 114 iIY ICY{I In i ~~~ - 3- Moved by Councillor iarsen, that the application of Wm. Tansonny for a loan to purchase Sw 9& PT NW 9-15-13-4 be approved. Carried. . . Moved by Councillor Douglass, that eh salary of Mr. V. I~wrence, Assessor, be increased from $200.00 to $230.00 per month, & that he be asked to do the appraisals for the Farm Purchase Committee. Carried. . . Senior Citizens Committee Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the report of the Senior Citizens Committee be accepted. Carried. . , .. . Newell Hutterian Brethren Secs-23-18-4 30.00 per acre David R. Hall NE 19-&'SE 19-21-17-4 $30.00 per acre. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the following Preliminary Agreements be approved. . . ... , . Tenders for the supplying of Fuel etc. for use by County Equipment were received from B.A. Oil Co.,:Royalite, Esso, Shell & Brooks Coop, . . Moved by Councillor ,'i.Dxauglass, that the Fuel Supplies J=-of the County be purchased from the Brooks<;Coop, on member basis. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, thatthe previous motion. re Fuel Supply be tabled to the April meeting. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the County advertise for the services of an Engineering Techziician. Carried. . . , Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the resolution with regard to the retirement of the County Employees at age 65 years, copy of which is attached to & forms part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. . .. . v' Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the County Policy for the purchase of land for additional Road Allowance be set as follows: Arable, Irrigable Iand .$100.00 per acre Dry Non-Irrigable Ia nd $ 40.00 per acre Prairie Pasture land $ 25.00 per acre The owner of the land being responsible for moving the fence; with the farmer supplying the fence posts fora cost of $200.00 per mile payable ~ the County. Carried. ^ R ^ • ^ ^ , ^ ^.... Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. . , . 1.~3~~``~ s~ Q ~~~T ~D r Fig ~Tr, ` 1?° y 5 C' .. "Vp ~, iil ~ 1 2 (~oG.E ~ e~",..~ x~~~~ VE .,Q.~ S Y-'l~RA SURER M 7~P SPECIAL '~GPA lUPPLIEB LTD. 11 I il, ~I:Y:ldll lY:. I i~ County of Newell No. 4 Resolution Marcy 10, 1967 A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to provide for the orderly control of employees of the County of Newell, when reaching the age of 65 years . Whereas, this County Council is fully appreciative of the fact that employees of the County reaching the age of 65 years may very well still be capable of performing their duties in an efficient and satisfactory manner. And whereas, with the advent of the Canada Pension Plan, and the revised Old Age Security Pensions, it would appear that the plans have been adopted to provide a reasonable living allowance, to persons attaining the age of 65 years. Therefore be it resolved thatthis County Council hereby enact that the retirement age of the County employees be 65 years, with the provision that at the discretion of the County Council this date may be adjusted should there be very exceptional circumstances, making it not in the best interest of the County and/or the employees concerned. e Done and passed this 10th day of March 1967. ---f RE C~- _ ~, ., q~_ ` . ; LU ~ 5 ~ G ~ i2 P -:SE~ETAI~Y TREASURER. ~y-.r+ared P.~-nvn+3nts SPECIAL rues ua II I II IIN ICY II I ~I.i. i il~ County of Newell No. 4 Resolution. March 10th, 1967 7 A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to request the Minister of Highways to authroize the Load Limit on all County Roads to be increased from 45,000 to 56,000 pounds. Whereas, In the opinion of this County Council, the majority of the roads in the County have been constructed and adequately maintained to very good standard. And whereas, the present maximum load limit of 45,000 lbs. Beverly handicaps the farmers of this County in the movement of the Farm produce and Livestock. Therefore, be it resolved, that ~~plication be made to the Dept. of Highways to have the load limit on all County roads, increased from 45,000 to 56,000 lbs. Done and passed with the unanimous consent of the whole Council, this 10th day of March 1967. Z~ Pte- ~ ti ~~~ e~= ~ ~~~~~ et G'~~~' ,. 7h~rf /'' S CRE Y-T J .. J~ ` /%~ ~', j-n ~~,.~ .5 8PECIAL ruse Lm • ;, ~~~` ,~ `~~ ADDENDUM TO COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 10th, MEETING Nursing Home Committee No- report Moved by Councillor Chrumkas that the Centennial Grant of $500.00 to the V illage of Tilley be paid. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the accounts as listed being cheques 4570 to 4767 be passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the Contract Bus rate of V. Zachariias be increaded from 395.00 to 435.00 per month as and from February lst, 1967. Carried. r >..~~ ... Cheques Payable for March, 1967 No. 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 460]. 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 j4610 .4609 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 ((1 ~G3t> \46;?5 _u~7 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 Payable to: Cancelled Brooks Rad. Shop Duncan Automative F. Gilroy Hectors Ltd. K. Lintott Municipal 'Supplies T. H. Peacock. Dist. Lester Penner Pheasant `Sales W, Reimer Ressler Motors Richman's Foods Russell Vasselin Scandia Community Hall ~. Scheibner L. Scheibner 1~. Schellenberg John H, Tiessen Toshach Appliances Universal Bindery LEtd. Ni~ Wallace workmen's Compensation Board Coleman Plumb & Heat Postmaster Bevan & Hutch Mrs. J. Buteau Kenniburg Spraying `Serv. D, Kircthaski ~ ; ~, __ J. Sparry '[~lilson Stat Audio Visual Services Bovr Valley Vet, Mrs. `S. !Chudleigh C. of Newell (Petty Cash) C. of Newell (Payroll) B.N.S. (Dueck) D. Dyck Fra.nklins Tire C, Kadey C.P,R, B.N.S. (A..Lepp) M. Miedinger Mrs. A.. Nielson B.N.S. (Neufeld) Newell Vet. Clinic Prairie Prov. Forestry .Assoc. Salvation Army Treas, Branch (Seely) Smith & Stark Agencies Treas. Branch (Torkelson) J.P. Wittig B.N.S. (Zacharius) Patricia Garage Encyclopidea Britannica G. W. Philpott H:C. Scammell Bow Slope Shipping Assoc, Crown Lumber 2~I.S.I. Mrs. J.J. ~Ihite Brown Maclean ~~ed~mann & Lutes Alta. Teachers Assoc. Teachers Retirement Fund •~ For ~,.ux. Ser. Repair P.W. Fuel & Rep. Aux. Serv. Main Pupils P.W. Fuel & Rep, P.O.M. Trucks & Cart. Gen. Gov't. Prtg. & Stat. P.O.M. Rep & Repl. to Teach P.W. Fuel & Rep. Aux. Serv. Repair Aux. Serv. Main. of Pupils Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Rep Social Welfare Gen GovtOffice Expense P.W. Fuel & Re~.ir Aux. 'Serv. Main of Pupils A.ux. Serv. Main of Pupils Social Welfare A.ux. 'Serv. Main of Pupils PPP A;.S.B. `Sundry Instr. Aids Lib. & Ref. Aux. Serv. i"Lain of Pupils P.O.M. Teacherages ~~ Gen. Gov't Audit A.ux. Serv. I~'1a.in of Pupils PPP A.S.B. Pests & heeds Bursary PPP Brucellos~.s Instr. Aids Supp & equip. Instr. Aids- Qther Accts. Payable Instr. Qther Aux. Serv. Contract Vans P.tiJ, Hire of Machines P.~nT. ~~e1 & Repair Instr. Other P.O.M, Trucks & Cart. Roux. 'Serv. Contract Vans Aux. Serv. Contract Vans Instr. Aids C}ther Aux. Serv. Contract Vans Accts. Payable Donation Donation Aux. Serv. Contract Vans Gen. Gov't Insurance A ux. Serv. Contract Vans P.O.M. Caretakers Supp. Aux. Serv. Contract Vans Aux . 'Serv . Cty Van Fue 1 Instr. Aids Lib. & Ref. A . S . B . 'Sundry Mileage Acc Rec Scandia Rec Grant P.O.M. Rep & Repl to Bldgs. Instr. Other Gen Gov't Legal Fees A,T.A. Dues Royal Bank of ~a~sano (~., .E. Christi anson) R.H. S. & Cr Union (Timko) k.H. 'S. & Cr. Union (Green) .,.- Brks S. & Cr. Union (Timko) ~ C. Qf Newell (Trlallace) Alberta Government Telephones '[n~akter Albright H.O. Disc. Sam Allcock H. O. DISC. Clifford Anderson H.O. Disc. 2L P~ 11 ct~~~ 7 ~'' \\\ i c~A .:t Amount 14.00 13.47 52 .50:-, 384.82 , 14.50 14.74 . 236.42 12.00 1404.18 52.50; 9. 45h 79.65 6.23 10.00 52.50 52.50 31.92 52.50 7.30 40=20 52.50 3794.80 ~' 13.31 ,tf 95.00 h 1523.71 ~ 52.50" 1619.20 •~' 225.00 ~- 8.50 ~' 66.15- 1.00 ~• 1457.20 " 54.00 68.92 48195.36 .- 385.00 tt 28.00 N 34.62 •-: 100.00 "' 2.75 °. 450.00', 1350.00 41.80 '; 365.00. 1522.40 25.00 600.00 " 500.00 K 917.00 ~~ 343.20 29.08 `' 395.00 `~ 173.87~~ 7.3CK 76.20+ 50.00•: 196.00 757.76: 644.66 100.00 100.50 499.00 1733.11 90,00 25.00 55 .00 100.00 15.00 50.00 K 50.00 50.00 8-P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD. -2- 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 7~_`'. 4'x'06 Walter Andrus H.O. DIsc. Jacob Bender H.O. Disc, Harold A. Bloomquist H.O. Disc. Walter Brauer H.O. Disc. Leona M. Christensen H, .O. Disc. William Christianson H.O. Disc„ Cancelled Roy Dennis H.O. Disc. Earl Edwardson H.O. Disc. John Folkerts H,O. Disc. Donald Galarneau H.O. DIsc. Louis Gongal H.O. Disc. Hellmer Hansen H.O. DIsc. David Hiebert H.O. Disc. Gordon Ka.raki H.O. Disc. Henry Lepp H.O.Disc. Samuel Meier H.O. Disc. James H. Murray H.O. Disc. John Mc Aleese H.O. Disc. Robert Nilsson H.O.Disc. Julius Olah H.O. Disc, Stanley Parker H.O. Disc. William Plumber H.O. Disc. Provincial Treasurer P.W. Sundry Queens Printer PPF A.S.B. Sundry Halvar Rcsdal H.O. Disc. Emmanual Schmitke H.O. Disc. Robert Sewall H.O. Disc. Joe Stalerchick H.O. Disc. K.E. Strand H.C. Disc. Wallace A. Strawell H.O. Disc. Kenneth ~l'iegs H,~O. Disc. John Torok H.O. Disc. BernhardVogt H. 0. Disc. Eckardt Wiebe H.O. Disc. County of Newell No. 4 H.O. Disc. Alberta Blue Cross Plan Acct. Rec. ABC Cancelled County of Newell No. 4 Payroll Acct. Provincial Treasurer Cancelled Receiver General Taxation Division Receiver General Unemployment Insurance Office Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. P.D.M. HLW Air Filter Services ~W Fuel & Rep. Alberta Association of Munici~l It~fa~rs` PW Fuel & Rep. Alberta Government Telephones Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Amco Equipment Ltd. PW Fuel & Rep. C, F, Annis POM Truck & Cart. Asbestonus Corp. Ltd. A ~ Serv. Cty van-Rep. Henry Berg Instr. Other R. Bis~el ~ ~ ~;+ = ~_ ; Aux. Serv. Cty Van fuel Mrs. A.G. Bloomquist Aux. Serv. Cty Van fuel The Bolt Supply House Ltd. PW Fuel & Rep. Bow Slope Mutual Telephone POM Telephone Brks. Garage (Brooks) Ltd. PW fuel & rep. Brooks Iron Works Pw fuel & rep. Brks. North East Mutual Telephone POM Telephone Brooks Pharmacy Instr. Aids Supp. & Equi Burroughs Business Machines Cap. office Equip. Canadian Linen Supply Co, Ltd PW fuel & rep. Canadian Marconi Co. Aux. Serv. repi Capital Glass Ltd. PU1 fuel & rep. Crown Lumber Co, Ltd. POM rep. to teacherages Village of- Duchess POM HLW Duchess Garage Ltd. PW Cty Van rep. E1ect~ic Equipment (Alta) Ltd. PW Sundry Tv. Fakas Gen Gov't Mileage ~~ ply Capital mach. & Equip Plumbing & Heating POW Bldg. ~' , r'-~ ZQ P'~~ ~,1 ~~~~ 50.00 '~ 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00- 50.00 50.00 %~ 50.00 n 50.00 50.00. 50.00. 50,00 50.00- 50,00 21.94 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.54 50.00 50.00 50.00; 34.00 4,00 50.00 47.36 50.00 ,~ 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00- 150.00 41.75 ~'S ~ . 6 3~c 213.15 9228,22- 267.56x•. 204.80~c 12,00 1945 .64°~ 5.00' 49.36 ` 62.70 98.31. 50.00 107.40 156.34' 23.62 9.30 9.25- 28.51 5.50 p, 2-8-:~-1 202.50 •~ 5,00 ~. 20.00 16.20 bldg.339.18 39.78~c 33.95 K 220.69K 5.00 45490.00 t ~ 3/ 27.21 ?~ ~,. t ' %~- . 1149-P SPECIAL PAL SUPPLIES LTD. 4713 4 714 4715 4 716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4 746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4 766 4767 Financial Times of Canada Flanagan Bros. Ltd. Gem General Store Mrs. ~.a, Gibb Peter R. Harder Gordon Hawn Jacob S, Hofer Hc'lt Rinehart & Winston Ingrains Store Irrigano Publishers Ltd. Iwassa Industries & Co. D,N.James K@st Fire Equipment Ken's Plumbing & Heating D. .W Kinniburgh Mr. E. Kloepper Keith 0, Lake Levitt Safety Ltd. K. N1a ldaner Marshall Wells Store The Med, Hat Dist, Assoc, -3- Gen. Gov't, Prtg. & Stat. POM Rep. & Repl, to bldgs Aux. Serv, Cty vans & fuel Bursaries Aux. Serv. Cty vans & fuel PW Mileage PW Hire cf machine Instr. Aids Textbooks POM Rep. & Repl. to bldgs, Gen. Gov't. Advertising PW fuel & rep. Gen Gov't. Mileage POM Rep. & Rep1. to bldgs. POM Rep. & Reel. to bldgs. PW Small tools shop Aux. Serv, Cty vans fuel Aux. Serv, Cty vans fuel POM REp, & Repl, to bldgs. Aux, Serv. Main of pupil POM Rep & Repl. to bldgs. Payments to schools dirt. tuition fees PW Mileage Aux. Serv. Main of pupil Gen. Gov't. Advertising Instr, Textbooks Mr. J. D. NLiller M, Miller The Med, Hat I`dews Esther McFadyen Cancelled Nesbitt Publishing Co. Ltd. North American Distributors A. J. T~Tystrom & Co. Park Sales & Service Plews Service Premier Cycle & Sports Olson's Service Ltd. Office of Queen's Printer J.L. Ra.wleigh & Son Revelstoke Bldg. Materials Cancelled Simpson Sears Ltd. Sisco Scientific Ltd. N. A. Shuttleworth Smith & Stark Agencies Ltd. T~iiss Vera Somerville Texas Refinery Corp. of Can Village of Tilley Miss M. Thacker Town of Brooks United News (ti~Tholesalers ) L Village of Rosemary Wally's Paint & Hardware Western Rebuild Castings Lt ti~lestern Tent & Awning Co. L W.H, Willard Order of Royal Purple Lodge x`104 W.C.R. Schafer Lois McFadyen Gen. Gov't, Prtg, Ltd. PW fuel & rep. Instr. Aids supp. & equip. POM Rep. & Repl & Grds. Aux. Serv. Cty van & rep; Accts. Payable A ux. Serv, Cty vans &supp. Gen. Gov't Ptrg. & Stat. Aux Serv, Cty vans & fuel Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip. Ltd, td, d. td. POM P.ep. & Repl. to bldgs, Instr. Aids upp. & Equip, PW Mileage c POM Insurance Bursaries POM Caretakers supp. POM HLW Instr, Other Gen Gov't Cent. Project Instr. Aids Lib. & Ref. POM HLW POT~T Rep. & Re pl. to bldgs . PGd Fuel & Rep. Instr. Aids, Supp. & equip. Aux, Serv, Cty Van Wages PPP Sundry Adm. Postage Instr. Textbooks HL~~ ~~ p Z ~JU' ~s A 11 ~~~~ G a`ti~t~, 4.98 K 5,06 ; 81.70 :. 450.00 87.50 72.00 15.00 22.50 1.87 3 5-,.~ r' 54.00 5,00 4.50 8.82 25.30 rt 9.00 x 374,21 k 64.05 40.00 ~ 56.19 R 168,00 5.00 - ~0.00 r~. ,. ; 5.12 2.07 154,88 6.39 7.14 +~ 54.60 15,00 217.30 k; 221.08 16.25,., 104.80.. 3,85 K 7.18 ,; 7.47 ~~ 7,50 20.00 225.00 88,00 134,00 x 100,00 ,K 3000,00 35.15 125.00 23.96 36,00 103.90 38.50 15.00 7.00 2,62 149-P SPECIAL 'AL SUPPLIES LTD.