HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-09-10 Council (Regular) MinutesMembers present: The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooksl~ Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 10th. 1965. n ~. County of Newell No. 4 County Council September 10,1965 ................ Reeve Councillors _. ,~+~ J. Hajash / G. Larsen A. Eccles F. T•:andeville~ R. Armstrong R. Eastman D. G~osfield~ G. Douglassi H. Scammell Sec.-ri'reas. ............... The minutes of the previous meeting of August 6th. were read and adopted. ............. Moved by Councillor Gres field, that the motion & the Bylaw No. 2$7 to which it refers, be changed to read tt72 acres as per surveyor instead of LSD 7 Sec . 12=20-15 -VJ1~ . Carried Unan. .............. Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that the Secretaryrs monthly report of Receipts, Payments and monthly Progress to August 31st. 1965 be accepted. Carried. .............. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the application 65-D-$16 by H. Charlton to subdivide NEB.-19-14-~, be approved. Carried. .............. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the application 65-D-F~1:g by E. Beiber to subdivide Lot 6 Block 1 Plan xolling Hills 2123 FB be ap~_:roved. Carried. ............ Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the application 65-M-45 by Jo$. Smallbones to subdivide Lot 5 Block 2 Brooks Plan No. 6$27 FP be approved subject to Town of Brooks. Carried. ............ . ,.. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the application ,,: '" -'' 65-D-709 by Warren Fulton to subdivide SW21-19-11~=~~. ' :. ,~ be approved. Carried. ~~.~~~ SPECIAL PLIES LTD. • • • • • . . • • • • • • -2- Moved by Councillor Urosf'ield, that the application of Brown & Hogg to register the survey of the Gravel Pit &, Road SE 12-20-15-t~ be approved. Carried. .............. A quotation from T~Im. C1arl~:e Roofing, with retard to the Scandia school roof was read ~~ discussed. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the Scandia School roof be patched by the County Crew. Carried. .............. A letter from the Dept. of T~~unicipal Affair°s re: the General Assessment Grant payment vas read, discussed, & referred to the Assessor for his attention. i " ~ `' .............. ~~ ~'a; A letter from the Dept. of Public ti"Telfare medicine Hat, re: Bannick 8; Larochelle i,~,ras read & discussed. The Secretary as Welfare Officer ti~Jas directed to refer any further requ;,~sts from Bannick & Larochelle to the P-Zedicine hat Office. ................ Notice was received of the A.. A:M.D. Convention in Edmonton Nov. 16-17-1$-19th. 1965. .............. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the sura of X125.00 be allowed for all delegates attending the Convention. .............. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the County waive $ts rights in its CEI~fTENNIAL GRAi~1T to the extent of 500 population, each in the case of the Town of Bassano8~ Town of Brooks, Villages of Roserriary, Duchess, and Tilley if applied for. Carried. .............. T~Ioved by Councillor Eccles, that the application of Lester Beck to erect-a sign near the intersection of the Trans-Canada &, No. 3~ Hi~Irway be approved subject to Provincial Gov't. regulations Carried. .............. Adjourned for Lunch 1:00 to 2:CO p.rr~. ---`, ~,. ~ 1 ~ +' t ..{ SPECIAL PLIES ITD. -3 - ~~~ ~ . ~~ ti'Irs. J. Robson attended the meeting; as a delegation from the Rolling Hills conu;~unity, to discuss tree problem of the Grade 12 students from the Rolling I-Tills School. She stated that the chief reason for dissension by the parents 4ras the fact that due to the lack of transportation, the students tirould have to receive a boarding out allowance, 8c; the present rate of X1.50 offered, was not sufficient, and the suggested rate by the parents was that it should be at least X50.00 per month per student. .............. It was agreed that Councillor La~~sen make the best arrangement possible with the person furnishing the transportation. .............. T~ir. Ron Francis 8c an assistant from the ~'Jater Resources Branch attended the meeting to discuss drainage in relation to read vaork, the 3-ti•ray agreement. .............. Reports of Committees r Municipal Committee (~k Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of `\\.., the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried. .............o i~Toved by Councillor Armstrong, that a supply of 500 Culvert I~Tarkers be ordered from Armco Braina~;e . Carried. .............. School Committee Itiloved b Councillor Eastman, that tre report of the School ~ommittee be accepted. Carried. .............. P~Toved by Councillor Eastman, that the small teacherage at polling Hills be moved to the large teacherage unit at the polling Hills School for storabe purposes. Carried. .............. .-• + ,~ ', .. ~ ~~~ '; SPECIAL ruEB pro. -~- Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Bylavr No. 2;'0 to purchase an Estavilla House `T'railer from Joe. Calpas, Willey, for X5$00.00 for use as a teacherage, be given lit. 2nd. ~: 3rd. readings and finally passed. Carried tinan. .............. I~Toved by Councillor Larsen, that the 2nd. small te~cherage at Rolling Hills be moved to the Rolling Hills School to be used for equipment storage. Carried. .............. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the 'i~UBTLE SCHOOL at Scandia be moved to the Duchess School. Carried. .............. n .~ ', r Agricultural Service Board Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the Agricultux,al Service Board be accepted. Carried. .............. Hospital Committee Moved byy Councillor Eccles, that the report of the Brooks ~Iospital be accepted. Carried. .............. Civil Defence (ET~10 ) No report .............. Farm-Purchase Board No report Senior Citizens' Comniit~tee Moved by Councillor Hajash, that tie report of NEWBROOK LODGE be accepted. Carried. .............. SPECIAL PLIES LT0. Nursing; Home Committee No report Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the i~~0i'~11i'Jr.`l'ION MEETING for the County be held from 3 to 4 I'.~i. on SATURDAY , NOVET~iBER 6th . mn the County Office . • • • . 1 «~ ~- ,~ ~~,~ '~ - ~:.~ `. -.%~,~- r _5_ i~,~~ Moved by Councillor Eccles, that Mr. D. Jaynes b~ appointed as RETURT~tING OFFICER for the County. Carried. .............. ~~Ioved by Councillor Larsen, that T~Tr. Val La~•mence be appointed as INSPECTOR OF :MOBILE TiOT~~S for the County. Carried. ............. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that ti:e a~~plication of Brooks. Coop,_to make certain changes iri their plant as per plan submitted, be ag~raved '' subject to Provincial Govit. Regulations, and the ToU;n of Brooks. Carried. ............. \~ ~~ ,~ It was agreed that gravel from County Pits could be supplied to local farmers at the follov,Tinb rtes, from the pit: Crushed: 4'1.00 per C.Y. Pit flan ~ .50 per C.Y. to be obtained or?ly when the County equipment is in the pit, subject to approval by the Councillor. ............ oved by Councillor Hajash, that the resolution to pply for assistance under the Prairie Farm Assistance ct, copy of which is attached to ~~ forms dart of he minutes of this meeting be .a ssed. Carried. ........... RM Ioved by Councillor Grosfield, that the following accounts as read be passed for payrient: X56$ X569 Bro Nes ks ; Co-op itt Pub. 3215. $5 ~ 71 21, 95$9 c» o A. Redelback ~~ 511.,0 X570 ` Lea er 'Post" . 4~.21r. ~ Q~ ~0 •551 R. D. Redelback Schneider 512.90 ~ 520.50 '571 Und .McLellan 362$.$0• 0502 E. Uchneider 55 .$0, '572 '573 Sim Bass son Sears P~Tut. Tel. 60.73N 26 65 9593 ~y. Schneider 56~.QOr '574 Hea Hunters . 14.50 y5y4 9595 0. A. Carson Carlson ~63.$U~ 2~0 61~ 575 576 F. C.o tton N. (Payrolls 10$.00 ~ 9646 0$^' c, 'S~~' T,,, ~,. Libell . 293.44N 577 Gem umber . 61.23 9597 059$ L. R. Stenger Pearson 611.20 535 5$ 57$ Hein zman&Co. 467.50r 9599 F. Duby . 411.60 579 5$O MacL Vill ods of Rosemary 40.07 124 50 9600 6 R.S . Smith -- ' $6.$ON 5$1 5$2 Sche W skets del. . 73.25 ~ 9 01 G~02 J. R.J , .urphy . Frazer 2y1.$Or 4$$.%Oi 5$3 ate G H ous Equip. hes 3 j$,35,, 1O X003 F. Vaselinko n3$.ol~ 5$4 . R, 0 g fiver 537. N 156.40 u6U1,. 9005 P. H. T~atona Beatty 051{..22, 11$ 02 5~5 5$6 G. C K.A. lvert rt 4$6.90. 535.90 ~ 9606 X607 T . R 0 I'~ . Baxter C . 1,.21. y0 5$7 5$$ M.L. R K asse Y S 517.10., G60~S • TTec arlson . tors Ltd. 371.20 29~.53~ . . mith 266.30 g6O9 Phe asant Salesl74$.Olw HUTCH ~. z ¢ AUDITED w 7 m Chartered Accountants P SPECIAL UPPU EB LTD. tM i~~~ -6- g61o Suffie d Gas Dist. 2.90 ~ 9679 Calbary Power Ltd. 10.60- 9611 Postma ter 95.00 90$0 Cal. Otamp~:5ten./63 0.$Or 8612 A.G.T. 11.05 ~ 9~?~1 Can. good Inds. 1=~.ss. 50.00 y613 Royali e Oil 3b.40 ~ 96:'2 C.P.L. Co. 1.75r 9614 P. Pri gle 47.00 96$3 b C.P.P.. Co. C P T D l y.34, $ gb15 Const. Equip. 403.72 9b 4 . . eco~. e ep. 5 2. 9616 Brks. Cr.(Timko) 100.00r 90$5 Can. Prop. Con. Ltd. 15.20N 9617 R.H.S. Cr. (Z'imko) 25.00 ~ 96$6 Capital Glass 5•S5^' 961$ R. Ban (L. Christian sb~$0.00 ~ 96$7 Colernan Plumb~Heat . ~ 543 • ~3 8619 R.H.S. ~Cr.(Green) 55.00 96$$ Cent. 0ales~;Service 206.U4H 8620 BNS(Da idson) 100.00 96Ug Copp. 'lark Pub. 22.42 8621 R.H.S. Cr. (David.) 100.00a 9690 Corbetts Ltd. 42.35 9622 H . Lil ehi 49.40 ° 96y1 Cro~•ni Luri~ber Co,., 405.47 9623 V~Tm. Sh ldrake 40. $0 ~ 9~?92 Delday f s Brks . Frans • 55.65 w 8624 MSI 6g6.g0~ 9b93 Dep. of Education 6.UUw 9625 L.R. K ause 25.00 9684 Vil. of Duchess 39.10 9626 A.B.C. 13.60 9695 Elect. :quip. (Alta.. ) 267.21 , 9627 Teach. etire Fund 1$g5.y1~ 9696 T~Iary A.L. Endersby 11.00 962$ Alta. each. Assoc. 34$•7 5 96A7 Vince Fabian 15.OOr 929 H.C. S amriell 101.00 969$ Flanagan Brs. Ltd. 15.17, 9630 N.E. C apo 15U.00~ ~~6D9 T~Tr. R. Fleury ;-90.00- 9631 Olson ~ Ser. 753.4$N 9700 friendly Mores Ltd. 15.31 ~ 19632 J. Pip r 102.00 9701 L. Gabert 5.00 r 9633 S. I`Jiei r 105.00 a 972 T~ir. G. Gay 90.00 r' 9634 J. Tro ter 110.001 9'103 TySr. C. clock 2.b'0 963 5 C . Of' N (Pe~Z~ty Cash ) 65.3 2 ~ 9704 Firs . 1:. Goldade 150 . UO 9636 Mrs. Tai scekas 50.00 9705 I~Ir. P. Goldade 150.00 r 8637 F. Cre bohn 50.00 9706 '.'.I~. Grace Co. of Can. 3.11 963$ Rec. G n.(UIC) 42$.12 9707 v~J.E. Greer Ltd. 107.o5r 9639 Ric. G neral 6256.35 97U$ Pete I-Iarder 140.19 8640 Proc.T eas.,Pens.Br~23.43~ %1Cy I'~~rs. E. Hai.~kins $U.00^~ 8641 C.of N (Payroll) 3 413.$4 910 (cancelled) ~ti~ 9642 A.G.T. 205.15 r 9711 I'~Ir. h. Hoffman 62.25 9643 City o -Edmonton 1.50 9712 Imperial Uil 435.76 9644 Pheasa t Sales 10312.7 5 9713 Irrioano Pub. 17.00 9645 Mrs. J J. ti~lhite 100.00a 9714 Iwaasa Ind. 1.50 9646 C.L. K dey 100.00 9`115 Joe's Black~c~~Jel. 6.00' 8647 H. Ber 100.00 9716 Jubilee Ins. Ag. 44.OOr 964$ Tai. Hie ert 100.00 9717 I~azTs Service 1g.12~ 9649 Clerk f Dist. Court g1.52~ 971$ Kitchener Prt. Ser. 3b.15~ 9650 C.of Id loo. 4 7497.43 ~ 9719 T~:r. E. Iloepl~er 24.00 8651 Clerk f Dist. Court113.50N 9720 host Fire Equip. 0.40A, 8652 C.of Id No. 4 41.$4 9721 (Cancelled) ti~N 9653 Dep. o Agric. 5$0.00 ~ 1'722 Kraft Uphoste-ry 716.50 " 8654 Alta. ssoc. of Ni.D'~'J$7.70 ~ 9723 I'~Trs. J. Lester 45.00 9655 Allied Dist. Ltd. 343.66 9724 I~Ir. K. Lintott 26.20 9656 Alta. ss. of i4i.D. 260.U0~ 925 E.F. I'Tarquardt 102.00 9657 A.G.T. 6.15, 9726 :-'Iarshallfs Book St. 1$95.5$ 965$ AGT, D re c . Dep. 1. U0 ~ 9727 T~larshall Vdells St . 0 . g6 y659 Amway f Can. Ltd. 402.75N 972$ T~ir. E. I~~cl~enzie 32.50 N 9660 Anderb rg Equip. Ltd. 3.lON 9729 R. T1cLachlan 25.11 9661 (Cance led) NNN 9730 T.Iid-tidest Paper Ltd. 260.00 9662 Bow Sl pe TJiut. Tel Co.g.00° 9731 I~iod. ~':uto Ser. $4,99 N 9663 Alf. B ieler 117.10 ~ 9732 =~:odern'old Alta. /45 2$0.$0 , 9664 I,'Jilli Bell 20.70 ~ 9733 T~ioto~ Car Sup, of Can 582.1$ 9665 1~1rs. C Bloomquist 16.00 ~ 9734 D. T~TurrayE::Sons I°'ach. 70.55 ',8666 Bow S1 pe Ship. Ass. 76.g7~ 9735 Nat. Geographic Soc. I4T25~ 9667 Brks. oms Fur. 1123.20 9736 7`lewsweek ,, 12.00, 966$ Br. Am r. Oil Com. 153.50 ~ 9737 T~1ia~ara grand Chemical$53.49 9669 Town o Brks. 1$33.50 ~ 973$ Tvlr. J. T~TicI1e1 1U.00.~ 9670 Brks. oop Ass. 30g6.1or 9739 Tuoble Cultivators 41$4.;0 9671 Brks. Mut. Tel. 6.00 9740 T~t.A. Dist. Ltd. 33.43 '9672 Brks. ~armac •$0 9741 Of. of the queen's Prt. 1.10.- 9673 -Brks. 0 .D. ~2 92 6 , 53 .5 9742 UilwCons. Brd. 1,05w 9614 Brks. ¢-1.00 St. 31.97 9743 -Oliver Samsonl~- 10.50--~ 9675 ~ Brunsd n Agencies 24.U0~ 9744 Qlson's Ser. J 11g6.15~ g6'/6 B. Rob nson Elect. 332.U0~ 9745 t ardee Equip. 16956.94 9677 Bud's arm Equip. 1.13 9746 dark Salesa;Ser. 67.60 967$ (Cance led) ,.~ 9747 Pat . '-em . Curl . Club 500.00 ~, _ 974$ TH Pegcock~,llist. 241.42• HlJTCH ~ AUDITED m ~ o P SPECIAL Ckarfered Aecourttants PPL~Ea LT0. x749 X750 a7 51 X752 x753 X754 x755 X756 x757 a75$ x759 X760 x761 X762 ;763 X764 X765 X766 X767 X76$ ~76g X770 ?771 ''772 X773 X774 x775 >776 X777 %7"l$ X779 X780 X7$1 X7$2 T~Ir. J.J. G.`ud. Phi Dep. of Recorder Purity D Balaton Revels. Revels. T~'Ir . A . R Rip Ron Vil. of Bose. Lu Royal Lu ,$chelske SCI1001 B Sharp's Shorty's Wm. Shel Mr. N.A. Smith&St Smith Tr Standard Standen ~ Stiles D Stock. S Suffield Sup . T~Zi 1. I~lr. D. T Taylor P Under. PST ti'T. Thomp Tilley E: Tilley G, Tilley W. Penner 2$.00 • _po~t 106.00 ,~ Tun.. Aff . 17677.00 of Brands 2.00 riry 21.76 .~ poop $2 . $6 ~ 31dg. 1~Zat . $ . 20 .~ 31dg. T~Iat . 45 . $4 ~ chter 40.00 .~ 3ipeline 41.25 tosemary 120.50 ib .8cSup . 2.6 5 ~ lber 31.45 's T~tiTel. 116.00 r cs . Br . 7763.24 ,~ 'heatre 744.95 Plumb. 42.00 crake 116.00• Shuttlewo rth13.00~ irk Ins. 42.34 ~ ~cking 125.00 ~ Auto 40.66r Ltd. 39.40 ~uggi st 7.7 5 ;. Div. 12.52 Gas Dist. 3.30 ~' .vrork $2.06 ,~ ~rney 75.00 ,~ :ar.8cCar. $31.92 ;Lellan 2707.60 ion 93.00 ~ :c. 163.00 ~s Co . 6.00 ~ ~l . 14$ . 73., 7_ 97 $3 97$4 9`7$5 g7$6 97b7 97$$ 97$9 97y0 97 91 9192 9r193 0 7 04 9795 97 96 9797 979$ 9799 )$00 9$Ol 9$02 903 904 905 9$06 9$07 ;~$0$ g$og 9$l0 9$11 9$12 913 914 $15 T~Ir. G. Timko I~~r. A.B. `Tooke r~. Torkelson Trans. Sup. 'ally t s Paint~.Hard . "~. Trel~o~ski Union ~fractor Val. of Tilley Universal. Bind. Welders Sup. ~,~rinnipe `tribune J.P. ~r1it;io T~irs . P-i. `Timko ~1' .?t . Baxter Const . Beaver Lumber Country Kitchen Franklin's Tires I~i.T-l. Jun. Col. T~Tundy ~iap Cor;1. T.Tdelson&Sons Pub. ~'Jrn. Clark ;goofing ST . -Robbins :.arrow T-~Ir. U. ~l'arney Vlaterous Equip. ~,illoti~r jar. Sand~~;ur. ~~1cLeods Bodmer's T~~'"'i Store Steve Iovac~ T~Zudd's 99 Service lIectors Ltd. L.G. Service Brks. Studio B . ~~; . `l'ibbitt Carried. ............o. Adjournment at 6:00 p.m. i,, 75.00' 55.90 70.00 - 45.12 - 335.91 79.50 1!+4. ~9 , 134.00 r 2~;5.b7 r 43.67r 31.6$r to . 53 N 150.00 4$0.00 29.2 N 39.00 N 373.45 N 012.50 15.05 r 7•49N 446.00 r 2544.55 14.05 15$.20 ,, 5941.31 150.41 r 4.3$ 30.00 2.50 N 41.$5 r 3.75N 3,5pN 5$oo.oor ............. ~~~~~' / V~ /~ r /I ~! ~'' V V~oN ~ ~ r ~ ~~,~?"' ~ ~ ~oyov~~ I~,~ ,Vla, . °c~~411 1 ~ SEC.=`i'REAS. ,~,{~ y _tl ......... " ~ __.. __~ ..__ _._.:_. 1 ~8 SPECIAL PLIES LTD. -~- ~~~4 RESOLUTI'0Td County of T~Tewell No, 1~. September 1Qth. 1965 A resolution of the ,County of Newell TVo . lr. to apply for assistance under the provisions of the Prairie F'arm~Assistance Act. Whereas due to adverse weather conditions, abricultural crops have suffered severe damage in some areas of the County now therefore be it resolved that application be made for assistance a:n the follotiving townships 11~-13 -4 15-13-4 16-13 -~. 15-1~.-I~ 16-11~-4 1$-13 -1~ 17-12-1~ 17-1~.-4 16-12-l~ 22-16-4 24-15-1~ 22-17-4 23-1~-~. 21~-16-4 22-1$-4 22-19-1~ 23-1$-4 25-16-4 i ,~ •,` }~ REEVE . ~~jCG,L ~' SEC.-TRE S. SPECIAL x.~ee ~Ta