HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-09-07 Council (Regular) Minutesry ~ `~ County of Newell No. ¢ County Council September '7th, 1962 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. ¢ was held in the County Office in Brooks Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday= September 7th 1962. . A • Members present) Chairman N•A. 5huttleworth Councillors A• Ghrumka A• Eccles F. Mandeville R• Armstrong R• Eastman Ben Plumer G. Douglass Jas. Hajash Secretary.•Treasurer H. Scammell • • • w . • The minutes of the previous meeting of August 10th, 1962 were read and adopted. , • f • • • Moved by Councillor Douglass that the ~Secretary~s monthly reports of receipts payments and monthly progress for the month of ,August be accepted. Carried. . . . Movedby Councillor Armstrong that permission be given to the Newell Hutterian Brethren to instal a Texas Gate ~ 1 NE of Sec 1'7•-~23~18•»W¢th in accordance with Government i1~ Specifications, plans of which will be supplied by this office. Carried. ~ . . • • • . 1 `s Moved by Councillor Douglass that the application of `~ the Newell Hutterian Brethren to establish a cemetery +~ be approved providing they conform to all of the ' Provincial regulations governing cemeteries. Carried, . . . . A protest against a damage claim under the Domestic Animals Act by C„W• Heninger was received and the following were appointed as a committee to investigate the claim: Councillor F. Mandeville Councillor A• Chrumka Councillor Jas. Hajash • • • • • • ~ ~' Moved by Councillor Ha jash that the apprenticeship forms ~{~s~`T'o ' ~~, for R.J. Christiansen mech.anic~ be completed. ~.~"`~ `°, Carried. rt ,,, ~ ,, ~~~ .~-'"^ Notice wa s received of the hearing of the Assessment Appeal Board for the Town of Bassano complaints to be held on September 12tha 1962. • f A • M • Reports of Conunittees School Committee Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. . . 'ORM 749-P-Special UNiCiPAL SUPPLIES LTD. ..2 «. The application of Bow Slope Mutual Telephone Co. to purchase a parcel of land at Scandias and the Tender of Dean Murphy of $25.00 to purchase the old. barn at the Alcoma School were referred to Councillor Mandeville. . . . . Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried. . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the E•I•D. be advised that the County will give consideration to their request for cancellation of the road allowance from the Duchess Nuisance Ground to the No, 36 Highway when the required bridges E of NE 31.0.20.-a4.•3~4th are completed. Carried. • . . . . ~,,~~ ~I ~riculture Service Board No report. Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Lastman} that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted. Carried. . . . . Farm Purchase Board Moved by Councillor Hajash? that the report of the Farm Purchase Board be accepted, Carried. Senior Citizens Committee Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the report of the Senior Citizens Committee be accepted, Carried. A • • ! • t Adjourned for lunch 1:00 p,m, to 2:30 p.m, • • • • • s Moved by Councillor Hajashs that the nomination meeting for councillors in Divisions 2~ 4, and 8 be held in the County Office in Brooks at 3~:00 p•m. to 4:00 p,m. on Saturdays November 3rd 1962• Carried, s • • a • Moved by Councillor Eastman that D. James be appointed as Returning Officer for the County. Carried. . . • , . . The following were appointed as enumerators and Deputy Returning Officers: Division 2, Vince Fabians Tilley 4 Mrs. Eileen Swensnn~ Rainier 8 Hugh Dt'Clute~ Duchess • w • • • • Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the following changes be made in Janitors' salaries effective September lst~ 1962: Rolling Hills School Kloepper $2"75. to $285. per mo. Duchess School Scheight $285• to $295• per mo. Bassano School Jacobsen $250. to $260, Qer mo, Carried. . • . . . ~ORM 149-P-Special IUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. F`f~~ -»3~ Moved by Councillor Chrumka~ that the folowing accounts be passed for payment: ,% 1779 School Book Branch 5241,17s 1849 Dept, of Ugric 580,00" 1780 Royal Bank of Canada 70,005 1850 Dressel ~ Tell 1770,00 1781 Brooks Sav ~ Cr Union 100,,.00 1851 Village of Duchess 46.45 1782 R.H. Sav ~ Gr Union 25.00 1852 Odd Dugstad 155.30s 1783 Can Imp Bnk of Commerce46.00<~ 1853 Leo Dunne 72.00 1784 G*W. Philpott 194.20 1854 E~,I.D. 13.20 178$ S.R. Christiansen 1$.20 155 Electric Equip (Alta} 100.96 1786 Calta Metal Products 120,05' 1856 Flanagan Bros 9.54 1787 Stiles the Druggist 23.10 18,57 Friendly Stores 4.26 1788 Rec, Gen of Can 49,045 1858 Gem Gen Store 6,07 X789 County of Newell 33866.86 5 1859 Ginn ~ Co 112.98 1790 Village of Rosemary 1621,85: 1860 Goodrich Radio ~ Elec 3.70 1791 Village of Tilley 855.61` 1861 Great Sweet Grass ~il 16,49 1792 County of Newell 100.00 X 1862 W.E. Greer Ltd 34.504 1793 Workmen's Comb. Bd. 1470.00 1863 Halifax Herald 137.08'• 1794 Jubilee Ins Agencies 2080,72 1864 Imperial Oil Ltd 787„31 1795 Alta Govt, Tel 222.905 1865 International Harvest er33.63 1796 Bd of Adm A.T.A. 1789,784 1866 P.B. Jacobsen 24.00.. 1797 A,T.A. 361.25=~ 1867 P, Janke 72.00 1798 H.C. Scammell 64.90 1868 Jubilee Insurance 148,00 1799 M.S.I. 531.00 1869 Kazis Service 2.00 1800 C.D. Jackson 350,00° 1870 Fred Kautz 158.56 1801 Calgary Power 10.12°: 1871 The Kleenbirn Coll 140,05 1802 Petty Case 29.47< 1872 C,L, Kraft 557.50; 1803 J, Link 156.60`- 1873 V,H, Lawrence 113.90 1804 The Edmonton Journal 13.20a 1874 Lake Motor Service 9.74 1805 The Leader.»Post 35.52 1875 K.N, Lintott 42.70 1806 Mr, Geo, Tomalson 8.00 1876 C.F, Lockton 3386.50 1807 Town of Brooks 6.87`' 1877 MacLeods Ltd 249.79 1808 John J. Penner 28,00-' 1878 Marshall.»Wells 35.71 1809 Mrs„ L. Miscekas 50.00` 1879 Marshall«•We11s 57.80 1810 Mrs. E. Creybohn 25.00 1880 MarshallQs Book Store 12.00 1811 Mrs. Gladys Van Oene 15,00 1881 McCabe Grain 12.07 1812 Mrs. Ida Zibell 12.00 1882 Mid West Paper 471,,60 1813 The Leader..Post 24.00' 1883 Modern Auto Service 139.96'' 1814 The Calgary Herald 56.64'' 1884 Motor Car Supply 681,22 1815 Mrs, C.A.M, Rose 11,5.50 1885 Murray Gordon Mach 35.18 1816 Rec Gen of Canada 359.12 1886 Pardee Equip 73.38 1817 Rec Gen of Canada 5323.70 1887 J.J. Penner 28.00 1818 Tilley Gas Co 26.23 1888 Prairie Farm Equip 4.35 1819 County of Newell 8513.94 1889 Prov Treasurer 101834„00 w 1820 Gem Lumber 94.98 1890 Prov Treasurer 12729.28' 1821 Acklands Ltd 67.19 1891 Office of Queens Prin t 3.85 1822 Agric Institute 2.00°' 1892 Richmanzs Foods Ltd 315.53 1823 Alta Assoc of M.D.zs 2369.34 1893 A. Richter 25.00 1824 Alta Govt Tel 18.65 1894 Royal Lumber Yards 94.58 1825 The Alta List 3.50 1895 SaskatoonNStar Phoenix112.20 1826 Alta Pacific Grain Co 48.35 1896 Schelske~s Welding 4.OOI, 182 P.J. Andrus 230.00 1897 L.J. Shields 22.O1v 1828 Aqua Applicators ~ Wa 295.00 189 Smally~s Radio Ltd 11,38; 1829 F.A. Arich 167.20 1899 J, Snyders 5.75 1830 Atlas Lumber Co 930.00 1900 M,D, Sorensen 29.75 1831 Reg Baldwin 170,44 1901 John Stockert - 5.25 1832 C,J. Beasely 10,32 1902 Streets-.Robbins»Morrow 590.87 1833 Beieler ~ Winter 1768,00' 1903 Superior Electric 170.00 1834 Mr. Fred Betton 143.60 1904 Superior Millwork 50.00 1835 Brooks Electric 1.70 1805 Taylors Pearson ~ Car 222.45 1836 Brooks Pharmacy 8.48 1906 B.~T, Tibbitt 28.65~- 1837 Brooks Tire Service 72.60 1907 G.P. Timko 150.00.: 1838 BudTs Farm Equip 181$ 1908 M.B, Timko 150,00- 1839 Bud=s Service (1960} 38.17 1909 Village of Tilley 121,00 1840 Calta Metal Prod 145.51 1910 Underw. McLell ~ As 2225.00 1841 Can Good Roads 50.00 1911 Deena Van Leeuwen 22.00 1842 Can Pacific Railway 10.80 1912 Joan Wallewein 900„00 1843 Central Drugs 2.05 1913 Wally's Paint ~ Hdw 384.48 1844 Circle B~yA Service 2.50 1914 Western School Furn 257.80 1845 Coleman Plumb ~ Htg 28,97 1915 Willson Stat. Co. 133.94 1846 Crown Lwnber Co 442.59 1916 Winnipeg Tribune 12.40' 1847 Mr. Fred Daniels 12.75 1917 Frank Winter Welding 74.73' 1848 Delday~'s Brooks Trans 67.23 1918 Wittigs of Rosemary 33.57 Carried, ORfM 149-P-Special VNIC(PAL SL PPLIES LTD. '`~1 ~ 7 ~4.. Moved by Councillor Eastman that in the publishing of the list of County teachers in the local paper, the average salary for each category be given. Carried. w • • • • • Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the Municipal Committee meeting for October be held on Tuesdays October 2nd, and that the County Council meeting be held on Friday, October ,5th, 1962• Carried« . • . . • Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the County Chairman be requested to attend the School Van drivers school at 3:15 to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, October 5th, 1962. Carried., . R . . . . Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p~m~ • • • e t w .;~ ~ ,~ Chairman Secretary..Treasurer _~ ARM 149-P-Special JNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD.