HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-06 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL April 6, 2023 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office and livestreamed to the public via Lifesize on Thursday, April 6, 2023 commencing at 10:15 a.m. Notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: STAFF: A. Doerksen, Reeve D. A. L. H. G K. E. A. N. Short Skanderup Kopp Johnson Skriver Christman Unruh Philpott Johnson M L. T. S. S, M G M A. S. Fenske, Chief Administrative Officer Johnson, Director of Corporate Services Green, Director of Agricultural Services (Moderator) Hanson, Controller Biette, Corporate Services Supervisor Jackson, Supervisor of Planning and Development Tiffin, Manager of Planning, Development and Engineering Harbicht, Director of Municipal Services Nielsen, Executive Assistant Page, Planning and Development Administrative Assistant OTHERS IN K. Steinley, Newell Regional Services Corporation ATTENDANCE: D. Adamson, Avail LLP B. Flood, RemedX Remediation Services Inc (23 LUA 004) T. Steidel, Mayor (Village of Duchess) (23 LUA 004) G. Fortier, Councillor (Village of Rosemary) (23 LUA 004) S. Zacharias, Chief Administrative Officer (Village of Rosemary) (23 LUA 004) S. McKay, Newell Regional Landfill (23 LUA 004) K. Johnston, Newell Regional Landfill (23 LUA 004) MP M. Shields, Bow River 11 County Ratepayers (Morning Session) 3 County Ratepayers (Afternoon Session) 10 County Ratepayers (Evening Session) 1. CALL TO ORDER Reeve A. Doerksen called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. Regular Council April 6, 2023 2. EXCUSED FROM MEETING C-114/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that Councillor A. Skanderup be excused from the meeting. MOTION CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Minutes - Council (March 23, 2023) C-115/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT that the March 23, 2023 Council Meeting minutes be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 4. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS Reeve A. Doerksen called for post agenda items. 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA C-116/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 10. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BUSINESS 10.1 Agricultural Fieldman's Report (March 2023) The Director of Agricultural Services presented the Agricultural Fieldman's Report to Council. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Director of Agricultural Services responded to questions regarding coyotes, indicating that their numbers are higher than usual in Division 8. Council indicated that the Shelterbelt workshop was well-received. C-117/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ELLEN UNRUH that the Agricultural Fieldman's Report for March 2023 be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 10.2 Legislative Appointments - Weed Inspectors, Pest Inspectors, & Soil Conservation Officer The Director of Agricultural Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-118/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that the County of Newell appoints Josh Fitzgerald, Callum Patton, Jenna Presley, Erin Olivier, and Donovan Kopp as Inspectors pursuant to Section 7 of the Weed Control Act until such a time that their employment with the County ceases. MOTION CARRIED Page 2 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 C-119/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the County of Newell appoint Josh Fitzgerald, Callum Patton, Jenna Presley, Erin Olivier, and Donovan Kopp as Inspectors pursuant to Section 10 of the Agricultural Pests Act until such a time their employment with the County ceases. MOTION CARRIED C-120/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that the County of Newell appoint Donovan Kopp as a Soil Conservation Officer pursuant to Section 15 of the Soil Conservation Act until such a time their employment with the County ceases. MOTION CARRIED 10.3 Policy Review 10.3.1 Policy POL-020-23 (Private Weed Control) The Director of Agricultural Services provided background information on Policy POL-020-23 (Private Weed Control) and responded to questions from Council. C-121/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Policy POL-020-23 (Private Weed Control) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 10.3.2 Policy POL-021-23 (Clubroot Inspection & Control) The Director of Agricultural Services provided background information on Policy POL-021-23 (Clubroot Inspection & Control). He provided an overview of the changes, indicating that suggestions from producers have been incorporated. The Director of Agricultural Services responded to questions from Council. C-122/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that Policy POL-021-23 (Clubroot Inspection & Control) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 12. MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUSINESS 12.1 Utilities - NRSC Report K. Steinley presented The Utilities - NRSC Report to Council, giving an overview of the highlights. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. K. Steinley responded to questions regarding the Lake Newell Resort Lift Station, indicating that the initial report has been reviewed with G. Tiffin and additional information has been requested. LEFT THE MEETING K. Steinley left the meeting at 10:40 a.m. Page 3 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 12.2 Director of Municipal Services Report The Director of Municipal Services presented his report to Council, giving an overview of the highlights. He a/so provided information regarding a recent incident with a steamer. Areas are being monitored for potential overland flooding. ARRIVED AT MEETING D. Adamson arrived at 10:51 a.m. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Director of Municipal Services responded to questions regarding road repairs and Municipal Enforcement software. C-123/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that the Director of Municipal Services Report and the Utilities - NRSC Report for March 2023 be APPROVED as presented. MOTION CARRIED RECESS Council RECESSED at 10:56 a.m. and RECONVENED at 11:04 a.m. 9. DELEGATIONS 9.1 Presentation of Audited Financial Statements - Avail LLP D. Adamson presented Council with the 2022 Year End Financial Statements, including an explanation and an overview of the highlights. He provided an overview of significant changes in revenues and expenses. D. Adamson provided an overview of accumulated surplus, assets, and the County's debt limits. He also provided an overview of the Indicators of Financial Position and how the County compares to other municipalities of a similar size. Council was given another opportunity to ask questions. D. Adamson reviewed the draft Management and Post Audit letters, indicating that there were no recommendations from the auditor. C-124/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that the 2022 Year End Financial Statements for the period ending December 31, 2022 be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING D. Adamson left the meeting at 11:34 a.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING B. Flood, T. Steidel, G. Fortier, S. Zacharias, S. McKay, K. Johnston, and 11 County Ratepayers were in attendance for the Public Hearing. Page 4 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 C-125/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ELLEN UNRUH that the Public Hearing for Bylaw 2049-23 23 LUA 004 be RECONVENED at 11:34 a.m. MOTION CARRIED 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.1 Bylaw 2049-23 23 LUA 004 (SW 4-23-18-W4 - A-GEN to I-GEN) Reeve A. Doerksen called the Public Hearing to order at 11:34 a.m. Reeve A. Doerksen reviewed the procedures that would be followed for the hearing. The Supervisor of Planning & Development stated that the intent of the Public Hearing is to hear representations on Bylaw 2049-23. The intent of this bylaw is to amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-29 by re-designating a 104.73-acre portion of SW 4-23-18-W4 from Agriculture - Genera/ (A-GEN) District to Industrial - General (I-GEN) District to allow for the construction of a class ll, non-hazardous waste landfill. The Supervisor of Planning & Development provided background information on this item. If the land use amendment is approved, the applicant will proceed with a development permit for a c/ass ll, non-hazardous waste landfill and seek approval from Alberta Environment & Parks. Letters submitted by the Newell Regional Landfill, the Village of Duchess, and the Village of Rosemary have been included in the agenda package. The Supervisor of Planning & Development indicated that she spoke to an adjacent landowner to confirm the land location of the proposed land use amendment. The adjacent landowner asked for consideration of potential groundwater contamination and the potential for blowing debris. RemedX has provided an information package regarding the proposed waste management facility. 8. Flood, the applicant, provided background information on RemedX and the proposed development, including the reasons for choosing the location. He gave an overview of Alberta Environment requirements for approval, which include a security bond for reclamation. He indicated that the proposed development would be beneficial to the economy and could help expedite oil and gas clean up activities in the area. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. 8. Flood responded to questions regarding the suitability of the site and the source of the landfill materials. Waste would come primarily from oil and gas sites but there is an opportunity for industrial waste. 8. Flood and A. Hofer responded to further questions from Council. There were no persons in attendance speaking in favor of the proposed bylaw. S. McKay, Newell Regional Landfill, spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaw and expressed concerns with the potential for the proposed development to have a negative financial impact on the landfill and County ratepayers. Significant revenue from some c/ass ll waste will be lost and may result in increased tipping fees. Currently, revenue generated by the Newell Regional Landfill stays with the Page 5 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 landfill which is funded by the County and the urban municipalities within the region. Discussion followed. S. McKay responded to questions regarding potential revenue losses. Council noted a discrepancy in the estimated materials provided by Newell Regional Landfill and RemedX. S. McKay indicated that he was not opposed to proposed land use amendment to Industrial - Genera/ District. S. Doug/ass spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaw and expressed concerns with potential increased traffic and weeds. He asked whether the County needed two landfill sites. G. Smillie spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaw and expressed concerns with the potential decrease in revenue for the Newell Regional Landfill. He also expressed concerns with increased traffic, suggesting that the gravel road would not provide sufficient access. He also expressed concerns with blowing debris and weed control. He indicated that Industrial - General District is not a good use for the area. 8. Flood was given the opportunity to respond to the concerns raised. He indicated that the concerns were legitimate and would be taken into account when the facility is designed. The type of waste to be collected involves very little flying debris. The site will be developed in sections and only the open cell will be operating - the rest will remain farmland. Regarding the volume of materials to be collected, 8. Flood indicated that RemedX clients are primarily oil and gas sites and providing more than one option is beneficial. C-126/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ELLEN UNRUH that we move out of Public Hearings at 12:15 p.m. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING B. Flood, T. Steidel, G. Fortier, S. Zacharias, S. McKay, K. Johnston, and 11 County Ratepayers left the meeting at 12:15 p.m. LUNCH Council RECESSED for lunch at 12:15 p.m. and RECONVENED at 1:03 p.m. 6. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION 6.1 Session 1-1:00 - 2:30 p.m. A question period and notice of motion was held. There were 3 County Ratepayers physically in attendance and up to 23 viewing the livestream at any given time. Reeve. A. Doerksen reviewed the procedures that would be followed for Question Period. The Moderator read a question submitted by L. Beas/ey from Division 3-"Why is the County spending money on cutting down trees that are not dead along the road in the bar pits in our area?" Page 6 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 The Director of Municipal Services explained that the purpose of the roadside brush control program is to improve public safety. Brush can limit drivers' ability to see traffic, road signs, and wildlife. Further, excess brush can cause excess snow drifting and reduce drainage. The Director of Agricultural Services provided information regarding the County's shelterbelt program, indicating that the County will be assisting the Eastern Irrigation District this year to plant and maintain trees. The Director of Municipal Services provided information regarding drainage and diverting water into private dugouts, noting that Alberta Environment has licensing requirements for water diversion as well as water to be consumed. The Moderator read a question submitted via the livestream from "Rate Payer" - "Who decides about these use/ess solar farms?" The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering indicated that the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) is the regulating body for the construction of power plants and power generating facilities in Alberta. These developments do require a development permit from the local authority and the municipality can impose conditions that do not interfere with the AUC approval. The AUC requires the applicant to engage in public consultation and municipalities can get involved in the AUC hearings. Municipalities can also create policy regarding renewable energy development in their Land Use Bylaws and ask that the AUC take those policies into account when making their decisions. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that there are active resolutions regarding renewable energy development that the County has supported at the Rural Municipalities of Alberta conventions. Severa/ Alberta municipalities share concerns regarding the AUC not being obligated to recognize local statutory plans. The RMA Resolutions Database is available online: https://rmalberta. com/advocacv/resolutions/resolutions-database/ P. Peesker from Division 2 asked about the status of the East Tilley so/ar development as it does not appear to be functioning. He expressed concerns with agricultural land being used for so/ar development. P. Peesker a/so asked about the proposed changes to the Animal Control bylaw, indicating that he was more concerned with feed lot expansion without public consultation and mud from feed lot truck traffic freezing on the roads and creating a hazard than landowners keeping livestock on small parcels of land. He also indicated that he tried to call the County office several times from 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. on a weekday and got a busy signal. The Director of Municipal Services indicated that the East Tilley so/ar development is in Cypress County. Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that, once the development is established, it is up to the operator. The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering provided additional information regarding a feed lot north of Tilley. The County received correspondence from the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB), the provincial body that regulates confined feeding operations (CFOs), that the pens were expanded, but the operation did not meet the criteria for a feed lot and did not require formal advertising. The Director of Municipal Services indicated that the road used by that operation is a 3-digit highway that falls under the jurisdiction of Alberta Transportation and is maintained by Volker-Stevin Page 7 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 (1-888-VSROADS). Generally, the offender is responsible for cleaning up any debris deposited on the roadway. The Director of Information & Technology reported that a change had been made to the County's phone system recently and that she would investigate the busy signal issue further. The Director of Municipal Services provided information regarding the animal control bylaw, indicating that enforcement is done on the basis of complaints received. The proposed changes are a result of some recent complaints regarding livestock being kept in hamlets. He explained the process, indicating that over 150 responses to the survey are being reviewed and the feedback received will be incorporated into amendments to the proposed bylaw prior to second reading. He thanked those who have taken the time to provide feedback. P. Peesker expressed concerns with the Agricultural Services seasona/ staff that mow the Tilley campground, indicating that they mow over trees that he has planted. Council indicated that the Director of Agricultural Services could assist with future tree planting efforts. H. Steidel from Division 2 expressed concerns with solar panels wrecking the land and being a waste of farmland. He quoted a speech by Premier D. Smith where she said that she supported renewable energy where it makes sense and indicated that solar development on prime agricultural land does not make sense. Reeve A. Doerksen replied that the County and several other municipalities in Alberta share the same concerns regarding renewable energy development. As there were no further questions, Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that Council would proceed with the remaining agenda items. The Moderator will interrupt if additional questions are received before 2:30 p.m. when Question Period is scheduled to end. 8. BYLAWS 8.1 Bylaw 2049-23 23 LUA 004 (SW 4-23-18-W4 - A-GEN to I-GEN) The Supervisor of Planning & Development provided additional background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-127/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Bylaw 2049-23, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 by redesignating a 104.73-acre portion of SW 4-23-18- W4 from Agriculture - General (A-GEN) District to Industrial - General (I-GEN) District, be given SECOND reading. MOTION CARRIED C-128/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Bylaw 2049-23 be given THIRD and FINAL reading. MOTION CARRIED Page 8 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 8.2 Bylaw 2045-23 Non-Residential Municipal Tax Incentive The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-129/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Bylaw 2045-23, being a bylaw for the purpose of providing a municipal property tax exemption for non-residential development or expansions, be given SECOND reading as presented. MOTION CARRIED 11. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 11.1 Approval of 2023 Final Budget The Controller provided background information on this item and summarized the budget process. She gave an overview of the changes that have been incorporated since the Interim Budget approval and pointed out highlights. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Controller and the Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions regarding growth in the County that has contributed to increased tax revenue. Reeve A. Doerksen acknowledged the positive report from the auditors and thanked the Controller and her team for their excellent work. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to further questions from Council regarding the stabilization fund and the recreation fund. The Moderator indicated that there was a question from the public regarding whether tax bills would increase this year. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that tax bills differ from property to property, but the tax rates themselves have decreased for residential, non-residential, and commercial and increased for farmland. C-130/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that the 2023 Final Budget be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 11.2 Disposal of Public Utility Lot in Mortensen Subdivision (Lot 1 PUL Plan 9610793 - NE 9-18-14-W4) The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-131/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Council APPROVES transferring ownership of the Mortensen Subdivision raw water storage reservoir property to the Prairie Acres Association of Alberta, which is the homeowners association for that Development. MOTION CARRIED 11.3 Cancel/Reschedule Upcoming Meetings - Committee of the Whole (April 17, 2023) The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. Discussion followed. Page 9 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 C-132/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that the April 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting be CANCELLED. MOTION CARRIED 11.4 2023 Citizen & Junior Citizen of the Year Awards - Request for Gift Basket The Executive Assistant provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. LEFT THE MEETING Reeve A. Doerksen left the meeting at 2:15 p.m. Deputy Reeve K. Christman assumed the Chair. C-133/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Council supports the Grasslands Regional FCSS Citizen & Junior Citizen of the Year Awards, and that a gift basket in the amount of $125.00 be donated on behalf of the County of Newell. MOTION CARRIED 11.5 Request for Letter of Support - Red Bull Outliers The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-134/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that the County provides a letter in support of the Red Bull Outliers application to the CIP Program for their 2023 event. MOTION CARRIED ARRIVED AT MEETING Reeve A. Doerksen returned at 2:19 p.m. and assumed the Chair. 11.6 Requests for Functions of Council 11.6.1 Alberta Air Tour (June 3, 2023) Discussion followed. Councillor D. Short will attend this event as the County's representative on the Airport Commission. Additional volunteers may be required to help with breakfast. 8. BYLAWS — continued 8.3 Bylaw 2053-23 Tax Rates (2023) The Corporate Services Supervisor provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to additional questions. Page 10 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 C-135/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Bylaw 2053-23, being a bylaw to authorize the rates of taxation for various purposes in the year 2023, be given FIRST reading. MOTION CARRIED 13. POST AGENDA ITEMS 13.1 Nomination to the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Reeve A. Doerksen provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-136/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the County of Newell nominate a candidate to the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame, with additional spending of $5,000 approved from the economic development public relations account to cover the cost of a painted and framed portrait if the candidate is selected for induction to the Hall of Fame. MOTION CARRIED 14. INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Payment Registers The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions from Council. This item was accepted as information. 14.2 Strategic Priorities Chart This item was accepted as information. 14.3 AUC Power Plant Approval - Duchess Solar Project (SE 7& SW 8-21-14-W4) The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions from Council, indicating that a Development Permit from the County would be required. This item was accepted as information. 15. IN CAMERA C-137/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that we move in camera at 2:42 p.m. to discuss the following matters: • Intergovernmental Relations — FOIP Act Section 21. ARRIVED AT MEETING Councillor A. Skanderup arrived at 3:22 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Page 11 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 C-138/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR DAN SHORT that we move out of camera at 3:57 p.m. MOTION CARRIED C-139/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Council directs Administration to put the Kinbrook Connection Pathway out to tender with any fundraising funding shortfall, up to the 2023 final budgeted amount, funded from the Recreation Fund. MOTION CARRIED RECESS Council RECESSED at 4:03 p.m. and RECONVENED at 6:03 p.m. 6. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION — continued 6.2 Session 2- 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. A question period and notice of motion was held. There were 10 County Ratepayers physically in attendance and up to 10 viewing the livestream at any given time. Reeve. A. Doerksen reviewed the procedures that would be followed for Question Period. M. Dovichak asked whether the County had a policy with the Eastern Irrigation District regarding diverting water from roads into the drainage system. He indicated that there is no ditch along the road adjacent to NW 29-13-12-W4 and water drains onto the private lands. The Director of Municipal Services provided background information on the road, indicating that the canal was replaced with a pipeline. The County has been working with the Eastern Irrigation District on a solution. He indicated that the purpose of a ditch is to divert water from the road, not private property. A proposed design and agreement between the County and the EID has been drafted and, when finalized, will be presented to Council for their consideration in the future. The Director of Municipal Services indicated that Alberta Environment requires a temporary diversion license for landowners who wish to divert water from their land into a ditch. M. Dovichak asked what the County's position was on burning alfalfa seed fields as an alternate method of weed and pest control. The Director of Agricultural Services indicated that there is value in the practice, but a great deal of care must be taken to manage the fires and a burning permit would be required. M. Dovichak asked how long manure can sit on fields before it must be plowed under. The Director of Agricultural Services replied that the Agricultural Operation Practices Act guidelines state that manure must be incorporated within 48 hours and the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) can provide exemptions. Page 12 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 l. Zoerb expressed concerns with the proposed changes to the Animal Control Bylaw and how this could affect landowners who have been keeping livestock on their property for a long time without bothering others. He suggested that potential purchasers should be made aware of what is permitted on that piece of land before they purchase it. Councillor K. Christman responded that County bylaws are enforced as complaints are received. l. Zoerb asked for information regarding the revenue generated by so/ar panels compared to the cost to install them. Councillor N. Johnson provided information regarding local so/ar developments, indicating that the first project was completed with some government funding. The developer is doing well with these projects and the County has benefitted from the tax revenue. Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that many municipalities in Alberta share the concerns regarding reclamation and have raised those concerns to the Rural Municipalities ofAlberta and the provincial government. The Director of Municipal Services provided an update on the proposed changes to the Animal Control Bylaw, indicating that the feedback received is being reviewed and will be incorporated into amendments to the proposed bylaw prior to second reading. M. Dovichak asked if security bonds are required for the future reclamation of solar developments. Councillor N. Johnson responded based on his personal experience, indicating there is a clause in the agreement stating that the developer is responsible for reclamation, but no bond. M. Benci expressed concerns with the survey on the proposed changes to the Animal Control Bylaw, stating that there was no indication as to why the changes were being considered. She asked what constitutes an acceptable level of public participation. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that the survey regarding the proposed Animal Control Bylaw received over 150 responses. He indicated that a lot of effort goes into public engagement and surveys are a convenient way of obtaining feedback, but there is no minimum number of responses. Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that Council would be considering the feedback provided on the proposed Animal Control bylaw before making any decisions. The Director of Information & Technology reported that a Communications Officer position was approved in the 2023 budget. K. Harris asked why he is not permitted to slaughter a chicken on his property. The Director of Municipal Services indicated that the proposed bylaw prohibited the slaughtering of chickens on properties within a specified residential area, such as within a hamlet. This is consistent with the urban chicken bylaws of other municipalities. He noted that provincial government legislation states that chickens slaughtered for human consumption must only be consumed by the owner's immediate family. MP M. Shields provided an update. He has attended meetings in several irrigation districts recently and all are pursuing expansion. Irrigation is critical and municipalities should consider irrigation as an alternate source of revenue. M. Dovichak asked why the Federal Government continues to remove chemicals for weed and pest control. MP M. Shields provided an example of a chemical removed due to not being labeled for industrial use, indicating that there is often a Page 13 of 14 Regular Council April 6, 2023 regulatory problem. Chemicals are being evaluated more based on potential harm, which makes it more difficult for them to receive approval for use. MP M. Shields indicated that there is a lack of understanding at the highest level of government regarding agricultural practices that must be corrected. Reeve A. Doerksen thanked everyone for their interest in attending and reminded them that an open Question Period is held at every regular Council meeting. 16. ADJOURN Being that the agenda matters have been concluded, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Signed this 7iU�day of T� 1 , 2023 eeve County Administrator Page 14 of 14