HomeMy WebLinkAboutFORM A3 Sign Application
A completed Development Permit Application must be submitted in addition to this form.
County of Newell | Sign Application | Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 Page 1 of 1
183037 RR145 (Box 130), Brooks, AB T1R 1B2
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Email: administration@newellmail.ca
Web: www.countyofnewell.ab.ca
Phone: 403-362-3266
Permit No.
Revised 2023-09-20
Type of sign: Awning/Canopy Billboard Freestanding Inflatable Wall/Fascia Projecting Roof Wall/Fascia Other
Applicant Name:
a. Sign Dimensions:
Length: __________ Width: _________ Area: _________
Height from ground to the bottom of sign: ___________________
Height from ground to the top of sign: ______________________
b. Will the sign be illuminated?
Yes No
Note: Flashing and running lights are NOT permitted on signs.
c. Are there existing signs on the lot?
Yes No
If yes, describe the type/size/height of each and show their location(s) on the site plan (Development Permit Application):
d. Please outline any other information that you believe to be relevant for the County regarding the approval of this sign:
The information given on this form is full and complete and is, to the best of my knowledge, a true statement of the facts in relation to the
application for a sign. I consent to an authorized person designated by the municipality to enter upon the subject land and buildings for
the purpose of an inspection during the processing of this application.
Date: _____________________ Applicant Signature: ________________________________________________
Registered Owner: ______________________________________________________ __________________________
(Required, if different from applicant) Print Name Signature
Written approval has been submitted by the registered owner stating that the applicant is authorized to sign the application form.
Date written approval was submitted: ______________________
FOIP Statement: The personal information required by this County of Newell application form is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act and section 63 of the Alberta Safety Codes Act. It will be used for to process the sign application, prepare referral notifications if needed, and
to contact the applicant when required. The name of the applicant and nature of the application may be included on reports provided to the municipality or made available to the public as required
or allowed by legislation. Please direct any questions about this collection to the County of Newell at 403-362-3266 or 183037 Range Road 145, PO Box 130, Brooks, AB T1R 1B2.