HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-13 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No. 4 Council Meeting September 13, 1968 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office Brooks, Alberta on September 13, 1968, at 10:00 a.m. Members present Reeve Councillors Sec.-Treas. J. Hajash/ G. Larsen f A. Chrumka-~ T. Musgrove] F. Mandeville R. Hall P. Bartlett-~~ G. Douglass/ D. James The minutes of August 9th meeting ~,~Tere read and adopted. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we accept the Secretaries statement of Receipts and Disbursements for August. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that ~e accept the Secretaries statement of Estimates & Expenditures. Carried, Correspondence: Applications from Medicine Hat Regional Planning Commission are re presented. Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that t,Te approve application 68M51 (David Kramer.) Carried. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Z~~e appro-~re application 68M47 (E. Anderson.) Carried. Moved by Councillor Ma.,.deville, that we approve application 68 M 48 (Bo~~ Slope United Church.) Carried. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that sae approve application 68M 49 (J.B. Martin.) Carried. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that we approve application 68D491 (B.D. McLelland). Carried. Letters from the Medicine Hat Regional Planning Commission re memberships were read, Moved by Conncilior Musgrove, that we join the Commission for 1969 at rate of $750.00 membership fees. Carried. Letter of application from Farm Electric Services Ltd. re 20-17-4 was read. Moved by Councillor Hall, that ti°re approve this application. Carried. Adjourned for lunch 12:45 to 2:00 pm Letter from Licensing Branch re General Store & Coffee Shop for A. Baumann of Rolling Hi11s was read. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that ':-re approve this application, subject to all other regulations being met. Carried. Letter from Water Resources re Sander application was read and ordered filed. Letter from Foothills Little Boti~r Association was read and ordered filed. Letters from Municipal Association re- Parts, and HaT~~aii_ Tour ~..~ere read and ordered filed. Letter from Jubilee Insurance re Insurance was read and ordered filed. Letter from Medicin Hat Health Unit re rent was read and ordered filed. Letter from Hospital services re Brooks Hospital Boundaries was read and tabled for further information. Letter from Department.of Municipal Affairs re by-laws 361 and 355 were read and ordered filed. Letter from Canadian Arthritis Society re donation was read and ordered filed. Committee Reports School Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the bid on the Old Rolling Hills School be refused. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that we approve the Correspondence Courses for Grades 6_7-8_9 for the Newell Hutterite School for 1968-69. Carried. Moved by Court illor Chrumka, that ti~Te write the brooks School District and request permission to send a delegate to their School Board Meetings. Carried, Letter from R.A.. Segall re living out allowance was read. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that we approve the tuition and allowance of $52.50 per month for one Semester at Brooks, Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that we accept this report. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hall, that tire stay with the Specifiactions re Div. 6A Page 7 No. 22 Item A (2) which ca bs for 2" x 6' t~ V Joint face, single tyned, fir decking construction grade. Carried. itYoved by Councillor Larsen, that we approve one day Leave of Absence for Mrs. Charest to attend the School Library Seminar, plus one teacher from each School if requested. Carried. Municipal Moved by Councillor Hajash that we accept J. Si?~yders bid on busses 5-9-10-16-21-22. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we accept E. Defreezes bid on bus No. 11. Carried. Moved by Councillor bTall, that we accept C.L. Conners bid on the D_8 Cat Dozer & Bucket. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the motion of overloads as passed by the Municipal Committee be rescinded. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hall, that we accept this report. Carried. Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that we bill the Village of Duchess $86.25 for cleaning of dump grounds. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove that E. Franko, remain on staff until August 27th before terminating his duties. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen that we approve the claying on Rolling Hills road as requested by the Municipal Supervisor. Carried. Agriculture Moved by Councillor Larsen, that a letter be sent to Mr. Art Arrison to congratulate him on the winning of the Master Farmer Award. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that G. Philpotts employment be extended for one more year. . Carried. 1 / . Moved by Councillor Larsen, that T. Porter attend the Agriculture Convention in Olds. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we accept this report. Carried. Brooks Hospital Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that we accept this report. Carried. Bassano Hospital No report. Health Unit Moved by Councillor Hall, that we advise the Department of Health that we are opposed to the proposal of Regional Boundaries as set nut by the Drumheller Health Unit. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that we advise the Department of Health that we are opposed to Bill 87 for the follo:..°ing reasons: 1. A largerUnit than the present Medicine Hat Unit. 2. Method of financing, the Foundation approach as opposed to the present system. 3. Government taking over responsibility of staffing Units, and of the expansion of staff which we feel will take place. 4. Loss of present Local Board Autonomy 5. Not enough clarification on formation of birds. Carried. Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that ti-se accept the report. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that this years Tax Sale be set for December 11th, and that the reserve bids be set at two times the assessed value of the property. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that we approve bursaries in amount of $100.00 for Municipal Course to N. Fakas, W. Duxbury, M. Seely. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we transfer $3924.77 from the Tax Sale Account to General Surplus of the County. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that we pass a resolution to cancel the 1968 taxes end assessment on the following property. Acc 7791B - 19-16-4 Assessment 6790 'l'ax 488.88 Acc 4580 - NE 4-19-14-4 Assessment 14300 Tax 1086.80 Carried, Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we pass a resolution authorizing the Assessor to assess for 1968 certain properties in the County belonging to Great Norther Oil Ltd, and which were not reported for 1968. Carried. ~~~~. Farm Purchase - No report. Senior Citizens Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that we accept this report. Carried. Nursing Home Moved by Councillor Hajash, that we accept this report. Carried. Recreation - No report Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that we approve cheques 9679 to 10,000 and 1 to 9 (as per list) for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that we approve the Board Allowance for A.B. Tooke in amount of $66.67. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that in view of Mr. John Schmidt article in the Calgary Herald, that we invite him to our next School Committee Meeting to discuss some of the other School problems we are having in the County, and that we pay his mileage and expenses for this trip.' Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 ~..m. . . . 2 Pv /`~ 3 , V~,L~ ~~ o~y;. G`` ~~/ 6 l~N f` G CRE Y-TREEASURER . .it. .. .. . 1:}r]F~ ra ~ // r ~ ~~/~~ Resolution A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to provide for the cancellation of the 1968 Assessment and Taxes on the on the Improvements for the following properties. Acc 4580 Pt NE 4-19-14-4 H. Charlton Assessment 14,300 Tax $1086.80 Acc 7791B Oil Wells 19-16-4 Terrebonne Petrleum Ltd. Assessment 6790 Tax $488.88 Whereas it has been found that the above mentioned improvements were erroneously assessed and levied for taxes during 1968. Therefore be it resolved that under and by the provisions of Section 97 of the Municipal Taxation Act, that the Assessment and taxes as listed, be deleted from the tax roll of the County of Newell No. 4 for 1968. Passed this 13th day of September, 1968. ~~ ?.. REE S C _TBEASURER. ._ :<,~., ~, ~~ ~~' Resolution A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to provide for the Assessor to assess certain properties for the year 1968. Whereas, Great Nor~Y~tt1 Oii Ltd. were requested to submit an inventory of equipment in the County and Whereas they advised that they had no equipment in the County and Whereas the Assessor of the County has located equipment of Great Northern Oil Ltd. which should have been assessed for 1968 being located in Pt. NW 1120-12-4 for $1450 Pt. NW 22-17-12-4 for $1450 Therefore be it resolved that under the provisions of The Municipal Taxation Act Section 56, that the Assessor place assessments on these properties for 1968. Passed this 13th day of September, 1968. ~%~ ~ REEVE .: SECRETARY ER . Account Payable August, 1968 No, For: 9679 Nick Fakas 9680 Marlene Seely 9681 Motor Vehicle Branch 9682 Gem General Store 9683 D.N. James 9684 Bill Bell 9c85 Hans Lillehei 9686 County of Newell No. 4 9687 Bob's Esso Service 9688 Henry Bossen 9689 Broods Stationers 9690 Brandt Central Drugs 9691 Canadian Pacific 9692 Cal & Lloyd Transport 9693 Coleman Plumbing 9694 Costello Equipment 9695 George Cyx 9696 Delday's Brooks Transport 9697 Fix It Upholstery 9698 Franklins Tires Ltd. 9699 James Hemsing 9700 Mervin Hoer le 9701 Iwaasa Industries 9702 V.H. Lawrence 9703 Lauriers Rural Water 9704 M & P General Store 9705 Modern Auto Service 9706 D.F. Murray & Sons 9707 Ross Nelson 9708 L. Penner 9709 R,Fleury Enterprises 9710 Adolph Sass 9711 Doucrlass Seefried 9712 K.T. Torkelson 9713 Clifford R. Van Oene 9714 Russell Vasselin 9715 Village of Duchess 9716 Village of Rosemary 9717 Kris Vikedal 9718 Ivan Wegimyre 9719 K.N. Lintott 9720 Allied Distributors 9721 Brooks Co-op 9722 Central Sales & Service 9723 Superiox Millwork 9724 Pheasant Sales 9725 G.W. Philpott 9726 Tony Porter 9727 W. Schneider 9728 Blue Bird Busses 9729 International Publications 9730 The Dept, of Agriculture 9731 Alta Assoc. of M,D's, 9732 Alta. Fire Protection 9733 Alta Gov't. Telephones 9734 Athletes Wear Co. Ltd. 9735 Audio Visual Aids 9736 E.A. Barlow 9737 Bassano Royalite 9738 Bassano Trailer Court 9739 Bassano Trenching 9740 Ben's Esso Service Amount: Gen. Gov't. Mileage 20.00 Gen, Gov't. Mileage 5.00 Aux. Serv, repair 9.00 Aux. Serv, fuel 75.48 Gen. Gov't. delegates 176.15 ASB pests & weeds 120.00 ASB pests & weeds 140.00 Payroll 15304.48 Aux, Serv. repair 9.75 PW Mileage 37,40 Gen. Gov't. prtg. & stat. 6.81 Aux, Serv. rep. 2.07 PW Sundry 4.00 PW fuel & repair 8.75 PW Sundry 200.89 PW fuel & repair 333.D2 PW Mileage 15.40 PGd Sundry 160.77 Aux. Serv. rep. 367.00 PW Fuel & rep. 332.55 PW Mileage 8.20 PW Mileage 81.00 PW Gravelling 99.54 Gen. Gov't Mileage 74.40 POM Teacherages 20.00 PW Fuel & rep. 232.98 Aux. Serv. rep. 268.39 ASB pests & weeds 953.60 Instr. Other 69.80 PW Mileage 50.00 PW Sundry 720.75 PW Mileage 18.40 PW Mileage 3.40 PW Sundry 70.00 PW hire of machinery 25.00 PW Fuel & rep. 182.09 POM Teacherages 92.25 POM Teacherages 132.50 PW Mileage 16.20 ASB pests & weeds 1690.00 PW Mileage 28.60 Aux. Serv, rep. 397.63 POM rep. & repl, to bldgs.1706,39 POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. 15.50 Aux. Serv. rep. 4.00 Aux. Serv, rep. 306.83 ASB Sundry 134.50 ASB Sundry 77.40 PW Gravelling 60.91 Capital Busses 20000.00 Instr. Aids lib. & r ef. 3.25 PPP Pests & weeds 880.00 PW Culverts 854.51 5.00 Admin. Telephones 533.96 Instr. Aids Other 13.25 Instr, Aids Other 198.82 PW Sundry 60.00 PW fuel & rep. 5.00 POM Teacherages 31.00 PW hire of machinery 85.00 PW Fuel 4,70 979 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 9834 9835 9836 9837 9838 9839 9840 9841 9842 9843 9844 9845 9846 9847 9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 9859 9860 A.B.C, Provincial Treasurer M.S.I. Receiver General Bank of Nova Scotia Rolling Hills Savings Royal Bank of Canada R. Hills Savings & Credit Brooks Savings & Credit County of Newell No. 4 Board of Administrators A.T.A. Mrs. E, Marquess MrS• G, Scott Miss M, Stringam D.N. James Petty cash A.G.T. Calgary Herald Wally's Paint & Hardware I.E.M. Allied Hardware Rosemary Bldg. Supplies C & E General Store School Book Branch Alberta National Drug Edmonton Journal PB Jacobsen Pallesen Supplies Ltd. C.C. Snowdon Ltd, Star Electric Ltd, Iwaasa Industries Bow Slope Mututal Receiver General R. Hills Savings & Credit Postmaster Village of Tilley Underwood & McLellan Gallelli & Son Registrar Mr. Robert Seely D.N. James Jeannette Sublette Wm. Bell Hans Lillehei K. Watanabe Mr. F, Doyle County of Newell Gov't, of Prov. of Alta. A & C Pro7aane Acme Novelty Dept„ of Agric, Mss. Gloria Albritton A .A . M. D's , A .G.T. Allied Distributors Allied Equipment Ltd. Arthur A , Voice EA Bar 1 ow Bassano Texaco Service The Bassano Times Bassano Trailer T.R. Baxter Beaver Lumber George Bell Big Twin Motors Mrs. Art Bird Acc. Rec. A.B.C. Gen. Gov't. Pension Acc. Rec. M.S.I. Gen. Gov't, tT.I.C. Revenue rent Acc. Rec. Hattie Green Acc. Rec. L.E. Christianson Acc, Rec, G. Timko Acc. Rec. G. Timko Payroll Acc. Rec, A.T.A. Acc, Rec. A.T.A. Revenue rent Revenue rent Revenue rent PW Fuel & repair PW Sundry Admin. Adv. POM Caretakers supplies POM Teacherages POM rep. to bldgs, POM Caretaker supplies Instr, Aid textbooks Pw Sundry Admin. Adv. POM Caretaker supplies PW Fuel & repair POM Heat, light, P.W. Sundry Instr. Other POM Telephone Acc, Rec, Rec, General Acc, Rec. Mrs. Heitrich Gen. Gov't Postage POM h,l,w, PW Hardsurfacing PW Hardsurfacing Instr. Other Gen, Gov't Caretaker Gen. Gov't mileage Overpaid taxes ASB Sundry ASB Sundry POM Teacherage Revenue rent Payroll Admin, Postage PW fuel & rep. ASB Sundry ASB pests & weeds POM Rep. & repl, to bldgs, PW Culverts POM Telephones Aux. Serv, rep~.ir Capital N~.chinsry PW fuel & rep. PW Labor POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. Gen. Gov't. Prtg. & scat. POM Teacherages PW Gravelling POM Rep. & reel, to bldgs. POM Fences & grds. PW fuel & rep. Aux. Serv. board allowance 26,60 ~~~~~'~ 151.53 892,76 611.00 85,00 55,00 90.00 25,00 100.00 46298,26 1938.45 482.00 127,00 46 .00 46,00 139.27 377.41 17.76 4.68 14.73 7,55 11.08 8339,46 31,20 39,56 3.05 46,13 183.46 203.30 159,30 11.00 12381.72 70.00 95,00 138,00 1845,83 85356.38 5,00 160,50 28.70 125,00 120,00 130.00 29,67 58,00 14555.22 3,50 19.95 11,34 1440,00 35,00 4982.46 15,60 1~~6,40 575 .00 54,47 65,00 12„74 33.25 21,00 287,19 32,27 27,00 48,69 90,00 9861 9862 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 9870 9871 9872 9873 98 74 9875 9876 9877 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 ~~~~ 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 Blue Bird Bus Sales Mrs. A. Bloomquist Bow Slope Shipping Town of Brooks Brooks Bulletin Brooks Co-op Assoc. Brooks Home Furnishings Brooks N.E. Mutual BrooksPharmacy Brooks School District Brooks Stationers Brooks Tire Service Brooks Tom Boy Cal & Lloyd Transport Calgary Herald Canadian Bitumuls Co, Canadian Lab Supplies Canadian Liquid Air Canadian Propane Capital Glass A, Carlson O.W. Carlson Central Sales & Service Adrian Rufus Chudleigh C.I.P. Mid-West Ltd. H.F Clarke Ltd. C~.~e~a Coleman Plurn'oing Coneco Equipment Ltd, Co-operative Book Crown Lumber George Cyr D & D Oilfield Serv. Davis Electric Co. Ltd. Deldays Brooks Transport Mrs, Susan Doyle Francis Edward Doyle E.I.D. Edmonton Journal Electric Equipment (Alta) Expression Co. Mr. N. Fakas Feguson Supply I`~i.ry Figeczki Fix It Supholstery Flanagan Bros. Ltd. Franklins Tires Ltd, E.R. Ganden Auto Supply Gem General Store W.E . Greer Ltd. Grover & Longmate Ltd. T, Ha.nkel James T~emsing Head's Lock & Key Works Mervin Hoerle F. Hughes Huntington Lab. Ltd.. I.E.M. Allied Hardware Imperial Oil Ltd. Ingram's Hardware International Harvestor D.N. James Jubilee Insurance Agencies D.W. (Bill) Kinniburgh Kost Fire Equipment Dept.. of Lands and Forest V.H. Lawrence Aux. Serv. rep. POM Caretaker supplies POM Rep. & repl. to bldgs. PUT Sundry Gen. Gov't. advertising POM Rep. & reel. to bldgs. POM rep. & repl, to bldgs, POM telephone A.S.B. Sundry Requisitions Instr. Aid Other A.S.B. Sundry Gen. Gov't off„ sup. PUT fuel & rep. Gent. Gov't. Adv. PW Sundry Instr. Aids sup. & equip. PW fuel & rep. POM h, l,w. Aux, Serv. rep. PW Gravelling PUT Gravelling PUT Fuel & rep. Correspondence Course POM Caretaker sup. A.S.B. Dundry POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. PW Fuel & rep. Instr. Aids lib. & ref. PW Surveys PW Mileage PW Hire of machinery aux, ser. rep. PW Fuel & rep. POM Teacherages Bursaries Mis, Revenue Admin. POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. Instr, Aid Textbooks Gen. Gov't. Mileage PW Hire of machinery Misc. Revenue PUT fuel & rep. POM Caretaker supplies PUT Fuel & rep. PUT fuel & rep, POM Caretaker sup. POM Caretaker sup. POM rep. & repl. to bldgs. POM rep. & repl, to bldgs. PW Mileage POM rep, & repl. to bldgs, PW Labor PW Gravelling POM rep. & reel, PW Fuel & rep. PUT fuel & rep. PW fuel & rep. PUT fuel & rep. PW Fuel & rep. Aux. Serv. Insurance PW Small tools & shop PW fuel & rep. Assessors expense Assessor expense 48.00 28,83 29.00 7.64 144.30 1280.72 184.20 5.50 4.15 2303.31 11.19 1,00 2,12 6.50 24.48 54.90 3.48 13.02 7.17 480,16 264.30 244.08 18.40 14,00 592.00 125.28 611.60 85,77 154.20 96.05 18,60 645.00 29.85 65,15 20.00 150.00 1913,19 104.55 27.00 22.58 10.00 5000.00 50.00 16.50 6.43 985,92 2,80 2.32 970,64 91.25 11,00 66,60 29,00 72,00 782.71 17.00 3.06 601.06 3,54 137,89 32.46 124,00 14.00 322.86 12.00 55.20 9741 Glen Berg PW Hire of machinery 30.00 9742 Blue Bird Bus Sales Aux. Serv. rep. 136,17 9743 Bolt Supply House PW fuel & rp. 20.55 9744 Bow Slope Mutual POM Telephone 11,49 9745 Brake-Drome PW fuel & red>. 7.13 9746 Brooks IGA POM Caretaker supplies 10.70 9747 Brooks Iron Works PW Fuel & rep. 425,00 9748 Brooks Radiator Shop PW Fuel & rep. 24,00 9749 Brooks Tire Service FW fuel & rep. .50 9750 Bud's Service Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 3.30 9751 Calgary Po~:-er ASB Sundry 37.,0 972 Canadian Bitumuls Co. Ltd. PW Fuel & rep. 109,80 9753 Canadian Liquid Air PW Fuel & re?~. 12.60 9754' Cana than Pacific Tel. Admin. Advertising 10.54 9755 Centennial Garage POM rep. to grds. _ .95 ~~~~x ~~~gz~x~~~k~~gsx~~Y 9756 Coneco Equipment Ltd. PW Fuel c?: rep. 403,44 9757 Crerar, Lutes Gen. Gov't. legal fees :25,00 9758 Mr. Cecil Daniels Tuition fees 100,00 9759 Mr. Robert Daniels Tuition fees 100.00 9760 Evergreen Implement Co. Aux. Serv, rep. 439,88 9761 Galbraith Cleaners PQM yep. & rep. to bldgs. 20,00 9762 Gem General Store POM Caretaker supplies 5.29 9763 Hughes-Owens Co. Ltd. PW Surveys 13,58 9764 Imperial Oil Ltd. PW Fuel & rep. 882.44 9765 International Harvestor A ux. Serv. rep. 109,3'7 9766 Kleebrin Collieries Ltd, P W Gravelling 28.45 9767 Macleods PW Fuel rep. 80.53 9768 Marshall Wells Store Gen. GOiF~T office exp. 2.85 9769 Modern Tool Ltd. Instr. Aids other 331.89 9770 Mr. E. Muschiol Aux. Serv. main. to pupils 157.50 9771 North American Dist, PW fuel & rep. 373.00 9772 Office of the Queens Printer Gen. Gov't. prig. & scat. 22.80 9773 Olson's Service Ltd. FW Fuel & rep. 296.52 9774 Roberts & Hall Ltd, PW fuel & rep. 25.95 9775 Royalite Oil Co. Ltd. POM rep. to grds. 18.63 9776 Royal Canadian Geo. Instr. Aids lib. & ref, 5.25 9777 Safety Supply Co. - Au:,. Serv, rep. 63.00 9778 ~ :",~ `'" ~~w_~•~e=~31€-s ~,...._,. Fd. .~4G.-~ 9779 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. POM Teacherages 9.15 °780 Tilley Mutual Telephon POM Telephones 295.87 9781 Schelske's Welding Shop POM rep. to grds. 2.50 9782 Silver Automotive Ltd. PW Fuel & rep, 276.38 9783 Snap on Tools PW fuel & rep, 30.00 9784 Don G. Tarney A dmin Postage 18,07 9785 Texaco Can. Ltd. PW Fuel & rep. 3295.46 9786 Tilley Welding PW fuel & rep. 165,75 9 x:87 Tunneys Body Shop PV+T Fuel & rep. 1.50 9788 To~~:-n of Brooks Gen. Gov't. Utilities 76.38 9789 Village of Rosemary POM Teacherages l~_32.46 9790 Underwood McLellan PW Surveys 1571.75 9791 Universal Bindery Ltd. Instr. Aids Textbooks 291.60 9792 Waterous GM Diesel Ltd. PW Fuel & rep. 2~1~.67 9793 Welders Supplies Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 12.69 9794 World Book Enc. Instr. Aids lib. !>&ref. 5,95 9795 Coop Bool: Store Instr, Aids lib. & ref. 294.27 ~., i 9927 Lethbridge Herald Co. Ltd, Admin, Adver. 80.38 9928 K.N. Lintott POM Trucks & cart. 41.30 9929 Mrs. Ross McLachlan POM Caretaker sup. 33.31 9930 M & P. General Store PW fuel & rep. 543,75 9931 I`~arshall's Book Store Ltd. Instr. Aids sup. & equip, 1160.11 9932 M~.rshall We~1s Store PW fuel & rep. 13.10 9933 Elsie Marie Marquess Bursary 150.00 9934 M.L. Massey PW Gravelling- 732.64 9935 Med. Hat I"~.chine Works Aux. Serv. rep. 58.00 9936 Med, Hat Mobile Homes POM Teacherages 28.70 9937 Med. Hat News Gen. Gov't. Adv. 14.98 9938 E1iz, G. Mi~.ler Bursary 75.00 9939 Modern Auto Service Aux. Serv. rep. 59.20 9940 M, M. & Manufacturing Gen. Gov't. Prig. & stat. 93,75 9941 Moyers Div. Instr, Aid sup. & equip. 1293.69 9942 Agnes M. Monroe Bursaries 75.00 9943 Municipal Supplies Gen. Gov't. prtg. & stat. 8.30 9944 Mrs. Alice Murray POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. 15,00 9945 D.F. Murray & Sons A.S.B. Sundry 95.03 9946 Fred Muzichuck POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. 75.00 9947 Mrs. Altha Neilson Bursary 75.00 9948 Mrs. Doris Nielson ursary 150.00 9949 Noble Cultivators Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 3604.61 9950 R.C Olivar PW Gravelling 27.11 9951 Olsons Service Ltd. Aux. Serv, rep. 63.38 9952 Pallesen Supplies Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 55.18 9953 Pardee Equipment Ltd. FN1Fuel & rep. 123.25 9954 Park Sales & Service PW Fuel & rep. 8.50 9955 Penner Service POM Caretaker sup. g.80 9956 Lester Penner PW Mileage 60.20 9957 Pheasant Sales Ltd. Aux. Serv, rep. 83.74 9958 Prov. Treas. Health Hosp. Req. 19609.59 9959 Tony Porter A.S.B. Sundry 97.20 9960 Postmaster Admin. off. exp. 5.00 9961 J.F. Redeker Acc. Rec. Rec. Gen. 59.22 9962 Art Redelback PW Gravelling 440.15 9963 Fred Redelback PW Gravelling 411.42 9964 Reuben Redelback PW Gravelling 566.82 9965 Revelstoke Bldg. PW Sundry 35.17 9966 Royal Canadian Geo, Instr. Aids Lib. & ref. 10.50 9967 Adolph Sass PW Mileage 96,10 9968 Schelske's We7iding Shop PW fuel & rep. 52.95 9969 E.B. Schnieder PGd Gravelling 712.05 9970 Gene Schnieder Hire of machinery 60.00 9971 Walter Sc~ieder PW Gravelling 867.04 9972 School Book Branch Instr. Aids textbooks 4468.12 9973 Sec.-Treas. NEWELL foundation Health Req. 2050.92 9974 Dan Seely POM fences & grds. 20.00 9975 Marlene Seely Gen. Gov't. Mileage 5.00 9976 Doug Seefried PW Mileage 45.20 9977 Silver A utomotive PW f:~el & rep. 346.83 9978 Sinclair Service A.S.B. Sundry 3.37 gg79 Sisco Scientific Ltd. Instr. Aids sup. & equip. 284.21 9980 Ellen Skanderup Instr. Aid textbooks 14.02 9981 Simpson Sears POM Caretaker supplies 289.33 9982 Dale Smith Gen. Gov't off exp. 5.00 9983 R.S. Smith PW Gravelling 249.97 9984 Standard Auto Parts PW Fuel & rep. 173.24 9985 L. Stenger PW Gravelling 802.98 9986 T. Peacock Dist. Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 669.62 9987 Tell & Wyna Constr. PW hire of machinery 1184.00 9988 Texas Ref. Corp PW fuel & rep. 46.50 9989 Tilley Excavators PW hire of machinery 352.00 9990 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. POM h,l,w. 11.25 9981 Steve Timko 9992 Tunney's Body Shop 9994 CliffordR, Van Oene 9993 Universal Bindery 9995 Kris Vikedal 9996 Village of Duchess 9997 Village of Rosemary 9998 Otto Wallewein 9999 West Winds Constr. Ltd. 10000 Willson Stationers 1 Wilkinson & McLean 2 Willow Creek Sand & Gravel 3 John P. Wittig 4 County of Newell No. 4 5 County of Newell No. 4 6 County of Newell No,4 7 County of Newell No. 4 8 Evergreen Implement 9 Net~rell Foundation POM Teacherages 20.00 Aux, Serv. rep. 533,70 PW hire of machinery 14,00 Instr. Aid Textbook 345.60 PW Labor 98.60 POM H.L.W. 92.25 1TSB pests & ti~eeds 3.75 POM Caretaker sup. 13.15 PW hire of machi~ry 172.80 Gen. Gov't. office exp. 24,43 A.S.B. pests & weeds 144.61 P~nT Gravelling 742.17 POM Caretaker sup. 12.35 Acc. Rec. R. & M. Askin 30.32 Acc. Rec. Brooks Co-op 464.17 Acc. Rec. Greg Kessler 126.34 Acc. Rec. E. Huff 6,75 PW Fuel & rep. 54.32 Requisition 2050.92