HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-06 Council (Regular) Minutesi ~'~~'~/ County of Newell No. 4 County Council September 8, 1967 The regular meeting •f the County Council of the County •f Newell Ne. 4 was held in the County Office Brooks, Alberta at 19:0 a.m. September 8, 1967. . . Members present Chairman Councillors Sec.-Treas. kLssist. Sec.-Tre~.s. . . . J. Hajash G. Lars®n ~. ~. Chrumka ~-- T. Musgrove ~' F. Mandeville° R. Firmstrong~ F. Bergen "' P. Bartlett' G. Deuglass~/ H . C . Sca~ime 11 D.N. James The minutes •f Xugust 11, 1967mnecting were read and adopted. . . . . . . . . . ... . '1~ ~y Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the July cheque list be corrected to read 5667 - 5840 instead of 4667 -5819. Carried. . . . ved by Councillor Douglass,. that we participate in the .~K,I"ID Group surance Plan up t® 25% f~+m all full time County Employees. (Full time ing one year of service:) Carried. Ived by Cpunciller Armstrong, that the Secretaries Statement of Receipts ~d Payments and monthly Progress report for august be apprsved. Carried. tter from D.C. Crerar, re application fx~c Farm Sales License for Westers rms was read. eved by Councillor Chrumka, that this application be appr®ved subject o all other Provincial Regulations being met. Carried. . . . tter from Alberta Farm Purchase Beard re: W. Tansewny application s read and ordered filed. . . . ter from Horticultural Stati®n, re appreciation for assistance given moving of rock was read and ordered filed. . . er from Department •f Public Works, re closing •f road in NW 24-18-14-4 read. ed by Councillor Hajash, that we approve the closing of road in 24-18-14-4 subject to Goverment appr®val. ~~ ~ Carried. [ s:, ,- ,i r ...__ ._...._.,.s RM 1~P SPECIAL VICIPA SUPPLIES L7D. N ~ , a~~ (Letter from Licensing Branch re application for Bake Shop License for I~Spr~angside Hutterite Col®ny was read. Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that we approve the application subject to all other Provincial Regulations. being met• Carried. . . Letter fr®m Provincial Planning Director, re Town Gravel Pit in NW 14-~9-15-4 was read. Letter from Town of Bassano re Centennial Grant was read and ordered fi~~d. . . Letter from W. Sheldrake, re retirement was read and ordered filed. . . . . .. . . . . Letter from McNally Land Services Ltd. re Pipe Line-Road Crossings was read. Moved by Councillor ~irmstrong, that these crossings be approved subject to the amended bylaw. Carried. ~~ tter from Alberta Gas Trunk Line, re Pipe Line Road Crossings was read. coved by Councillor Bartlett, that ~hhis letter be referred to mur ngineers;Underwood and McLellan for this information at no c®st to the ounty. Carried. . . . tter from Allied Chemicals re Calcium Chl®ride.was read and ordered led. . . tter frmm Alex W. Mc~oy re Pipe Line R®ad Crossings was read. oved by Councillor I~niieville that this application be approved object tv new by-law. Carried. . . . tter from A.A.M.D. re Diamond Jubilee was read and referred t0 G. Philpott. . . . nder from G. Wiens, for Verifax Copy Machine was read. oved by Councillor Chrumka, that this m-tchin<~e be sold for $30.x® cash o Mr. Wiens. Carried. •, . from L. Bailly, for oil furnaces and tank was reads oved by Councillor Mandeville, that the two oil fu~:naces and one it tank be sold to L. Bailly for $2®•.00 cash. Carried. Ag~journed for lunch 1:15 t® 2:38 p.m. ~ . Committee report was received. .ved by Councillor l~nda~ille, that the Gunty Supervisor of Schools ttend the Fr.S.T.1~.. Conventio~i:-"` _-------~ __ t ;~> ~ Carried• • .~ i; . • : ~ • • ;~ y .. .. .:: } ~'. _. .. _... _.._.,. __.. _..._ a RM 1~D-P SPECIAL NICIPA BUPPLIEB LiC. N ~u a, , .- I _- - `_ i . _ " ' •/~ Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the School Committee rep®rt be appr©ved. Carried. . . . Municipal Committee report was received. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, thataihay delegates attending either of the School •r Municipal Conventions be ps.id $150.00 e~pereses. Carried. . . 'Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that Bus No. 17 be advertised for sale. Carried. . . . ',Moved by Councillor Armstr©ng, that the Municipal Committee report be approved. Carried. !,Agriculture Committee report was received. 'Moved by Councillor Larson, that we approve the water system for office ',Grounds as 'set out in report by G. Philpott County share to be capital $715.®~ operating $43.50 per year. Carried. ~r ,'~ ,Moved by Councilor Larsen, that G. Philpott, be granted one weeks sick leave with pay due to his illness. Carrie d R • • • . ' • ^ • '• Moved by Councillor Larson, that the Agriculture Committee report be approved. Carried. . . ~-. . Bassano Hospital report was received. Moved by Councillor ~rmstrcng, that Bassano Hospital repmrt be approved. Carried. . . . . . . . . ',Brooks Hospital report was received. ',,Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the Brooks Hospital report be approved, Carried. . . ~, .__. E.M.O. n• repmrt . . .. . . . . . . Senior Citizens Home report was received Moved by Councillor Musgr®ve that Senior Citizens report be appr®ved. Carried. . . . Biursing Home nm report . . RM 1 P 8PECIAL NICIPA 8UPPUEB LTD. Recreati®n Board n• report . .. . . / y,. Moved by Councillor N~ndeville that cheques 5841-665 as per list be approved for payment. ~ .------. }" Carried. vu u: M®ved by Councillor Chr~cnka, that the Resolution t® set nomination ',.,day ofer November 3, 1967 be approved. ~~~-,/ I OC Carried Unanimously. . . . Moved by Councillor H~Jash, that D.N. James, be appointed Returning Office. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Armstr©ng, that the following app®intments be made Division 5 DRS+7 J. Small Enemerator J.Small Foll County Office Division 6 DRDv W. Bell Enemeratar W. Bell Poll Community Hall Division 9 DRD' J, Neufeld Enemerator Poll Community Hall l~,rie Neuf'ried. . . . Moved by Councill®r Armstrong, that Bylaw .329 receive first, second and third reading, with unanimous vote ~f C©uncil. Carried. . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that Bylaw 328 receive first, second and third, reading with uaanim®us vote of C®uncil. Carried. Moved by Councill®r Larson, the Bylaw 33~ receive first, second and third reading with unanim®us vote of Council. Carried. . ... . . . . .. Moved by C®uncillor Bergen, that we accept the withdrawal of Martins bid on gas for busses at Duchess. Carried. . .. . . . . . . . NLved by Councillor Larsen, that we accept K.O. Lake bid ~®r gas on all County bussess serving Duchess School. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that Mr. Knnis be given permission t® attend the A.S.T.A. Convention at same rate as set f®r ~~other: delegates. Motion Lost. /' . . Meeting agljourned at 4:39 p.m. r IRM 1{~B-P SPECIAL NIGPA SUPPLIES L70. County of Newell No. 4 Resolution A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to provide for the holding of 13omination Day mn a day other that perscri3~ed in the Municipal District Act, Sec. 96, Par. 1 & 3. Whereas, under the prsbvisionssof the Municipal District ;.Act Sec. 96, Par. 3, Nominations for Councillors may be held on a day other that the First Saturday in November, and whereas, the County Council, is of the opinion that doing so would be in the best interest of the County. Therefore be it resolved, that nominations for Councillors in Divisions 5, 6, 9 of the County be held in the County Office in the Town of Brooks Friday, November 3th, 1967 as provided for under Sec. 96, Par.. 3 of the Municipal Districts Act. Done and passed this 8th day of September, 1967. ~~ ~'~- ~To . 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 585• 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 586 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 587• 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 588® 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 589• 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 590• 5901 5902 5003 5004 505 5®06 III I u&41Nd1. I __ __ Accounts Payable For.August, 1967 Payable to; 'County of ATewe 11 Ito . 4 l°~.lberta Gov't. Telephones 3 J's Construction 1,~lberta Gov't. Telephones The Alberta List Alberta Wheat Pool Seed Div. Allied Distributors Ltd Amco Equipment Ltd. C.F. Annis Audo Visual Aids Branch The Australian The Bassan• Times Beaver Lumber C~. Ltd. ~~ The Black Hardware Ltd. Bow Slope Mutual Telephone Co. Ltd. Brake - Drome Brooks Iron Works Brooks W. East Mui~ual Telephone Brooks Stationers Bud's Farm Equipment The`Calgary Herald Calgary Pier Ltd. Canadian Liquid Air Canadian Marconi Co. Canadian Pacific Rlwy, Co. Central Sales & Services II~iCentury Sales Ltd. IlJeanette Clary C1~unty of 1~ewe11 AIo. 4 C®unty of ~tewell ~To. 4 Chipman Chemicals Ltd, Crown Lumber Co. Ltd. Cancelled. Deldays Brooks Transport Bob. C. Dickson R. B. Densmore Excavating Doble Construction Ltd. Village sf Duchess Edmonton Journal Mr. Fakas Robert Fleury Eugene Franko W.J. Gage Ltd. Golden West Seeds W.E. Greer Ltd. Grolier Ltd.° Canc~.led William Ion Imperial Oil Ltd. Ingrains-Hardware Iwaasa Industries & CO. D•~. James Joe's Blacksmith & Welding Kitchener Printing Service Ju3~ilee Insurance Agencies Ltd. Klassen Bronge Ltd. `'Iz's . Lenox Koleyak 2obert E, Lee pink Belt Ltd. `~cCabe Grain C©. Ltd. 3ruce McLelland & P C~`eral Store ~'laashall's Book Store `~arshall We11~ Store 'Iedicine Hat dews For: Payroll Gen. Gov't. Telephones Capital Bassano Teacherage AnT Sundry Gen. Gov't. office expense ASB Sundry PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair Instr. Supt, of schools Instr. Aid supplies & equip. Adm Advertising Adm. Advertising POM rep.& reel. to bldgs ASB pests & weeds POM Telephone Aux. Serv. repair PW fuel & repair POM Tele~one Admin. Prtg. & stat. POM fences & grounds Adm. Adv. PW sundry PW fuel & repair P~?W fuel & repair Admin. Tel. & telgram PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair Bursaries Acc. Rec. J.E. Punting Acc. Rec. R.S. Kristianson ASB pests & weeds Teacherage ASB pests & weeds Instr. Jf-ssist. Sup •f school PW hire of machinery PW hire •f machinery POM Teacherages Adin Adv. Gen.Gov't. Mileage POM rep. & reel. t• bldgs. PW Mileage Instr. Aid supplies & equip. ASB pests & weeds POM Caretakers supplies Instr. Aid lib & ref. ~i 6 mount 100~~.59D 552.08 4987.680 22,5• 4.5. 0 238.44 ~ 463.82 38.44 205.05 ~ 30.®0~ $5.99© 28.520 184.12 4.20 4 15.53 ~' 23.05 4. 10.80 ~ 5.50 5.93 13.3® 138.60 ~ 118.55 ~ 41.4® l3: 20.00 a 34.55 ~ 12.5 Q 24.06 ~' 150.00 ~ 5.00 ~: 30.0• ~' 49.6®f~ 48.10 49.53 ~ exp. 47.800 156.OOD 68.0• o 39.7M 291.750 5.00. 8281.00 35.6. 0 112.92 ra 2.44 G 361.55 139.95 ~ Pw fuel & repair PW fuel & repair PW Sundry Gen. Gov't. •ffice expense Gen. Gov`t. Mileage Aux. Serv. repair Instr. Aids supplies & equip. Aux. Serv, Insurance Acc. Rec. Gem Centennial Proj. Bursary Aux. Serv. fuel PW fuel & repair Gen. Gov't. grounds PW hire of machinery PW fuel & re~ir Inst. Aid supplies & equip 7 POM Caretakersup. Adm. Advertising ~ Fr i~~,~,_. .1 ~ - ~ ~~••~ 26.39 ~ 642.11 3.19 49.2 '~ 5.00 4 29.00 161.50 ~' 3266.0• ~ 40.43 150.00 ~ 1®2.68 ~ 55.94 ~' 2.79. ~ 28.06 0 3.00 119.13~~' 11.61 6.6® 597 598 ~9U 919 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5.918 5919 592® 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 1593® 929 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 594 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 590 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 x/5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5976 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 J.D. Miller Modern Auto Service ID.F. Murray & SOns Mortensen Farms Ltd. T.R. Baxter Constr. Co. Ltd. Fred Murray ~Mr. Arthur Nelson Fd. American Distr. Ltd. IOlson's Service ',Park Sales & Servicd B.L. Perry Pheasant Sales G.W.Philpott Premier Cycle & Sports Princess Auto & Machinery Lt.d Revelstoke Bldg. Material Ltd. Roberts & Hall Ltd. Rolling Hills Savings & Cr. Ummin Village of Rosemary Royal Lumber Yards Ltd. Russell & Aleedham Architects Secondary School Principal Singer Co, of Canada Ltd. N.A. Shuttlworth Snap - On Toels John Sparry Street Robbins Morrow Co. Ltd. Sunmet Sales & Service Mrs. Barbara J. Tarney ~~.. - ;_,- ; ,. Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. Tilley Gas Co, Ltd. Time Internation of Can.- Ltd. Mr. J. Trekofski Tunney's Body Shep United-Grain Growers United A~ews (Wholesalers) Cancelled. Western Rebuild Castings ~1ick Wiebe Mr. B. Willis V.H . Lawrence Tilley Excavator Vincent Fabian Albert Cyr Mrs. A. Beieler R. Bishel Brooks Co-op Assoc, Ltd. Town of Brooks Coleman Plumbing & Heating Costello Equiparient Co. Ltd. Leo Dunne William Robert Endersby Jr, RobettFleury Franklin Tires Ltd. Kaz's Service Ltd. The`Kleenbrin~ Celleries J & W Link Macleods Taylor Pearson & Carson Ltd. Tonys Welding Transmission Supplies Ltd. Hectors Ltd. Mrs. M. Schaffer Wayne Buss Service R.R. Smith M.E. Massey Walter Schneider F. Redelback R.C. Oliver ~~'!~,~,i ~' R.S. Smith ~ ~,•~::` ; ~~ ~-, ul ~ ~ U Art Redelback "- L.E. Stenc,~er Ct.,.,oha, ~., K.A. Pearson PW Mileage Aux. Serv, repair PW fuel & repair FW Sundry Gen. Gov't. Grounds Instr Aid, supplies & equip, Aux. Serv. main of pupils P4J fuel & repair ASB Sundry PW fuel & rep. ASB Sundry Pom Caretakers supplies Aux. Serv. repair Acc. Rec. Niagra Chemical Instr. Aids Other PW fuel & repair Pom rep. & reel. to bldgs. PW fuel & repair ficc. Rec. K.S. Kristiansen POM h,l~w. Teacherages Capital Bassano Renovations Instr. Aid Other Instr, Arid Sup, & equip. PW Mileage Instr. Aid Other ASB pests & weeds PW fuel & repair ASB fuel & repair Bursaries POM H,L.W. POM Teacherages Instr. find Lib. & ref. Bursary ASB Sundry ASB pests & weeds Instr. Aid 1ffib. & ref. PW fuel & repair Capital ~Tew Office Bursary Gen. Gov't. $,ssesor expense PW hire of machinery ASB Sundry PW hire of machinery PW Sundry PW fuel & repair FW fuel & repair Gen. .Gov't Utilities PW hire ®f machinery PW fuel & repair PW hire of machinery Tuition fees POM rep. & reel. to bldgs . PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair PW Hire of machinery ASB pest & weeds PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair PW fuel & repair Instr. Other Capital Busess PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling PW Gravelling 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 60®® 6001 6002 6003 60.4 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6G13 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 602 6021 6022 6023 6®24 6025 6026 627 6028 6029 _fs0~0 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 640 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 604Q 6046 i ot~ J / ~/ E.E. Schnieder PW Gravelling 441.86 ~ Mr. M^ Schnieder PW Gravelling 244.72 ~ F. Hughes PW Gravelling 2313.280 Clarke Painting & Deecarating POM Rep. & repl to bldgs. 4171.0®O Henry Horkoff PW fuel & repair 2.62Q Huttens Ltd. PW fuel & repair 19.40 ~' ~ Portage Plains Nusery Gen. Gov't. Grounds 30.0® o~ Robert Harvey Dixon Instr. C®rrespondence course 14.0® o CliffordPartick Orliczki Instr. Correspondence course 14.OOfl R^ Hills Centennial Committee ASB Sundry 25.x® 4 Alberta Assam. sf Muni. Districts Aux. Serv. tires 1091•.91' Allied ~Ihemical Services Ltd. ASB pests & weeds 72.®0~' Brooks Tom Boy POM Caretakers supplies 3.16; Conece Equipment Ltd. PW fuel & repair 352.4 ~ Eastern Irrigation District PW Bridges 2260.264 Emco Ltd, POM rep. & repl. to bldgs . 21.64D Johnson & Mathew Ltd. Instr^ Aids supplies & equip 3^50 ~ Sam Lawery ASB pests & weeds 5,00 <~ Nesbitt Publishing Co. Ltd. ASB Sundry 119.12= THPeacock Distr. Ltd. PW fuel & repair 99.64 4 Postmaster Gen. Gov't. Postage 95.D0 4 Standard Aute Parts Ltd. PW fuel & rep, ~.1 ~.fl~.`:, Welders Suppleis Ltd. ~ PW fuel & rep. 118. 37 ~:; .. , ~:, Pardee Wgaipment Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 829.56 ~ Mr. Joe Bildershien Sr. & r. ~ Capital Gravel Pit 10••0.©® Mr. Joe Bildershien Sr. & r. Capital Gravel Fit 5.00 ~~ The Wawanesa Mutual Ins. Ci, Overpaid taxes ..: 1®. 04 ~ Mr. H.C. Scammell Gen. Gov't Mileage 102.50 0 Mrs. L. Trapp Instr. Other 3.75 ~ Co-operative Book Centre Instr. Aid lib. & ref. 119.45 G.W.Philpott RSB Sundry 111.70 4 Scho®1 Boek Branch Instr. Aid Textbooks 5394.44 Cancelled 0 p ~' Alberta Blue LCr®ss Acc. Rec. ABC 24.70 q Brooks Savings & Credit Union Acc. Rec^ G^ Timko 100.0D ~ Royal Bank of Canada Acc. Rec^ L.E. Christianson 90.00 c County of Alewell Ne. 4 Payroll 39853.98 R. Hills Savings & Credit Union Acc. Reo. H. Green 55.00 ~ M S I Acc. Roe. M S I 739,50 s Pr®v. Treasurer Gen^ G®v't Pensions 209.57e Receiver General U I C 448.16 Receiver General Gen. G®v't. Canada Pen. 9379.6 , Rolling Hills Savings & Cr. Union A.cc. Rec. G. Timke 25.0• ~ Mr. F. Muzichuk Revenue Rent 34.00 c Gera.]a Braucher Acc. Rec. G. B®ucher 50.08;D R.G. Armstr®ng Gen. G®v't. HOD. 50.00 ~ Lester Beck Gen. Gov't. HOD 22.56 ~ ~ Joe B®denko Gen. Gov''t. HOD 5.20 Ruben Christman Gen. Gov't. HOD 50.00 ~ Robert L. 8eble Gen. Gov't. HOD 5®. 00 ~~ R®bin C. Gorge Gen^ Gov't. HOD 5®^00`~- Wm. R. George Gen. G®v't, HOD 50.00,„'; Harry S. Heryferd Gen. Gov't. HOD 50^0®" Lee Juss Gen. Gov't, HOD 50.0• ~'` Ralph F. Kreil Gen.. Govt. HOD 50.00 Rinze Kuipers Gen. G®v `t, HOD 00.0 0 Lloyd F. Marcy Gen. Gov`t. HOD :<~50.0®~ John Penner Jr. Gen. Gov't. HOD 50.00 Clemens Scheuerman Gen. Gov''t, HOB 50.00'\" ` Daniel Seely Gen. Gov''t, HOD 50.00 ., J.E. Vittetoe Gen. Gov't. HOD 27.5-'2.. David Wiens Gen^ Gov't. HOD 59.0®~ Elizabeth Lacher Gen^ G®v't. HOD 50^00~ A G T POM Telephone 448.84 Motor Vehicles Branch' Aux, Serv. Repair 87.00 Cancelled G Arthur A. Voice Construction PW hire of machinery 5117.68 D Hugh Brost Floor Covering Service POM rep. & repl, to bldgs. 1351. 78~ F;C?TC'.i kb :_i , ~ ~. _~ I w Y Iltld I f.T /~ 648 6®49 605® 6651 6052 6053 6654 6655 6056 6157 6658 6059 660 6®61 662 6.63 6®64 6065 Q, 4 Alberta Teachers Asseciati~n Board of 1~iministrati®n Al's Delivery T.R. Baxter Mr. F. Hughes M.L, I~ssey R.C. Oliver R.A..Pearson Art Redelbah~ Fred Redelback Rueben Redelback Walter Schnieder R.S. Smith R.K. Smith Jr. Mr. L.E. Stenger Mr. C .Ka.dey Arthur ~.. Vmice Construction Co. Ltd. Town of Bassano Acc. Rec. ATA 423.®®~ Rcc. Rec. ATFi. 1486.520 Instr. Aid Textbo®ks 46.52 Pw Gravelling 196.®®~ PW Gravelling 542.,®4 q PW Gravelling 58.29 0 PW Gravelling 368.6 PW Gravelling 515866 0 PW fuel & repair 5771160 PHT Gravelling 544. PW Gravelling 310.170 PW Gravelling 574.04 0 PW Gravelling 455.7-~+4, PW Gravelling 498.91 PW Gravelling 552Q®• Instr. Other 57.20°~ Cs.pital Machinery & equip.!®639.!0 Capital Land 129,66[, I ~.,~ j-=--YT__ .. d~ Cf ~` `? _ _„--~