HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-05-12 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell Nox 4 County Council May 12th, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.mx on Friday, May 12, 1967, Members present Reeve Jim Hajash~ Councillors G, L~.rsen A , Chrumka Tx Musgrove' F, Bergen P, Bartlettt~ G, Douglass!. Sec,-Treas. Hx Scammell Assistant Secx-Trews Dx James The minutes of the previous meeting of April 7th, Union Pdegiotiating Meeting of April 18 were read and adopted, x , x R Y , Y Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the motion re permits issued to E.IYD. to be amended to read "while road bans are in effect," Y x Carriedx Moved bzr Councillor Bergen, that the addendum of Nk~,rch 10th, be approved. Carriedx Moved bzr Councillor Larsen, that the application re: sub-division in NE 8-15-14-4 be approved. Carriedx Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the statement of Receipts and Disburse- ments f:~r April be approvedY Carried. Letter from Mr, O,FY Ingram, re: sale of NW 33618_14-4 was read and discussed, x x x , , x x x x Moved by Councillor Hajash, that we make an offer of $40000x00 to Mrx Ingram for this land, Carried. x x R Y x x R • x Letter from United Church Rainier re: new building was read and discussed. x x Y x x , R x R r Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that we approve this application subject to all ether Provincial regulations being approved, Carriedx R x Y R • • Y R R Letter from Department of Highways re Load Limits was read and discussed and a copy of letter be sent to Bridge Branch for their comments, R x x x , • • Y x Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we tender for a new 90-100 HYPx fully equiped tractor (cab, fluid in tires, lights, signals, hydralic, etc,) Carriedx Moved by Councillor L~.rsen, that MrY Shuttleworth investigate the purchase of a Pyramid PackerR Carriedx Letter fi:-om Department of Highways re: 1967 Contingency Grant of $75000x00 was read and ordered filed, l ~~ Letter from Licensing Branch, re application for license of Texaco Coffee Shop and Service Station was read and discussedk • • r r r • w • r Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that this application be approved, subject to all other Provincial Regulations being approved. Carried• • k • • • k • M a Application re: sub-division in Nw 18-19-14-4 was read and discussed. . . , Moved by Councillor Hajash, that this application be approved, subject to all ether Provincial Regulations being a p~rovedk Carried• Letter =From Alberta Assoc. of Municipal Districts, re bill 50 was read and ordered filed. Letter from Jubilee Insurance re: insurance on Trips to Expo wax' read and ordered filed. . • r k • . Letter j:rom Jubilee Insurance, re: student insurance was read and ordered filed. Mr• J. Russell of Meeham & Russell attended the meeting to receive tenders on ASB B_'uilding• D & H, Construction Ltd. John Juergensen Vanir Building Sales Ltd. • r • $29242.00 $24900.00 $24247.00(Not on tender) Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we reject these bids and that the Agriculture Committee investigate other means of storing vesicles and chemicals. Carried. Mr, D•C. Ferguson of Sun Life Insurance Co• meet with Council to discuss Group Insurance for AA.NID's , . • k k • • • . It was agreed that employees be advised of this plan and obtain their reaction to same, at which time it would be discussed furthe r ^ • • k • ^ ^ w Letter from Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation re: borrowing was read and discu~sed• Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that this letter be tabled. Carried. Letter from Department of Highways, re: Natural Resources Grant on Princess road was read and ordered filed, . • . ~. Application re Imperial Oil Limited Bulk Plant at Gem was read and discussed, _ _ -- ~ ~ k . >. "' ~ _ Moved by Councillor Douglass, that this plan be approved. ~^ "~``$ Carried. Copy of a letter from Department of Highways, re 1967 Hardsurfacing was read and ordered filedk • k • r • k r • • 4 ~ 4 L. Letter from Olson's Service Htd• re: aproval of purchase of Old Co-op site was read and discussed. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that this application be approved subject to Provincial, and Town of Brooks, Regulations being approved. Carried. Letter from Board of Industrial Relations, re C U P E Local 1032 was read and discussed. • . x R R R ^ Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that we authorize signing of the Public Works.~greement, but that the Janitors Agreements be withheld, Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the Gravel Committee contact Mr, Bildershien re: purchase of land for a gravel pit. Carried. Letter from Mrs. A. Levesque re: sale of house in Bassano was read and referred to Councillor Armstrong. . . . Letter from Department of Public Works, re: rent of office space was read and discussed, Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that this agreement be approved and signed. Carried. Reports of Cimmittees Munici~l Committee Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the Mun~.~ipal Budget be reduced by four (4) mills. Carried. Moved ]~y Councillor Bergen that the Municipal Committee report be accepted. Carried. Agriculture Committee Moved Jay Councillor Larsen, that the following Drainage Projects be approved: Sec. 26-27-34 in 14-14-4 Sec. 36-19-14-4 S 2 -2-22-13-4 Hamlet of Rolling Hills, Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, .that directive be sent to J. Hutchison, R.A.. T~~ylor, L. Landrees,and AR Vogal, to construct a legal fence and texas gate as stated. Carried. Moved k>y Councillor Larsen, that the Agriculture Committee report be accepted. Carried. Hospital Report ____~~Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the Brooks Hospital report be accepted. Carried. __., i i ~ . 1 v t _, . . i y_s...~Toved by Councillor Bergen, that the Bassano Hospital report be Accepted. ~~.e_ __ ~ - __ Carried. ~~ ~- ~ J s ~~ ~; ,cl E.M.O. Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the E.M. 0. report be accepted. Carried. D C „~D n r Au O ~ 1.2 .~ CAa~cd Ac~ountanl Farm Purchase Board Moved by Councillor Larsen, ~h~,t the Farm Purchase Board report be accepted. Carried. . . . . . Senior Citizens , Moved by~Councillor Musgrove,. that the report of Senior Citizens Home be accepted. Carried. Nursing Home No report. ^ J ^ • ^ • R ^ . . Recreation Board _ Moved by Councillor Bartlett that the report of the Recreation Board be accepted. - __ _ . Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that cheques 4956 to 5226 be approved for payment Carried. . ,.. . Moved by Councillor .Larsen, that the Estimated of Revenue and Expenditures be accepted and that Bylaw No. 322 setting the Mill Rates for 1967 as follows be given 1st, 2nd 3rd readings and finally passed. Municipal 16 mills School Foundation 29 mills School Supplementary 19 mills Health Requisition _ 4.40 mills Health Unit .60 mills 69 mills Carried Unanimously . . :. .. . Moved by Councillor Chrumka that the form"1~'-° for 1967 be approved. Division 1 ~22~000_ 2 29,000 3 44, 850 5 2 8,.500 6 26500 7 20, 000 8 61, 700 9 40, 000 294,100 Carried. . .. . * . Moved by CouncillornBergen that the necessary action be taken to obtain road surveys of County Roads which have been widened. Carried. . .. ... . . . . . Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that salary of Duchess Janitor be:.increased from 336.00 to 360.00 per month due to the extra two classrooms. ~o take effect 1 l~-irch 1967. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. ~~ ~ ' Ci~i91~1iC1"i~~ SECRET~iRY-ZRF~SUREB . :a o 9'9 Accounts Payable for May, 1967 No . Payable to : For : Amount 4956 'H.C. cammell Gen. Gov't. POM & PW Mileage 62.65 K 4957 David Hiebert Replacing lost cheque .Sly' ~ K 4958 A & C Propane P W fuel & Repr. 10.00< 4959 Alber a Assoc. SfMuniciapl Dist. P W Fuel & Repr. 1926.97K 4960 A.G.T k Acc. Rev. E.H. Gabert 21.80 K 4961 Allie Distributd~rs Ltd. Aux. Serv. Repair 1044.40 K 4962 Mr. H Berg Instr. Aids Other 5.0.00 x 4963 John ogi Overpaid taxes 17.67 ; 4964 Bow -S ope Shipping Assoc. POM Teacherages 36.40 4965 Mrs. oanne Buteau Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 105.00 y; -4-966 _ 4967 Brook Co-op Aux. Serv..fuel 986.2$K 4968 Brook Garage Aux. Serv. repair 30,.25K 4969 Brook Stationers Gen. Gov't. Office exp. 12.75 K 4970 Brook Stationers Instr. z.~Aids Libr. & Ref. 20,.09 ~ 4971 Capit 1 Glass Ltd. PW full & Repr. 57.85 K 4972 Calga y Herald PGJ Sundry 8.75 fi; 4973 Mrs. Conklin Aux. Serv. Main. of pupils 157.50' 4974 Corne Service POM Trucks & Cartage 10.00 F~ 4975 Count of Newell No. 4 Acc. Rec. 0. Fabian 1.00 ~- 4976 E.M. vans Bldg. Products POM reel & repl to bldgs. 220.00 K 497.7 Frien ly Stores .Ltd. POM Caretakers Supplies '4.32 K 4978 Gem G neral Store Aux. Serv. fuel 103..22 K 4979 F. Gi roy Aux. Serv. main of pupil 52.50 K 4980 Willi m Ion ~J fuel & repr. 9.30 K 4981 D.W. inniburgh PW Sill tools & shop 25.35 K 4982 Kleen rin Collieries ltd. POM H L W phone 129.80; 4983 Keith O~'Lake Aux. Serv. fuel 341.86 ~; 4984 Lethb idge Herald Adm. Advertising 48.00 ~; 4985 M & ~ General Store PW Fuel & repr. 37.62 w; 497 Marsh 11 Wells Store ~'fl.,/ct~,~.~j Gen. Gov't. Office exp. 15.98 #~ 4989 Ross McKay Aux. Serv. Main of pupils1~57.50 K 4990 Mrs. zel P. McKenzie Instr. Aids lib. & ref. ! 240.00 4991 M. Ha Health Unit Health Unit Requisition 2641.6:3K 49.92 M. Ha School Dist. # 76 Payment to other S.D. Tuition fees 90.00 K 4993 Minne ota Minning & Manufacturing of Cana Ltd. Instr. Aids supp. & equip. 126.50 K 4994 Natio al Geographic Society Instr. Aids lib & ref. 9.20 K 4995 Altha Neilson Instr. Others 30.80 K 4996 Olson s Service Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 525.78K 4997 Parkla d Steamers PW Culvert 312..00 K 4998 G.W. hilpott ASB Sundry 106.00 K 5000 Revel toke Bdg. Materials POM repr & repl. to bldgs 547.04 K 5001 R. Hi is Savings & Cr. Union Acc. Rec.. R. S. Kr.istianson 25.00 K 5002 The sk. Star Phoenix Adm. Advertising 36.90 K 5003 C. Sc eibner Aux. Serv. Main. of pupils 52.50' 5004 L. Sc eir3ner Aux. Serv. Main. of pupils 52.50 K 5005 A.D. chellenberg Soc. Welfare Unemployables 17.64.; 5006 Scien e Research Assoc. Instr. Aids Other 13.84 ~; 5007 Snap n Tools PW Small tools & Shop 16.93 M; 5008 C.C, nowdon Ltd. POM rep. & reel. to bldgs. 37.25t~ 5009 G. St lson Aux. Serv. main. of pupils 105.00.; 5010 Princ ss Auto & Machinery Ltd. PW Small Tools & Shop 20.61• 5011 John Tiessen - Aux. Serv. Main. of pupils 52.50 K 5012 Time fife Books Instr. Aids libr. & ref 6. 50K 5013 Tille Gas. Co.i;,td. POM HL Teacherages 219.15 K 5014 Trans fission Supplies Aux.. Serv. Repairs 72.93K 5015 Tunne ~'sBody Shop PNT fuel ~ rep. 1.20 K 5016 Mrs. Vossler Aux. Serv. main. of pupils 157.SOK 5017 N. Wa lace Aux. Serv. Main. of pupils 52.50 K 5018 Water us Equipment Ltd. PW. fuel and repair 986.14.; 5019 Weste n Securitmes Ltd. Overpaid taxes 420.27,; 5020 Wills n Stationers Ltd. Adm. Office supp 1~.7~:~; 5021 John Wittig Instr. Aids supp. & equip. , 11.30 K X4999 Will Reimer Aux. Serv. main of pupils 52.:50 t~- ~ ~~~~ ~ ~,~ ' . euwa uuw iI ~%Ov 5022 Impe ial Oil Ltd. 5023 Witt eirs General Store 5024 Stan rd Auto Park 1'td. 5025 Stan rd Raidiator Serv. 5026 Fi. .~I Osborne Ltd. 502,7 Hect rs Ltd. 5028 L. P nner 5029 Albe t Steegstra 5030 Bass no Sand & Gravel 5031 Alf eieler 5032 Mrs. Bloomquist 5033 Cent al Sales & Service 5034 Husk Oil 5035 Coun y of Newell # 4 5036 Cance led 5037Town of rooks 5038 Amco gi~.ipment Ltd. 5039 Briti h American Oil Ltd, 5040 Brook Iron Works 5041 Brook Radiator Shop 5042 Burro ghs Business 1`~chines 5043 Canad an Electronic Ltd. 5044 Canad an Marconi Co. 5045 Centr 1 Drugs 5046 Cent y Sales Ltd. 5047 Emco td. 5048 D.W. riesen & Sons Ltd. 5049 Grobe Enterprises 5050 Educa ion 1`~iterial & Equip. Co. 5051 ~cle ds 5052 Marsh 11 Wells Sbt~re 505:3 Munic'pal Supplies 5054 TH Pe cock Dist. Ltd. 5055 Provi ial Treasurer 5056 Ba.rbe Nb,chinery Ltd. 5057 V. Zac arias 5058 Dedla Brooks Cartage 5059 Co-ope ative Book Centre Canada. 5060 .The-Sc col Books Branch 5061Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. 5062 Les Di kinson 5063 The E onton Journal 5864 Smith rucking Service 5065 Villag of Tilley 5066 A.G.T. 5067 Frankl'n Tires Ltd. 5068 Gem L er Yard 5069 Patric a Garage 5070 Miss B Coultis 5071 Pardee Equipment Ltd. 5072 Albert Blue Cross Ltd. Plan 5073 Royal nk of Canada 5074 Bank o Nova Scotia 5075 Rollin Hills Savings ~ Cr. Unior 5076 Bank o Nova Scotia 5077 M, Mie finger 5078 Medica Services (Alberta)Incorp. 5079 Bank o Nova Scotia 5080 ~rovi cial Treasurer 5081 County of Newell #4 5082 Trras y Branch 5083 R, Hil s Savings and Credit Union 5084 Treasu y Branch 5085 County of Newell #4 5086 Bank o Nova Scotia 5087 H.C. S a~anell 5088 Cancel ed 5089 Bieren Ranching Ltd. 5090 Henry Braul 5091 Robert irney 5092 Donald Danforth 5093 Willia Darago 5094 Willia J. Darago 5095 Keith H Dowling PW Fuel & repr. 131.79 K POM rep. & repl. to bldgs. 9.74 K Aus. Serv. repr. 56.83 K Pw. Fuel & repr. 6.40 K Instr. Aids supp. & equip. 29.75 K PW fuel &repr. 28~.~~Z° :'K Pw Mileage 60 3 tt POM repr &. rep. t=o bldgs. . .295.00 ~ FW Gravelling 405.00 ~; Pw Mileage 15.90 ~' Fue l 16 7.7 9 '~ P4J. Fuel & repr. 340.26 ~,° PGJ. Fuel & repr. 2.95 ~: Pw Fuel & repr. 80.11 ~` K ~sn. Gov't, Utlities 77.22 K PW fuel & rep~.ir 15 36 K PW fuel & repair . 10 80 K PtnT full & rep~.ir , 4.00 K Aux. Serv,Cty. van repair 5 00 !; Gen. Gov't. Office expense . 199 50 K Instr.-Aids Supp& equipment . 498 48 Aux. Serv, rep~.ir , 20 00 Instr, Aids supp & equip Pw fu l & . 2.25 ~ e repair POM repair +& replace to bldgs. 36.19 *~' 271 62 Instr, Aids supp & equip , 61.75 K Instr,, Aids lib. & Ref. 45 09 Instr. Aids lib. & Ref, . K 80.79 K POM Bldgs 88 07 A~ Magpie Bounty . K 112.50 K Gen. Gov, prtg & stat, 316.30 K Aux. Serv. re~.ir 187.91 ~; POM H L W 69 50 PW fuel & repair . K 118.20 r; Aux. Serv, Contract vans 80.00 POM ASB Sundry , 246 23 ~ - Instr. Aids Library . : 875 54 K Library Text books 537.95 K Rolling Hills Centennial 2200.31 K Rolling Hills Centennial 34.35 K Advertising Rolling Hills Centennial 34.96 K 44,00 Centennial Project K 500 00 Acc. Rec. R. Sheen . K 9 4D Aux. Serv. Cty van tires , K 41.05 K POM Teacherages 13.39 K Aux. Serv. Cy van fuel 206,71K Int. Others 50 00 x PW fuel & repair . 263 07 K Acc. Rec. ABC .. 35 85 "~ Acc, Rec. LE Christianson . 90.00 ~; Aux. Serv. Contract vans 385.00 K Acc. Rec. H. Green 55.00 `~ Aux. Serv. Contract vans 450 00 ,, Aux. Serv, Contract vans .. 1350„00 Acc. Rec. M.S,I, ~~ 647.86K Aux, Serv. Contract vans 00 K 365 Gen Gov't 7`~-~-X-a-~t~ . 209 57 K Payroll` . 49106.44 K Aux. Serv, Contract vans 500,00 K Acc. Rec. G. Timko 25 00 Aux. Serv. Contract vans . K 343 40 Acc. Rec, P, Wallace . ,~ 15 00 Aux. Serv. Contract vans ~b9-~ ~ %~c~%.uq~ f,~.,H~/ . 435.00 ~ • 5 9.90 0~ 50.00 ~ /h'~r.I~ Or/.~~s 5 0.0 o rt . _. Home Owners Discount , .--- ~~50 00~ ~ Home Owners Discount . ~~?0 00 K Home Own~~ers Discount ; ~; ~ . '• X0.00 K Home Owners Discount ~ ' ' ~`Y ' --- ,. - - Home Owns-ers Discount ~'P°--_-__- 50.00 N 50.00 `: 5096 Roland Eastrr~.n Home Owners Discount 50.00 5097 Max Galarneau. Home Owners Discount 50.00 5098 Harry 0. Giles Home Owners Dicount 50.00 5099 L. Goodheart Home Ot~rners Discount 50.00 5100 Joseph Gugyelka Home Owners Discount 50,00 5101 George Hagg Home Owners Discount 50,00 5202 Ralph Heitrich Home Owners Discount 24.42 ` 5103 John Hollinda Home Owners Discount 50.00 ' 5104 Arne Hullman Home Owners Discount 50,00 `` ` 5105 Wm. Ton Home Owners Discount ~ 50,00 5106 David D, Ka.sdorf Home Owners Discount 50.00- 5107 Harry C, Kern Home Owners Discount 50.00-; 5108 Jack D. Lester Home Owners Discount 50.00 5109 Koichi Motoba Home Owners Discount 50.00 5110 Merritt Murphy Home Owners Discount 50.00- 5111 Jean F„ Norton Horne Owners Discount 50.00 • 5112 Peter W. Penner Home Or,~rners Discount 50.00 5113 Francis W, Phillips Home Owners Discount 50.00 5114 Gabriel Prohazka Home Owners Discount 50.00 5115 John Suchy Home Owners Discount 50.00 5116 Raymond Smith Home Owners Discount 50.00. 5117 Ingerman Sorenson Home Owners Discount 50.00 `- 5118 WI~1. Squirell Home Owners Discount 50,00 5119 Ray Stafford Home Owners Discount 50.00 - 5120 Woodrow Stringham Home Owners Discount 50.00 5121 Eugen Varga Home Owners Discount 50.00 512 Alexander Volk Home pwners Discount 50.00 5123 ldlorman H. Wester Home Owners Disco~~.nl 24.86 . 5124 erne Wester Home Owners Discount 50,00 5125 Odd R, Wester Home Owners Discount 50.00• 5126 Helen Wilson Home Owners Discount 50.00 . 5127 Norman L, Young Home Owners Discount 50.00; 5128 John W. Zahenaiko Home Owners Discount 50.00 rc 5129 Brooks Credit & Union Savings Acc, Rec. G, Timko 100,00 5130 David W, A11e:1 Home Owners Discount 27,52 y' 5131 Asgrow Seed Co, Ltd. ASB pest & weeds 173.60' 51-32 County of P~3ewell No, 4 Acc. Rec, H.S, Heryford 100,00 5134 I'Irs. J.J. White Inst, Other 50,00 5135 Miss M Thacker Instr, Other 50.00 5136 Willow Creek Sand & Gravel Ltd. PW Gravelling 6026,68 513? 30,,._~d :~f ,~~u ti_str,~.~ _~_Vs t. ~ ; ~o~.. L n:", ~ ~ 1- i. ;3 5138 Alberta '1'eachE rs Association Acc Rec. ATA 501.80 5139 Rolling Hills Saving & Credit Union: Acc Rec. RS Kristeanson 25,00- 5140 County of Newell No, 4 Acc, Rec. RS Kristeanson 30,00 5141 County of Newell No. 4 Payroll Account 5041,79 5142 Receiver Gen Acc Rec. Canada Pen 9665.36 51-43 Receiver General U.I.C 358,52 5144 Alberta ]Assoc, of Munici~.l Dist, Gen, Gov't. A.A.M,D. bldg. 4147.24 K 5145 Alberta Assoc. of Municipal Dist. PW fuel & rep, 2140,11 y; 5146 Cal Annis Instr, Aids Assist, Supt. expense 256.90 5147 Asbestonos Corporation Ltd, PW fuel & repair. 58~,5F3 , 5148 Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. POM rep. ~ r~p1, to bldg. 110,®~ 5149 Benner School Products Ltd. ACC. Rec. Gem Centennial 73,04, 5150 Cancelled ;~ 5151 Brooks Home FL-rnishings POM rep. & repl. to bldg. 628.10•. 5152 Brooks N. E, Ntutual Tel, Co. Ltd. POM Telephone 5.50• 5153 Brooks Radiator Shop Aux. Serv. Cty van rep, 13,00 5154 Brooks Stationers Instr, Aids lib, 31.43, 5155 Bow Slope 1~iutual Tel. Co. Ltd. POM Telephone 28,25- 5156 Mrs, Joanae Buteau Aux, Serv. Main of pupil 52.50 5157 Cancelled 5158 Canadian Gen. Electric POl`-I Rep. & reel. to bldgs. 27,54~c 5159 Canadian Gov't, Immigration Serv. Adm. Adv. 27,00 r: 5160 Canadian Prop~.ne Consolidated Ltd. POM Teacherages 244,80=. 5161 Central Scientific Co, of Can. Ltd. (Instr. Aids supp, & equip. 352.09- 5162 Central Sales ~ service Aux. Serv, cty van fuel 627,58 5163 Coneco Equip, Ltd. - .- ~ '~~- PW fuel & rep. 447.70 5164 The Copp Clarke Publishing Co, Instr, Aids Textbooks 19,76 .13~ I'.~ . I-~ ~7 e., .- P. i = a~-: ]-0.00 ty U'~C~ n 'i'ii p,U~~K~'~ n 1~ ~a~t' 7-us ~G~au~' ~ ~~t~d a 5166 Crown Lumber Co. Ltd, POM reel & rep. to bldgs, 525,46 N 5166 Village of Duchess FOM H L W 39.70 '' 5167 Educational 1"la,terials & Equip, Ltd,Intr, Aids lib, & ref. 82,59 5168 Encyclopedia Britannica Instr, lib & ref, 7,30 5169 Nick Fakas Gen. Gov't. Mileage 5.00 5170 Finley's Store Aux, Serv, Cty van fuel 598,08 5171 Laurier Fleuz~y POM Teacherages 21,00 5172 Francis Rankin & Co, Ltd, PW Fuel & rep. 51,60 5173 R.D. Gale PW fuel & rep. 5.00 5174 Gem General Store Aux. Serv. Cty van fuel 98,83 5175 George's B.A. Service Aux. Serv„ Cty van fuel 73.80 5176 ~.E. Greer I~td, POM Caretakers Supplies 91.20 5177 P. Harder PW fuel 159.24 5178 Gordon Hawn PW hire of machinery 169.50 5179 Iwaasa Industries PW Sundry 28.00 5180 D.N. James Gen, Gov`t, Mileage 5„00 K 5181 Keith Q, Lake Aux. Serv, fuel 419,89 5182 V. H. Lawrence Gen. Gov't, Assesor Expense 77,10,. 5183 The Leader Pcst Adm, Adv. 45.60 5184 Robert E. Lee Aux. Serv. fuel 106.50 5185 Lewis Stationery (1961) Ltd, Cap. .Office expense furni~ure 95,75r 5186 S. Albert Johnson POM Teacherage 25,OOr~ 5187 NSacleans-Hunter Publishing Co,Ltd. Instr, Aids lib, 9,30` 5188 K Maldaner L Aux, Serv. main of pupil 40,00' 5189 , Marshall's Book Store td. Instr, Aids supp ~ equip 136,86 n 5190 Marshall Wells Store ~ PW Fuel & rep, 3,42 !` 5191 The M. Hat Dist. Assoc. for Payments to School District Retarded Children Tuiition fees 168,00 5192 West Paper Ltd. Nlid POM Caretakers supp, 147.75 .- 5193 _ M. Miller A ux, Serv, main of pupil X0.00 , 5194 Moyer Division Instr, Ais supp & equip 208,13 5195 McGraw Hill Co. of Can. ltd. Instr, Aids lib & ref. 11.71 5196 National Geographic Society Instr, Aids Lib & ref. 18,40 5197 Nesbitt Publishing Co, Ltd, PPP ASB Sundry 67.67 5198 Noble Cultivators PW fuel & rep, 127.39 5199 Olivetti Underwood Ltd, Instr, Aids supp. & equip. 7.00 5200 Lester Penner PW fuel & rep. 12.00 5201 Perry School supplies Ltd. Inst, Aid supp. & equip, 476.08 K 5202 Pheasant Sales Ltd. PW Fuel & rep. 130,77 +~ 5203 Cancelled 5204 J.E. Rawleigh & Son A ux, Serv. fuel 208.65 , 5205 Ressler Motor Ltd, Aux, Serv. Cty van rep, 12,70 5206 Roberts & Ha 1.1 Ltd, PW Fuel & rep. 23.36 5207 Bruce Robinso:~ Electric Ltd, POM rep1, & rep. to bldg, 268.64 5208 Village of Rosemary POM H L W 125,00 5209 Royal Lumber Yards Ltd, P OM rep, & reel, to bldg, 23,49 5210 S..~Scott Manufacturing Co. Ltd. POP~7 rep. & repl to fences & grds, 741,00 5211 Sharp's Theatre Supplies Inst, Aids Lib & ref. 59„40 5212 Simpson Sears Ltd, POM Rep, & repl, to bldgs, 7,55 5213 Smith Trucking PW fuel & rep, 30.00 5214 Snap-On-Tools PW Small tools & shop 23.16K 5215 Standard Auto Parts, PW fuel & rep, 84,894_, 51.6 Street Robins Morrow Co, Ltd, PW fuel & rep. 12,03. 5117 Super S Drugs Ltd. ASB Sundry 83,06 ~. 51.18 Clifford R. Uan Oene PW hire of machinery 58,50 ' 5119 Village of Tilley POM H L W 201.50 5220 Tilley welding Aux, Serv, cty van rep. 13,00 !~ 5221 Western Rebui-_d Casting Ltd. PW fuel & rep, 28,00 5222 Wffirld Book Encyclopedia Instr. Aids. libx, & ref, 461.70 5223 Edmonton Journal Adm. Adv. 15, 18 5224 R, Bishel Aux. Serv, fuel 114.62 5225 Calgary Herald Adm Adv. X8,00 526 Prov. TreasurE~r Instr,Aids supp. & equip, 12.00 R° 2 N~C3 ~~p ~ V .~t A 1t n~ar~s ~'~ic~ es~d P~,.c~ C~~'~_,.~''. Approved by the Department of Municipal AHaira-1fl82 f[VNiCfPAL SVPPLIHS LtD: HDMON20N AND CALGARY Estimates Form County for) Municipal District of ~1 T1rP ~ ~ No. 4 Year ~ ~~~ Estimates as required by Section 331 of The Municipal District Act, R.S.A., 1955 (Revised February, 1962) INSTRUCTIONS The Estimates herein are to be based on the principle that Estimated Expenditures for the Current Year be met from Estimated Revenues of the Current Year only. This Estimate form is entirely for the purpose of establishing the various D'Iill Rates required for taxation to meet the current year's requirements. Please note that the terms Revenue and Expenditure are not synonymous with the terms Receipts and Payments. Unpaid Accounts from previous years are to be liquidated from collection of arrears of taxes and revenues other than for the current year. That is to say:-liabilities already having been provided for in previous years budgets, should only be paid from previous years revenues. For example: bank loans outstanding should be .met from revenues of previous years. Principal payments on loans should not be budgeted for. It is assumed that the County or Municipal District will desire to establish-a~Reserve Fund; conse- quently, only that part of the SURPLUS Cash Funds should be included in the Revenue Estimates, which the Council feel should be used to reduce the tax levy after due consideration is given to the question as to whether or not the Surplus Cash Fund should be reduced. Cert'sfied a True and Correct Copy of Estimates finally Approved at Council Meeting of_____12__I~y_________________________________1f)_~.7_._ CHAIRMAN ~OR~ REEVE ,,. ~ ~ , , ~SEC.-hREAS~~_--------- _._ By-law No..._____~_~~_____.___.authorizing mill rates for the current year final}y passed at Council Meeting of REVEI~'UE Actual Re~~enue I Estimated Revenue For Pre~~ious Year I For Current Year SURPLUS CASH FUNDS Portion to be used in Current Year__________________________________________Sub-Total:- LICENSES AND PERMITS Professional and Business-----•----•----•---------------•--•------•----•-------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------•-•----------------- Building Permits-----------------------------------------•--------------------•---------•------------•-------------- ---- --- ------------------- ------------------------------ Mobilc Homes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --------32-~-~'-Q------- ------------------------------ A~obile Equipment Licensing Act----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Fr8£5-:4-3------- -------------------------- Other (SpecilY)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --r~9-o-r99 ~8~-- Sub-Total : ~l 5 8 .6 3 2 0 0 0 RENTS, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES Sundry Rentals------------------------------------------------------------------•---•---------------•-•--------•------ -------81D_tOD--------- ---._216D----•-•--•------ Concessions and Franchises--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Otlter (Spccify)-------•-----------------•--------------------------------------------------••-------------------------- 9n S _ 5n Sub-Total :- i n i 5.5 n n i 0 n F 1 N ES----------------•--------._._....------------•----------------•------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total INTEREST, TAX PENALTIES, ETC. Interest and Exchange_....----•----------------------•---•-----•-----------------------------------------------------•52.36_._26-----•--------5000--•------------- Penalties and Costs on Tax Arrears-------------------------------------------------------------------------7~k~~_._~6--------------ZQ_OQ---------------- Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to Genera! Account-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Other (S ecif ------------------------------------------ P Y ----------------------------------------•--------------------- Sub-Total : i~ F R ~. _ F ~. ~ ~. , n n n SERVICE CHARGES Commissions-------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Certificates and Search Fees---------------------------------•-----------•--------------------------------------------~-14_._50-----------------------•------------ Sanitary Charges------------------------Sewer Service Charges___--------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Custom Work---•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------•-- Other (Specify)-------------------------------•------•----------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total:- 114.50 _ RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation-----------•--------------------Community__••---------•-----••--------------------__.----------•---- --------•--------------------- ------------------------------ Other (Specify)--------------------------•---------------------•------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES Dominion Government -Winter Works____________________________________________________________ _____8_~7.8.17~.__-__-- -----~~9-0--------------.. Other (Dominion)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provincial Government -Winter Works--------------•-------_----------------------------••---•- ------------------------------ -----~-289_._37-------_ ------------------------------ _-_--4200----------_-_--- Municipalities Assistance Act---•-------•-------------------------------------------------------------------- -X57-78_l__~~1------- -57r-QL1D---------------- Homes For Aged and Infirm Act-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - ----- 222.-6- --- --- ---------.__----------___----- -- Public Welfare Assistance Act------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------ ------- ------------------------------ Road Grant-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I.0-860.3_D~1------- L1B0-QO------------------ Agricultural Service Board---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------5_fi5.7..-51-------- ----- 5_QIlD---------------- Lands and Forests Leases________________________Crown Prop. Grant___________._______.________ _2,5_&hD___~~3________ ___2 5-QOL1____---_-_-__-- Other Provincial Grants (Specify.~~sman~.,---Rinrr~--rat_ -,-------••-------------- Har_dsuz~~cixlg.,___~e_nte_nlui..al___~x~a?t_,___brucellosis--------------------------------- -----------•-----------•------ 111301.87-------_ ------------------------•----- _-_1.0 0 0 0 0-------___--- Own Alunicipality - In Lieu of Taxes-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Other - (Private Individuals, etc.) (Specify)____________________________________________________ Sub-Total:- 529~~ .4 507600 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE (Specify) ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------~~-g-:-88-------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------5_unrLr.~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ -------------------•------II-- a---I~..._~r~ma---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ~ 2 5_. 0 0-------- ------~ ~ Q------------------ --------------------------- --_Ilcwze---Qt~si.ers__J?is~aunt----------------------------------------- ---30802.53----------------------------------- Sub-Total: j 31376.14 300 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN FROM CURRENT TAXES______________ BALANCE REt~U1RED FROM CURRENT TAXES Real Property (Land, Buildings and Improvements)._____________________.________.-____. _2~Q2_C15_.27_.____.__ ______8. Local 1 trprovements--------------------------------------------•------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------•----•--- Frontage---•----------------------------------------------------•----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------•---------------- Electric Light and Power-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- Pipe Line----•----------------------------------------------------•-••------------•-----------•---------------------•----- ------------------------------ ----•-•---------------------- B usiness---------•---------------•-------------•-----------•--------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total:- TOTAL:- 11307062.87 1 1371778 DEFICIT:- j 20146.81 ~__'_,__ _-33407•_,,,~r GRAND TOTAL:- ' 1327209.68 1j405r1~.j` Actual Estimated EXPENDITURE I Expenditure for I Expenditr~re for Previous Year Current Year GENERAL GOVERNMENT Salaries -Sec.-Treas----------------- Assistants----.----------. Assessor.---...---------_•___--- ----.~-SB_67_...6Z4.---_-- . .1_~fiDO..---------_----- Audit Fee --------------------------------------- Councillors' Fees----------------------•---------------- -------~~-E18-.-18----- - 37_x-Q---------------- - -- - Postage, Telephone._._.__ ............. Printing, Stationery, Supplies_._._.__.____...__._.. __.____2sl.g©-.-~~----.-- - .--2000-•__._-•_-_--•__ Insurance------------------------ Legal, Tax Recovery, L.1'.O..__.____._._-----_-__-- Bond -------1D_71_._44_-_-_-- - ---1.8511..-----•---__--- , Elections, Plebiscites, Votes------------------------Delegates------•--------.-•----_-__-_-_----•----- -------~a-391.90_....__- ---1000----------__-_-- Rent, Office Utilities, Caretaking, etc----------------------•------•-----------••------------------•--- ---..._317fi_..~~-------- ---6-~Q-0----------------- Association Fees----------------------------Superannuation---------------------------------------------- ------.,~2.38_._SD------- - ----3.5D-Q---------------- SundrY---------------------------------------------------------------•-----------•--------------•--------•------------------ ~~-~-~,~Q 5.6°~-- Sub-Total: 35313.60 43000 PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fire ---------------------•------Police_--------------------------------•--...--•--------------------•----------- -------~D-QO-------------- - _._ .---------------- ------------ Street Lighting--•-------•---•----------------------------•--- 1302-=08•------- ----1500---------------- Pests and Weeds----------------------------------------Pound------•----------•--••--------...---------.._----- -------216D.._1&.----- - 75LLQ---------------- ---- Agricultural Service Board.--------•--------------•--•--------•-------•----....-•----------------------------- ------~~~-~~:~=_-~{~-------- --_-6QQ9---------------- Sundry (Specify)_S~.ndr3r--~us1--&--zepa.i.z,._.zae~d...Ln~~a~~to~:,----•---------- Brucelosis- magpie bounty Sub-Total:- *PUBLIC WORKS Labottr.--•--------•-•-•-------------•-------------------------_--------------•---------------------•---•-------------•--•-•- - Macllinery Repairs-•------------•----------------•----•--------------------------------------------------•-----•---- - Material ............................Workmen's Compensation Board.___.._.__..._______.__...____ _ --BQaxd_allalrranc e,.-- taffies-,--_s urue3~~_-cs~_urLCil---sue--------------------------- - ---~'!_~~~.i.>~a1.._me a ~~ns~ s~._hzxa._m~.~hzn.~ry.---mi.l ea.g~..---~l~vex_~s.,.. . _ Gravy,1.,-._S.und~~--s~-©~--t©a~-s---3~a~s~aac~--C~.1`?~---~til_.C~-------------------- - --- - -- - ~cls~~ •a-~e------------------------------------•--------------------------------•-----------------------•--- .. Sub-Total SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL______________________________Sub-Total: HEALTH Public Health, Clinics, M.H.O., etc------------------------------------------------------------------- 117edical, Dental, Nursing, Drugs, etc. (Include Indigents)__________________________ Indigent Hospital Care________________ Control of Commun. Diseases-_________________ Sub-Total: SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and Infirm (Maintenance)____________________________________________________________ Aid to Unemployed Employable (Exclude Health)________________________________________ Grants (SpecifY)------------------------------------ Others (Specify).-----------------------•------- Sub-Total $EDUCATION -SCHOOL REQUISITIONS Sub-Total:- RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES .~_a~..~_i._..:- i,n i ~~ i n r~nn 578746.31 ----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------112~~D-a------ -------1Qf~-a------------- •-------~ 1-8-r5-~-•--•- ------------------------------ ------i ~ ~ ~ : ~~------ -------'~ ~~~------------- 361411.01 ~ 404643 Sub-Total DEBT CHARGES Temporary Debt Charges (interest and Exchange)__________________________________________ ______J_D_5~_..9$_...._ ___-- 1000 Debenture Debt Charges (Include Sewer) (Exclude Utilities)_________________________ _______ ___________ __.__~ ~L~~..__.________ Sub-Total :- 10 54.0 @ 2 0 ]_ 3 3 UTILITIES AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES Beficits Provided -Electric Light------------------------Waterworks-----•------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Municipal Levies (Water Frontage Tax)------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Otlier (SpecifY)-----•-------•------------------------------------------------•--•-----•------•-•---------------•------- Sub-Total: -- -- PROVISION FOR RESERVES Uncollectable Taxes----------------------------Accounts Receivable-----------_--------------_-_._. __._.--------_--------_-____-- -----------------_------__---- Contingencies________________________________________Future Expenditures_.______._____.____________..__ Sub-Total :- CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESERVE FUNDS Sub-Total:- fiCONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND ~Q~~,~_ F~~~n Sub-Total : ^ ° R ° R F ~ 6 ~~ ~ ~ JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES 57806 Alberta Hospitals rlct Requisition---•----------------------------------------------------------------- -------5~-29~-.52----- --------------------------..._ Hospital Requisition---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------~-------------- -------------------------- Health Unit Requisition________________ Homes for the Aged Act Req._____.____________ -------11-Q~5-.-~.8----- ---------1-X85-2.--------- Other S ecif ~ ~~ n n n (P Y)-----~er}ten~ia-1---Bylaw--`?-3-4--~A.~--•---•-----•--------•-•----------------- Sub-Total : F F ~ a ~ ~ n _,~j ~,~j,~,_ MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Discount on Current Taxes-------•------------------------------------------•--------•------------------•- --------30.1-7-Q---7-0--- ----------.300_QD-----•-- --Ro-ms--~lw~~xs.--D-i-sr,~un-t------------------- - ------~-OSD2...~8-- ---------------------.-.---- Civil Defence------------------------------------Other----.Sch~?n1___Cflm~._R~clua.~i ~.~axt i~~~FF ar ~ `~~C~t-al Brooks Schoo i t 194240.28 167661 1Su -~i'otal:----- DEFICITS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS ~ Sub-Total:- I -- ~ 2 TOTAL EXPENDITURE:- ` Capital Expenditures on Roads shall be deemed to in- clude: (a) New ConsU-uction, (b) Acquisition of Land SURPLUS:- and Rights-of-Way, (c) Major Improvements such as Surfacing. Widening, etc., and should be included in GRAND 'I~O"1~AL:-- Contributions to Gcncral Capital and Loan Fund Classi- fication. $ Education-For Details See Back Page. t Capital L;xpcaditure-For Details See Bacl: Page. ~ 1`27209.68 ~ 1405185 DETAILS OF AMALGAMATED TAX LEVY Expenditure or Assessed Mill Estimated 1Zevenue RP uisition For Val rations Rates From Tax Lev Current Year (Dollars Only) I_ __ _ I For Current Year $ EDUCATION The School Foundation Program.____.._._ County, School Div. or District No. Name •-------C.aun t3~----------•--•--------------------------•----------- H EALTH Alberta Hospitals Act________________________________ Hospital District No. Name Bassano Auxiliary Hospital District No. Name ------.132~4 8.--•----------- --• 6 9 9410 0) -------•----•- -----------•---- -----------....._..__..... 4413 362890) -------13.Z.6fil-------------- ----7 3 5.E2~_9 Q---------------- -------19-..-- ------13 9 7.8 2------ 57806 14158740 4.40 62298 Medical Contract---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------•---------- ------ --------- --------------------------------•------• Health Unit-------------------•----------...----------------- ---------------------•-•------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------- -----•----•-------------------------•--- --•---- T~° d c i n e_ H~-~--------------------------------------- ----------~ 4 5 3----------------- ---1415 8 7 4 0---------•---- -------A 6 0-- ------ 84 9 5 ------------------------ ------------------------------- Nursing Service-------------•------------------------------ ----------------------------•------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- --------- MUNICIPAL Municipal-General----------------•------------------- -------2.72.562.-------------- ----X41-5~7-4fl-------------- -------16----- -------~2F-54~--•----------------- Debenture Debt Service---------------------------- --------------------------•--------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------•------------------------ Civil Defence-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------•------------------------ 69 TOTALS______________________________________ 881125 847718 t DETAILS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT General Government (Specify)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ---------------------------------------- Protection to Persons and Pro ert S ecif ASB Truck_ 2400__Building 11,00' _-__-._lj_,~400_------------- p Y ( p Y)---------------------- - - Public Works (Specify)----------------------------S~rva~cs--'~~uaC.f~---._.------------------------------------------------------ ---------'~F~-4©---------------.._..-- T ;S 14 45490 Health, Social Welfare (Specify)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Recreation and Community Services (Specify)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Miscellaneous (Specify) -•-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL EXPENDITURE-------------------------------------------------------------------------