HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-02-10 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell Nor 4 County Council, February 10, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alta at 10:00 aama on Friday, February 10th, 1967 r a r • • w • • Members present, ~eeve JR Hajash" Councillors G, Larse n " A . Chrumka ' T, Musgrove F• Mandeville"' R a Armstrong F, Bergen Pa Bartlett-" G. Douglass " Seca-Treas, H. Scammell R • • R • R R R M The minutes of the previous meeting of January 13, 1967 were read and adopteda a a .Y • i r • R Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the Secretary's monthly report of Receipts and Payments for the month of January be accepteda Carriedr R R R r ^ r • • r Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the proposed power line extension by Calgary Power Ltda, in LS 13 Sec 22-17-12-4 be approved. ~' Carried. • r i R R R R i a Moved by Councillor Douglass, that Bylaw 317 to donate $600,00 to the Salvation Army be given 1st 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed, (y Carried Unanimously. R r^ a • ^ R a ~+J• r Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that Bylaw 318 to donate $25,00 to the Prairie Provinces Forestry Assoc• be given 1st 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed, Carried• Unanimously • ^^ R • a M a R R ^ A letter from the Brooks Community Library was read and referred to Councillor Bartlett, • r a • a R • R • a Adjourned for Lunch, 12:30 to 2:00 p• m. R R • . % . R R . a MrR Bill Renton of the Department of Water Resources attended the meeting to discuss drainage project applications„ Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that application be made for construction of the following drainage projects Sec 23 & 24 -17-17-4 Secs. 4-8-17-15-15-4 Countess - NW 7, S2 7 & SW 8 21-17-~ L and E2 12 -21-18-4 Carried, a R r • r • : r A letter from the Board of Industrial Relations re the Certification of CRURP•E. was read and discussed and ordered fileda • r s a • s r R s a Moved by Counr_illor Musgrove that the Reeve, Secretary and Agricultural Heldman attend the Spring General Meeting of the ARA.MRD. in Edmonton V on March 31st, 1967, Carrieda • a • a a a r s r • Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the tender of David Dyck, Rosemary of $200.00 for lots 19 & 20 Block 9 Rosemary Plan 2361 be accepted. Carrieda Moved by Counr_illor Douglass, that the app~.ication of Im~rial Oil Ltci. to rebuild the Bulk Plant at Gem as per plan be approved, Carried. • s a • R R r a • R R f~. `.. ~'.i E tC ~, ! 1 A 148-P SPECIAL IPAL SUPPLIES LTD. -2- Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the 7L7 Ranches Gem, be given authority to unload Anhydrous Ammonia at Gem, with the request that they conform in every way with all of the regulations covering such operation and accept ali responsibility for any or all damages that may arise from such operation. Carried. M • • R i • R • • R Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the application of Canadian Propane Cons• Ltd to re locate and extend their Office Building in SW 9-19-14-4 be approved subject to all Provincial Regulations and the approval of the Town of Brooks• Carried. i • R R • i R . R A letter from the Cassils Community Centre requesting consideration of their Centennial Project for grant was read and discussed. • R • R i • R R a R Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Ca.ssils Community Centre be advised that the County regrets that there are no further funds available for this purposeR i R R i ~~^ i ~~. Carrledi Moved by Councillor Hajash that the Preliminary Agreement with M. Karaki~and -~F M•Ward re the Road Diversion survey in SW 1 SE 2 & SW 2-19-16-4 be acceptedR -. ` Carried. i R R R R R • k qi R Moved by Councillor Bergen, that an offer be made to Krause Brothers, Duchess, of $100.00 per acre for the area taken by the County to Construct the County Road through N2 35-20-15-4 Carried• • ^ R R R • R f i • Reports of Cornmittees:a Municip~.l Committee NToved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted• CarriedR R i • i • R i R R R R Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Bylaw 319 to purchase the TS 14 Machine A~~ as per agreement from Ferguson Supply Ltda for $45490,00 be given 1st 2nd and 3rd readings and finally pr~zssedR • Carried UnanimouslyR Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that Councillor Musgrove be appointed as County representative on the Senior Citizens Committee, and the Councillor Bergen be appointed as the alternate representatives CarriedR % R • R • • R • R ^ R Lyloved by Councillor Bartlett that the members of the Court of Revision, be appointed as a Committee to decide as to the purchase of the School Busses. Carriedi R R f R R R i i • R R - School_Com_mittee: Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the School Committee be acceptedR Carriedi R . i • • R R t i R Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that a telephone be installed in the Teacherage of Albert Johnson at Scandia, tivith the County paying $25800 of the Cost. CarriedR • • i • i • R R • . Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the Secretary be directed to withhold from any Commercial Firm, inf ormation which in his opinion is to be used for personal gain. . i . i . R . • i R R Carried. Agricultural_Com_mittee: Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Agricultural Committee be accepted. Carried. R • i • i . • • • R . Moved by Councillor Larsen, that tenders be called for the purchase of a z ton truck for the operation of the Agricultural Committee. ^ . R R R • • R ^ Y . 1149-P SPECIAL PAL SUPPLIES LTD. ~`~~l -3- J o~ Moved by Councillor Douglass, that tenders be called for the construction ', of a concrete block building, for the operation of the Agricultural Committee ~' in accordance the blue prints and specifications to be furnished by the ~, Architects Russell & Nwedham, Medicine Hat. Carried. . . . i Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the following salary increases be II approved: N.A. Shuttleworth $498.75 to $535.00 per month A A. Beieler $472..50 to $505..00 per month ~I J.D.Miller $440.00 to $470.00 per month K, Lintott $420.00 to $480.00 per month A. Cyr $ 378.00 to $405.00 per month G. Philpott$467.25 to $SOfl.00 per month, retroactive to January 1,1967. Carried. • • • • • • a • • • • It was unanimously agreed that the Negotiating Committee meet with the C.U.P.E, Local at 8:00 p.m~. on Thursday, February 16. . • ^ • • a a a • • ^ - _Hospital_Comm_ittee Nbved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Bassano Hospital be accepted. Carried. . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the report of the Brooks Hospital be accepted. Carried• . • • . Civil Defence E.M.O. No Report. . . . Farm_Purchase Committee: Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Farm Purchase Committee be accepted. ~ Carried. • . . . . Senior Citizens Committee: Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the report of Newbrook lodge be accepted Carried. Nursing Home Committee: No Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Mande ~lle, tlyat the accounts for payment as per list, being cheques #4279 to 4569 be passed for payment. • , . , , • • , , . . Carried. Moved by Councillor Douglass that the Department of Highways be requested to Hardsurface Highway 36 from Trans Canada. No. 1, north to the Red Deer River bridge in 1967. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that Bylaw 314 be given 3rd reading and finally ~assed. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . . Meeting adourned at .6:,45 p. m. . .' . ~ Av o ~:: 5 .~ 12 y, 'Gltattered Accountants 6"ss~-r~:ac; F.cca:, - .. ~~ /j ~ i RE~ SE ETA,RY- ER ~-P 8PECIAL ^JPPLlEE LTD. Tenders for School Busses February, 1967. Firm: 36 Pass. 42 Pass 48 Pass. Ressler Motors 5782.00 5987.00 6363.00 Olsons 6087.00 6156.00 6364.00 Modern Auto 5969.00 6402.00 6412.00 F~aerson Bus 6510.00 6699.00 6856,00 Blue Bird Bus 5977.00 6625.00 6733.00 Gardner Motors 6262.00 6675.00 7046.00 Duchess Garage 5946,00 6151.00 6363.00 Pheasant Sales 5771.00 6407.00 6522.00 Big Turin 6173.00 6809.00 74J-P SPECIAL SAL SUPPLIES LTO. Cheques Payable for February, 1967 No, 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4297_ 4292 4293 4294 4295 42 96 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 431F1 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4343 4342 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 Payable To: World Book Childcraft Wyant & Co. W, Zibell Mrs, N, Nielsen JR Baska Century Sales Dinney's Restaurant N, Fakas Mrs, r7. Goodheart D, James Kleenbirn Colleries Land Titles Office Olsons Serv. G.W, Philpott Richman's The Sharp Shop J, Sparry Street Rob, Morrow Tatem, E, E, Dept. Lands & Forests Mr, Maldaner i~ir, Miller Med Hat & Dist Assoc, for Singer CoR of Canada Alta. Assoc. of M, D, LBrooks Co-op Brooks Home FurnR G, Buck Co-op Book Centre Cancelled J, Hajash P, R, Harder Hectors Ltd., Nesbitt Publishers Pheasant Sales Premier Cycle & Sports ProvR Treas, Mrs. Rust School Book Branch Sports Equip. of Toronto Taylor Pearson & Carson Tunney's Body Shop Waterous Equip Willsons Stat, Mary Thacker E,I.D, Queens Printer C„ F. Annis RR Bishel S, Benson Bow Valley Vet Dept, of Education Emco Ltd. ER Ha 1e Newell Vet, T, H, Peacock Distrib, Smith & Stark Agencies H. C. Scammell C, of Pdewell Alta, Blue Cross Royal Bank (Christiansen) R, HR S. & CrR (t8reen) N, Hirshkorn R, H, &S & Cr, (Timko) M,S,I, Brks SR & Cr, (Timko) J, JR Trekofski C, of Newell (Wallace) Mrs. T. Young Miss L, Carson B,N,S, (N, Dueck) B,Pd, S, (A, Le pp) For InstrR Aids, Lib„ & Ref. Gen, Gov't Office Exp P,W, Gravelling Bursary P,W, Sundry P.WR Fuel & Rep GenR Gov't Conv. Expense Gen. Gov't Mileage InstrR Sub Teach. Gen, Gov't Mileage P.O,M, H,L.W. Gen, Gov't Land Titles Ax, Serv, Cty Vans Repair P,P,P, A.S,B, Sundry Social Welfare P,O,M, Rep. & Rep1 to B1dgsR P.P,F, Brucellosis P.W, Fuel & Rep Gen, O^ov't Other pyts to Councillor G, GQV't Sundry Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils Aux., Serv. Main of Pupils R,C.Pyts to S, D, Tuition Fees InstrR Aids Supp. & Equip Gen, Gov't Prtg, & Stat, P.W. Fuel & Repair P.O,M, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. Instr, Aids Texts Instr. Aids Lib & Ref, Gen,Gov't Delegates to Co Aux, Serv, Cty Van Fuel PRWR Fuel & Rep PRP,P, A.S.B Sundry Aux, Serv. Cty van Rep Instr, Aids Supp. & Equip P,P,P, A,S,B Sundry Instr, Other Instr, Aids Lib, & Ref Instr, Aids Other P,W, Fuel & Rep Aux, ServR Cty Van Rep P,W, Fuel & Rep Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip Ins tr. Aids Other PRW, Gravel Instr, Aids Lib, & Ref Admin Mileage Accts, Payable PRWR Purchase Road Allow Accts, Payable Accts, Payable Accts, Payable Bursary Accts. Payable Accts, Payable P.O,M, Insurance Mileage Payroll Refund M,S,I, Refund M,S.I, nv, ,.a N~~~` tia y ~a~t P ;~ yi:DURt~~s' ~ jee G~~`~~ Refund MRS,I, Bursary Aux, ServR Contract Vans Aux. Serv. Contract Vans Amount 129800 ~- 182.15K 182.OOK 225.00 r; 33,00 795822 92.50. 5,00 15,00 5,00 138,65 100.00tc 76R34~c 96,40 K 40.00 10.50 84,10 2976895 78,90 2880 40800 40,00 168„00 K 395,90 10.00 K 1059847; 105.25 4.98 257.04 t~ 33,50!; 104.4 QC 706,05,. 136890 ~.. 506,56 ~, 278,70. 10.00•• 68870 412.57-. 44,25 102 847 K 28,50 x 66,30 ~~ 313,80•. 100.00 K 11395,20 ,, 9,30 78,45 34 843 325,00 248.40 ~ 103800,, 285,82 ~; 225,00 2618880 338836- 5 844 , 00 K 104,20K 48158,03 k:. 41.75K 90,00' 55.00° 7820` 25,00.' 647,86 100,00K 8R24c 15,OOrc. 3 820 ~; 225,00 385,00 45080®: 149-P SPECIAL 'AL SUPPLIES LTD. -2- 4351 M, Miedinger Aux. Serv, Contract Vans 1350,00,: 4352 Mrs, A, Nielson Accts , Payable 33,OQti 4353 B.N,S. (H, Dleufeld) A ux, Serv. Contract Vans 365,00'-, 4354 T, B, (Seely) Aux, Serv. Ccntract Vans 500.00 4355 T,B, (Torkelson) Aux, Serv. ContractrVans 343,20. 4356 B,N,S, (Zacharias) Aux, Serv, Contract Vans 395,00. 4357 L, Adams H. 0. Disc, 50,00.. 4358 N, Anderson H,O, Disc, 50.00 4359 W,A. Beck H.O. Disc, 50,00 4360 S. Bothi H.O, Disc, 50,00 4361 D, Braun H,O, Disc, 50.00 4362 Lillian Bnunn H,O, Disc. 50,00 ' 4363 T. Charlton H.O, Disc, 50,00 4364 G. Chizik H,O, Disc. 6,388 4365 J, Corriveau H,O, Disc. 50.OOK 4366 C, of Newell H,O, Disc, 150.00::. 4367 F, DeBlaisio H,O, Disc, 50.00: 4368 T. W, De Jong $,0, Disc, 50,00; 4369 E, G„ Dick H,O. Disc. 50.00,; 4370 Andrew Dovichuk H,O, Disc, 50,00: 4371 Norman Edge H,O. Disc, 50,00. 4372 J, Fladhamer H,O, Disc, 50,00 4373 A. Gobeil H,O, Disc. 50,00 4374 J, Green H,O. Disc, 50,00- 4375 Ruth Harder H.O. Disc. 50,00 4376 Susie Harder H,O. Disc, 50,00 4377 R, Hirch H.O, Disc. 50,00 4378 John Hirney H,O, Disc, 50,00 4379 N, Jacobsen H,O, Disc. 50,00 4380 A, Janke H,C, Disc, 50.00 4381 Walter Kinder H.O, Disc, 50,00 4382 Donald Kondo H.C, ~is~, 50,00 4383 E, Kristianson H,O. Disc, 50,00 4384 Alexanderina MacKay H,O, Disc. 18.84x 43 5 Wm, J. Martin H.O, Disc. 50.00" 8 4~~88 ~ Mortensonr ~:~; ~}~~` ~~.~~. 4389 , Steve Mrakava Sr, H,O, Disc, 50.00 4390 Steve Mrakava Jr. H,O, Disc, 50,00' 4391 J,P. Neufeld H,O, Disc. 50.00 4392 J.H, Neufeld H,O. Disc. 50,00 4393 P, Nickel H,O, Disc. 50.00 4394 A. C, Olafson H,O. Disc, 50,00 4395 J, Onda H.O, Disc, 50,00 4396 J, Ostafichuk H,O, Disc, 50.00- 4397 P, Paetkau H,O, Disc. 50,00 4398 A. Palko H,O, Disc, 50,00 4399 T,K, Pckett H.O, Disc. 50,00- 4400 C.M, Redelback H,O, Disc, 14.50 4401 J. Reimer H,O, Disc. 50.00 4402 Curtis Royer H,O. Disc, , 50,00 4403 P, Runner H.O. Disc, ~ ~cN c 50.00 4404 Theodore Seitz H,O, Disc, ~ p~~4'~ L ~5 ~ ~ 50,OOK 4405 J,H, Shannon H,O, Disc. ,~9~tz~ ~ ~ 50,00, 4406 John Staniek H,O, Disc, m ~~t~ 50.00 4407 A, Stillinger H,O, Disc, s ~~` 50,00' 4408 A, Stajke H.O. Disc, 50„00 4409 Fra-~k Suchai H,O, Disc. 50,00 4410 J, Tamura H,O, Disc. 50,00 4411 R.A, Taylor H,O, Disc, 50.00 4412 R, Thompson H,O, Disc. 50.00 4413 G.E, Trekofski H.O. Disc, 50.00 4414 R, Trimmer H.O. Disc, 50,00 4415 M,A, Valli H,O, Disc. 50.00 4416 F,R. Verostek H.O, Disc. 50,00 4417 J. Volk H,O, Disc, 50.00 4418 E. Wallewein H,O, Disc, 50.00 4419 C, G, Tv~Tells H,O, Disc. 50,00 4420 P, Wiebe H,O, Disc. 50,00 4421 J, H, Wiens H.O, Disc. 50,OOK 4422 A, Willms H.O, Disc. 50.00 4423 D, Wolfer H.O, Disc, 50.00'- 4424 J, Wortel H,O, Disc, 42,40 1 149-P SPECIAL IPAL SUPPLIES LTD. -3- 4425 Shirley Giles Bursary 225.00 ~ 4426 G,B, Horning A ux, Serv. Main of Pupils 157.50,E 4427 N. Dueck P.O.M. Caretakers Sal. 78,00_ 4428 Mrs. 0. Johnson Rev. Misc. 16,60 4429 A,G,T. X38.20 4430 Alta. Teach, Assoc, 499,00 4431 Teach. Retirement Fund 1730,4 3- 4432 Alta. Hart Foundation Dona tiort 25,00 4433 Canadian Mental Health Assoc. Donation 50.00 4434 firs. S. Chudleigh Instr. Other 46.00 4435 Brown 1'~~a.clean Wiedemann & Lutes Gen, Gov't Legal Fees 220,00 4436 Miss V. Maier Bursary 225.00 4437 Little Chief Constr. Capital Duchess School 9586,86 4438 Cancelled 4439 Unemployment Insurance 347.081 4440 C, of Newell Payroll 3397,64y~ 4441 Prov. Treasurer Pension 205.94 r; 4442 Rec. Gen. Taxation 8935.52, 4443 Pheasant Sales Capitol Busses 510.00 4444 Tilley Gas P,O.M. H,L.W. 276,90°c 4445 Brks School District Replace lost cheque 536,50:•. 4446 Alta, Assoc, of M,D,'s P,W, Fuel & Rep 3883,92.. 4447 A,G,T, 22,95 4448 Alta. School Trust Assoc. Admin. Prtg, & Stat. 38.50 4449 Allied Distribuotrs P,W. Fuel & Rep 640.25 4450 C,F.Annis F,O.NT, Trucks & Cart. 91,30 4451 The Austraiian Admin. Adv, for eachers 21.60 4452 Bass. Sand & Gravel P,W. Hire of Machines 30.00 4453 D,E, Bennett Ins tr. Aids Texts 2.05 c 4454 Bassano Transport P,C.NT. Trucks & Cart. 2„50 H; 4455 Mrs, R. Bennett Instx. Aid-Sub Teaching 67,50: 4456 H. Berg Instx, Other 50,00 4457 R, Bishel Aux. Serv. Cty Van Fuel 116.50 4458 Mrs. A,G, Bloomquist Aux, Serv, Cty Van Fuel 221.13 4459 Blue Bird Bus Sales Aux„ Ser§. Cty Van Rep. 8,50 4460 Bow Slope Mut, Tel, 13.30 4461 Bow Slope Shipping A.S.B. Pests & Weeds 214,45: 4462 Brooks Ca-op A ux. Serv. Cty Van Fuel 1643.12 4463 Brooks Esso Aux. Serv, Cty Van Fuel 5,45. 4464 Brooks Iron Works P.W. Fuel & Rep 28.51 4465 Brooks N,E,Mut. Telp, 5.50 4466 Brooks Pharm~.cy P.W. Fuel & Rep 2.75. 4467 Brooks Stat, Gen. Gov't Office Expense 6,66 4468 Town of Brooks Gen. Gov't Office Utilities 63„05 4469 Bud's Serv. P,W, Fuel & Rep 9,67: 4470 Calgary Herald P,W, Sundry 6,30 4471 Calgary Stamp & Stencil Admin. Prtg. & Stat, 27,90" 4472 Can. Centennial Lib. Instr, Aids Lib. & Ref 22.00 4473 Can. Lab. Supplies Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip 63.36 4474 Can, liquid Air Instr. Aids Supp. & Equip 19.59 4475 Can. Propane Cons, P.O.M, Te~cherages 141,34 4476 Capitol Class P,W, Fuel & Rep 62,45 4477 Central Sales & Serv. Auc. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 581,28. 4478 A. Chrumka Adrnin Other Expense 11,00 4479 S. Chudleigh Instr. Other 81.00 4480 Mr, L,C, Crapo Instr„ Corresp, Corr 14,OOK X481 D,W. Clark P,O,M. Rep, & Repl to Bldgs, 9,75 4482 Deldays Bras Trans, P.W. Fuel & Rep 6Q,12 4; 4483 Vill. of Duchess P.O,NI, H,L.W= 39.70 4484 L, Dunbar Instr, Other 66,00- 4485 Electric Equipment P,O,P~7. Rep, & Re p1 to Bldgs, 58.11 4486 R, Emel H.O, Disc. 50,00- 4487 N. Fakas Gen, Gov't Mileage 5,00 4488 Finley Store .dux. Serv. Cty Uan Fuel 334.08 4489 Flanagan Bros P.C,M, Caretakers Supp 6.g9~ 4490 Gardner Motors Aux_, Serv. Cty Van Rep 120.00 4491 Gem Gen. Store Aux. Serv„ Cty Van Fuel 130.85 4492 Gem Lumber Yard P,O,M, Rep. & Rep„ to B1dgs, 3 7g 4493 Ginn & Co. .?accts, Payable , ._ 244,34 4494 4495 C, Glock M G h P.O,M. Rep. & Repl to Grds ~. ~c+ <G ° . 3.85=~ ary ood eart d - Instr, Sub Teach. ~~ ~~ ~~~ 75.00 4496 Henry's Serv„ rlq 4 Aux, Serv. Cty Van Rep ~'rs P l 4~0 4497 C, Hiebert ~4ti ~~~ e~ H,O Disc 2,75= ias-P sPec$~98 Diana Holt ,`~ , , G 50.00 I LL SUPPLIES L7D. B UY S a r y 4 C O, Q 0 -4- 4499 Imperial Oil P,W, Fuel & Rep 27,16 4500 ingrams Store Gen. Gov't Office Equip .70'~ 4501 D,W,Ireland Bursaries 225,00 4502 Trrigano Publishers P,P.P, A.S,B Sundry 74,00 4503 D,N,James Gen, Gov't Mileage 5,00 4504 Jubilee Insur, Gen, Gov't Insurance 936,18 4505 Kleenbirn Coll. P,O,M, H,L,W, 209„60 4506 E, Kloepper Aux, Seri, Cty Uan Fuel 9.00:: 4507 Kost Fire Equip P,O,M, Rep, & Repl to Bldgs. 14,50 r: 4508 K,O,Lake A ux, Serv, Cty Van Fuel 429,39 4509 R,E,Lee Aux, Serv„ Cty Van Fuel 151.98 4510 Joan Lester Instr. Sub Teach. 30.00 411 Lewis Stationexy Gen. Gov't office Expense 15,19- 4512 Lutes Bldg. Centre P,P,P, A.S.B. Sundry .85 4513 Macleods Store P,W, Fuel & Rep 42,58 4515 Miss V, Maier Bursary 450,00. 4514 T, MacPhail Admin. Postage 1,97 4516 K, Maldaner Aux, Serv, Main Pupils 40,00;, 4517 Marshall Wells P,O,M, Rep, & Repl Tc Bldgs, 35.04y 4519 Marshall Wells P,P.P. Magpie Bcunty 58,65r~ 4519 Marshall's Book Store Instr, Aids Supp, & E quip 462.50 4520 McCabe Grain P.O.M. Rep, & Repl to Bldgs, 1,38 4521 NTed, Hat & Dist. Assoc, for R.C, Pyts to S,D, Tuition 168.00 4522 Medicine Hat News Gen. Gov't Advert. 12,00 4523 Mid West Paper Iastr, Aids Supp. & Equip 589.4 8 4524 J,D, T~iiller P,~~~T, Mileage 10,00-t 4525 M, Miller Aux. Ser, Main of Pupils 40.00, 4526 Minnesolta Mining & Man, Capitol Office Equipment 491.80-, 4527 Modern Auto Aux, Serv. Cty Van Rep 2,10 4528 Moyer Division Accts Payable 894,62~- 4529 D,F, T~lurray & Sons P,W, Fuel & Rep 3,30. 45361 M, & P. Bulk Sales F,W, Fuel & Rep 45,06 4531 Nilsson's Serv, Centre P,U1, Fuel & Rep 5,75 4532 Ochemoo Medicine Hat P,UV, Fuel & Rep 13.61- 4533 Olsons Serv, Aaix Serv. Cty Van Rep 307.49 4534 J, Ostafichuk H,O, Disc, 39,30 4535 Park Sales & Serv, P.O,M. Rep, & Repl to Grds 66,50. 4536 L, Penner P,~d. Mileage 13.60 4537 Penner Serv, Aux. Serv. Cty Van Fuel 10,10 4538 G,W.Philpott P,~.P, A.S.B. Sundry 28.45. 4539 Prov„ Board of Health P,P,P, A,S,B, Sundry 10.00 4540 R, Racine Instr, Texts 8.06 . 4541 J,L, Rawleigh & Sons Aux, Serv, Cty Van Fuel 110,60 4542 Mrs, Z.E,Reed Revenue Rent 70.00 4543 Revelstoke Bldg, Mat. F.W, Fuel & Rep 1,70 4544 Vill of Rosemary P,O,M, H.L.W. 125.00 4545 Royal Lumber Yds. P,O,M. Rep. & Repl, to Bldgs. 7,82K 4546 T~1rs, S„ Rust Instru, Other 93,30t~ 4547 W. Schafer P,O,I~T, Trucks & Cart. 2,25 4548 Schelskey Welding P,W, Fuel & Rep 47,25 4549 School Book Branch Accts. Payable 1313.41 , 4550 J, Shannon P,W, Mileage 3,60- 4551 Shaw Indust, Supp Instr, Aids Supp, & Equip 4,83r 4552 N, .A, Shuttleworth P,W, Mileage 12.00 4553 Snap on Tools P,W, Small Tools & Shop 35.40 4554 Standard Auto Parts Aux, Serv, Cty Van Rep 114,05- 4555 Street P,obbins Morrow P,W, Fuel & Rep 3276,91 4556 L, Su1ek Instr, Other 32.50K 4557 T. Thompson H,O, Disc, 50,00 4558 Tilley Welding A ux, Serv, Cty Van Rep 6.00* 4559 Top Notch Constr, P.W. Hire N1~.chines 15,00. 4560 K.L. Torkelson P,O,M, H,L.W, 50,57' 4561 S, Tranter Instr, Sub Teach 15,00'- 4562 Transmission Supplies P,W, Fuel & Rep 67,841 4563 Underwood McLellan & Assoc, P,W, Hardsurfacing 1C,5Q' 4564 Universal Bindery Instr, Aids Lib & Ref 111.50 ,~, 4565 T~~s F, Virovec Instr, Sub Teach 45,OOn 4566 Welders Supplies P,W, Fuel & Rep 59,03; 4567 R„ Wiebe ~ Admire Postage ~G~ ro 13,00 4568 C, of Newell (Kristiansen) ~'~ ~4.0 4 30.00 t; 4569 R,H, S. &CR. (Kristiansen) ~ 1 yL p`3~~ti 4Q~o'~~~ 25.00 G G P SPECIAL '~UPPLI ES LTD.