HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-11 Council (Regular) Minutes1=~~ County of Newell No. 4 County Council, February 11,1966 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m, on Friday, February 11, 1966. Members present, Reeve J. Hajash~ Councillors G. Larse n, A . Chrurrika. T. Musgrove- F. Mandeville Y R. Armstrong F. Bergen;. D. Grosfield~ Sec.-Treas. H. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of January 7th, 1966 were read and adopted, R . Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the Secretary's monthly statements of Receipts and Payments for the month of January 1966 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor FJajash that the application of J. Ryan to subdivide SE 5-19-I4--4 be approved subject to the Provincial Government Regulations and to the approval of the Town of Brooks. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that Bylaw No. 299 to donate $25.00 to the Prairie Provinces Forestry Assoc. be given 1st 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. , Carried Unanimously. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that Bylaw No. 300 to donate $600.00 to the Salvation Army be given Ist 2nd, and 3rd reading s and finally pd.ssed. Carried Unanimously Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Bylaw No. 301 to donate $150.00 to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd read- ings and finally passed, • Carried Unanimously Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that Bylaw No. 302 to donate $100.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally p~.ssed. Carried Unanimously The decisions of the P.F.A.A. for meetings No. 4 & 5 were read and noted by each Councillor concerned. A letter from the Town of Brooks re the Centennial Grant by the County was read and discussed. Moved by Councillor Haja~.-~, that the County make payment to the Town of Brooks, as the County grant to their Centennial Project, upon evidence being submitted to the completion of the installation of Artificial Ice in the Arena, and subject to the County having a representative on the Board of the Organization in control of the operation of the Arena with a letter from the organization, guaranteeing Rural use of the Arena at a nominal fee. Carried. A letter from the Department of MunicipalA~fairs with a Grazing Assessment Study, was read, and copies distributed to those Councillors Concerned. Adjourned for Lunch 12:30 to 2;00 ~/~' ~P SPECIAL iU PPLIES LTD. ~$~ -2- Advice was received from the Department of Highways of the approval of the new District Highway Rolling Hills to Scandia. Reports of Committees. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that•the•tender of Pheasant Sales $2233.00 for 1 new G.M.C, ~ Ton Truck be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the tender of Pheasant Sales $36285.00 for 6 new school busses plus extra for installation of storm windows be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the recommended sale of {~2 Caterpillar Motor Grader to Rosdal Bxothers for the sum of $3500.00 be approved. Carried. NToved by Councillor Hajash,that the application be made for Winter Works Incentive Grant, to replace two culverts on the Brooks-Duchess road, Carried. School Committee. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. ~.griculturalCommittee. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Agricultural Committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the recommendations of the Advisory Commit- tee be approved. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the salary of W. Sheldrake be increased from $325.00 to $340.00 per month, Carried. '2'he Secretary was directed to furnish the Fieldtr~an with a copy of the minutes of the Council Meeting. Mr. George Philpott attended the meeting to present the entries in the 4-H County Sign competition. As a result of all entries being exhibited to the Council, It was unanim- ously agreed that the Entry PLO. 10 entered by the South Slope Club be accepted as the winner, and awarded the $25.00 prize. Hospital Committee. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Bassano Hospital be accepted. Carried, Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the report of the Brooks Hospital be accepted. Carried. Civil Defence (E.M,O) No Report. Farm Purchase. No Report. Senior Citizens. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the report of the New brook Lodge be accepted. Carried. i-P SPECIAL SUPPLIES LTD. 1~1 Nursing Home Committee. No Report. -3- . .. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the accounts as listed, being cheques i No. 8949, 139,283, and 720 to 971 inclusive, be approved for payment. ~ Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the Court of Revision to hear complaints against assessments be held at "2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 28, 1966. Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the following increases in salary be approved: Mrs. Denesik to $250.00 per month Mrs. Seely to $225._00 per month. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Bergen, that a $30.00 per month Grocery allowance to C. St. Denis, Rainier be approved for 3 months.. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. . . .~ . ~-- RE E. ~ .. .. !~ SE E Y-TREASURER . P SPECIAL IPPLIES LT0. i~~~ Accounts for Payment for February 11, 1966 No. Payable to: For: Amount 8949 Alberta Blue Cross 70.10 139 Deldays 36.81 263 J.E, Wiebe 11.00 720 Kris Vikedal Payroll 59.07 721 Lester Penner Payroll 60.47 ' 722 Ted Koropczak Payroll 44.20 - 723 George Cyr Payroll 65.39 724 Albert Cyr Payroll 44.20 725 Rec. General U.I.C. 13,88: 726 Rec. General Income Tax 64.60 727 Standard Adv. Agency Adv. for Teachers 101.28 728 Mrs. P. Danielson Sub Teaching 15.00 729 P'~-s. B. W, Airth Sub Teaching 15.00 730 Transmission Supplies P.W. Fuel & Rep 71.07 '~' 731 Brks Stationers A.S.BL Sundry 5.35 732 A.G.T. 8.05 733 Bow Slope Shipping P.O.M, Rep & Repl to Bldgs. 4.41 734 B. A. Oil P.W. Fuel & Rep 101,38 735 Brks Co-op P.W. Fuel & Rep. Cty Uans-Fuel 2155.95 736 Brks Garage P.W. Fuel & Rep 18.12 737 Century Sales Aux. Serv, Cty Vans Rep. 301.55 738 F. Dodds Min. of Pupiles 192.35 739 Vill of Duchess P.O.M. Teacherages H,L.W. 39.70 740 Mrs. L. Dunbar Instr. Other 50.60 741 Flanagan Bros Caretakers Supp 3.06 742 Imperial Oil P.W. Fuel & Rep 525.10 743 Mrs. M. Hiebert Instr. Other 50.00 744 NI. & P. General Store Instr. Other 1.85 745 Kirk's Heating P.O.M. Rep & Repl to B;ldgs. 26.75 '. 746 Macleods P.O.M. Teacherages~Supp & Equip 294.20 747 L.F. Marc3~ P.O.M. Repl & Repl to Bldgs. 4.50 748 Municipal Supplies Gen. Gov't & Admin. Prtg. & Stat, 79.95 749 Osborne Ltd. Supp. & Equip 8.18 750 Pheasant Sales Aux. Serv. Re~.irs 91.11 751 Ressler Motors P.W. Fuel & Rep 47.90 752 Reya1 Lumber Yards Caretakers Supp 3.84 753 Shorty's Plumb. & Heat. P.O.M. Teach. 16.00 754 K. L. Torkelson Q.Q.M. H. L. W. 45.70 755 X-L Feeders Caretakers Supp 2.20 756 C.P.R. Trucks & Cart. 1.50 757 Henry's Service. Aux. Serv. Rep 51.05 758 Smith & Stark Gen. Gov't Bonds 80.00 759 smith & Stark Insurance 6385.60 760 Friendly Stores Ltd. Caretakers Supp 4.50 761 Franklins Tires Ltd. P.W. Fuel & Rep 256.53 762 Gem Gen. Store P.O.M. H. L. W, 113,71 763 Budd's 99 Serv. Aux Serv. repairs 14.00 764 Street-Robb Morrow P.W. Fuel & Rep 356.71 -~ 765 T~1. Fakas Bursary 80.00 766 Duchess Garage Cty Vans Rep 154.05 767 Revelstoke Bldg. Mat Rep. & Rep1 to Bldgs. 3.90 768 Smally's Radio Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 1.47 769 Stiles The Druggist Caretakers Supp 1.50 770 Superior Millwork Rep. & Repl to Furn & Fix 42.00 771 Alta. Assoc. of M.D. P.W. Fuel & Rep 4209.36 772 Alta. Heart Foundation Donation 25.00 773 Mrs. R. Bennet Instr, Sub Teach 15.00 774 NLiss L. Carson Bursary 225.00 775 L. Dunn P,W, Hire Machines 268.00 776 C. Clock Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 65.20 777 ~~ Hectors Ltd., Cty Vans yep 4.56 778 Kleenbirn Collieries P.O.M, H. L.W. 168.45 779 Land Titles Office Gen. Gov't L.T.O. 100.00 780 Moyer Division Instr. Adis Suppl & Equip 108.93 781 Olson's Service Cty Vans Rep 570.52 782 Patricia Garage Cty Vans Fuel 143.95 .. 783 Premier Cycle & Sports Instr. Aids Otheri ------------__ ._ ~__.._-.i 265.85 784 Vill of Rosemary P.O.M. H.L.W. ` ~ '~'`''=i{ X~ ~ 113.50 785 J. Trekofski J. Bursary ~ ~ A'' ',~`~ s 450.00 , C ~r~:re,i ~:.::,,. ~,:'a!~ts 149-P SPECIAL AL SUPPLIES LTD. 1~.~`' _2_ 786 Wilson Stat. Gen. Gov't & Admin. Prtg. & Stat, 223.90 J 787 J. J. McAleese Brucellosis 46.10 788 G, W. Philpott A.S.B. Sundry 88.10 789 Wm. Sheldrake Brucellosis 49.50 790 K. Holt Instr. Other 27.50 , 791 A,G.T. 190.45 792 T. Betts Main of Pupils 137.00 - 793 Graber, R,G, P7a.in. of Pupils 152.00 794 R,P. Thomsen Main. of Pupils 150.00 795 C. G, Wells Main. of Pupils 154,00 796 H. C, Scammell Mileage 45.80 797 J. Chomestik Rent 60,00 798 R. B, (Christiansen) 90.00 799 T°Zrs. E. Creybohn Jan. Serv. 50,00 800 B,Pd.S, (Dueck) Van. Serv, 375.00 801 R.H.S&Cr (Green) 55.00 802 B.N.S. (Lepp) Van. Serv. 450,00 803 M. Miedinger Van. Serv. 1275,00 804 Mrs, L. Miscekus Janitor Serv. 50.00 805 B,N.S. (Neufeld) Van. Serv. 365.00 ' 806 T, B,(Seely} Van. Serv} 500.00 r 807 R,H,S. & Cr (Timko) 25,00 808 Brks S. & Cr. (Timko) 100.00 809 T. B, (Torkelson) Van. Serv. 343.20 810 C. of N. ( Wallace) 15.00 811 B.N.S. (Zacharius) Uan Serv. 395,00 812 NI.S.1. 598,05 813 C. of N. (Payroll) 45455,46 816 A, B. C. 68,05 815 Bow Valley Vet Brucellosis 2381.20 816 Newell Vet Brucellosis 2055,20 817 N. Hirschkorn Bursary 225,00 818 T~linnesota Mining Office Expense 154.31 819 Teach. Ret. Fund 1603.29 820 Alta. Teach. Assoc 398,75 821 A,G,T, 19.95 822 Town of Bassano H.L. W. Teacherages 80.00 823 Rec. Gen. Income Tax 7180,16 824 Unemployment Insurance 223.80 825 Pension Acct. 190.44 826 E.I.D. P,W, Fuel & Rep 8.05 827 Nesbitt Publishing Prtg. & Stat, 224.90- 828 Pardee Equipment P.W. Fuel & Rep 117.46 `° 829 T,H, Peacock Cty Vans Rep. P,W. Fuel & Rep 449.89 830 Premier Cycle & Sports Instr. Other 2.25 831 Taylor Parson & Carson Cty Vans Rep 51.48 832 Can Lab Instr. Aids Supp & Equip 1607.96 833 Constr. Equip P,W, Fuel & Rep 683.32 834 Newsweek Instr. Lib & Ref 6.00: 835 Postmaster Postage 95.00 836 B.W. Tibbitt Legal Fees 47.00 '. 837 Wilson Stat, Instr. Aids Suppl & Equip 209.36 838 Coleman Plumb & Heat. Cap. Rainier Teacherage 2000.00 839 C, of N. (Petty Cash) 50.51 840 Tilley Gas Co. P,O,M, H.L.W. 263.95 841 C. of N. (Payroll) 2839.93.x' 842 C, of N. (Kristianson) 15.00 843 Household Finance R. S, Kristianson Assign. 7.17 844 Alta. Assoc. of M.D, P.W, Fuel & Rep 2911.36 845 Alta. Tractor Parts. P,W, Fuel & Rep 30.00 846 Allied Distrib. Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Rep 250,84 847 Asbestones Corp Ltd., P.W. Fuel & Rep 355.33 848 Baalin Wholesales Ltd., Aux Serv, Cty Vans Rep 10.68 ~ 849 Bass. Mut. Telephone 14.25 850 Bassano Tire Serv. P,W. Fuel & Rep 1.05 851 Beaver Lumk~er P,O,M, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 3.10 ~ 852 A, Beieler Mileage 25.50 ~~ 853 R. Bennett Instr. Sub Teach, 60.00 854 H. Berg. Instr. Other 100,00 , 855 B. Axelson Instr. Sub Teach. 15.00 , 856 Bevan Hutch & Co Audit Fees 1177.97 857 R, Bishel Aux, Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 133.97 ~, 858 A~, G. Bloomquist Aux, Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 172.66 , IA9-P SPECIAL .L SUPPLIES LTD. 19~ Bow City Gen. Store Brks Co-op Bow Slope Mut, Tel Brks Garage Brks I,G.A, Brks Masonic Ha 11 Brks N,E, Mut Tel Brks Pharmacy Brks Stationers Brown MacLean Wiedman & Lutes Bud's Farm Equip James H, Burton Calgary Stamp & Stencil C.P,R, Canadian Propane J.L. Robertson Central Sales & Serv. Coleman Plumb & Heat Constr. Equp Crown Lumber Daily Gleaner Delday's Transport Vill of Duchess Dept . of Highways Electr Equip. C. Engel Finley's Store Flanagan Bros Franklin Tires Ltd,, E, H, Gabert W. J, Gage G, Gay Gay's Friendly Store Gem Gen. Store Gem Lumber Yrd. D,L, Gibb J. C, Graham Halifax Herald P, R. Harder Hectors Ltd., Firs, A, Hendrickson Henry's Service J. Hirney Bob Hale Jr. Huttons Ltd., Imperial Oil Ingrams Dept. Store Irrigano Publishers Iwaasa Industries D, W. (Bell) Kinniburgh) Kirk's Heating Kleenbirn Collieriens E. Kloepper Keith 0. Lake Brenda Leak J,M, Lester K,N. Lintott R, Lund Willard Lutes Christine Riddell McGraw Hill Co. W, McKinnon Ma.cleods Ltd., Nl~.cleods Ltd., Marshall Wells Marshall Wells I"L~rshalls Book Store Med. Hat & Assoc. for R, NTed. Hat school District M. Miller Minnesota Mining & Man. Modern Auto Motor Car Children -3- Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 176.32 P,W, Fuel & Rep 1119.25 ~ 4.50 Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Rep 4.50 ~' P.O,M, H. L. W, 2.94 ~' P.P,P, A.S.B Sundry 15,00 -,~ 6.00 - Gen, Gov't office Exp 8.75 ' P,P,P, A.S.B. Sundry 6,55 Gen. Gov't Legal Fees 15.00 ~ P.W, Fuel & Rep 2.50 Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 145.00 ,~ Gen. Gov't Prtg. & Stat. 4.x,0 Instr. Aids Other 2.70 :1' P,O,M, Teach. 268,36 1~ Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 52.50 Aux Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 542.63 P.O.M. Rep; &-Reel to Bldgs. 1254.77 =~ P,W. Fuel & Rep 123.21 P,O,M, Rep. & Repl to Bldg. 970.48 Admin Adv. for Teach, 18,90 P.W. Fuel & Rep 46.45 Y. P,O,M, H. L, W, 39,70 ; P,W, Sundry 4.50 P,O.M, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 21,10 Au~.Serv. Main of Pupils 52.50 Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 498,08 ~• P.O,M, Caretakers Supp 8.83 P,W. Fuel & Rep 207.00 .- Admin. Post. & Tel 13,05 - Instr. Aids Lib. & Ref Books 4,40 _ Instr. Other 50.00 Accounts Payable 15.40 Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 109,89 ~; P,O.M. Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 2.89 Bursary 450,00 Ins tr. Sub Teach. 15.00 Admin Adv, for Teach. 100.80 _,1 Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 69,60 ;~ P.W. Fuel & Rep 517,38 Bursary 225,00 ~, Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Rep 4.75 ~ Inst. Aids Texts ~~ 5.06 ~; Inst. Aids Texts 4,35 :, P,W, Fuel & Rep 27.86 P.W. Fuel & Rep 92.21 P,1s7. Fuel & Rep 7.64 Gen. Gw't Adv, 10,01 Adrnin Prtg. & Stat. 40.08 _; P,W. Small Tools & Shop 11.15 ; P,O,M, Rep. Repl to Bldgs. 118.50 P.O.M. H.L,W 110.50 ~'~ Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 9.00 ~, Aux, Serv, Oty Vans Fuel 519.05 y! Instr. Aids Texts 2.30 t: Instr. Sub Teacher 67.50 '~ Mileage 22.60 P.P,P, A.S.B. Sundry 72.10 Ins~r. Aids Texts 10.30 - Instr. Aids Texts 4.30 - Instr. Aids Lib. & Ref. 13.50 Postage 1,00 °~ P.O .M, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 3.59 P,O.NI, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 58,01 '~ P,P,P, 1~gpie Bounty 63.80 +~ Instr, Aids Supp. & Eqip 39,54 E Instr. Aids Supp. & Equip 460,58 t= Pyt to S,D, Tuition 84,00 Instr, Aids Texts 132.60 Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 40.00 Instr. Aids Supp. & Ecr~ip 11.25 Au.~ Serv. Cty Vans Rep 269.37 ~`~ Aux, Serv. Cty Vans Rep 96.60 ' -4- 932 Moyer Division Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip 76.47 '~ 933 Doris Nielson Bursary 150.00 934 Noble Cultivators P.W. Fuel & Rep 3385.18 935 Olsons Serv. P.W. Fuel & Rep 85.08 936 H. Z. Orliczki Instr. Other 44.25 937 Lester Penner P.W. Mileage 5,00 938 Penner Serv. Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel 43.55 E'' 939 Pheasant Sales Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Rep 157.72 940 Queens Printer Inst. Aids Lib. & Ref 13,50 941 L. Rasmusson Instr. Sub Teach 15.00" 942 J.L. Rawleigh Aux. Serv. (Fuel & Rep 451.13 943 Rodney Skuban Instr. Aids Texts 2.96 944 Mrs. S. F. Rust Mileage 78.70 945 School Book Branch Text & Libx. Books 258.61 946 Sharp's Theatre Supplies Accounts Payable 102.75 . 947 Shell Canada Ltd, P.W. Fuel 12,60 ~ 948 Shorty's Plumbing Teacherages & Bldgs. 78.96 =- 949 N.A, Shuttleworth Mileage 17.40 ~' 950 Silver BurdettCo Libr. Books 21.50.• 951 Srr~.lley's Raa~io Ltd., urn. & Fix 1.68 952 R.K. Smith Jr. ravelling 198.00 953 Smith Trmcking Coal Haul 48.19 t 954 Snap on Tools Tools 15.88 .i~ 955 Stiles the Druggist Supplies 1.65- 956 Street Rob. Morrow P.W. Rep~.irs 2096.69 . 957 T. Eaton Ce, Accounts Payable 93.64 958 Town of Brooks Water 17.50 959 T. Line Chemi~al,s Caretakers Supp. 105.00 E' 960 R. Tautfest Chemical Comm 40~10~ ~ 961 E.A. Torgunrud Calg. Edmonton Trip 82.35 ~ 962 Transmission Supp Repairs 15.80 963 L.M. Trapp Instr. Other 30.50 964 Watermus Equip Accounts Payable 36.36 965 Welders Supp Repairs 161.13 966 Mrs . N. Wester Salaries 45.00 -~ 967 Mrs. J. J. White H. Ec. Allow 100.00-- 968 W. H. Wheeler Wages 66.00 }' 969 D. Widdifield Text Book Refund 3.35 '~ 970 World Book Yr Book Library 6.37 971 J.P. Wittig Cty Vans Equip 4.30 !9-P SPECIAL . SUPPLIES LTD.