HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-07 Council (Regular) Minutes~~~ County of Newell No. 4 _ `' County Council June '7th, 1962 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the Gounty Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 awm. on Thursday, June 7th, 1962. s • • • • w Members present, Chairman N.A. Shuttleworth Councillors A. Chrumka A. Eccles Fw Mandeville J. Hajash R. Eastman B, Plumer G.Douglass Secretary.-Treas H, Scammell • . . . • Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that notice of meeting be Waived, it being held on this date by the request of the majority of the Councillors, due to Friday, Ju$e 8th, being declared a Public Holiday (Farmers Day} Carried Unanimously. w . . . • The minutes of the previous meeting of May 11th, 1962 were read and adopted with the request that the mover of the motion re a delegation to Edmonton be changed from Gouncillor Shuttleworth to Councillor Chrumka• w w • • Moved by Councillor Chrumka that the Secretary~s report of Receipts ~ Payments for the month of May be accepted. Carried. . . « . . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Farm Electric Services plan for the Tilley R.E.A. be approved as to the proppsed route rather than the alternate route. ,_'~ Carriedw- ~ . • w . n `~ ` A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs re the d d fil d d d . ; ~ or ere e . an Grass Seed supplied to Farmers was rea , • • . . , • j Reports of Committees f Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth, that the report of the Municipal Conunittee be accepted. Carried, ... . . Moved by Gouncillor Bastman, that the Municipal Committee be authorized to attempt to obtain a Truck and Water Tank for the 1962 Road Construction. Carried. w w • w • • Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that Bylaw No. 235 to _.,_„~-~__.~ ~ y ~ cancel certain road allowances in Township 16 Range 15 `''``' `"~ ~ ~,, W4th be given 1st ~ 2nd Readings. Carried _ u . ~ ;,:;..--~-~--"""~~~ School Committee Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the bid of Wmw Clark Roofing and Building Cow, to recondition the roof of the Rolling Hills School for the sum of $2,555. be accepted, and the work proceeded with as soon as possible. Carried. • • w r • • Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted, Carried. . . . . Civil Defence No Report. . . . . . . FORM '149-P-Special MUNICIPAL. SUPPLItiS L'fU. Farm Purchase Board No report. . . . . , -2~ ,~ ~ Senior Citizens Gommittee Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the report of the Senior Citizens Committee be accepted. Carried, • • • . s • Moved by Councillor Hajash that the following accounts be passed for payment: ~~'. ., a ~ _.r~ t~: _ ORM 149-P-Special UNICIPAL SVPPLIlS LTD. 1181 Budds~ 99 Service 5,00 1182 The Provincial Treas 19,50- 1183 Ralston Go.-pop Assn 26,03 1184 Deaa~'s Radio F~ TV 2.35 1185 Village of Duchess 111.76 1186 Bartlett~'s Gen Store 60,.34 1187 Mr, P. Wallace 20,00 1188 R,S, Kristianson 20,00" 1188 Mr, R, Sovdi 20.00 1190 Mr. Daryl Daniels 20,00 1191 Gan West Nat Gas 14.12 1192 ~.lta Wheat Pool Seed 6223.44' 1193 Mrs. Sylvia Rust 64..50 1194 Finley'~s Store 91,48 1195 M. Weicko 5,00 1196 Ford Kerr 4p,00 1197 Mrs,, M.E. Charlton 12.00 1198 E,I.D, 151,67 1199 Calgary Power Ltd. 7.51. 1200 Provincial Treas 36,00 1201 Land Titles Office 100,00 1202 Alta Govt Te1e 153.95 1203 M.S,I, 576,.00 1204 County of Newell #4 15,00 1205 R,H, Sav ~ Cr Union 20,00 1206 Royal dank of Can 70.00 1207 Brks Sav ~ Cr Union 100,00 1208 R,H.Sav ~ Cr Union 25.00 1209 Can Imp B of Commerce 46,00 1210 Alta Govt Tele 15.70 1211 H,C. Scammell 60.00 1212 Alta Teachers Assn 3g5,oo 1213 Board of Administr 1881.7 1214 Greene Constr Co 3498.80 1215 Mrs. E. Creybohn 25.00 1216 Mrs. L, Miscekas 35.00 1217 Mr, M, Miedinger 1250.00 1218 Mr. Vic Zacharias 372.00 1219 B N,S, Gr. A, Lepp $00,00 1220 PrTrBrGr, D,F.See1y 750.00 1221 B N,S.Cr,H,D.Neufeld 462.00 1222 B N,S.Gr,J.K,Purcell 248.43 1223 Mr, Wm. Lauver 351„00 1224 B N.S,Cr,N.Dueck 415.00 1225 PrTrBrCr M,Korithoski 220.00 1226 Mrs, G. Van Oene 15.00 1227 Mrs. Ida Zibell 12,00 1228 County of Newell #4 3 7652.62 1229 N.H, Sharp (Mrs, x.5,00 1230 The Edmonton Journal 142.10 1231 The Leader..Post Ltd 64,68 1232 Alta Wheat Pool Seed 4486.49 1233 Mrs, F, Braun 60.00 1234 Miss Gwendolyn Simpso n 35,00 1235 University of Alta 58.$0- 1236 Rec Gen of Canada 314.24 1237 Rec Gen of Canada 5078,37 1238 County of Newell #4 6026,95 1239 Tilley Gas Co 63.75 12~~ Alta Wheat Pool Seed 72,00 1241 A11an F~ Johnston Ltd 1.7$ 1242 Anderberg Bros 4,.60 1243 Fred Betton 119,90 1244 R. Bishel 69,90 1245 H.A. Bloomquist 127.56 1246 Town of Brooks 139.98 1247 Brooks Go-»op Assn 3022.20 1248 Brooks Electric $,00 1249 Brooks Pharmacy 11.54 1250 Brooks News ~ Tob 101.39 1251 Brooks Tire Service 64,IO 1252 Brunsden Agencies 90.00 1253 Bud's Service (BassS~ 2.15 1254 Budd'~s 99 Service 11,00 1255 The Calgary Herald 46,08 1256 Galgary Power Ltd 39.62 1257 Calgary Stamp ~ Stenc il 2.94` 1258 Galta Metal Prod 41.58 1259 Campbell Bros 148.87 1260 Central Drugs 2.95 1261 Central Sales ~ Serv 220.93 1262 Central Scientific 73,14 1263 Clarke Irwin ~ Co 5,70 1264 Coleman Plumb ~ Htg 300.14 1265 Grown Lumber Co 490.29 1266 Cummins Diesel Power 37.17 1267 Deldays Brooks Trans 106,50 1268 Village of Duchess 39,70• 1269 Village of Duchess 312.66 1270 Duchess Garage 284.70 1271 Odd Dugstad 87.70 1272 E,I.D. 24.60 1273 The T. Easton Co 4.66 1274 Electric Equip Co 123.84- 1275 Elliks Jewellry 45.15 1276 Finley~s Store 74.98 1277 Friendly Stores Ltd 77.29 1278 Mr. Reece Gibb 9,01 1279 Gem Lumber Yard 10,97 1280 Gem-.Countess Mut Tele 10,10 1281 Gestetner (Canada) 36.66 1282 Ginn ~ Co 6.39 1283 C. Clock 21,90 1284 Archie Gordon 248.50 1285 Greene Constr Co 8442,10 1286 W,E, Greer Ltd 660.57 1287 Halifax Herald Ltd 126.00 1288 Hectors Ltd 45,00 1288 Jack Hood School Sup 18,48 1290 The Hughes_Owens Co 74.33 1291 Imperial Oil Ltd 450,02 1292 Industrial Battery Co 175,66 1293 International Bus Mac h 15.66 1294 P, Janko 72,00 1295 Kitchener Printing Ser15$,00 1296 The Kleenbirn Coll 51.80 1297 E, Kloepper 6.50 1298 Lake Motor Serv 318.05 1299 James Link 70,00 1300 K.N. Lintott 24.70 1301 MacLeod~s Ltd 212,50 1302 Marshall-~We11s Stores 26.75 1303 Ross McKay 20.00 1304 McNarland Plum ~ Htg 194.65 1305 Med H Assn f Retarded 64,00 1306 Med H Health Unit 2080,05 1307 Med H Public Library 69,59' 1308 Mid«.West Paper Ltd 152,p7 1309 Modern Auto Serv 211.64 1310 Moyer«.Vico Ltd 6, 63 1311 Miss P. Nawolsky 50.00 1312 Olsons Service 67.99 1313 Oxford Univ Press 3.55 1314 Pardee Equip Co 214, 65 1315 Park Sales ~ Serv 9.50 1316 Patricia Comm Hall 12.00 ~3~ 1317 Patricia Garage 161.15' 1318 Petty Cash 43.43 1319 Pheasant Sales Ltd 4.10 1320 J.L. Rawleigh ~ Son 117.78 1321 Rawleigh~s B«»A Service 92.17 1322 Revelstoke Buil(Brooks 69.94 1323 Revelstoke Buil(Tilley 11.94 1324 Richman=s Foods 321.94 1325 Rileys 27.75 1326 Mrs. ~. Robinson 24.00 1327 Hazel B. Roen 24.00 1328 Village of Rosemary 119.50 1329 Royal Lumber Yards X52.43 1330 TheRyerson Press .66 1331 Wm. Sheldrake 135.90 1332 Sports Equip of Toron 53.70 ~~ 1333 Standard ~1.uto Parts 104.91 1334 Standard Auto Parts 46.54 1335 Street«~•Robbins••Morrow 253.49 1336 Mrs. E.J. Swenson 12,00 1337 Taylor Pearson ~ Carson 292.43 1338 Tilley Motors 84.09 1339 Tilley Welding ~ Blacksm 98.75 1340 Mrs, K. Wallace 36.00 1341 Wally;s Paint ~ Hardw 25.91 132 Western Bridge Div 35.81 1343 ms's. Ruth Wiens 48.00 1344 Wilson Builders Supp 2.55 1345 Winnipeg Free Press 30.96 1346 Frank Winter Welding 148.07 1347 Wittigs of Rosemary 22.24 Carried. . . . • . . Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p.m, » . » . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the mill rate for Municipal purposes for 1962 be set at 15 mills, Carried. . • . « • . Moved by Councillor Eastman that the mill rate for Health purposes for 1962 be set at 5 mill, Carried. • . A • • • Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the Budget Report Form of the School Committee for the year 1962 with estimated expenditures of $891,880 be accepted. Carried. . • . • . Moved by Councillor Chrumka~ that the mill rate for School purposes be set at 32 mills for 1962. Carried. . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that a Supplementary Requis«• ition be made on all contributing units for 1962. Carried, . . . , . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that Bylaw 236 to set the County Mi11 rate in accordance with the previous motions be given lst~ 2nda ~ Ord readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously. . . . . . . - Meeting adjourned .,.~..~ a t 4: 0 0 p. m. • . . . . . n --~ ff ~ a.,....,...,-__.._..- ~ L. '~~.~~~ ~-'GAL-~ ~"'''~`°'~~ Chairman ~/ f~ ' Secre ary»Treasurer - --- -~~~~~ " FORM 149-P-Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD.