HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-09-15 Council (Regular) Minutesrqq :~ :i ~ J County of Newell No, 4 - County Council September 1$th~ 1961 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No, 4 was held in the County Office in Brookss Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Fridays September 1$s 1961. . . . . Members present: Chairman Councillors Assist., Sec»Treas . . N, A• Shuttleworth A. Chrumka P, McAleese F. Mandeville Jas. Hajash R, Armstrong B. Plumer G, Douglass R, Eastman D, N' James The minutes of the previous meeting of August llths 1961 were read and adopted. . , . Moved by Councillor McAleese that the Report of Receipts and Payments be accepted. Carried, . . . . . The Quarterly report of Medicine Hat Health Unit was received and ordered filed. ~~ `~'~-.'. ' A copy of advertisement re Tilley Teacherage was read. ~~ ,~'~ ... onv ntion was taB.led until Correspondence re Municipal C e next meeting. . . . . A letter from Department of Highways re access road at Rosemary was read and referred to Councillor Eastman. . !• • A • • Committee Reports Municipal Committee It was recommended that Councillor Hajash proceed with the watering down of new road east of Brooks before it is gravelled. • , r • • Moved by Councillor ~amstrong that the Municipal Committees report be accepted, Carried, . . . . . . School Committee Moved by Councillor Plumer that the School Committees report be accepted, Carried. . . . . . Agricultural Service Board Moved by Councillor Plumer that a survey be made as to amount of survey work to be done in the Countys and that the Gounty Council submitt a request to Government Survey Department for additional crew, Carried, . , . . . ~ M s .. s, 3 S s 4 )RM 149-P-Speeial NICIPAL SUPPLS E5 LTD. r,~ ~;~ ~, 2 .. Moved by Councilor Bastman that the report of A.S.B, be accepted, Carried. f • • • • • Hospital Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Host• pital Committee be accepted, Carried. • • • w • • Civil Defence •~ No report, . . . . . • Farm Purchase Board No report. . . . Newell Foundation Moved by Councillor Hajash that the report of Newell Foundation Committee be accepted. Carried. A • . R • • Adjourned for lunch «. 12:45 to 2:00 p,m. w • • • • « Moved by Council lor Eastman that the following accounts be passed for payment. /r ~r'. 9408 Postmaster 95.00 ~ 9451 County of Newe11~4 7043.b1 ~/ ° . 9409 Postmaster 95«00 ,, 9452 Mrs, E., Creybohm 25.00 ~~" ~ f ~ ~ 9410 Alberta Govt. Tele, 156.45 9453 Mrs. L. Miscekas 35.00 - 9411 Calgary Herald 30,24 9454 Tilley Gas Co, Ltd 3.00 9412 Winnipeg Free Press 3.96 9455 Calgary Fower Ltd. 5:45 9413 The Edmonton Journal 42,56 9456 Rec. General of Can 317.16 9414 M.S.I. 597.00`` 9457 Rec. General of Can 5250.55' 9415 Can. Pacific Railway 49«13 9458 McNarland Plumbing 2000.00.- 9416 Can. Good Roads asso c. 50.00 9459 Can Western Nat Gas 2.50" 9417 Campbell Bros 31.10 9460 Acklands Ltd. 33.32-- 9418 Beaver Lumber Co. 56.64 946 Alta Assoc.o Mun Dis 160.00° 9419 Coleman Plumbing ~ H tg. 36,$2+ 9461 Alta Assoc,o Mun Dis 221.09+ 9420 Newsweek 94.20°° 94b3 Alberta Govt°t• Tele 13.90 9421 Alta Blue Cross Plan 42.75 94b4 Alberta Wheat P001 1295.46 9422 Construction Equip. 1241.82. 9 Atlas Lumber Co, 80.77 9423 Duchess Cafe 118..80 4 4 6b Audio«..Visual Aids Br 2.45 9424 School Book Branch 2303.25- 94b7 Bassano Mun Hosp 1363.33 9425 ~,rovincial Treasurer 61,00 9468 Beieler ~ Winter 2082.50 9426 he Leader.y.Post 20,16 94b9 Henry Berg 100.00 9427 3oe Kerner 140.00 9470 Brooks Co«~op Assoc. 1813,74 9428 H.C. Scammell 117,20' 9471 Bow Valley Farm Mach lOb,82~_. 9429 Agric, Institute of Can. 2,00` 9472 Brooks Garage 4.6 $` 9430 Eastern Irrig, Dist. 1o.g5 9473 Brooks Pharmacy 3.14 9431 Town of Brooks 7..50 9474 Brooks Tire Service 18.00 9432 County of Newell.#4 30.25 947 Bruce Robinson Elec 189.95 9433 Rolling Hills Cr. ~ Sav 25.00 9475 9477 Bruce Robinson Elec Budds Service(1gb03 190,00 2 34 9434 Brooks Cr. ~ Savings 100,00 `- 9478 Burroughs Bus Mach « 8 47 9435 943b D.C, Crerar B.W. Tibbitt 70,00 25«00, 9479 Cal F~ Lloyds Express . 2.69 9437 Atlas Lumber Co. 20.00 9480 Can Liquid Air 3b,46 9438 County o N Gr.G.Vara dy 25.00 948 Can Pacific Rail 64,82 9439 Receiver Gen. of Can 17,.00. 9481 Can Pacific Rail 16,48' 9440 County of Newell #4 34647.65:.- 9483 Chapman Electric 2,b7` 9441 Alberta Teachers Ass oc,380.25 9484 Chidlow Indmstrial 23«b0 9442 Alberta Teachers Ass oc. 9485 Clarke$s Tire Serv 1662,06 ; 1824,62 948b Coleman Plumbing ~ H t 22.44 9443 V. H. Lawrence 175«99° 9487 Coleman Plumbing 130.00 944 4 V.H. Lawrence 140.-00 948 8 Lester Conners 20.OOt~~ 4d ~44~ F'~arl~i~a~h Coombs 61.34 94 qq 90 ~rownkLumberR~G'o, 180.80 30 645 9.00 . 9447 Mrs. I. Zibe11 12.00...', 9491 Cummins Diesel 1957.03 9448 Mrs. G. Van Oene 15.00 9492 Axel A. Dahl 112.10 9449 Modern Auto Service 5481.00 9493 Deldays Brooks Trans 61.09 9450 Cancelled ~, 9494 Dressel ~ Tell 23b2.5o.~b rRM 149-P-Special ,_. .. ' HICIPAL SUFYL7 L'S LTU. 949 9497 9498 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9804 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9 510 9511 9512 9513 9 514 9515 9516 9517 9 518 9519 9520 9521 .9522 9523 '9524 '9525 19526 19527 i, 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9534 9535 9536 9537 Village of Duchess Duchess Cafe Eastern brig Diet G0L' Ba,etman Expression Co. Pub Fred $,, Folkerts Friendly Stores Ltd Gem Lumber Yard WoE~ Greer Ltd Thee Iialifax herald Huttons Ltd Imperial Bil Ltd International Aarv Irrigano Publishers P,BO Jacob eon Jubilee Insurance Mr'0 Cato Kadey Joe Kerner Kitchener Printing Kleen Ltd K.NO Lintott Longmans Green ~ Co0 MacLeods Ltd LOFT Marcy Marshall•.Wells $toreas McCabe Grain Coo Ltd Bruc#s D0 McLelland Mid.~Te~et Paper Ltd Modern Auto Sesrvice Motor Car Supply Co Moysfr itico Ltd Munijcipal Supplies Ltd Mux~r~ay Gordon Mach Phyl.~is Nawolsky Nesbl,~' tt Publishing North !Star Oil Ltd JOAN; Qlson Park; Sales & Service Caro yn Payne D.$0 Pelchat D0M0 Pslchat G0L•I Pelchat G~WO Philpott 3 ~. ~~J Phoenix Cafe 67050 M Pioneer Lock £~ #~afe Wo 9,b$ M Precision Machine 46076 r Prcev Treasurer 10 0 26 r Presv Treasurer 11849082 s Prov Treasurer 94798000 ~ Resmi~ton Rand 1487x5©~' Richs~ans Foods 60000 Rocky Mtn Ind Equip 32065'' Rosemary Lumber 83.27a Royal Lumber Yards 42069a Ths Sa~sk Star»Phoenx 27.4 ~ H0 Schaller 26050p Dr0 ToBO Sewall 53020 .. Wm. Sheldrake 92010 ~, Ross N« Tamura 9,.00 M Taylors Pearson ~ Car 58027 M Village of Tilley 100.00 s Union Tractor Ltd 1060 ~ Kris Vikedal 3000 Welders Supplies 17,.40 ~ Western School burn 487.55~~ ~'AW. JOJo Wh1te 1000.00 ~". Wilson Builders 41098M Myrtle 1iCilson 19000 M Folio W~iAtsr 30o06M Frank Winter Welding 670.52 G0A0 Winter 95,10 J,P, Wittig 15012 ~ Wyant €~ Co0 391.86 ^~ Fred Bettors 114080s Berry $vans 8$0._75 M Fesrg~.tson SupP13' 38200.00 d Gem Lumber Yard 30e53 s Pheasant Sales 11749000 a Vil],age of Rosesmary 186.,,50 ~ Curtis Circulation Coo 3•-95 Newsweek 50.,00 ' , Carried. A t ~- o . • Letter from Bow Gity Community Club was read .• re purchase of ~3ow Bridge School Bite and certain buildin~s0. They were to be advised that their bid is being considered pendingF sale of Gld. School and Teacherage . • o 0 0 0 Moved by Councillor Plum~r_-~ that tenders be called! for the sales of the Gld StshQOlJ Teacherage~ and furnace in old school at How ~3ridge0 Carried. o • ~ ! • • Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the bid of ~4~1,00 for Lot 1 Blk 1 Rainier Flan 3487FU and hcsuse0 from Jas A0 Graham be accepted. Carried. o , . o Moved by Councillor Douglass~•that Gem in Part of the NB 12••23~17•.•W4 more or less be purchaaee~ from B_ o • • o • • adjourned at 4110 p~mo ~` ~~ Pv °- ~ts'~' 7 Pa°~~~` ~~~I~a~~ • . • . . • 1A9-P-Speelal IU. SLIPPLIBS LiD. 39070" 9538 126,.65 M 9539 1817„26 ~ 9540 15o$pQl 9S4i 10..00 ~ 9542 9543 093 ~ 9544 44x51 w 9545 169.85 M 9546 2734"" 9547 81.74 ~' 9548 519o94s 9549 1085,61p 9$50 9.60 ~u 9551 24.0~~ 9552 45.00 it 9553 1©0.0©M 9554 250000 M 9555 188.44y 9556 405.78 9557 46..30 9558 4012 bt 9559 680©~ 956® 38,20M 9561 13088M 9562 2,25 9563 67~r95~ 9564 126,:75 a 9565 207.~:74~ 9566 107.95 9567 21905®~' 9568 130.41M 9869 84o16M 9570 lOO~Qo t~ 9571 41,80 9572 7000 ~ 9573 3.40u~ 9574 2o60iM 9575 9,OVM 20.QOM 10.00 s 10,00 109,9© a the nuisance grounds at containing 4073 acres Lund for X500-per acre# Carried. Chairman ~.~-.~ Secre Treasurer 1961 «. 62 Bu,a Rates r C ~~~ SeEtember 1~,, 19,,,,61 - Division I s ~•' +-80 Kristian~son Pw Wallace Da Daniels R0 Savdi division Its Mrs, M0 Koritho~ki R0 S,~ Lee ~ Leloy Rawliegh ~ivi~tion III s I~~ R. Bishel iii '~ M0: Grimshaw So Seitz ~i J0 Gold ~ i~ 'S. Yewchuck $~ivision 's $arl Williams©n Ross McRay Dean Murphy R, C0 Peyton ' W. Whaler B, Axel,eon ~ivision Yi Walter Duncan Tunnyy Dick j Charle~a Hale ~ C0 Bckert ~ A. Stephens Division YI s ', M, Miedinger iDvision YIIz ~i Y, Zacharias Alvin Lepp ~I ~0 Fo Seely ,Division YIIIs M. M. Brubaker j Levoy Roth Bob Smallbon8s '~ harry ,Seitz j Wm0 Lauver II~~Divi.sion IXs Henry D„ Neufeld ~T. Dueck TO K. Purcell C ~» County Bins ~Y .~ Contract Bu~c ~ ~ ~~U~`,~`~O o Zb Pv~ ~ Jr~n1F 7~ ~ p~o~ ~,~ 5,00 per day far days travelled C 5040 per day for days travelled C $,00 per day for days travelled C 5.00 per day for days travelled C 10.00 per day for days travelled CY 5.O0 per day for days travelled C 5000 per day for days travelled C 5.00 per day for days travelled C 5000 per day for days travelled C 5.00 per day for days travelled C 100.00 per moo for ten months C l~¢:00 per moo for ten months C 100,_00 per moo for ten months C 100000 per moo for ten months C 100,00 per mo. for ten months C 104OQ0 per moO for ten months C 100000 per mo. for ten months C 100,0® per moo for ten months C 100.00 per mo. for ten -months C 5,0.0 per day for days travelled 5,00 per day for days travelled 5000 per day for days travelled 5000 per day for days travelled 5„00 per day for days travelled 1250000 per moo for ten months 372et?© per moo. for ten months 500000 per moo for ten months ~5OO:00 per mo. for teen months 10000 per moO for ten months 1000.00 per moo for t~sn months 100,00 per mo„ for t+en months 10.0000 per mo. fOr ten months 3Si.oa per moo far ten months c C C CY CY CY CY e e CY 462.00 per moo for ten months CY 41$„'O(J per moo for ten months CY 248e43 per moe for ten months CY -- chairman l~"~ Secr tary.Treaaurear FORM 148-P-Spacial } MUNICIPAL SVPPL36S LTD.