HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-09 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No, ~ ~ e ~.~ County Council June 9th, 1961 The regular monthly meeting of 'the Council of the County of Newell No, 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a,m. on Friday, June 9th, 1961, ~ • • « w • Members present: Chairman N. A• Shuttleworth Councillors A, Chrumka F„ McAleese F, Mandeville Jas, Hajash, Jr. R, Armstrong R, Eastman Ben Plumer G, Douglass Secretary»Treasurer H„ Scammell • s . « s The minutes of the previous meeting of May 12th, :1961 were read and adopted, . . • . . . Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the Secretary~s report of Receipts and Expenditures for the month of May be accepted, Carried. s • • • w Mr, V. A, Wood, Director of Lands, attended the meeting and discussed the Councils stand in refusing to approve y the leasing of road allowances. r + • w • ~ Moved by Councillor Plumer, that consideration be given to applications for lease of road allowance, providing they originate from the owner of the adjacent land. Carried, . . ~ . . . Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the resolution to cancel Road Diversion Flan No, 60$2 copy of which is attached hereto, forms part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. r * • w t s Reports of Committees Munic:i_pal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted, Carried, ~. School Committee Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the report of the School Committee be accepted,, Carried, . . • . • ,. Moved by Councillor Plumer, that G, Varady be increased from $250„00 to $27500 per month, Carried. • ~ • M • • A~'ricultural Service Board A~ioved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the Agricultural Service Board he accepted. Carried, 1 • s • a • 'ORM 149-P-Special fUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 2 -- ~~~ Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted. Carried, . . . • . Civil Defence Committee No report. . • s » ! • Farm Purchase Board No report. . . . » . • Newell Foundation (Senior Citizens) Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the Newell Foundation be accepted. Carried. ~1 • » » 4 • Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the following accounts be passed for payment: 8867 C o N #4 Cr: Conklin 8868 Marshall Wells Store 8869 M.S.I. 8870 Prov Tre-Juv Off Br 8871 Mrs. B J Tarney 8872 H C Scammell 8$73 E I D 8874 Mrs A George 8875 Mrs V M Johnson 8876 Mrs Emil Wallawein 8877 Brooks S D #2092 8878 Mr Fred Foster 8879 Rol Hills Cr b Sav 8880 Brooks Cr ~ Sav Un 8881 Rol Hills Cr F~ Sav 8882 D C Crerar 8883 B W 'i'ibbitt 8884 Atlas Lumber Co Ltd, 888$ C o N #4 Cr: Varady 8886 Newell Foundation 8887 Patricia Garage 8888 E I D 8888 Mrs A Creybohn 8890 Mrs L~;~~-Cekas 8891 Tr Br Cr: Korithoski 8892 Mr E R Williamson 8893 B o N S Cr: Lepp 8894 Prov Tr Br Cr: Seely 8895 Mr Wm Lauver 8896 C o N #4 Cr: Paetkau 8887 B o N S Cr: Paetkau 8898 B o N S Gr: Purcell 8899 Mr Vic Zacharias 8900 E o N S Cr: Dueck 8901 Mrs Ida Zibell 8902 Mr C. Buchanann 8903 Mrs G Van Oene 8904 Mr M Miedinger 8905 Postmaster 8906 C o N #4 Cr: Payroll 8907 Dr T B Sewall 8908 C o N #4 •. Payroll 8909 C o N #4 Petty C 8910 Tilley Gas Co Ltd 8911 Bd o Adm.Teach Ret F 8912 A T A 8913 Mrs Mabel Vossler 8914 Thomas ,Allen Ltd 6»95s8915 Anderberg Bros 22»20 8»95~~ 8916 Atlas Lu Co 141.73 570.00 8917 Atlas Lu Co 16,42. 1.92 8918 Mr Ernest Axelson 10.00 60.00 8919 B A Service 134.96 90»20 8920 Bassano Sand fa Gravel 54»00 14.35 8921 Mr A Baumann 4.50 24.00 8922 Fred Becton 138»50.- 7670 8923 H A Bloomquist 67.95 18.40-- 8924 R Bishel 57»84:~ 6759»76'~~ . 8925 Bobbs-Merrill Co Ltd 161.68 100.00 8926 Book Society of Can 11.22 20.00 $927 Bow Slope Ship Assrn 13.4E 100.,00 8928 John J Braul 40.00 25.00 8929 Town of Brooks 139.97 50*00 8934 Town of Brooks 26.05 25.00 8931 Brooks Co«»Op Assan 3918,20.._ 20.00- $932 Brooks Garage Ltd 18 00 2 5 » 00 4 ^~ ' "'-`_' ~'-='- ~- ., ir~i,~„ .a ~--~ ~9~ • 2475»53 8934 e1!! 3 e tts Brooks Pharmacy 2.25` 72.00 e..;: $935 Brooks S D ~209L 73» 1~i 150.27 $936 Brooks Tire Service 82,98 25.00 8937 Buds Service (1960) L 2.45. 35.00 8838 Burroughs Add Mach 17.34 220.00 8939 Calgary Herald 8.32 60„00 8940 California Test Bureau 99.61 500.00 $941 Central Sales b Serv 193.85 750.00 8942 City of Calgary-.Welfa 145.64 306»00~~ 8943 Calpas Electric 8,$0~ 10»00 8944 Can Pac Rail Go 2.78 452.00 8945 Can West Nat Gas 10„48 248»43 $946 Clarke Irwin Fr Co 25.61 372.00 8947 Constr Equip Ltd 22.80 415.00 $948 C o N #4 Cr: VanOene 24.00 12,00 8949 Crown Lumber Co 431.34 50.00. 8950 Cruick,Richard Equip 124,10 15.00,E 8951 Deldays Brooks Trans 25.93-~ 1250:0p'`' 8952 A B Dick of Can Ltd 8.32 95.00' 8953 Village of Duchess 39»70~~ 38172.52 8954 Electric Equip Ltd 29»69- 1150.80-• 8955 Finley~"s Store 53.50 6322430 8956 FinleyTS Store 187.12- 26.24~ 8957 Flanagan Bros Ltd 1»00 60„40= 8958 Gem..Countess Mut Tel 12»65~ 1888.53 8959 Gem General Store 5,61..., 392.75 8960 Gen Vio Supp House 22$•70 278»40 8961 Gestetner (Can) Ltd 111.84 31.78 8962 Halifax Herald Ltd s 35.70 .~=~ ~ FORM 749-P-Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. I ~~- Gr~6 8863 Mrs 8 M ftawkeswurth 72,OOM 8997 F B Osborne Ltd 9.75 r 8964 H S fteryfurd 15«00s 8998 tbcfard Univ Press 5«24"' 896$ , Rinehart h Win ftolt 2.16M 8999 Patricia Garage 137,41 8966 , ftuttpn Limited 48.76M 9000 Park Sales ~ Service_ 44.35s 1 8967 Imperial Oil Ltd 369.34' 9001 Plew'~e Service 35.44 8968 Int !Hare Co Ltd 49.00 9002 Punting Service 9.Olt~ '' 8968 J M Hent ~ Sons 9.97p 9003 Precision---Mach ~ Bquip 21.45 M ' 8870 P B Jacobson 24.00 ~ 9A04 Prov Tr'~r.~Juv Dff Br 30,00 M ': 8971 Jake's Shoe Shop 4.00 ~ 900$ Rec General of Canada 5236«80M ': 8972 Mrs 'y M Johnson ll2.20 ~ 9006 Royal Lumber Yards g.81~ 8973 Lake Motor Srv 281.28 M 9007 M~rs~~Sylvia Rust g8.70~ 'i 8974 Leland Slectric Co 21.89 ~ 9008 The Salvation Army 30„0© ; 8975 Mrs Joan Lester 12.OOM 9008 Mrs Bdna Seams 12.00' ; 8976 Ken jLintott 35.20 9010 Mrs Nuel Sharp 12.00~~' ; 8977 Long~mans~ Green ~ Co 69.38~~ 9011 Street Bobbin Morrow 1384.79M ; 8978 Lyonps & Carnahan 23.86~~ 9012 Mrs Ray Swansen 30.OOM ; 8979 Maclleodss Limited 146.50: 9013 Mrs B Tarney 12.O0s 8980 Maclieod~'s Limited 68.0$ ~ 9014 Taylor Pearson Carson 79.93 ~a ; 8981 Marshall Wells 29•lsr._ 9015 Tilley Motors 201.0$- 8982 Marshall Wells 8.87[ 9016 K L TurkeYsun 7„60 ~.w ; 8983 S AMathison-Agen 33.75~'~~ 9017 Union Tractor Ltd 169.64~a ; 8984 McCahe Grain Co 4080 M 9018 Village of Rosemary 116.50 M ; 8985 Mr J!Russ McKay 25«00 M 9019 Mrs A R Wardle 27g00M ; 8886 Geo e J McLeod Ltd 5,97 M 9020 Waterous Squip Ltd 18«79s ~ 8g87 Midest Paper Ltd 54.54e~ 9021 Welders Supplies Ltd 16.3~~ 8988 Marvp.n Miller 46.40 9022 Mrs J J White SO,AO~~'~ 8989 Modem Auto Service 346.47a 9023 The Willson Stat Co 26.48r, ; 8994 Mr D an Murphy 17.00~~ 9024 Wilson Builders Supp 42.O1~~ 8991 Murrjay Gordon Mach 81.62~~~ 9025 F G Winter ~ 36.72 ~ 8gg2 Nesb~tt Pab C.o Ltd 72.75 9026 G A Winter 115.4t~ , 8993 News,eek 10055 s 9027 J P Wittig 9.53M 8994 Miss!P Nawolsky SooOOM 9028 Wittmier#s Gen Store ,6Ss 8995 Uff f Queen's Ptr 4.30e 9029 l'tec Gen +~ II I C 325«04 ~a 8996 01so~i~'s Service 2 3 012 m Carried, ••...•.1 •~.. Meeting adjourned at 1130 p4m. ~ ~ O ..o•r.. w o o .rr~. ~ ~c' © o"f' ~, ~ . ~ I ~-:0~~ .. /" - / V 1 ': ^ ^ err ^~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Chairman 6 E F f j f ~ i I i i 1 I ~ ----~" retary~-Treasurer FORM 149-R-Sp~N.I i I j YVNICIPAL SVPPLI85 L1D. I 1 ~~ COUNTY OF NEWELL N0. 4 - ~`±{~ RESOLUTION A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to provide for the cancellation of old road diversion as shown on Road Plan 6082 in Sections 28 -- 32 and 33, Township 22, Range 14, w4th. WHEREAS, The construction of Provincial Highway 36 thro Sections 29 and 32 -- 22 -- 14 N W4 eliminates the need for Road Diversion No. 6082s AND WHEREAS: it now appears that there will be no further use made of the said road diversion, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 hereby authorize the cancel.. lation of Road Flan No. 6082 covering the road diversion in Sections 28, 32 and 33 in Township 22, Range 14, W4th. Done and passed this 9th day of June, 1961. _.~ L Chairman Secretar.wTreasurer FORM 149-P-Special MVN[CIPAL SUPYLIfiS LTD-