HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-12 Council (Regular) Minutes~~1 COUNTY OF NEWELL N0, 4 COUNTY COUNCIL. MAY 12th, 1961 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell Noy 4 was held in the County Office in Brooksi Alberta at 10:00 a,m, on Fridays May 12thy 1961. . . ,~ . ~ f' C Mr. F. Mandeville_s the elected Councillor for Division 4 was sworn and seated at the meeting,, . . • . . Members present: CLzairman N. Councillors A. P M F, J, R. R, B, G. Secretary»Treasurer H. A. Shuttleworth Chrumka McAleese Mandeville Hajash Armstrong Eastman Plumer Douglass Scammell. • , . . . The minutes of the previous meeting of April 14th and the Court of Revision of April 21st 1961 were read and adopted. • . • • . . Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the Secretary~s report of Receipts and Expenditures for the month of April be accepted. Carried. Letters of thanks were read from the Farmers Union of Albertan Forestry Association and the Institute for the Blind for donations.,, • • w ~ ~ • Advice was received from the Field Crops Branch of the appointment of Ira Lapp to the Agricultural Service Board, . , . . • . Advice was received from the Department of Lands and Forests of the leasing of right of way over the Matziwin Creek to Alberta Gas Trunk Lines, . . . ~ . . Moved by Councillor Douglass that the Gem R. E. A. plans be approved. v s • a w • Carried, AS letter from the Department of Highways re the allocation of a Contingency Grant of $40,000.00 to the roads Kinbrook Parks East to the Church Road in Tilley Districts thence south to the Hamlet of Rolling Hills was read. Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the Municipal Committee endeavour to adjust the Contingency Grant to better advantage. . • , • Carried, FORM 749-P-Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. A letter from Western School Bus Sales re leasing of School busses was read and ordered filed.. . . . . . a • a • s a iW 2 W A letter from the Minister of Highways re the Rosemary Access Road was read and ordered filed A letter from the Minister of Highways re the Bassano Dam road was read and ordered filed. } ~ ~a ,- . • i i ji ~; C ,~ \ _a Reports of Committees Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. • • • • a •- School Committee Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. . • , . Carried. Moved by Councillor I~lumer~ that the Lot 13, Block 10, Duchess Plan 1610 E.T, together with the teacherage and garage thereon be sold to Frank Daley at and for the sum of $19600.00. . • . . -. . Carried Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the sketch plans for the proposed Bassano School addition be approved and the pro«~. ject be proceeded with to include the conversion to gas as outlined. Carried, Adjourned for lunch, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m• . . . . . . Agricultural Service Board Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the County weedsprayer --- be made available for general use of ratepayers in accord.. ance with the motion contained in the Agricultural Service Board minutes. Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the motion be ammended to read 't$3.00 per half mile of road or $$.00 per hour,~- • + . . Carried. The motion was passed as ammended. • • w • • w Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Agricultural Service Board be accepted.. . . . ~ . Carried. FORM 149-P-Special MUN[CIPAi. SUPPLIES LTD. ~,8 ~3.. Hos,Eital Committee Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted. , , ~ M • w Civil Defence No report. .~r' { ;~•~~ I , . - - , . Farm Purchase Board No report. - • • • a w Newell Foundation (Senior Citizens Carried, Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the report of the Newell Foundation be accepted,. • . w • ! - Carried, Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the following accounts be passed for payment: 8662 Duchess Cafe«•Larochelle7$, 90-- 8663 Off, o, Queens Print. 2.30 8664 Alta. Govt.. Tel. 15.85 8665 B, W. Tibbitt 25,00 8666 Atlas Lu, Co. Ltd. 20,00- 8667 Roll* H. Cr ~ Sav Un 25.00: 8668 Brooks Cr ~ Sav Un 100,00" 8669 Roll H Cr ~a Sav Un 20,00 ~. 8670 H* C~ Scammell 145.20u 8671 Can Nat Inst for Bl 150.00- 8672 F, U, A. 50..00 8673 Deans Radio ~ TV 7.40 8674 Town of Brooks 236.40. 867$ Juv. Off,. Br 31.00 8676 E. I. D. 16,50 8677 A* T, A. 397.00 8678 Teach Ret Fund 1922,22 8679 C o N #4 Payroll 37687.94" 8680 Mrs, R. Schnieder 1,75 ' 8681 Mrs.. A. Creybohn 25.00 8682 Tr Br..Korithoski 150.00 8683 Mr- E.R,Williamson 60.00 8684 Mr, M. Miedinger 1250,00 8685 B o NS-»Lepp 500.00 8686 Tr Br»Seely 750,00- 8687 Wm, Lauver 306.00 8688 C o N~$.~.Paetkau 10.00 8689 B o NS•-.Paetkau 452.00 8690 B o NS ~• Purcell 248.43 " 8691 Vic Zacharias 372,00 8692 B o NS •.. Dueck 415.00 8693 Mrsw. Ida Zibell 12,00 8694 Mr, C. Buchanann 50,00 8695 Mrs, G. VanOene 15,00 8696 Mr, H, Antonius 35.00 8697 D. Nakamura 1,-00 ~` 8688 K„ Hironaka 2,00 8699 T.G. Hironaka 3.00 8700 F, Bergen 2,00 8701 J, Wiebe 1.00 8702 G.G. Loewen 3.00 8703 A. Penner S,OOk 8704 Wm. Figeczki 2.00 8705 H. Dyck 11.00 8706 G. Sawatsky Jr. 2,00 8707 M.F~ Jacobsen 1.00 8708 E• Dyck 3,00 8709 D. Penner 2.00 8710 G. Penner 4.00 8711 H. Peters 2.00 8712 Mrs. M. Thomsen 2,00 8713 J~ Thomsen l,DOR• 8714 M, Wecko 3,00" 8715 J+ Heinricks 3,00 8716 Aw Axelson 3.00 8717 Enns Brothers 5.00 8718 D- Dyck 2.00 8719 C.J. Ramer ~ Sons 3,00 8720 A. Arrison 1,00 8721 Mrs. J,~J, White 100,00 8722 Donald Owens 45-00~" 8723 Nesbitt Pub Co 51.32.. 8724 Rec Gen*•Queen~s Pr $.DOa~ 8725 North Star Oil 5.25'• 8726 C o Calgary+~Welfare 134.35. 8727 C o N#4 H Fayroll $216.23. 8728 Rec Gen of Can $024.50 8729 Rec Gen .~ U.I.C, 284.92 8730 Tilley Gas Co 97,50. 8731 C of Newell #4 83.59 8732 J, Bodenko 16„41x; 8733 Acklands Ltd, 21.08 8734 Alta Assn o M.D.s 419,68 8735 Alta Blue Cross 42.75 8736 Alta School Trust Ass 100.00 8737 Alta Wheat Pool 78,75 8738 Atlas Lu Co I.td 21,90 8739 B.A. Service 78,32 8740 Barrie Signe 9.50 8741 Bassano Motors Ltd. 2.00 8742 A, Baumann 5,00 8743 Mrs. I. Sen~tson 60,00 FORM 149-P-Special 6UNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. %1 - ~~~ .~ 4 M ~ _~. 8744 Mr, Fred Betton 140,20 8805 McLean Merch Sales 3,14 8745 R, Bishel 43.56 ' 8806 Med Hat ~ Dist Ret Ch (4.00 8746 H.A. Bloomquist 122.70 8807 Midwest Paper Ltd 101,10 8747 Br Coop Assn Ltd 1311,89. 8808 Midwest Supplies 23.00 8748 Brooks Garage Ltd 3.60 8809 Modern Auto Service $05.07 8749 Brooks News ~ Tob 84„22 8810Motor Car Supply 62.13 8750 Brooks Pharmacy 12.05 8811 Moyer Vico Ltd 45.60 8751 Brooks Tire Service 5,00 8812 Municipal Supp Ltd 746.22 8752 Bruce Robinson El 17.47 8813 Miss P, Nawalsky 50,00~~ 8753 Budd~s 99 Service 7.00 8814 Nesbitt Pub Co 66,g8-~_~ 8754 Burroughs Add Mach 1,.40 8815 Mr. C,L.. Norton 5.00` 8755 Ca1g Customs Brokers 3.50 8816 Ofrex (Can) Ltd 37.05- 8756 Ga1g Power Ltd. 5.97: 8817 01son~'s Service 3.69 8757 Calg Typ ~ Off Supp 200,,.00 $818 F.E, Osborne Ltd 16,89 8758 Campbell Brothers 50.65 8819 Patricia Garage 108,08 8759 Can Liquid Air Co 47,08 8820 Petty Cash 28.95" 8760 Can Propane Con 51,20 8821 Pheasant Sales Ltd 4,06 8761 Can West Nat Gas 7.06 8822 Plews Service 99.15 8762 Cent Sales ~ Serv 289.88 8823 Pontings Service 17,84 8763 Clarke Irwin ~ Co 13.95 8824 Mrs, N. Porter 7.80 8764 Coleman Plbg ~ Ht 97.08` 8825 Pracision Mach ~ Equip 27.51 876$ Consol Concrete Ltd 174.72- 8826 Village of Rosemary 123.50 8766 Const Equip Ltd. 15.27 8827 Royal Lumber Yards 34.48 8767 Corr School Branch 4,00 8828 Mrs. S, Rust 64,50 8768 Mrs. S, Craig 6,OOx~ 8829 Schelske~s Weld Shop 15,50' 8769 Crown Lu Co Ltd 131.81 g830 School Book Branch 192.46 8770 Cummins Diesel Fo 49.90`'' 8831 Mrs. E, Sears 60.00 8771 Danes Texaco Gar 5.80 8832 Sharps Theatre Supp .61 8772 De1co Pumping Serv 45.00 8833 Smith~Dav.idson ~ Lecky 66.12 8773 Deldays Brooks Tr 29.03 8834 Standard Auto Pts 56.94 8774 A,B.Dick Co o Can 348.70 8835 Street Robbins Morrow 233.46 8775 Duchess Cafe 110,95 gg36 Mrs. E,J. Swenson 22.40 8776 Village of Duchess 39.70 8837 Mrs. E,~ Swenson 24.00 8777. Duchess Garage 189.30 8838 Mrs. B. Tarney 12.00>~ 877$ Mrs, L, Dunbar 28.75. 8839 Taylor Fear Car Ltd 63,80- 8779 Edmon Tire Co Ltd 24.35 8840 Village of Tilley 100,00 8780 Encyc Britannica 15.90. 8841 K, Torkelson 15.75 8781 Finleys Store 142.90 8842 Union Tract(Ca1j Ltd 68..95 8782 Flanagan Bros 1,70-.-. 8843 Univ of Toronto 33.91 8783 Cancelled 8844 Mrs. K~ Wallace 6000 8784 Friendly Stores 3.52 8845 .~ iae-ice-- - - - ~~0 8785 Gen Bio Supp House 112.27= 8846 Mrs. A.R, Wardle 17.00 8786 Gestetner (Cane Ltd 99..04 8847 Waterous Equip Ltd 32,09b 8787 Ginn F~ Co 56.05 8848 R,W, Weiler 3.50 8788 Godfrey ~ Gay 9.~0 8849 Welders Supplies Ltd 11.60 8789 Mrs. E.M,Hawkesworth 30.,00 $$50 Mrs, B.P. Wells 167,00 8790 Imperial Oil Ltd 327.45 8851 Mrs, EAR, Williamson 10,00 8791 Jack Hood Sch Supp 4.03 8852 Willson Stat Co 88.54 8792 Imperial Motors 82.14 8853 J,J. Wilms 20.00 8793 Mr, C,L, Kadey 100.00 gg54 Wilson Builders Supp 30,90- 8794 Mrs, K, Kennedy 12.00.. 8855 Frank Winter Welding 53.96 8795 Kleen Limited 17~.20~ 8856 G,A, Winter 54.90 8796 Kleenbirn Coll 35.80"' 8857 J.P. Wittig 2,.00 8797 Mrs„ M, Korithoski 12,00::. gg5g Mr. G.A. Stephens 20,00 8798 Lake Motor Service 215.16 gg59 Mr. H. Rasmussen 20,00~•~ 8799 K.N. Lintott 24.60: 8860 Mr, C. Eckert 20.00 8800 Mrs, J, M„ Lester 24,00 $861 Alta. Govt. Tel. 121.45 8801 Macleod~s Ltd 29.16~~' 8862 Beaver Lu Co Ltd 74.92 8802McCabe Grain Co 1.59- 8863 Mrs„ A. George 36,00' 8803 Marshall Wells 4.55 8864 C. G1ock 7,;.,~0 8804 Mr. J, Ross McKay 10.00 8865 G,W, Philpott 120.80 8866 Wm. Sheldrake 8.3,30 . . Carried, Moved by Councillor McAleese~ that Bylaw 218 to cancel certain uncollectable tax arrears be given lst~ 2nd and 3rd readings and finally passed. ,, . . Carried, 'ORM 1A9-P-Speelal IL*NICIPAI. SUPPLIES LTD. ~J ~~ <,r ,. $ ;~. Moved by Councillc-r Houglas,a~ that apart®~. of land containing approximately 6 acres be purchased from Herschel Lundy Gem at ~$D,QQ per acre for use as a Nui~tance Ground. : ~ . . ~ . Carried Meeting adjourned at 3:3o p.m~, eE PJ~\ '' o °~+o J .f,, Pic ~u'J~> le DS~g Gr ~'~s irman _ _~ ec tary~.Trea~ -__~ 'AL SVPPLIBS L2D.