HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-14 Council (Regular) Minutes~.~~ COUNTY OF NEWELL N0. ¢ -- ` COUNTY COUNCIL AFRI L. 14th, 1961• The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m., on Friday, April 14th, 1961. . . Members present: Chairman N. A• Shuttleworth Councillors A. Chrumka P. McAleese Jas. Hajash, Jr. R. Armstrong R. Eastman 1 ~. v::Lf.~-}-~' , Ben E. Plumer Secretary•.Treasurer H. Scammell . • . The minutes of the previous meeting of March 10th, 1961, and the Statutory Meeting of April 4th, 1961 were read and adopted• • 4 • • • f Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the Secretaryas report of receipts and expenditures for the month of March be accepted, Carried. . . . . . Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Bylaw No. 212 to authorize the sale of Block ii Sir to the Town of Brooks be given first, second and third readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously. .i` ,:` ~ • • • • • • jj '`~ ~ 1 =~ Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Bylaw No. 213 to donate ~` ~ $$0.00 to the Farmers Union of .Alberta be givenfirst, ~ second and third readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously. . . Moved by Councillor McAleese, that Bylaw No. 214 to donate $1$0,00 to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind be given first, second and third readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously. . • • • A letter from Paul B• Newton re his property at Rainier was read and the Secretary was directed to proceed with the advertising of the land and the house for sale by tender. . . Letters from the National Employment Service and E. W Brunsden were read and ordered filed. • w • a • • Reports of Committees Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted, Carried. • • w • a ~ ORM 149-P-Special UNICiPAL SUPYLIIiS LTD, ~~ ~ Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the plans of the Cassils R. E. Assn! extensions be approved. Carried. . • . . Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the plans of the Rosemary R. E. Assn. extensions be approved. Carried. • • • • • ! Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the County fence the Bow City road allowance through the Newell Grazing Assn. lease. Motion Lost. ! • • • • . Moved by Councillor Eastman, that until such time as the necessary legislation is passed to prevent the trespass of hunters, fishermen, ar~d the general public on privately owned lands, the Council refuse to approve all applications for Road Allowance Leases. Carried, . . The tenders for the Range Coulee School were closed at 12:00 noon. Only one tender was received, made by Henry Paetkau of Gem, in the sum of $510.00. Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the bid of $510.00 by Henry Paetkau, for the Range Coulee School be accepted, subject to the approval of the Minister of Education. Carried. . . . i ,~,~ G Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p!m! ! . . . . School Committee Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. ~1 • • ! • A Moved by Councillor Plumer, that the County proceed with plans for a two room addition to the Bassano school. Carried. : . Agricultural Service Board Moved by Council~.or Eastman, that the report of the Agricultural Service Board be accepted. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the County enter into an agreement with the Alberta Wheat Pool for the supply of grass and legume seed to farmers in the County. Carried. A Moved by Councillor Plumer, that a Teacherage Unit be built at Tilley. Carried. . 1 • P ! A Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the following accounts be passed for payment: ARM 149-P-Special ~NICIPAL SUPYLIfiS LTD. ~~ j.: i" ~~ '~~~ l G` 84bb A. G. T. 28.90.`' 8467 Cancelled ~' 8468 Duchess Garage 103,46 8469 M. S, I. 573.00 8470 Animal Clinic 9b,80 8471 Mrs, D.Wieliczko 6,b9,_ 8472 Mrs, L.Dunbar 38.95'`` 84.73 Fitney~Bowes 72.OOf° 8474 Mrs. H.B.Roen 114., 00 $~ 8475 Mrs,M,Fulton 6.00` 8476 E. I. D. 449.41 8477 Moyer Vico Ltd. 88,28 8478 Jubilee Ins. Ag, 222.87 8479 Alta, Blue Cross 43.70 8480 Postmaster 95.00 8481 Miss J, Anderson 22,00 8482 Tr.Br.~Korithaski 220,00 8483 E.R,Williamson b0.00'` 8484 M. Miedinger 1250,00- 8485 B,o,N,S,f Lepp 500.00 848b Prov.Tr.Br,fSeely 750.00 8487 Wm, Lauver 30b,00 8488 C of NfFeatkau 10.00 8489 Cancelled ~~ "~ 8490 B.o.N,S.IPurccll 248.43 8491 Vic Zacharias 372.00 8492 Mrs.l,Zibell 12.00 8493 Mr.C,Buchanann $0.00" 8494 Can, Liquid Air Co . b.9b- 8495 Mr,C.L.Kadey 100,00 849b F. Hawthorne 15.00 8497 Mrs,G.VanOene 15.00- 8498 Mr,H,Antonius 35.00 8499 Ro11,H.Sav.~Cr,Un . 20,00 8500 Cancelled ~ 8501 Brooks Cr,F~Sav.Un 100,00 8502 Rol1,H,Sav.~Cr.Un . 25,00 8503 B.W,Tibbitt 25.00=~ 8504 Atlas Lumber Co. 20.00" 8505 Mrs.A.George 3b.00 850b Bow Slope S. Ass. 195,Ob 8507 B.o,N,S.jPeatkau 452.00 8508 B.o.N.S.~Dueck 41$,00 8509 H.C.Scammell 69.90 8510 C, of Newell #4 3 8366.83" 8511 C. of Forty Mile 1250.00 8512 E. I. D, 13.90 8513 A. T. A. 392.75 8514 Brd.o,Administ. 188b,18 8515 Duch,Cafef Laroch, 03 8$16 Cancelled 8517 Cal. Power Ltd. 7.17" 8518 Mrs.B,Tarney 6.00 8519 Mrs.M,Olson 12.00+ 8520 Dr,E.J.M.Church 24.00 8521 T,, P., ~ C, Ltd. 108,85 8522 Cassils Mut,Tel. 8,05- 8523 City o. Cal~Welfa re122.80 8524 Prov.Treas.jJuv.O ff 1.00- 8525 J.M.Dent ~ Sons 1.87 852b Miss A.A. Toth 10,00 8527 H. C. Scammell 70,25 8528 Jo Lee Anderson $0.00 8529 Dr. T.B. Sewall 1491.b0 8530 C,o,N,~Payroll 2650.85 8531 Smith Fun. Home 100,00' 8532 Off, o. Queens Pr , 2,10 8533 Sch,Sec.Superan,F,187.50'" 8534 Tilley Gas Co, 113,25 8535 Mr,W.T.Zender 331.27` 853b I3„o,Ag,fProv,Tr. 193.31 8537 Gays Str.fBushey 25.28 8538 Rec,Gen,IU.I.G. 258.28 ~ r a ~, ~J 8539 Rec.Gen,o,Can _ ~4 754.80k~' 8540 Acklands Ltd. 27.93 8541 A.1,Ass,o,M,D, 4 280,18 8542 A1ta.Blue Cross 42.75 8543 Al.Wh,.Po,fSeed D, 122,00 8544 Rena Albright 9.00 8545 Atlas Lumber Co, 279.93 8546 B.A. Service 113„00 8547 Bartletts Gen St, 19,18- 8548 Mr,A,Baumann 5.50' 8549 T. R. Baxter 61,50 8550 Mr, F, Batton 105,80 8551 R, Bishel 57.64 8552 Br, Co.»Op Assn. 3 208,,00 8553 Br,Garage(Br)Ltd. 2.64 8554 Br, Lodge x`77 70,00 8555 Br, News ~ Tob 12.70 855b Br. Pharmacy 4.24''' 8557 Br. Tire Serv,itd. 10,50 8558 Burr,Add.Mach,o,Ca n267.00 8559 Campbell Bros. 73.50 85bo C.P,R.fComrn,Dept. 1„80 85b1 Can,W,Nat,Gas,Co, 8.9b 85b2 Can.Prop.Cons,L. 46.40 8563 Cent. Sales ~ Ser, 207.35 85b4 H.W. Clarke 8„70 85b5 Clarke,Irwin~Co. 44.98 85bb Coleman P1.F~ Ht. 7.77 85b7 Const,Equip,Co. 83,78; 8$b8 Miss B, Coultis 25.00- 85b9 Crown Lu. Co, 365.55 8570 Crick.Rich,Equip. 18.$0 8571 Deans Radio ~ TV 10.30 8572 Deldays Br. Tr, 40.39 8573 J.M.Dent ~ Sons 3,76 8574 A,B.Dick Co. 484.65. 8575 Mr,Sw 1., Dunbar 4b, 87 8576 Elec.Equip. 91.52 8577 Encyc. Britan. 41.20 8578 Sec,»F.U.A. 20.OOr. 8579 Finleys Store 177.58 8580 Mr. F, Foster 100.00 8581 Gem-~•Count.Mut. Tel, 10,15` 8582 Gen.Pub.Co.itd. 1b.31` 8583 W,E. Greer 39,70 8584 W.E. Greer 145.85 8585 Mr. R, Griffith 1b.20 858b Mr. M. Grimshaw 20.00 8$87 Hay ~ Harding Ltd, 6,00 8$88 Hectors Ltd, 107.41 8589 Imperial Motors 130.1b 8590 Imperial Oil Sl,b2`~ 8591 William Ion 35,00'- 8592 Irrigano Pub. L. 14..40 8593 Int, Harv, Co. 51.43 8594 Mr.V.M.Johnson 107,30 8595 Mrs,V.M.Johnson 18.88 '8596 Jubilee Ins. Ag. 7.44 8597 Kleen Ltd. 205.00 8598 Kleenbird Coll, 443.85 8599 Ken Lintott 49.20 8b00 Lake Motor Serv, 283.47 8bo1 Longmans Green Co. 3,11 8bo2 Macleodrs Ltd, 45.58 8b03 Marshall-.Wells 9.05 8604 Med.Hat ~ DistfR.C.b4.00 8b05 Med.Hat.Health Un,2080,05 8bOb Mid..West Paper L. 233.55 8607 Mid~West Supp. 1b6.25~~' 8bo8 Modern tluto Serv. 122.72~~ 8b09 Motor Car Supp. 294.94 8b1o Moyer Vico Ltd. 107,47 8611 Mun. Supp. Ltd. 9b,85 SRM 149-P-Specta4 ~NICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. ~~ ~ 4 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 8621 8622 ''8623 8624 18625 8626 18627 '8628 '18629 'I863o 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 'i8636 Murray Gord.- Mach McCabe Grain Co,. J, Ross McKay Mrs. R. McMillan Mica R, Nawolsky ©frex (Ca-n'} Ltd, Mrs. M.M. Olson Olson~s Service F. B. Osborne Patricia Garage Petty Cash Pheasant Sales L. G. W. Philpott Pra.PreFor.Assoc. Prov.TreolBoilers Richman*s Foods Salvation Army School Book Br. Berl Beitz Wm. Sheldrake Smalley~s Radio L, Standard Auto Pts. Str.~iobb~Morrow L. Mrs, B.J. Swenson Tilley Motors 6.20M 8637 Town of Bassano 65,OOM 3.66M $638 Town of Brooks 25,00 M 25000 M 8639 Union Tractor 12436M 12,00 s $64.0 U.o.Tar.~Quide C, 12e88~ 50~00~" 8641 Village of Duchess 39.70 39.50 ~a 8642 Vill. of Roaemar 123.5©`"~ 12OOM Mr. A.R. Wardle: (864~,~ 21~OOr~ 79.36"" 8644 Waterous Bquip, 8,67 31.83 M 8645 Welders Supplies 16.35~N 120,70 a 8646 Wsst,School Furn, 52.15~~ 17.02 8647 Willson Stat. Co, 10,07M 19.30 ea 8648 Wilaon Build.Sup. 113,6OM 68,40M 8648 F. Winter Welding 31,02~~ 25000 M 86$0 G.A. Winter 17.60~~ 31.25M 86,51 J. P. Wittig 10.02 ~~ 30.00 s $652 Wyant ~ Co, Ltd. 18..1$ ~~~ 600.,OOos 8653 Steve.Yewchuck 20.00~~ 148.22~a 8654 Mr, Jim Gold 20.OOM 20,00 w 8655 A. G. T, 128.00' 51.80M 865b B. Iv ~. 614.02 16.78M 8657 K. N.,Lintott 7OOe: 14.99M 86$8 M. 8. I. 558,o0c~ 32.49° 8659 Mrs.- M. Olson 36, 00 48.00 8660 Mrs. S. Rust 950 3.35 ~ 8661 Mrs. Betty Wells 12.00 Carriede . . . . Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that Bylaw No, 215 setting the '~ Bchool Mill Rate at 32 mills on all land and improvements in the County be given firsts second and third readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimq~ualy-„~ . . . o oved by Councillor Bas~tman, that Bylaw No+ 216 setting the ospital Mill Rats at 5 mills on all land and y,mprovementa n the County be given firsts seeand and third readings nd finally passed, Carried Unanimously. . . . . ved by Councillor Armstrong, that Bylaw No. 217 stetting e Municipal Mill Rate at .15 mills on gll land and improve.,. nts i:n the County be given first,, second and third readings d finally passed. Carried Unanimously, • • . . o . FORM 149-P-Sp.elal 'MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES L1'~. V`Z' ~ Co • ,~<v c"~ o` ~ ~,~ aP ~~ > T`O Gy1 ved by Councillor Shuttleworth, that the following ficials be appointed to vonduet the by~eleetion ~n vision ~4t Returning Officer Beputy Returning Officers Enumerators K. Lintott Mrss BreR. Williamson Mra.:t Swenson Mrs, }3~ni1 ~jjallewein Mrso G.V,, l~3wenson Mrs. 8mi1 Wallewein lling booths to be established as followst Bc~w City Community Hall $,ainier Community Hall Scandia School Auditorium, e election to take place on Thursdays May 11th, 1961. Carried', • • • • . . Meeting adjourned at 5330 pe m.: • • . . • . rman 8c i'Y Treasrurer