HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-06 Council (Regular) Minutes~' °~ ~ ~v County of Newell ila. 4 ~'iOL17lt;}' CiotY27C11 _ r'~ ~~...1960_~___ 'The regular :r:onthly rieeting of the Coutici.l of tie Co~art~,- of I3ewe11 r`r' 4 was held in the County Office yn Brook_s, Alberta, a~ lO:CO a.m. on Friday, Il.ay 6th, 1860. . . AZembers present: Chairr.~a.n Counaillcrs Secretary-treasurer • s • • • i~ . ", . Shuttleworth O. Vossler P, t-icAleese v. Andrews gas. Ha:;ash, vr. ~• ArlTistrOr'i~; ~. Eastri~an f3.E . Plume r ~". Dpu~lass ::i. C. Sca~rre~~. The zi:inutes of the previous meetink Lf Apri.l 3, 19~°J, arld tine Court of Revision ApYil 26, 196x, were read and adopted. . . P•ioved by Councillor IyicAleese that tho Secratar.~~s report ref ~4eceipts and Uisbursetients for the rrtvnt:i of April bw aGCepted. :,a.rrisd. • '~ ~.dvice eras x•eceived fro:: the Doard of Traaspirrt Cori~i:is~.,ioners c;f ~ the clcjsing of Cra:i~;d.hu, Granta, Lier~hart & ~: error. /~ :he re<.-+uisiti or: fo. /he .iosp~ta~_~at~.o-:.~ene~its ~?ct 'ra t.rP sur~ of ~ 32,~9~.~C; was received. . . ~.,orrespor_derce ~~rit:. tine Hepartr..ent of Public Heal+vh re t'~e e~t•er~Sior of health ser~,rices in the Ccurty was read ar~d ordered filed, • • • s • Corresporlden~;e frcrn the C.P.R, re removal of t:.e rigAt :;f wavy- fence.. an the ~.~e,r~ spur was ordered held pez;c'~~n~; a rea:.ort frer,: Co~,z:icillor . - Pouglass. . . Ccrresl;c:.derce re the Ti lley school additi o:Y heatiti~ and the holdback was read. .. Ths Secr~star,-P was ~.rected tv renuest a::i extension ~.•f bored c;overa~:e }o provide insurai7ce for the proper peratio~z of the plant over :~Yexr; vri.nt,er before releasing any holdback. . . Ttoved by Cou~acillor Douklass that t:,~e proposed subdi.T~.sion Parcel "~" in id.E. 33 - 2%' - 18 - 4 be appro~red. Carr-i_ed. • i f • • Correspondence between. the E.i.D. a,.nd the Departr~ient of I~a.nds `: Forests re Fire Per.~nits was read and ordered filed. ~ Carried.`'; _~:__ . . The Secretary reported that r'. Skuban Ya.d not ccrnpleted his purchase of the barn and cc~l shed at ~.rtelope Creeks ar:d was directed to wake disposal to anather prospect. FORM 149-P-~Special MUNICIPAL SUPYLISS LTD. - 2 • r; ~ ',` ~.. Correspondence with the Canadian Udestern TJatural Gas Gc. re gas lines at Bassa.no, Gem, Rosemary, and Duchess was read and ordered held pending the reply re depth. . . ~ letter from the Depaxtrrent of Highways re rates for hauling a gavel was read a.nd ordered filed. . . R port$ ~f Com~littees. t~Junic~al Committee. I~Zoved by Councillor Hajasly~hat the report of the Aiun.cipal Ccmmsttee be accepted. Carried. . . School Conunittee. Moved by Councillor Plumer that the report of the Sc~ool Committee be accepted. Carried. . . • • • _i i t *1 ~ ~~ s /; adjourned for lunch 1:00 to ?:3C p.m. . . Agricultural Service B_oaxd. P~ioved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the A.S.B. be accepted. Carried. . . HosLital Conunittee. rloved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Hcspita7. Cor~unittee be accepted. . . Carried. Civil Defence Committe+~. Moved b;~ Councillor Andrews that the report of the Civil Defence Committee be accepted. Moved by Councillor Eastman that the following uncollectable accounts be written off: G. Dunbar ~ 3.60.'. 2lartin Bros. ~ 3.60 IM. Rasmussen _ ~ 3.6_0 X10.80 ~~ ,~ ~ '' ~ °- t 1~ ~- Farm Purchase Board. No report. . . Moved by Councillor Plumer that a new furnace be installed in the Alcoma school at a cost of 3,915.00. Carried. • • • • • It was unanimously agreed that the June meetings be postponed one week to the 13th, 14th and 17th of June, 1960. ~ " . . Moved by Councill..or tlossler that the following accounts be passed for payment: 6357 A. G. T. 12.45 M b39b Alta. Blue Cross Plan 38.00 ~' b388 C. L. Ka,dey 100.00 ~ 6397 Mrs. G. i~'. Swenson 1?.00 b35~ Stewart Petroleums 449.26 ~ 6398 ^. G. T. 121.65 6390 Imperial 3~totors 188.52 ~ 6399 R.H.C.U./G.Timko ?.5.00 ~ b391 Pyke & Holberton 555.18 ~ 6400 4. A. Gordon 24.00 '~ 6392 Med.Hat & Dist.Assn. 50.00 ~; 6401 C.o.Id.j D. Gamble 15.58 ~' 6393 C. P. R. 3.00 ~ 6402 F. H. Berry 93.40 '~ 6394 Hlrs. L. Sieppert 50.00 '_` 6403 Wm. Sheldrake 5.80 ~_ 6395 School Book Branch 465.88 61+04 Duchess Garage 153.10 FORM 149-P-•Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLItvS LTD. r~~ 6405 E. W. Brunsden 2105.00 v bIF76 Calgary Customs Brokers 5.50 M 6406 B.& T./ G. Varadv 25.00 ~ 6477 California Test Bureau 137.43 ~` 6407 C.o.N./R.~ristianson 10.00 ~° 647a CampbeL Bros. .95 '"` 6408 R.x.c.u./ /1 zo.oa 6479 can.Liauid Air co. 21,z$ 6409 AT. S. ~. 579.00 ~ 64$0 C. P. R. 6,09 6410 Randall Pa~~e $.30 64$1 Coleman Plumbing 174.75 64]1 C.o.N./ 11 90.00 64$2 Can. Western Piatural Gas 7.44 6412 tiounty of Newell 3 59$6.04 ~" 6483 Central Sales & Service 37$.05 `~ 6413 Sandberg & Peterson 35.50 ~ b484 Constr. Equipment Co. 16.46 ' 6414 Land Titles Office IC0,00 6485 Crown Lumber Co. 428,41 b415 Peter Larochelle 34.00 E~ 6486 Curmiins Diesel Power 217.30 ~" 6416 T.R,F.~ 1723,14 - 64$7 Deldays Brooks Transport 40.47 6417 A.T.A. 333.00 64$$ E. I. D. 153.07 ". 6418 Gem General Store 16.67 a+ 6489 Electric Enui~unent Ltd. 14$.64 ~° 6419 Gem-Countess Mut.T. 12.05 ~" 6490 Mrs. Albert Enslen 18.00 ¢ 6420 H. C. Scanunell 67.70 ~- 6491 Fer~:son Supply Alta. Ltd. 5.02 6421 J. ATeely 20.00 '~ 6492 Flanagan Bros. 4.74 642? A. Block 20.00. ; ~' 6493 Friendly Stores Ltd. 4.02 6423 Ni. Grimshaw 20.00 ~ 6494 E. H. Gabert 96,$0 6424 J. Gold 20.OC w 6495 I~ss. Aline George 12.00 ~ 6425 A.G.T. 24.65 ~ 6495 9.. Gordon 12.00 `~ b426 Dist. Court,~N.Crapa 35.$0 ~ 6497 ~I. E. Greer 35.00 6427 T.B./h, Korithoski 150.00 ~ 649$ amanond Distrib. 5.95 '~ 642$ R, Williamson 60.00 ~ 6499 Huttons Ltd. 19.70 642y Ross TicKay 31?.00 ~, 6500 T'.leenbirn Collieries 30.05 643 TAT. Miedinger 1000.00 ~ 6501 NSrs. M. Korithoski 10.00 6431 Vic Zacharias 372.00 6502 Lake 1•Totor Service lq$.60 643? T.B./ Alvin Lepp 500.00 ~ 6503 Longmans, Green ~c Co. 4.30 ~ 6433 J T.B./ D. F. See1,y 750.00 ~ 6504 Jack Maldaner 9,30 ~ . 6434 Wm. Lauver ?30.00 b5C5 I~iarshall ~~ells Stores 87.38 ~~ ~ 6435 G '~! ~ b436 B,o,N,S./G, Paetkau n 462.00 ~` 6506 6 Ivlartin-Senour Co. 16$.40 " /N,Dueck 415.00 507 Mid West Paper 40.05 6437 1t /J.K, Purce1.1~1~.8.43 ~`` b50$ Modern Auto Service 164.10 6438 D. N. James X2.00 ~ 6509 Motor Car Supply 375.27 6439 J, Creyl~ohm 20,00 ~° 6510 Moyer School Supplies Ltd. 49.65 b440 Ida Zi~.~e11 1?.OG `~ 6511 Mur~. Supplies Ltd. 272.00 6441 i~T. Plant $0.00 ~ 6512 McGraw Hill Co. 15.50 6442 J. van Oere 15.00 6513 rT. J. I~icKenzie 211.55 644`, Fashion Footwear 23.1'x. `° 6514 N1,~,cLeodi s Limited 4$.01+ 6444 Robert Grahaari 55.50 6515 I~'ess Electric Co. 5.25 " 6445 E. T. D, ?3.10 ~ 651b Tlittel Supply Co. 55,;0 '~ 6446 County of Newell 11.00 6517 F. E. Osborne Ltd. 11x..63 641+7 Brooks 5¢-~ 1.00 1?,91 651$ HenriT Faetkau 10.00 6448 E. R. Williamson 2.70 ~ 6519 Pheasant Sales Limited .56 ~ 6449 Brooks Curling Club 38.03 ~ 6520 G. W. Philpott 117,3t~ ~' 6450 U. I. C. 283.7% 65?1 T~irs. T1ora Porter 25.25 6451 Rec.General of Can.l,.183.25 ~ 6522 Prov. Training School 15.00 6452 Payroll. 3699,66 n< 65?3 T~irs. Sylvia Rust 65.00 6453 Peter Lax~ochelle 100.00 65?4 Ro11.H. Corr~nurity Hall 2.0.00 6454 Tilley Gas Co. 94.00 ~ 6525 Salvation Array 10.00 ~ 6455 C.o,N,/6larke Bros. 9.1,.4 ~' 6526 S.S.S.F, 175.14 6456 D, s ckl and & Sor. 23.52 6527 `rtilliam Sheldrake 94.50 6457 A.A.of ri.Ds. 348.$0 ~ 6528 Snap-on Tools of Can. l;a $l 645$ Alta.T~iun.Dist.O. 900.00 ~ 6529 ~ Sports ~~'~ Rects i~tar~. & Suppl. _ 6459 A.T.A. 52.00 6530 Stclsonts Service 3$.42 ''' 6460 Llberta Wheat Pool 413.50 ~ 6531 Street, Robbins, liorrotir 103.70 6461 1' 49.$5 6532 Sturdie Propane Limited 100.01 646? Nels Anderson 2300.00 r 6533 Nirs. Eileen Swenson 60.00 6463 Atlas Lumber Co. 2.53 °° 6534 Tamura Bros, 5000 ~ 6464 August Baumann 4.G0 ~ 6535 Taylor, Peaxsor~ &: Carson b$.17 6465 Alf Beieler 41.40 ~ 6536 Tilley t~iotors 8.00 .: 6466 R, Bishel 52.54 ~ 6537 K, L, Torkelson 7,60 ~ 6467 Mrs. A. Blaomnuist 41.95 -~ 6538 Universit-J of Tor;;ntc %8.41 '° 646$ Bobbs-i~errill Co. 238.0$ +~ 653Q Village of Duchess 3~>.70 - 6469 Bow Slope Shipping 49.52 •+ 6540 Vi11?ge of :~osemarv 116.;0 ~ 6480 Brooks Co-op. 1040.3 5 ~ 6541 Village of Tilley 100.00 ~, 6471 Brooks Garage .75 ~ 6542 ~`Jat.erous E~.~.:i.pment Ltd. 28.93 6472 Brooks Pha.rrnacv 90.50 ~ 6543 'vJelders S~.applies Limited 14.b5 ~ 641..} Brooks Tire Service 1,50 6544 Wilsor: Builders Supplies 43.11 '' 6474 E. W. Brunsden 55.10 ~" 6545 F. Winters Weldi.r_g 70,20 6475 Buddrs 9 Service 5.00 +~ 6546 G. A. Wir:';,er Uz5.10 ~ FORM 149-P-•Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. ~ ,,,.w ~"!? ~. -4- 6547 J. P. Wittig 11.63 ~'' 654 Imperial I~iotors 150.0$ ' 654Q School Boob: Branch 192x29 6550 Nesbitt Fablishing Co. 104.60 *~ 6551 X L reed ~~ Suppl:,r Co. Ltd. 1.40 "`' 655? Ser~,ri.ce Gaxa~e 2.50 ~'` b553 Park Sales ~ Service 2.5G ~ 6554 Kirks Heatin:z Li~.ited 500.OC '' 6555 rr^inleys Store ~3.~b 6556 Alberta Tow :~c fiat' Co. 5.00 M . . C~a.rried I~ioved b~, Councillor Habash that B;,rlaw Ido. 200 to set the I<-i,,znicipal mill rate at 15 :rills for the year 1960 be t~.ven lst, 2nd, and 3rd readings and fina3ly passed. Carried Limn. . . :Moved by Co~,u7cillor Plur-:er t~.at I3,y-law i:o. 201 to set the School mill rate at 4C tills for t~,e rear s 960 be giver. lst, 2rdd, and 3rd readi,~gs and fir{a11~ passed. Carried IJnan. • • • . e ~~ioved by Councillor Eastr.:ari that Bylaw i+o. 202 to set t.:e :ospital mill rate at '? :miJ.ls for the gear 7.960 be given 1st, 2n{:t, a:icl 3rd readings a:{d fi nall;y- passed. Cax rigid iJran. • • • • . the tenders for tractor, loader and backi.ve were e;~~eried a^.d x°esalted as fol.? ows< Sinclair s Service Stat:i::`~ W L~,J.OO.uJ I3uchess Cara; e ~ ~,Cc--5.00 Ar.derberg i~rothers ~ ~,OOO.GO 3ock,~ Iv,ru:<tain Ind. E~7uipt. Co. ~ 7,200.00 . . Moved by~ Councillor I-icA~eese teat the te:~de~ of Roca~;,= I~-;o*~tai:~~ Ir~dustria.l E:;Y,x:ipnert Co. - p 7,2;~^.0~' r.o.B. Lethbridge, he accepted. varied. i . . . reeti.~t_ ad,ourr~ed at :l> p.r:. . . ~ *e . _ / ~~ -- f .. _, Se ~ a '-treasurer ~' FORM 149-P-~Sp¢cial MUNICIPAL SUPPL]&S LTD.