HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-12 Council (Regular) Minutesr. r ,~ ._ County of Newell No, 4 County ~Council _ February 12th, 1960. The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of NeweJ1 # 4 was held ~tri the County Office in Brooks, Alberta, at 10:00 a,m. on Fridays February 12th 19b0, . . .. . Members present; chairman Councillors Secretary-Treas. . . N. A, Shuttleworth 0. Vossler P. McAleese W. Lokier Jas. Hajash R. Armstrong R. Eastman G. Douglass H. C. Scammell The minutes of the meetir~ of January 8, 1960, were read & adopted. . . . Moved by Councillor Vossler that the Secretaryts report of Receipts and Disbursements for the month of January be accepted. . . A letter from the Hudson Bay Route Assn. bras read and ordered filed. . . Moved by Councillor Douglass that Bylaw ~ 195 to donate ~ 25.00 to the Forestry Assn. be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. Carried Unan. . . , . Moved. by Councillor Eastman that Bylaw No. 19b to donate ~ b00,00 to the Salvation Army be given lst, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. Carried Unan, ... Moved by Councillor Hajash that the account of the Brooks Airport Committee for services - 100.00 be passed. Carried. . . i / ;J ~ ,~~~ L ~~ °~ti,ti`~° Z; Pi .3 a^" _~ J~tv `:~ ~Pt,~ ~ ~L~' ~~~~~ A letter frown Public Utility Commissioners re the Alta. Gas Trunk - Hajash settlement was read and orddlred filed. . . A letter frown Scandia F,U,A, re the proposed Brooks - Rolling Hills road was read and ordered filed. . . . Correspondence with regard to ~ 10,00 per capita grant to Hanil.ets was read and ordered filed. . .. . Notice was received of a ~ 7,145.00 Provincial Grant to assist in developing parks facilities. . . The Secretary reported with regard to Civil Defence. . . o . . Water analysis reports for Millicent and Patricia showed no unfavorable bacteria. . . . The Rosemary R.E.A. map showing faun power construction to date was approved. . . N 149-P-Special [PAL SUPPLIfiS LTD. - 2 - - --- rr loved hY Councillor Mastman that the County Council give fall support to the $Oie~"y disci-~,at in their effort to obtain an ceases road frost Traxis-Canada, Highxay at Bassano to Highxay No. 36 west of I3achess• Carried, • .. . Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p.m• • • • • • ~+eUOi`ts of Gtxasittses. Municipal. Committee. Moved by Councillor Hajash that the report of the Muniaiparl, Ccmunittee be accepted. • • o s • Carried. School Cosmittee. Moved by Councillor Lokisr that the report of the School Committee be aaaepted. .. •.. ~riaultural '3eI'9iEle Board. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mastman that the report of the lgricultural ~r~i-ae Board be accepted. Carried, . . . . Moved by Councillor Lokier that the superirisor~e proposal to eliminate free xesd spray by impl.e~mentation of another policy bs pat into effect in 1960:. Motion Lost. . .. • . Moved by Councillor Lokier that no use be made of county sprayers to spray roadside Mseds. Motion Lost, .. .. Hospital Committee. Moved by Councillor lrmatrong that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted. Carried. ..... ~~ ~~'` ~'` ~~~ o 2~ P~ „a`~°~~ ~, '~ here Civil Defense Committee. moved by Couna3.ltor MaAleese that the report of the Civil Defence Ccsagittee be accepted. .. . • • Carried, Farm Purchase Board. Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Farm Purchase Board be saceptsd. ~ . .. . Carried. Moved by Councillor Mclleese that the following accounts be passed for pays+ent: 5796 Bro ks Ba~dio Centre 1+.95 M 5806 Mrs, M, Ottson 66.00 v 5797 Med Hat & Dist. lean. 51).00 ~ 5807 Mrs• i,Scheuerman 48,00 M 5798 Del o Pmaping Service 75.00 5808 1•G.T, 3„1.30 v 5799 Cal & Lloyd >;apress 1.15 M 5809 thighton tJ s 492.98 5800 5801 Mrs C.o .Nora l~ortsr ,~d. Tractor 17,50 1 6 50 M 5810 5811 Rirl~ s Hsa~ ing Ltd, M L ~ M 25.00 v + . M rs. . •HaxkesKOrth 60,00 5802 Ble nbirn Collieries 597,05 ~ ~` 5812 Patricia Garage 99.28 v 5803 Mrs Leila Dunbar 46.98 5813 :::Daohess Gara,Be 90.90 v 5~4 rs Printer 10,80 M 581.1+ ltlss Lumber Co. 10.42 v 5805 Can stern Natural Gas 21,50 ~, 5815 Nesbitt Pabl, Co. 160,70 M ~4s-P-s,~isi .L SVPPLiHS L7D. i N .7 a 1 4M 149-P-Special ICFPAL SUPPLIES L7'U. -- 3 - 5816 Lester Sieppert 100.00 5$17 M.S.I. 592.$0 ~ 5$18 Mrs. F.M. Fa71is 100.00 581.9 JakeE s Shoe Shop 1.25 5$20 Mrs. R. Salomka 50.00 ~ 5$21 Petty Cash 16.24 e+ 5$22 Farentst Inst. Incorp, 5,00 ~` 5823 Mxs~ H. Charest 225.00 ~' 5$24 David Friesen 225.00 5$25 Miss A. Thiessen 22.5.00 ~ 5$26 Richard Larson ?.25.00 ~ 5827 Miss M. Penner 225.00 5828 Harold Burkholder 225.00 ~` 5$29 Miss S, Godfrey 225.00 ~ 5$30 Miss M. Geddert 225.00 ~` 5$31 Mass L. McFarlane 225.00 5$32 Miss M. Dunay 225.00 5833 Heruy H. Berg 225.00 5$34 Gary Gay 225.00 ~ 5835 David Wiens 225.00 '~" 5$36 Helen Martinyak 225.00 5$37 John D. Miller 225.00 ~ 5838 1~Ia-ss P.J. Nowolsky 225.00 5839 Cruickshank Rich. 118.32 ~ 5$40 Cassils Mutual Tel. 5.25 5$41 C. Glock 52,70 ~" 5842 Karl Maldaner 40.00 "" 5843 J. P. Wittig 6.71 ~` 5844 Central Scientific C o. 16,41 r 5845 ~ Feed & Supply 164.15 5846 Banner Metal Prod, 468.00 5847 Snap-vn-Tools 4,80 ~~ 5848 I.. F. Marcy 95.00 5849 Ross Roberts 9.00 ~ 5$50 R.H.C.U.~G,Timko 25.00 '~ 5851 H. C. Scammell $1,00 ``` 5$52 A.G.T. 10$.35 5853 Ingramts Store 6.90 '~' 5854 Alberta Wheat Pool 31x1.25 5855 Brooks Radio Centre 12.,75 '~ 5856 T.B.IMrs.ffi. Korithoski 200,00 '- 5857 E. R. Williamson 60,00 585$ Ross McKay 312.00 5859 M. Miedinger 1000.00 5860 Vic Zacharias 372,00 5861 T,B,~Alvin Lepp 500.00 ~" 5$62 -+ ~Deloy F. Seely 750.00 5863 Wm. Lauver 230.00 5864 B.o.N.S./G, Paetkau 462,00 ~' 5865 +~ /N. Dueck 415.00 ''` 586b n J,x. Parcel]. ?48.43 5867 R.L. Sovdi 10,00 586$ Pete Wallace 5.00 ~R~. 5$69 Ida Zibell 12.00 5870 Mrs. M, Plant 80.00 ~ 5871 C. Buchanan 50.00 -- 5$72 John Creybohm ?0.00 5$73 D. N. James 22,00 ~ 5874 Nat. Geographic Soc. 6,75 '~ 5875 K. L. Torkelson 55.50 5876 E. I. D. 131.94 ~ 5877 Pete Larochel.le 100.00 ., ~ 5878 Oughton Unigas 449.26 p 587 9 Payroll 3 53 52.6$ ~, 58$0 Banner Metal Prod. 34.7$ 5881 R. Fred Olin 15.90 :y 5$82 E, I. D. 2.05 5883 A. T. A. 326,50 5884 T. R. F. 1733.49 ~, 5885 Mahoney, etc. 2590 v a~j KJ'~ (K 4 ~~} fl ~~~: ,.~ ~, 2~ts ~,~~;}.,-... Q;z,_ t -'~ 5$86 Simpsons~ears Ltd. 57.95 5$$7 E, W. Brunsden !+072.31 ~. 5$$g Postmaster 95.00 ~ 5$89 County of Newell 44.72 5890 H. C, Scammell 25.05 ~~ 5$91 U. I. C, 223.2$ n@ 5$92 Payroll 2316.78 +~ X93 Rec. General 4090.30 ~' 5894 Petty Cash 12.07 °~ 5$95 F. U. A. 50.00 5$96 H. Line 100.00 ~ 5897 Mr. Lester Sieppert 75.00 5898 Can.West. Natural Gas 14.66 5899 Miss A, Hrynewich 225.00 +~ 5900 A.A. of M.Ds. 59.21 5901 Alta. Blue Cross 23.50 5902 A.G.T. 21.95 5903 Alta. Wheat Pool 150.50 590 Atlas Lumber Co. 54.00 5905 ~ 4$.36 ~° 5906 A. Baumaruz 8.50 5907 Fred Betton 25.00 5908 Bevan, Hutch & Co. 1134.83 5909 Bieber General Store 2.84 5910 R, Bishel 92.59 5911 Bow Slope Shipping 9$.51 5912 Borjnsteints Fern. 209.00 ~' 59]3 Brooks Co-op. 569.54 ~t 5914 Brooks Electric 9.95 5915 Brooks Pharmacy 4.10 5916 Brooks Radio Centre 5.35 5917 Bruce Robinson Electric 1050.00 ~ 5918 Buddts 99 Service 20.50 5919 Calgary Customs Broker 4.50 5920 Calgary Stamp & Stencil 2.45 5921 C.P.R. .8fl 5922 Central Sales & Service 444.10 5923 Clarke, Isrwin & Co. 1,70 ~ 5 924 Coleman Plumbing 505.51 5925 Construction Equip. 3 56.73 °~ 5926 Crown Lumber Co. ?.1+2,35 5927 Cummins Diesel Power 137.32 5928 Mrs. Ella Degan .65 '~ 5929 Delday=s Brooks Transport 69,04 ~ 5930 Dominion Bridge Co, 20.52 5931 Mrs. Leila Dunbar 70.20 ' 5932 Electric Equip. 4.13 ~ 5933 Mrs. Albert Enslen 33.00 ~ 5934 Farna~n Co~cpanies 22.50 `_° 5935 Finley=s Store 150.65 5936 Flahagan Bros, 8.25 "-" 5937 E. H, Gabert 158.90 " 5938 Gem-Countess N~zt~al Tel. 10.50 ~` 5939 Gem General Store 61.46 ~~` 5940 Gem Lumber Xard 6.35 ~" 5941. Gem Radio Electric 9.75 ''~ 5942 Mrs, Alice George 48.00 ;~4 5943 Golden Arrow Spra4yers 147.90 ~' 5944 Mrs, G. W, Graham 2.08 ~" 5945 W, E. Greer Ltd. 101.16 5946 Mrs. S. Hellman 12,00 ~ 5947 Imperial Motors 175.94 ~` 5948 Imperial Oil Limited 525.65 5949 Jubilee Insurance ffigencie s2425.53 ~ 5950 ++ 807.3$ ~°~ 5951 Kleenbirn Collieries 701.20 ~' 5952 Mrs. T. Korifihoski 36.00 ~' 5953 Lake Motor Service 292.93 5954 Mrs. Albert Lester 12.00 5955 K. N. Li.ntptt 312.00 "~ 5956 Earl Hofman 118.75 ~ 5957 B. L. Ferry 120,00 ~ 5958 V, L. Ledene 111.25 5959 Longmans, Gr&en & Co, 5.44 ~" ~r~ -4- _ . 5960 L, F. Marcy 45.W '" 5991 Service Garage 2.75 M 5961 Mar ~halt~u Book St, 12.50 M 5992 Sharps Theatre Suppl. 1347.83 ~" 5962 Marlehall~ells 13.10 ~ 5993 3~a-a11es 8adio Ltd. 12.48 ~" 5963 Ma~3n-~ienour Co. Lt~3,05 ~ 599~r Smithy ~Iavidsan & Ieaky 20.E M 596b. Mid eat Taper Ltd. 137.37 M 5995 Special areas Board 20,00 M 5965 rn anto Ssrsr. 292.83 "' 5996 Sprente Bearing Suppl. 19.80 ~` 5966 Mot Gtr Supply 145.79 M 5997 sports ~ ~taa~s. 243.20 ~" 5967 Mo r School Suppl. 31.06 M 5998 StolsoA~s Ssrgica 81.87 M 5968 aipal Supply 506.58 M 5999 Street,,,Robbins, Morrow 923.29 ~` 5969 ay Gordon Mach. 3,75 ~" 6000 Sturdie Propane Ltd, 532:84 ~" 5970 Ma eod~s Limited 185..51 M 6001 Mra. Gso, Swenson 18,00 ~ ~; 5971 MaC Grsin Co. 2.94 ~, 6002 Tilley Gas Co, Ltd. 208.10 I 5972 M. . MaNenzis 534.85 ~ 6003 roam of Brooks 26.37 ~" ' 5973 Can fled - - ~ 6004 IIniversity of Toronto 15.41. ~" ~ 5974 N 11 Rotors 3.59 '" 6005 Pillage of Duchess 39.70 ~ 5975 Nos itt Pub1.Co. 18.70 '" 6006 Pillage of Y~ossmary 120.50 ~ I 5976 Ltd. 71.30 M b007 lilaterous Equi-Parent 409.57 ~ 597'7 Mrs .M.M.Qlson 6.00+ b008 Yellers Supplies 9.20 ~" 9 5978 B. '. Perry 41.86 M 6009 ~Tillson Stationary Co, 78.80 a 5979 ~ ant Sales 1.80 M 6010 Wilson Builders 3uppl. 17.64 M 5980 G, . Philpott 44.10 +" 6011 Frank tilinter 366.60 a~ 5981 Mrs _ Nora Porter 20 .50 M 6012 d. P. ~iTittig 23.51 M 5982 Pre . l+tsahine 122.36 ~ 6013 i~Tyant & Co, 24x5 M 5'983 Pro .Training School 15.50 M 6014 Bartlstt~s Gen. Store 8.22 °A 5484 on Aand 12.25 M 6015 Nelsonea ..Merv s ~iTear ' 21,00 ~` 5985 Mrs Hazel Roan 24.00 M b016 Buraatt', of Publications b,g4 M 5986 cumber Yards 4.1y,2 M 6017 Duahssa Garage 72.95 ~` 5987 ~s S, Ru$t 50.90 "' 6018 Sahcrlastic Magazinea 2,00 M 5988 S dia Sarv. Station 85.03 M 6019 B, i~, Brunsden 923,81 w 5989 Mra a, Saheu~erman 54..00 M bo20 i~forlonen~s Compensation Bd,1,367,4b 5990 S. . S. Fund 1b6.78 M Carried. . • s • • Moved by Councillor Lokier that an expense not to exceed $ 1, 600.00 fi ~ ba authorized to erect a stage in the Duchess school auditorium. Carried. .... . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth theta Bylaw No. 194 to authorize the sale of south 100 ft, of Lot 8, Block 3, ~o]ling Hills Plan 2123F.B. for ~ 35.00 to R,S. Smith ' of Rolling Hills bs given lst~ 2nd, ' and . 3rd readings and finally passed, r Carried Unan. s . , • • Moved by Councillor Rastman that the secretary bs permitted t o ~rr3.te off the following lccounts Raaaivable as uncolleatable: G, I~andree s Rolli.ag Hills- 5.40 :h H. Gobsil do. 1,80 } C. & R, Redelback~ Books 13.9Q t Scott Ga11up, Rosemary 5.00 Chris Jassen~ Mi l 'l i cent 39_3~~0 _ f°-'~~- Carried. ... . Meeting ad~ournad at 5:15 p.m• to reconvene at 10;00 a.m.. on Saturdays February 20, 1960. • • . • • Ht-tCH ¢. k~ntj~u ~ 3 asu rte, q+ ~t..r~ i ~r'haj.l`l18r1 G .~.- I =J.y e aI'g "~'raasurer H t~_~s~iai IPAL SUPPLIHS LTD.