HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-22 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL NO.4 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 22, 2007 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office at Brooks, AB on Thursday, March 22, 2007 commencing at 10:04 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Douglass, Reeve COUNCILLORS: W. Daniels A. Philipsen C. Vermeeren M. Nesbitt S. Evans A. Eastman M. Wutzke ABSENT: ,l. Schroeder A. Eckert. STAFF: N. Moriyama, County Administrator B. Keith, Assistant Administrator B. Broomfield, Executive Assistant C. Baksa OTHERS IN R. Brown, Brooks Bulletin ATTENDANCE: A. Skorobohach, Brooks & County Chronicle C-117/07 1. EXCUSED FROM MEETING MOVED BY COUNCILLOR M. NESBITT that Councillors Schroeder and Eckert be excused from the meeting. MOTION CARRIED 2. MINUTES Council Minutes -March 8.2007 The following changes were made to the March 8, 2007 minutes: Page 9, Motion C-99/07 -change "2007-0-002" to "2007-0-037'; and Page 13, Item 11 b, 3'~ & 4t" sentences -delete wording `with Council': ~9 Regular Council Minutes Page 2 March 22, 2007 ,-- C-118/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that the March 8, 2007 Council minutes be adopted as amended. MOTION CARRIED 3. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS The Reeve called for post agenda items. 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA C-119/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that we adopt the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED 5. CHEQUES FOR PAYMENT C-120107 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR A. EASTMAN that cheques 158106 to 158109 in the amount of $84,394.25, and Direct Debit Batch 11702 in the amount of $60,963.80, be approved. MOTION CARRIED 6. BUSINESS FROM MINUTES a. Newell 911 - GPS Request There is no further information on this item. b. Planning Retreat Administration proposed the following dates for a Planning Retreat: April 76, 77 and 18 or April 25, 26 and 27. Further information will be provided at a future meeting. c. Bylaw 1602-07 - 06 LUA 028 - Pt. 8-19-14-W4M -Division 10 Donald (Butch) Martin (Owner)/Cory Baksa (Applicant)(Approx 304.46 acres) A -Agricultural District to I -Industrial District C-121/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that Motion C-94/07 be lifted from the table. MOTION CARRIED ~. Regular Council Minutes March 22, 2007 Page 3 ~- C-94/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that Bylaw 1602-07, to rezone approximately 133.03 acres of land within Pt. 8-19-14-W4M from the A -Agricultural District to the I -Industrial District, receive second reading. MOTION CARRIED C-122/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR H. WUTZKE that Bylaw 1602-07 receive third and final reading. MOTION CARRIED d. Bylaw 1603-07 - 07 LUA 001 - Pt. NW 12-19-15-W4M -Division 5 Tim Albers (Owner)/Cory Baksa (Applicant)(Approx 157.94 acres) A -Agricultural District to I -Industrial District C-123/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that Motion C-96/07 be lifted from the table. MOTION CARRIED C-96/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that Bylaw 1603-07, to rezone approximately 157.94 acres of land within Pt. NW 12-19-15- W4M from the A -Agricultural District to the I -Industrial District, receive second reading. ~"' MOTION CARRIED C-124/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR A. EASTMAN that Bylaw 1603-07 receive third and final reading. MOTION CARRIED C. Baksa left the meeting at 10:27 a.m. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Duchess Home & School -Funding Request A funding request from the Duchess Home & School for playground equipment funding from the Public Reserve, and a copy of Public Reserve Account Transactions from December 31, 1999 to January 31, 2007, was presenfed to Council. C-125/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR M. NESBITT that the County support the request from the Duchess Home & School and approve funding in the amount of $40,000.00 from the Public Reserve for playground equipment. ~- MOTION CARRIED ~`J~ Regular Council Minutes March 22, 2007 8. OTHER BUSINESS Page 4 a, Appointments - Economic DevelopmentfTourism Advisory Committee An issue sheet from the Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator requesting approval of two appointments to the Economic Development/Tourism Advisory Committee was presented to Council. C-126107 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR A.M. PHILIPSEN that Peggy Mauch, Division 3, and Curtis Harbinson, Division 5, be appointed for three year terms to the Economic Development/Tourism Advisory Committee. MOTION CARRIED 9. POST AGENDA ITEMS a. Canadian Badlands -Office Space There is no further information on this item. a. Westside Campground Road Councillor Wutzke stated Road 15-0 required a rebuild approach and repair to the drop-off. Council discussed Road 15-1 and requested Public Works come up with a traffic plan fo align Road 15-1 with the road north of Cassi/s. c. EID - 2006 Annual Resort The Eastern Irrigation District (EID) 2006 Annual Report was presented to Council as information. It was noted that the EID annual meeting will be held on March 28th at 1:30 p.m. at the Heritage Inn. d. EID/County Irrigation Utility The Assistant Administrator reviewed his memorandum dated March 16, 2007 regarding the County assuming the administration function of EID irrigation water to multi-lot developments. Also discussed was the requirement for- the County to establish an Irrigation Utility by bylaw. ,~ Regular Council Minutes March 22, 2007 Page 5 C-127/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that we accept the Assistant Administrator's recommendation to establish an Irrigation Utility by bylaw. MOTION CARRIED e. Corporate Safety Trucks The Assistant Administrator reviewed his memorandum dated March 22, 2007 regarding proposals received for the purchase of two Corporate Safety trucks. C-128107 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that we accept the proposal received from Martin Chrysler Ltd. for the purchase of two 2007 Dodge Dakota ST Club Cab 4x4's, each in the amount of $22,889.00 plus GST, to be financed from the 2007 operating revenue. MOTION CARRIED f. EUB Processes Councillor Vermeeren presented his concern on EUB pipeline requests/approvals and fhe implications on land use planning and asked if the process presently in place is addressing what is best for the future of the County. After some discussion Administration suggested Councillor Vermeeren visit the Public Works office to look at the proposed .agreements and decide if these agreements need to be approved by MPC. g. Canadian Badlands AGM Councillor Daniels advised of a Canadian Badlands AGM. Councillor Philipsen indicated she would be attending this meeting as a Board member of Canadian Badlands. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Subdivision and Development Appeal Board No report. b. Agriculture Pest Act /Weed Control Act Appeal Committee No report. f~~ Regular Council Minutes March 22, 2007 ~-- c. Airport Commission Page 6 Councillor Eastman reported that the Commission discussed lot sales and some environmental concerns. d. Assessment Review Board Administration provided clarification on income approach assessment and discussed assessment training. e. Bow River Basin Council Councillor Vermeeren reported on a Forum held on March 14t", and a Bow Basin Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee meeting. The next board meeting will be held on March 23'x. f. Brooks & District Chamber of Commerce No report. g. College Advisory Committee ,._ Councillor Nesbitt reported there will be a noon meeting on March 28t", and the scholarship and awards reception will be taking place. h. Crime Stoppers Board Councillor Nesbitt reported the Board will have a booth at the trade fair, and also a "celebrity lock-up': i. Disaster Services Committee Councillor Nesbitt reported that the Assistant Administrator is coordinating the disaster trailer project. She stated she would like to approach Husky Oil regarding additional equipment for the trailer, and also that she and the Assistant Administrator will be attending a pandemic fraining session in Medicine Hat. j. Economic Development Councillor Philipsen advised of the appointment of two new board members. k. Environmental Protection Committee ~- No report. Regular Council Minutes Page 7 March 22, 2007 I. Foothills Little Bow Municipal Association No report. m. Grasslands Regional FCSS Councillor Wutzke reported on the following: the Red Cross partnership is progressing; the cost of Meals on Wheels is being reviewed; it is hoped to get some funding for summer students; the Volunteer Centre official opening is April 17rn from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; and the next meeting will be held on Apri! 4rn n. Grievance Committee No report. o. Mayors & Reeves Reeve Douglass provided a brief report on a Mayors & Reeves meefing held on March 19rn in Edmonton. p. Municipal Budget Committee No report. q. Municipal Library Board No report. r. Newell Foundation Councillor Evans reported That a wage review was completed in February and accepted by the Board; the budget was approved, in which one of the big expenditures is refurbishing the Playfair Lodge at $82,000.00, and a funding requisition to fhe County is forthcoming. s. Newell Regional Solid Waste Management Authority No report. t. Newell Regional Tourism Association Councillor Philipsen reported that Rob Brown has joined the Association as a new member. She advised that there are presently nine members and they need 12, and requested that any interested persons please contact her. The Association gave a presentation to ~.J~~~ Regular Council Minutes March 22, 2007 Page 8 ,--, Town of Bassano Council, which was well received, and the Town has decided to join the NRTA. It is planned to give a presentation fo the Village of Duchess. u. Palliser Economic Partnership Councillor Daniels advised there will be a meeting on April 20Th. v. RCMP Committee No report. w. Red Deer River Basin Watershed Alliance No report. x. Red Deer River Municipal Users Group Councillor Eastman reported that the Group is still concerned about the Balzac project, and fhey have set up a Sfeering Committee to prepare a Terms;,of Reference for the principles and policies of the Municipal Users Group. y. Regional Services Ad Hoc Committee Councillor Daniels updated Council on the March 12, 2007 Committee meeting which included funding, water licenses and the MPE engineering sfudy. z. Road Ban Committee No report. aa. Route 36 Development Safety Association No report. bb. Salary Negotiating Committee Reeve Douglass advised Council of the Committee's recommendation that will be presented at Today's In Camera session. cc. Shared Services/Urban Fringe Committee Councillor Wutzke provided a brief report on a meeting held on .- March 14th at which was discussed the potential possible Regular Council Minutes Page 9 March 22, 2007 r- organization structure for a regional administrafion, and the Corporate Safety positions. dd. Shortgrass Library Board Councillor Philipsen advised the Board gave a presentation to the Village of Duchess. Council discussed provincial funding to municipal library boards. ee. Transportation Committee No report. ff. 9-1-1 Committee Reeve Douglass advised there will be a meeting on March 28rn 11. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Daniels asked if any arrangements had been made with regard to an SDAB training session. Adminisfration responded arrangements are still being worked on. .- Councillor Nesbitt asked if there is a timeline on a PFRA funded hydrogeological study being coordinated by our Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator. Administration indicated that no actual agreement has been signed yet, and further information will be provided to Council at the next meeting on April 5rn Councillor Daniels advised that as the province is planning to conduct a province-wide hydrogeological study and that the Counfy is also planning a study, if a letter could be sent to Rob Renner, Minister of the Environment, requesting consideration be given to combining resources and only having one study conducted. Adminisfration will obtain further information. R. Brown and A. Skorobohach left the meeting at 12:05 p.m. LUNCH Council recessed for lunch from 12:05 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. 12. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Safety Minutes ~N~° Regular Council Minutes March 22, 2007 Page 10 ,~-~ 13. IN CAMERA C-129/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR A.M. PHILIPSEN that we move in camera at 12:46 p.m. MOTION CARRIED C-130/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that we move out of camera at 1:15 p.m. MOTION CARRIED C-131/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C. VERMEEREN that the salary ranges and salaries be approved as recommended by the Salary Review Committee. MOTION CARRIED 14. ADJOURN C-132/07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR S. EVANS that the meeting adjourn at 1:16 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Q-~-~d ~-- Reeve /~. ,-- County Administrator ,, \.