HomeMy WebLinkAbout1780-13 Inter-Municipal Development Plan (Duchess) written permission of the Oldman River Regional Village of Duchess Mayor Tony Steidel Councillor Wayne DahlCouncillor Dale ShantzAdministrator Yvonne Cosh ional Services Commission. This disclaimer is attached to and forms purpose, except by Duchess Technologist Planner Planner Α Α Executive Secretary CAD/GIS Α Α !ƌƌ wźŭŷƷƭ wĻƭĻƩǝĻķ λ /ƚƦǤƩźŭŷƷ Α Perry Neufeld Diane Horvath ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Steering Committee Members Barb Johnson Mladen Kristic and publishing of this Intermunicipal Development Plan: Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC) Philipsen Intellectual Property Councils of the County of Newell and the Village of n Dejong ia The following people are thanked for their assistance and contribution to the development County of Newell Councillor BrCouncillor Anne Marie Councillor Mara NesbittAssistant Administrator Layne JohnsonManager of Planning and Development Alyce Wickert cument. This document is protected by Copyright and Trade Secret Law and may not be reproduced or modified in any manner, or for any Services Commission. This document has been prepared for the sole use of the Municipality addressed and the Oldman River Regpart of the do Page 1 124 7 7792 3 350 1 1 1117192 .. ... .... ..... ....... ................ Table of Contents ............... ................. ................. .................. ..................................................................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................................................ TABLE OF CONTENTS................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ STUDY AREA Intermunicipal Development Plan ................................................................................................ THE ................................ ................................ ................................ Area 3 ................................ Village of Duchess SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PurposeLegislative RequirementsPlan Preparation ProcessPlan Validity and AmendmentIntermunicipal Development Plan CommitteeReferralsDispute SettlementGeneralPlanning Area 1Planning Area 2Planning Annexation and Urban Expansion Needs : : : DEFINITIONS ABC PLAN ADMINISTRATION & IMPLEMENTATION B PART A: INTRODUCTION PART PART C: INTERMUNICIPAL LAND USE POLICIES APPENDIXAPPENDIXAPPENDIX County of Newell & 65 1414115 Appendix AAppendix AAppendix AAppendix AAppendix A Table of Contents followingfollowingfollowingfollowingfollowing . .... ................ ....... ............... ................ ........................... ............................ ........................... ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ Land Use Concept Α ................................................................ ................................ Intermunicipal Development Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ s Intermunicipal Development Plan AreaCFO Exclusionary AreaPlanning Areas Planning Area 1Planning Area 1 Existing Zoning TopographySoilTransportation Network Constraints Village of Duchess 235678910 Map 1Map Map Map 4Map Map Map Map Map Map MAPS:County of Newell & 1 Page s. By or rural pment Plan Therefore, municipalities are n and rural municipalities can reach an As both municipalities are closely related in . Plan) is to ng planning matters of joint The larger intent of this Plan, in s to: lage. have experienced growth over the past several years Duchess Intermunicipal Development Plan the councils of the County and the Village agree on and deem to work together to adopt IMDP Village of and Village of Duchess INTRODUCTION hat the fringe area of an urban municipality is subject to different problems and opportunities than that of a strictly urban promote consultation, coordination and cooperation regardiinterest within a defined planning area; Purpose ART A: P The County of Newellterms of economic and social connections, it seems logical for them to coordinate land use as well. An Intermunicipal Develorecognizes tsetting. It has become increasingly clear that municipalities cannot make fringe area land use decisions in isolation. encouraged to undertake the preparation of an Intermunicipal Development Plan in order to help avoid future land use conflictimplementing a plan that contains both dispute mechanisms and guidelines for future uses, urbaagreement on fringe area issues and avoid a confrontational atmosphere, which has occurred in other jurisdictions.1.0 The purpose of the Intermunicipal Development Plan (also known as the IMDP or the address planning issues on lands bordering both municipalities. The Plan addresses the coordination of future land use and development in this area, and serves as a means of information exchange and communication between the County and the Vilaccordance with the Municipal Government Act (MGA), is to prescribe policy to apply to future land use and development, and any other matter relating to the physical, social or economic development of the area thatnecessary, especially in regards to minimizing land use conflicts. Municipalities are encouraged County of Newell & 2 ble by Page ties in for future : matters; re not limited to Each municipality is for in this Plan. evised Statutes of Alberta 2000, R , allows a municipality to exists with respect to those nd Municipal Government Act intermunicipal development plan with adjacent municipalities to address the above matters. if no urban fringe and within the Village (adjacent to the corporate boundary) that is - \] en municipalities, the ection 632(3)(iii) s \[ s has included two mechanisms within the planning legislation which Intermunicipal Development Plan intermunicipal development plan (MGA) irements savings, as a result of infrastructure and service sharing, which also provides residents with a higher quality of life; - Village of Duchess municipal development plan 26 with amendments - include policies regarding coordination of land use, future growth patterns and other infrastructure with adjacent municipalitheir complete and adopt an contains policy that applies to lands in both the rural provide a framework for addressing land use concerns with regard to joint planning matters;establish procedure for dealing with development proposals within a defined planning area; aaddress any other matters relating to development considered necessary within a joint planning area.municipal costƩĻźƓŅƚƩĭźƓŭ ğƓķ ƦƩƚƷĻĭƷźƓŭ ĬƚƷŷ ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌźƷźĻƭ͸ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ƦŷźƌƚƭƚƦŷźĻƭ ğƓķ ŭƚğƌƭ ǞŷźƌĻ ƒźƷźŭğƷźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƦƚƷĻƓƷźğƌintermunicipal conflict; andensuring development for both municipalities occurs in an orderly, economic, efficient and harmonious manner that is sustainaconsidering existing development conditions and future municipal goals. owing: Legislative Requ 1.2. .0 An IMDP is a planning tool that can provide numerous benefits to those participating municipalities, which may include, but athe foll The Plan intended to be used as a framework for working cooperatively, communicating and making decisions in each municipality. ultimately responsible for making decisions within their municipal jurisdiction using the policies and procedures as provided 2 In order to foster cooperation and mitigate conflict betwe Chapter M County of Newell & 3 es Page sion, ies, provincial and as they consider necessary. planning decisions, practices and statutory responsibilities. Section 3 contains policies dance with sections 12 and 692, adopt an oundaries of the municipalities to resolve or attempt to resolve any conflict between the municipalities that have adopted the plan, MGA, section 622(3): use within the area, Intermunicipal Development Plan may, by each passing a bylaw in accordance with this Part or in accor ity, development authority or subdivision and development appeal board or the Municipal Government Board must be development plan development plan to include those areas of land lying within the b , Provincial Land Use Policies are in place to assist municipalities in harmonizing provincial and municipal policy initiativ states: the future land the manner of and the proposals for future development in the area, andany other matter relating to the physical, social or economic development of the area that the councils consider necessary,a procedure to be useda procedure to be used, by one or more municipalities, to amend or repeal the plan, andprovisions relating to the administration of the plan. MGA Village of Duchess MGA may provide for(i)(ii)(iii)andmust include(i)(ii)(iii) intermunicipal An (a)(b)Every statutory plan, land use bylaw and action undertaken pursuant to this Part by a municipality, municipal planning commissubdivision authorconsistent with the land use policies. Two or more councilsintermunicipal gencies and other jurisdictions: (2) 631(1)622(3) n addition to the Specifically, the Iat the local level. Every municipality in the province is expected to incorporate these policies into its documents as a requirement of the The Provincial Land Use Policies are divided into sections that relate to different municipal planning ƷŷğƷ ƩĻƌğƷĻ Ʒƚ ğ ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌźƷǤ͸ƭ ŭĻƓĻƩğƌ ğƦƦƩƚğĭŷ Ʒƚ ƦƌğƓƓźƓŭ ğƓķ źƷƭ źƓƷĻƩğĭƷźƚƓ ǞźƷŷ źƷƭ ƩĻƭźķĻƓƷƭͲ ƓĻźŭŷĬƚǒƩźƓŭ ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌźƷfederal a County of Newell & 4 ill Page pal based on alued ment Plan Alberta Land three council munici eir adjoining tive approach to it or preclude nts and other . With respect to 36, the which does not inhib er need to be incorporated into the Plan by the these plans may involve lands which are in both of the municipalities and in a mann and strategies. s council members from the Village. Senior administration from both municipalities were also involved with Intermunicipal Development Plan three term use nor unduly interfere with the continuation of existing issues. Adjoining municipalities are encouraged to jointly ties. The formation of the Plan was to be guided by a Project Steering Committee (to act as the Intermunicipal ration Village of Duchess which is the provincial legislation to begin legal foundation and implementation of the provincial land use policies. This w Municipalities are encouraged to expand intermunicipal planning efforts to address common planning issues, especially where vnatural features are of interest to more than one municipality and where the possible effect of development transcends boundaries.In particular, adjoining municipalities are encouraged to cooperate in the planning of future land uses in the vicinity of thmunicipal boundaries (fringe areas) respecting the interests of bothappropriate long prepare and adopt intermunicipal development plans for critical fringe areas;adjoining municipalities. 3.13.2 Planning Coope rs from the County and 3.0 Goal To foster cooperation and coordination between neighbouring municipalities and between municipalities and provincial departmejurisdictions in addressing planning issues and in implementing plan Policies The above excerpts from the Provincial Land Use Policies are relevant to intermunicipal cooperation as they support a cooperaland use planning between neighbouring municipalities. On April 27, 2009 the provincial government released Bill Stewardship Act, have a bearing on future intermunicipal cooperation and potential amendments will likely municipalities.3.0 Plan Preparation Process The County and the Village engaged the Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC) to prepare an Intermunicipal Develop(IMDP) for the two municipaliDevelopment Plan Committee) as established by the respective municipalities. The Project Steering Committee was composed of membethe Project Steering Committee throughout the process, however, their role was limited to that of technical advisors onlycommittee decision making, both parties agreed at the outset of the process that their chosen decision making model would be reaching consensus on the issues discussed.County of Newell & 5 SC Page ives, and da for discussions ckground and study area analysis was undertaken which served as the foundation lopment Plan. The background review provided an analysis of the existing circumstances, attempted a mandatory public hearing , Intermunicipal Development Plan spectives for the referenced topics were equent to the Project Steering Committee the discretion of each council, subsequent to oncepts were then reviewed with affected Village of Duchess t Steering Committee. Prior to identifying areas of issue and areas of commonality with the committee, planners from the ORR t document was forwarded to each council for first reading Subsequent to the establishment of a general process, a bafrom which both municipalities could review the existing land use conditions and determine the relevant issues, goals, objectimplementation for the Intermunicipal Deveto identify issues and opportunities that have emerged from the analysis of the preliminary information, and acted as an agenby the Projecmet with each municipality privately to clarify their municipal perspectives on general issues. hƓĭĻ Ļğĭŷ ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌźƷǤ͸ƭ ƦĻƩidentified, those perspectives were brought back to the Project Steering Committee for their review and agreement, which resulted in the generation of draft ideas/concepts. The project purpose, process, ideas and clandowners, stakeholders and the general public at an Open House meeting. Upon review of any and all comments by the Project Steering Committee, a draft document was prepared, complete with policies and maps. SubsğƓķ Ļğĭŷ ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ͸ƭ ƩĻǝźĻǞ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ķƩğŅƷͲ ğ ƩĻŅźƓĻķ ķƚĭǒƒĻƓƷ Ǟğƭ ƷŷĻƓ ƦƩĻƦğƩĻķ ğƓķ ƭǒĬƒźƷƷĻķ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ /ƚƒƒźƷƷĻĻ͸ƭ ŅźƓğƌ ğƦƦƩƚǝğƌ͵ Upon the Project Steering Committee giving its final approval, the final draf(in the form of a municipal bylaw).As with all statutory planning documents(as required by the Municipal Government Act) was held subsequent to first reading and atthe mandatory public hearing(s) the document was then adopted by each municipality under separate municipal bylaws. County of Newell & 6 er Page gnition is Plan, any oth an area are already 5,539.53 acres (2,241.77 ermunicipal Plan area is critical to approximately term interests of the community at large in this localized region. - the long tunities, creating a shared vision for future growth and mutual reco but , ct as a referral mechanism to ensure dialogue and information is shared between the two term interests - agricultural uses. It is understood that existing uses within the Plan area are permitted and may - Intermunicipal Development Plan term strategy for the planning and development of areas of land (deemed suitable) for each municipality. veloped for non - Village of Duchess and is illustrated in Map 1. From the perspective of both municipalities, maintaining the integrity of the Int Plan Area The Intermunicipal Development Plan area (also referred to as the IMDP area or Plan area) consists of ha)the preservation of not only their individual longThis Plan is based on collectively looking at mutually beneficial opporand agreement on a long The primary purpose of the IMDP boundary is to amunicipalities regarding development within the Plan area. It should be noted that some of the lands contained within the Plzoned, subdivided or decontinue operations. However, the expansion or intensification of existing uses shall be required to meet the policies of threlevant statutory planning document and the applicable Land Use Bylaw. County of Newell & VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IMDP BOUNDARY IMDP BOUNDARY VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) LEGEND COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 1 4 72 3 3 22 38 1 4 32 2 3 7 8 29 0 5 32 2 109 6 331 0 5 5 6 3 65 4 1 32 2 7 Page . It remains in effect until lan in 10 years from the date of adoption and P the of by mutual agreement. accommodate an unforeseen situation or to keep the Plan up to scale review - Village of Duchess and County of Newell lan and the need for revision. This does not preclude periodic revision of P lan is maintained and remains applicable. A representative committee will ensure P s plan shall be made to either municipality and be accompanied by the appropriate fees ve, that are of mutual concern. .2 abo 1 lan by bylaw after giving six months notice, or P Intermunicipal Development Plan an may require an amendment from time to time to accommodate an unforeseen situation, such an amendment lan, as outlined in P ŷźƭ tƌğƓ Ǟźƌƌ ƓƚƷ ĭƚƓƷğźƓ ğ ͻƭǒƓƭĻƷͼ ĭƌğǒƭĻͲ ĬǒƷ ƩğƷŷĻƩͲ ğ ƒĻƷŷƚķ ƚŅ ĭƚƓƷźƓǒƚǒƭ ǒƦķğƷźƓŭ ğƭ ƩĻƨǒźƩĻķ͵ Village of Duchess to the respective councils on the success of the council rescinds the lan comes into effect on the date it is adopted by both the P : PLAN ADMINISTRATION & IMPLEMENTATION B he Intermunicipal Development Plan Committee shall initiate a full This eitherRecognizing that this plmust be adopted by both councils using the procedures established in the Municipal Government Act.Third party applications for an amendment to thito each municipality.Treport portions of the . PART 1.0 Plan Validity and Amendment Intent It is recognized that this Plan may require an amendment from time to time to date and relevant.Policies 1 1 1 1 2.0 Intermunicipal Development Plan Committee Intent This plan is intended to be an ongoing process to ensure the continued cooperation.County of Newell & 8 Both s; Page members two lan; P ties will share costs associated with committee consisting of or the County, or by any other person. Village both municipali as follows. lan. ing the lands in the ΓP be an advisory Dispute Settlement 4.0 ͸ƭ ğƓķ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ͸ƭ ğķƒźƓźƭƷƩğƷźǝĻ ƭƷğŅŅ ƭŷƚǒƌķ ğƷƷĻƓķ ğƌƌ ƒĻĻƷźƓŭƭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ lan; P ection S Village , shall be established and shall lan; plan P alities cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the Committee, the Committee is authorized Intermunicipal Development Plan the Committee shall issue its comments in the form of recommendations. and the County agree that the main functions of the Committee are: Village of Duchess to address concerns regarding the policies of the to address proposed amendments to the to address changes to land use districts or other land use amendments affectto address issues in relation to implementation of plan policies, comments related to subdivision and/or development proposalto engage in resolving any conflicts or disputes which arise from this plan using outside assistance to resolve a dispute.any other land use issues deemed appropriate not explicitly identified in the Village ) ) ef An Intermunicipal Development Plan Committee from each council. At least one member of the Committee.The (a)(b)(c)(d)((Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least annually or at the request of either municipality. If a matter has been referred to the Committee for comment, the Committee shall issue written comments as soon as possible. councils agree thatA matter may be brought before the Committee by the administrative staff of either the Where a matter involving the two municipto initiate the conflict resolution system in this 56 .1.2 .3.4.. Policies 2 2 2 2 2 2 County of Newell & 9 Page case of affecting the lan boundary P ral Flow Chart. that will have an Refer to either Α to either amendment or amendment new statutory plan or or a new statutory plan lan boundary or proposed documents affecting the P for comment. to the County for comment. and all Other Statutory Plans and Amendments Village , Amendments amendments, , and main points in the approval system including: s s and Intermunicipal Development Plan five s and amendments Village of Duchess shall contain all available information for review and a municipality may request further information to be provided. In the A newly proposed County of Newell Municipal Development Plan impact on this plan shall be referred to the A newly proposed Village of Duchess Municipal Development Plan or municipal expansion policies shall be referredThe above referrals shall be made and considered prior to a public hearing. municipal development planall other statutory plans and amendmentsland use bylawsubdivision of a parcel and any appeal,development approval and any appeal.As the first step in the referral process, all applications within the shall be submitted to the IMDP Planning Committee for comment. The full referral process is outlined in Figure 1 Municipal Development Plan(a)(b)(c) .0 Referrals .1.2 3 Intent Land use issues are addressed at Each referral all referrals, a timely written response is expected.Policies 3 3 County of Newell & 10 Page . for comment and may refer for comment. ary to the County for comment. Village Village contained in this plan if some impact may not in areas and use district or a part of the Land Use Bylaw which lan boundary to the n adjacent Village property or existing land use P noxious, hazardous or otherwise detrimental impact on land . Village decision being made. shall be referred to the other for comment. in the boundaries of this plan to the Village lan shall be referred to the p (redesignation and text amendments) where there may be a potential conflict with a Intermunicipal Development Plan w Land Use Bylaw in the County or shall refer to the County all discretionary use applications, if the application is adjacent to lands in the County and any shall refer all redesignation applications that are located adjacent to the County boundary.shall refer all subdivision applications located on lands adjacent to the County bound pplications A Village of Duchess Village VillageVillage All land use bylaw amendments in the County of Newell which change a lwould affect the policies of this The Any proposed neThe above referrals shall be made and considered prior to a public hearing.The County shall refer all subdivision applications withThe The above referrals shall be made and considered prior to a The County shall refer all discretionary use applications located in the permitted use applications The application involving a use of land or buildings which may have a within the County.The above referrals shall be made and considered prior to a decision being made. ) d Land Use Bylaws and Amendments(a)(b)(c)(Subdivision Applications(a)(b)(c)Development (a)(b)(c)Municipalities are encouraged to refer any requests for approval to each other occur in the other jurisdiction. 3456 . ... 3 3 3 3 County of Newell & 11 Page Intermunicipal Development Plan Village of Duchess County of Newell & t 12 This Page lan and Land P urisdiction. ed, and secondly, a dispute under section a dispute, the following process will be ill discuss possible solutions. In the case of a land use bylaw or amendment, o seek a solution by consensus. lan is adhered to as adopted, including full circulation of any permit or P the Municipal Government Act is unavailable, the results of the mediation report will be e, each municipality through its administration, must ensure the facts of the issue have been a statutory plan or amendment or fy an issue related to this plan that may result in a more serious dispute, that municipality should Intermunicipal Development Plan of the Municipal Government Act may be initiated. Village of Duchess It is important to avoid any dispute by ensuring the application that may affect a municipality or as required in this plan and prompt enforcement of the policies of the Use Bylaw.Should either municipality identiapproach the Intermunicipal Development Plan Committee to call a meeting of the Committee to discuss the issue.Prior to the meeting of the Committeinvestigated and clarified. Staff meetings may occur at this point to discuss possible solutions.The Committee should discuss the issue with the intent tShould the Intermunicipal Development Plan Committee be unable to arrive at a consensus, then either municipality will contacthe appropriate chief elected officer to arrange a joint meeting of the two councils who wShould the councils be unable to reach a solution, either municipality may contact Alberta Municipal Affairs to commence a ƒĻķźğƷźƚƓ ƦƩƚĭĻƭƭ ǒƓķĻƩ ƷŷĻ ķĻƦğƩƷƒĻƓƷ͸ƭ ŭǒźķğƓĭĻ͵In a case where further action underbinding on each municipality.In the case of a dispute regarding690(1) Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8 .0 Dispute Settlement 4 Intent By its nature, the policies of this plan are general and make each municipality responsible for decisions made in their own jsuggests that disputes may arise from time to time. Using the following system, it is hoped the dispute can firstly be avoidsettled locally. Only after a series of steps would the dispute go beyond the local level.followed to arrive at a solution:County of Newell & 13 Page Planning ( ese lands of Newell boundary. 3 IMDP in Map contained within the ) may continue under in the County FR ons of this plan may also Duchess Overlay Α boundary and are to be used as a framework for shall be redesignated as Fringe (FR) New applications for subdivision and development on th lan. P boundary, the area is divided into the following areas as shown Intermunicipal Development Plan rimary land use of the lands, until these lands are redesignated in a land use bylaw in Land Use Bylaw. IMDP of Newell Intermunicipal Development Plan lan. Land uses will be allowed in accordance with the Fringe District p and . lan policies and the procedures provided in the P Land Use Bylaw. Extensive agriculture will be the p Area 1 ch municipality with input and cooperation of the other jurisdiction. Each municipality is responsible for decisions within Village of Duchess ): Planning Planning Area 2,Planning Area 3 : INTERMUNICIPAL LAND USE POLICIES C arcels within the IMDP boundary that are currently zoned to districts other than Agricultural (A) or Fringe ( For the purpose of managing land use in the Areas(a)(b)(c)Parcels within the IMDP boundary that are currently zoned Agricultural (A) Land Use Bylaw. accordance with this County of NewellPthose districts identified in the County shall be subject to any policies of this IMDP. 3 PART This document outlines policies that apply to lands in the decision making in eatheir boundaries using the This section of policy is intended to provide guidance to decision makers when considering land use approvals within the Approvals shall only be given to uses that are complementary to uses located in the adjacent jurisdiction. Other sectiapply, for example, the requirements for referrals.1.0 General Policies 1.11.21.County of Newell & 14 Part C, Page ohibited ovides for t in access FR, County of Newell Land Use Α lan may continue to operate in p 2, Fringe he process shall be as governed in . pattern networks within the adjacent Village system to provide - n criteria found in Schedule and control or management. The affected municipality must give its approval or decision in . 2 development permits that exist as of the date of approval of this Intermunicipal Development Plan country residential. shall comply with the County of Newell subdivisio for: s 12 - Village of Duchess agricultural uses,existing and fragmented parcels,single lot developed country residential (farmstead),single lot vacant ğŭƩźĭǒƌƷǒƩğƌ ǒƭĻƭ ƷŷğƷ ğƩĻ ķĻƷĻƩƒźƓĻķ Ʒƚ ĬĻ ķĻƷƩźƒĻƓƷğƌ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ źƌƌğŭĻ͸ƭ ğĬźƌźƷǤ Ʒƚ ŭƩƚǞ ğƓķ ĻǣƦğƓķ źƓ ƷŷĻ ŅǒƷǒƩĻ ƭŷğƌƌ ĬĻ ƦƩ - hen the Village determines that annexation of land is necessary to accommodate growth, t on ection 5 of this Plan. It is a recommendation of this document that the County of Newell Municipal Development Plan be updated to reflect the CFO Exclusionary Area as defined by Map Existing land uses with validaccordance with the provisions of the Land Use Bylaw and the Municipal Government Act.All subdivisionBylaw 1755Nin this area of the IMDP.WSEach municipality must be duly notified for any development or subdivision proposal in the other municipality that will resulbeing required from an adjoining road under its writing prior to the application being considered as complete by the other municipalityIntegrating future local roadway systems to the internal roads gridefficient and effective access to all parts of the west development area is a priority, as the grid system roadway network prboth sustainable and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation and future extension of municipal water and wastewater infrastructure. 4 County of Newell & VILLAGE OF DUCHESS CFO EXCLUSION AREA OPERATION (CFO)EXCLUSION AREA VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 2 CONFINED FEEDING LEGEND 472 3 322 38 1 4 32 2 3 7 8 290 5 322 109 6 331 0 5 5 6 3 654 1 322 VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IMDP BOUNDARYPLANNING AREA 1PLANNING AREA 2PLANNING AREA 3 PLANNING AREAS VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) LEGEND COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 3 472 3 322 3 81 4 3 22 3 7 8 29 0 5 32 2 109 6 331 0 5 5 6 3 65 4 1 32 2 t a 15 s Page and include those lands under Noxious or hazardous . or heavy industrial type to the general sequencing the Village development . residential north and the east by (see Map 5) within the planning area. If an adjacent landowner is urban style As a result, Planning Area 1 is subject to detailed prescriptive ered on the ΛƚƩ ĬĻ ƩĻƨǒźƩĻķ ĬǤ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ Ʒƚ ͷƭŷğķƚǞ ƦƌğƓ͸Μ are ͼ plan area - east to west and beneficial development of lands located within Planning Area 1, the ŅƩƚŭͼ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ƭĭĻƓğƩźƚ ƭŷğƌƌ ĬĻ ķźƭĭƚǒƩğŭĻķ ĬǤ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤͲ ǒƓƌĻƭƭ shadow- ĻƩ ƒğǤ ͻ to pressures directed to the County to further develop, and the Village is willing to planned development occurs. - the primary development area identified where future development shall be directed and focused. types of uses acceptable for the or a change in land use for an existing operation shall require a new development permit. Any and all Intermunicipal Development Plan the process, the develop (ASP) shall be required to be submitted by a developer/landowner and approved by the County prior to the is centrally located within the Plan area. It is bord and represents ecific Land Use Concept has been prepared to manage development such a use may negatively impact (i.e. smoke, dust, noise, vibration or glare) neighboring land uses, Village of Duchess (see Map 4) rea Structure Plan , where A Policies oth municipalities agree that the Planning Area 1 9ǣźƭƷźƓŭ ƌğƓķ ǒƭĻƭ ğƩĻ ͻŭƩğƓķŅğƷŷĻƩĻķͼ ğƓķ ƒğǤ ĭƚƓƷźƓǒĻ Ʒƚ ƚƦĻƩğƷĻ ğƓķ ĻǣźƭƷ źƓ ĭƚƒƦƌźğƓĭĻ ǞźƷŷ ğƓ ĻǣźƭƷźƓŭ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ƦĻƩƒźapproval. The intensification development proposals shall comply with this IMDP.Busesuses shall be prohibited from being established in this area.An redesignation of any parcel of land located within Planning Area 1.In effectively planning for the orderly, efficient, economicsequencing or phasing of ASPs shall generally proceed from the unwilling to participate in separate title that may be part of the acceptable ASP area.The submission of an ASP, redesignation, subdivision or development permit application that does not adhere ƚƩ ƦŷğƭźƓŭ ƦŷźƌƚƭƚƦŷǤ ƚŅ Ʒŷźƭ La5t ƚƩ ƦƩƚƦƚƭĻ ğ ͻƌĻğƦspecifically authorized by County Council in consultation with the Village. 5 .1 2.0 Planning Area 1 portion within the Village The Village has recognized that this is an area subject cooperate with the County to ensure orderly, wellplanning policies and a sp General County of Newell & VILLAGE OF DUCHESS PLANNING AREA 1 PLANNING AREA 1 THE VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IS FOR VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) LEGENDNOTE:INCLUSION OF LAND AREA WITHINILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY.COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 4 VILLAGE OF DUCHESS PLANNING AREA 1POTENTIAL RESIDENTIALPOTENTIAL PARKPOTENTIAL COLLECTORPOTENTIAL LOCAL ROAD PLANNING AREA 1 THE VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IS FOR VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) LEGENDNOTE:INCLUSION OF LAND AREA WITHINILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY.COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 5 LAND USE CONCEPT e r u s o l C d a o R d e s o p o r P e r u s o l C d a o R d e s o p o r P 16 An Page (Note: stormwater . costs applicable to site levies attached - icable to the Plan area. to those services. in - t grant to fund an infrastructure or and wastewater systems if an agreement is within the IMDP boundary area, the two municipalities will access, service roads, or collector roads as needed . Any costs associated with this, including extending waterlines and site levy, development charge or user fee to address monetary - off in Development Agreements, to compensate initial developers who may oversize or capacity is available and be required to connect to municipal potable water Any cost recovery required through such agreements is over and above the off ğ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦĻƩΉƌğƓķƚǞƓĻƩ ƒǒƭƷ ĬĻ ƦƩƚŅĻƭƭźƚƓğƌƌǤ ƦƩĻƦğƩĻķ ğƷ ƷŷĻ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦĻƩ͸ƭ ĻǣƦĻƓƭĻ ğƓķ ƭŷğƌƌ ĭƚƒƦƌǤ shall put in place to assist developers who install infrastructure as a front end service that will be a benefit is Intermunicipal Development Plan Ͳ ğƓķ ǞŷĻƩĻ ğ ĭƌĻğƩ ĬĻƓĻŅźƷ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ƒğǤ ĬĻ ķĻƒƚƓƭƷƩğƷĻķͲ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ƒğǤ ĭƚƓƭźķĻƩ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ͻƚǒƷ ƚŅ Endeavour to Assist Clauses submitted by mplement a bylaw and collect an s shall provide and construct at their expense the required Village of Duchess Policies evelopments in Planning Area 1 In unusual circumstancesƭĻƨǒĻƓĭĻͼ ƦƩƚǝźķĻķ ƷŷĻ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦĻƩ ğŭƩĻĻƭ Ʒƚ ŅƩƚƓƷ ĻƓķ ƷŷĻ Ņǒƌƌ ĭƚƭƷƭ ƚŅ ĻǣƷĻƓķźƓŭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ Ʒƚ ğ ƦğƩƷźĭǒƌğƩ ğƩĻğ͵Area Structure Planswith any and all relevant and applicable policies and schedules of this IMDP.DeveloperDmade between the two municipalitiesinstalling the associated infrastructure, shall be at the expense of the developer.If municipal services are requested and available for a development proposalcooperate in good faith to try and facilitate an agreement and plan to provide those services.The County and Village may work in collaboration if one municipal party can obtain a governmenother municipal project that may be mutually beneficial to both parties as it pertains to this Plan.The County may idevelopers, which impact or are required to pay for any roads or intersection improvements, water, wastewater, management systems, fire suppression facilities, or any other municipal infrastructure that is installed and applThe County may use install infrastructure to service their development, where later developments may access or tieEndeavour to Assist Agreementto adjacent developers in the future.to any specific parcel.) 03 12 6789 2.2.2.Infrastructure County of Newell & - t ). or 17 / and all Page ts or right of the existing commercial and ay be utilized in . . if agreed to and available development runoff rates shall not - ed to the satisfaction of the County. Post both south and west of the , Alternatively, utility corridors m re highway commercial type businesses and County. planned development occurs. a - way. - of - corridor veloper/landowner and approved by the County prior to the management plan for their parcel as it pertains to a proposed 3 and Highway 550 Guidelines and Minimum Servicing Standards 87 such a use may negatively impact (i.e. smoke, dust, noise, vibration or . 2 Design all be prohibited from being established in this area. stormwater Highway , where Utility locations and design shall be provid Newell uses is an area subject to pressures directed to the County to further develop 2 County of tary sewer that may be extended from the Village in the future ( shall be located within a road right ies in suitable locations within Planning Area 2 adjacent to existing residential development Noxious or hazardous Planning Area or heavy industrial type uses sh Intermunicipal Development Plan that (ASP) shall be required to be submitted by a de be located may recognize development runoff rates as per located along the adjacent highway corridors, This planning area is highly visible, has superior access to major transportation routes (both highway and rail) and nearby - d the Village is willing to cooperate with the County to ensure orderly, well Village of Duchess . County , an Area Structure Plan and way plans over private land in favour of the County. - Policies oth municipalities agree that the types of uses acceptable for the For servicing, it is envisioned that utilitthe event the road network is not fully developed, which may involve a strategy of protecting and registering utility easemenofDevelopers shall be responsible to provide an engineered development, or for a larger design or subdivision area, to the satisfaction of theexceed pre Planning Area 2 9ǣźƭƷźƓŭ ƌğƓķ ǒƭĻƭ ğƩĻ ͻŭƩğƓķŅğƷŷĻƩĻķͼ ğƓķ ƒğǤ ĭƚƓƷźƓǒĻ Ʒƚ ƚƦĻƩğƷĻ ğƓķ ĻǣźƭƷ źƓ ĭƚƒƦƌźğƓĭĻ ǞźƷŷ ğƓ ĻǣźƭƷźƓŭ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ƦĻƩƒźapproval. The intensification or a change in land use for an existing operation shall require a new development permit. Anydevelopment proposals shall comply with this IMDP.Bbusiness/light industrial uses. glare) neighboring land uses, Residential uses An redesignation of any parcel of land located within Planning Area 45 34 .2 he Village 2.12.1 3.0 Planning Area 2 is Village boundaryaccess to municipal services such as water and saniTindustrial uses General 3.133.3.County of Newell & e 18 per t of Area u Page ew of th illustrated in ) consideration shall 50 needed. lopment design guidelines . The developer shall conduct 50 5 and Highway 5 and 873 873 and shall be confirmed at the time of ) shall provide landscaping and architectural 50 acre - 2.0 regarding the implementation of this Plan and, at the time and Highway 5 873 uses (utilizing private septic systems for treatment of wastewater) in a minimum lot size of on dules of this IMDP. . Alberta Transportation orridor areas (Highway be developed commercial / industrial Intermunicipal Development Plan Village can support the proposal B of the Plan. . . shall ensure they effectively plan and provide transition/buffer areas between incompatible land uses such as ƭǒĬƒźƷƷĻķ ĬǤ ğ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦĻƩΉƌğƓķƚǞƓĻƩ ƒǒƭƷ ĬĻ ƦƩƚŅĻƭƭźƚƓğƌƌǤ ƦƩĻƦğƩĻķ ğƷ ƷŷĻ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦĻƩ͸ƭ ĻǣƦĻƓƭĻ ğƓķ ƭŷğƌƌ ĭƚƒƦƌǤ is generally envisioned to 2 approval. Appendix s shall provide and construct at their expense the required access, service roads, or collector roads as any negative visual impacts that may exist on the corridor entranceways (Highway B of this Plan Village of Duchess rea Structure Plan A reestanding signage along entranceways is discouraged. LƓ ǒƓǒƭǒğƌ ĭźƩĭǒƒƭƷğƓĭĻƭͲ ğƓķ ǞŷĻƩĻ ğ ĭƌĻğƩ ĬĻƓĻŅźƷ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ƒğǤ ĬĻ ķĻƒƚƓƭƷƩğƷĻķͲ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ƒğǤ ĭƚƓƭźķĻƩ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ͻƚƭĻƨǒĻƓĭĻͼ ƦƩƚǝźķĻķ ƷŷĻ Area Structure Planswith any and all relevant and applicable policies and scheWhen considering applications for redesignation, subdivision and/or development approval of commercial and/or business light industrial uses, all applications must meet or exceed the policy for minimum performance standards and deveas outlined in Lot density and layout for clustered Planning Area Structure PlanArea Structure Planscommercial/industrial and residential uses, to the satisfaction of the County. Transition/buffer areas may be required to bean DeveloperFAny development that is visible from the celements that enhance the visual/aesthetic appeal and impact along intermunicipal entranceways for the travelling public, as Appendix To softenbe given (at the development permit stage) to effectively and appropriately screen developments (or part thereof) from the vitravelling public.The County and Village agree to consult and work with of subdivision or development, considerations for how development may impact Highways 4 0123 56789 County of Newell & or 19 , within Page ntense or locate the land y developers policies are to The . o urban standards 3 t fringe Map policies contained in the sections and other functional site servicing. - - of the Plan. 2 fringe area . ŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ͸ƭ ƦƩĻƭĻƓƷ and utilize on water and sewer services Part C, Map e limited to existing titles if already subdivided and to the satisfaction of Alberta Transportation. , intensive agricultural uses or agricultural related the provision of thout defined planning areas and is illustrated on management standards, roadway cross r within the Village boundary development shall b o two occur wi acreage of the Plan is regulated by any and all applicable County 2 he vision for this area is to continue to use these lands for agricultural purposes while 3 rea and t A to collect servicing monies for future installation. (such as isolated commercial and industrial) lanning P ltural development in areas deemed suitable and appropriate. Intermunicipal Development Plan established lots grouped together to preserve the integrity of agricultural lands agricu ) - intensive) shall be the primary or dominant use of land in this area until the lands are required for the future 4over the density of four (4) lots shall - Village of Duchess is primarily utilized for agriculture includes all of the land area lying outside of the other ion and development in 3 ltural uses (non agricultural buildings and uses - ricu traffic studies with respect to impact and access onto the highways. Any upgrading identified by traffic studies conducted bwith respect to the highways, shall be implemented by the developer at its sole costBoth the County and Village acknowledge that a transportation impact analysis will be required to be conducted prior to any imajor development in the highway corridor area to confirm accessconsiderations, which should be provided at the expense of the developers.Planning Area 3 Subdivis/ƚǒƓƷǤ͸ƭ aǒƓźĭźƦğƌ 5ĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ tƌğƓ ğƓķ \[ğƓķ ƭĻ .ǤƌğǞ ğƓķ ğƓǤ ƚƷŷĻƩ ƩĻƌĻǝğƓƷ ƦƚƌźĭźĻƭ ƷŷğƷ ƒğǤ ĬĻ ĭƚƓƷğźƓĻķ źƓ Ʒŷźƭ tƌğƓ͵Aggrowth and expansion of the Village.A parcel or a lot that is used or proposed to be used for to a maximum of four (No further subdivision or where levies have been Nonbuildings and uses that may be better located within a commercial or light industrial business park area shall be required toproposed business operation within Planning Area 5 345 3.1 4.0 Planning Area Planning Area 3 providing for some isolated nonbe applied, with the one exception being the application of the CFO exclusion area as prescribed in Policies of Newell & 20 be all Page es are in place to ensure of municipal jurisdiction. s nnexation. Negotiation may occur on any or ng: will, as part of the negotiation with ratepayers, wish to see County undary change. and Alberta Environment; evaluate the application and responses from the stakeholders. process. , and reflect the municipal bo . but not limited to: , Alberta Transportation ransfers Intermunicipal Development Plan t , who must make the detailed case for annexation and be a major participant in any negotiations; , who must evaluate the annexation application and supporting documentation for the impact on its financial sharing - pon a Municipal Board Order approving an annexation, the Intermunicipal Development Plan boundary sh ax t eserve r evies and levy transfers property taxes,use of land continuing as agriculture until needed for development,ability to keep certain animals on site; site l - unicipal and County shall negotiate a formula for the determination of compensation on a Village of Duchess evenue or and amended as required to roffmland owners directly affected by the application must be part of the negotiation process;Village of DuchessCounty of Newellstatus and land base as well as ratepayer issues. The arrangements regarding, authorities such asMunicipal Government Board, who will Village Annexation Annexation boundaries shall follow legal boundaries and natural features to avoid creating fragmented patternThe all of the following:Annexation involves a number of stakeholders that need to be involved in the process includiWithin six (6) months ureviewed 234 .1... 5.0 Intent Identification of possible expansion areas will give an indication of lands that need to have special considerations. Policithe opinion of all stakeholders into the expansion Policies 5555 County of Newell & , as sses area Appendix A , encompa ea of an urban and a grid County road ) (attached as Appendix A) Committee 50 10 to Plan , and 5 6 have emerged from the analysis of 873 , which fragments several of the quarter Maps 36 wastewater infrastructure (including the s Development ay be considered relatively flat to gently rolling canal system a rate existing land uses, existing zoning, topography area m e The background and analysis of the area was undertaken to A area. pe. Th of land. provincial highways (Highway Study sections several PPENDIX 10 and as such is traversed by A h as municipal and cooperative water lines) nearly and s traversed by in size SUMMARY OF THE STUDY AREA The area i . re development. Intermunicipal Development Plan Eastern Irrigation District (EID) Made Features - east to west good quality transportation system for the area. f Duchess a otable water infrastructure (suc and Man population and development growth experienced in Alberta over the last decade, it has become increasingly clear that and existing and abandoned oil and gas well and pipelines also are located within the Study area and represent both Village o , has many natural features that exert influence on the landsca is subject to different pressures, problems, conflicts and opportunities than a purely rural or urban area. provides 5,539.53 acres (2,241.77 ha) In addition, p town, which . lagoons) Study Area Background With the steady municipalities cannot make land use decisions in isolation. An intermunicipal development plan recognizes that the fringe arsuch as a The size of the area to be studied was determined in consultation with the Intermunicipal approximately provide an understanding of the existing circumstances, attempt to identify the issues and opportunities thatthe preliminary information, and act as an agenda for discussions by the Project Steering Committee. help in providing a basic understanding of the existing conditions as they illust(contours/elevations), soils, roads and infrastructure systems within the Natural Features The the land transitions to the network The Study Area falls within the sectionsVillageopportunities and constraints to futu County of Newell & west zoned for soil he Village Appendix A Typically an f t . Definitions and poor land, Class 4 2 has occurred mainly and Public Service (Village lagoon however, other uses include residences, farm FR) with the lands east of Highway 36 ; Fringe ( activities Rural Commercial (RC) between high quality, Class 1 and , ) AR ubdivision of land within the Plan area s agricultural Residential ( rea is for Residential . Acreage with the Plan Area is split Study A ce pressure to accommodate a variety of different land uses as there are many advantages . 6 with a node of development south of the Village boundary along Highway 873 Highway 3 Intermunicipal Development Plan f Duchess commercial and industrial businesses Village o Other zoning within the Plan area include indicates the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) soil classification and agricultural capability of the land (see several illustrates existing zoning within the Plan area. nd 6 a The lands directly adjacent to the Village are of the higher quality soils while the less productive farmland is found west o 8 (Soils) . Map Existing Land Use The primary use of the majority of the land within the buildings, between the Village boundary and urban fringe area (such as the Plan area) will experienin being located in close proximity to an urban center Land Use Zoning From a zoning perspective, the majority of the land within the Plan area is zoned as Agriculture (A). site)Agricultural Practices Map classifications) for all lands within the Plan area. The land and 5. towards Highway 36. County of Newell & VILLAGE OF DUCHESS AGRICULTURAL - AAGRICULTURAL - SLAACREAGE RESIDENTIAL - AR IMDP BOUNDARYRURAL BUSINESS - RBFRINGE - FRPUBLIC SERVICE - PS SINGLE LOT EXSITING ZONING ZONING VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) LEGEND COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 6 472 3 322 3 81 4 3 22 3 7 8 29 0 5 32 2 109 6 331 0 5 5 6 3 65 4 1 32 2 VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IMDP BOUNDARYINTERMEDIATE CONTOURS(1m)INDEX CONTOURS(5m) TOPOGRAPHY LEGEND VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 7 5 5 5 3 7 5 7 03 5 5 5 5 7 4 7 4 3 0 7 7 0 57 00 0 5 7 5 7 4 4 7 0 7 05 5 7 7 4 0 3 0 5 77 7 4 5 0 54 7 57 74 0 7 0 4 5 00 07 4 5 77 5 4 7 7 50 057 5 472 5 7 5 7 3 047 0 7 0 5 322 4 4 00 4 7 57 5 7 0 7 0 75 4 7 5 7 4 7 5 4 5 7 5 0 4 0 4 4 5 47 4 0 5 7 7 7 7 5 54 5 4 5 4 77 7 5 7 5 5 4 057 057 57 5 7 5 7 5 4 5 57 7 5 4 4 547 5 7 7 7 5 4 7 5 4 7 0 0 55 7 5 5 0 7 5 5 57 7 7 5 760 4 0 5 7 7 3 81 4 0 05 6 6 3 7 22 5 7 0 7 6 7 0 0 0 6 0 0 600 7 6 0 0 6 55 67 5 77 7 5 7 7 7 7 0 67 5 0 0 5 6 7 5 7 7 0 750 067 0067 3 760 5 6 0 7 57 675 0 7 7 8 5 0 0 7 0 5 5 6 65 7 7 7 7 5 75 0 6 70 0 05 60 7 6 6 5 76 7 77 06 7 5 5 55 0 07 0 6 5 7 6 75 6 7 29 0 7 7 5 0 0 0 6 6 32 7 2 67 5 5 7 7 0 5 6 5 0 75 5 755 75 6 5 7 0 77 5 0 5 67 0 6 0 0 77 6 0 6 6 0 076 67 0 7 7 6 7 06 6 7 067 5760 5 77 0 67 0 5 5 765 75 7 0 6 5 0 5 0 56 7 6 7 7 5 60 6 0 55 7 7 0 06 67 7 7 0 7 7 66 0 6 0 6 757 0 67 7 0 67 5 50 67 0 567 6 7 756 70 7 00 7 0 06 06 7 6 6 5 6 500 0 7 7 66 7 7755 6 6 7 6 6 77 0 7 0 06 7 0 7 7 0 6 66 7 06 7 50 6 76 7 7 0 1 6 09 0 6 77 0 67 70 6 6 5 0 6 6 6 77 7 331 0 0 7 6 0 5 7 6 0 6 7 7 7 6 7 0 7 0 6 0 0 06 6 7 0 7 57 60 676 0 76 6 7 5 5 77 6 7 5 5 067 6 0 7 60 7 6 5 5 6 50 77 7 6 7 0 7 0 5 7 6 7 5 7 6 7 7 5 7 0 0 77 6 7 6 5 0 66 7 7 7 0 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 0 56 5 7 3 6 6 55 0 7 6 7 7 6 65 6 7 076 75 5 57656 77 5 67 6 66 7 6 7 567 7 77 5 5 5 6 7 075 6 7 6 5 56 6 6 7 6 067 7 7 5 7 0 6 7 7 6 0 5 067 65 4 0 7 7 0 7 6 0 67 1 7 7 5 7 7 7 32 0 2 6 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 770 75 6 7 0 05 6 7 0 60 0 7 7 605 7 0 6 7 6 7 76 7 7 0 7 7 77 0 7 07 7 0 7 7 07 0 0 67 7 0 6 7 0 7 7 75577 7 7 (10%) S 6 (90%) WSCTSTSSS 5 SOILS VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IMDP BOUNDARY SOIL CLASS1SOIL CLASS1SOIL CLASS2SOIL CLASS2SOIL CLASS3SOIL CLASS3SOIL CLASS4SOIL CLASS LEGENDSOILS CAPABILITY FOR AGRICULTURE AS INDEXED BYCANADIAN LAND INVENTORY VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 8 4 72 3 3 22 1 38 1 4 32 2 T 1 2 3 7 8 S 4 290 5 322 S W 1 S 4 0 19 6 3 31 S 0 5 5 5 6 3 S 5 S T 654 1 322 3 S S ) % 01( 6 )% 0 9( 3 C 2 VILLAGE OF DUCHESS IMDP BOUNDARY PAVED ROADUNPAVED ROAD NETWORK TRANSPORTATION LEGENDTRANSPORTATION NETWORK VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN February 26, 2014 N:\\Newell-County\\County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP\\ County of Newell & Village of Duchess IMDP.dwg MAP 9 4 72 3 3 22 38 1 4 32 2 3 7 8 290 5 322 0 19 6 3 31 0 5 5 6 3 654 1 322 S S E H \\ P Y C D M R I U s A s D e h D c F u g N D fw O d o . U e P g E D O a l l M i I G V B s s & A e l l h P e c L wu D e L D I Nf fo M o V 300m SEWAGE LAGOONBUFFER e I WELL*WELL - ABANDONED*WELL - UKNOWN STATUS*CANALEASEMENTPIPELINE* y g t a nl l i u oV C & \\ 4 l y 1l t D e 0 n 2 u w , o N e 6 CONSTRAINTS CN 2- l f E l X y o e r y aw t G u e n r Nu b E\\ :o e FNC L VILLAGE OF DUCHESS (BYLAW NO. 455-13) COUNTY OF NEWELL (BYLAW NO. 1780-13) & INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MAP 10 *Data Source: Abacus Datagraphics Ltd. 2013 X 472 X 3 X 322 X X 3 81 4 X 3 22 3 7 X 8 29 0 5 32 2 X 109 6 331 0 X X X 5 5 X X X 6 3 X X 65 4 1 32 2 ssing nect to Appendix B icipal water rmitted for those uses falling into this ) of the County of Newell and Village of 3 Design Guidelines r uses a high volume of potable water (e.g. restaurants, hotels, Part 1 r shall be required to extend services in effectively servicing the development, to APPENDIX B Servicing Standards COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Α PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Intermunicipal Development Plan Servicing Standards, Performance Standards and PLANNING AREA 2 Village of Duchess Development Standards Α Any commercial or industrial development that either produces or is categorized as a high water user shall be required to conmunicipal sewer services if capacity is available. Individual private septic systems shall not be pecategory, which may include, but is not limited to, restaurants, hotels, car/truck washes, and various manufacturing or procefacilities.Any commercial or industrial development that requires a secure source ocar/truck washes, food processing) shall be required to connect to municipal water services if capacity is available. If munand wastewater services are unavailable, the developethe satisfaction of the County, or alternatively, that the proposed project be appropriately located in the Village. 1.2. These stipulated standards are to apply to developments proposed in Planning Area 2 (see Map Duchess Intermunicipal Development Plan (IMDP). Policies Servicing County of Newell & tion ec fighting and dry - ich takes dards and Appendix B re , and if agreed to and development rates do not match, will - disposal system ite grading as much as possible. and post way as required, while drainage or stormwater - - of - there must be acceptable looping of the lines at some r if pre ğƓķ ƷŷĻ ͷtĻƩŅƚƩƒğƓĭĻ {ƷğƓķğƩķƭ ğƓķ 5ĻƭźŭƓ DǒźķĻƌźƓĻƭ͸ site, o - gardens, storage and reuse of water for parcel irrigation, etc., without - . outs, pumps, valves or meters, as determined necessary by the municipality er shall be required at their expense to install any required service lines or - . County of Newell Design Guidelines Design Guidelines Water Act County of Newell Intermunicipal Development Plan y with regard to the pment measure, low volume water users may use a private sewage Development Standards wned or maintained by the municipality shall be designated as a Public Utility Lot (PUL). The County may require at its Α Village of Duchess In conjunction with policies 1 and 2 above, the developinfrastructure to service the development, including turnand in accordance with theThe County Development Authority should deny the approval of a development permit if the type of development proposed cannot obtain or meet the requirements for water and wastewater services as outlined in this Plan.As an interim develosatisfactory to the County.Developers shall be required to provide a method of fire suppression acceptable to the County based on the National Fire ProtAssociation (NFPA) standard 1142 as a design guideline. Where required, pressurized water lines and hydrants, or fire ponds hydrant systems if acceptable, are to be designed by a Professional Engineer and conform to equipment available for fipurposes within the County.Developers may be required to provide an infrastructure plan prepared by a qualified engineer for water and sewer services whinto consideration future development and phasing. The plan should identify thatpoint based on engineering requirements.Street lighting and any other required municipal infrastructure shall be provided at the expense of the developer to the stansatisfaction of the Countin Part 2.Stormwater within the development area should be managed to use site contours to minimize sIndividual sites (lots) may utilize onsite evaporation ponds, raintypically obtaining Alberta Environment approval. Any release of water offrequire provincial approval under the All drainage areas on private lands shall be protected by caveat, easement or rightfacilities to be odiscretion, areas or facilities associated with stormwater drainage to be designated as a PUL. Stormwater Drainage County of Newell & as as ment minants, Appendix B elopment of ght industrial al or business use of landscaping, paving, or and any pursuant and/or applicable legislation. elevant IMDP area (i.e. Planning Area 2) and to t approval of commercial and/or business light Clean Air Act pment Design Guidelines Part 2 this IMDP. industrial use or operation shall cause or create the emission of odorous matter or vapour beyond the Intermunicipal Development Plan Performance Standards and Develo (Planning Area 2) of 3 Map Village of Duchess The performance standards contained within this section shall apply to those commercial and business light industrial use areshown on When considering applications for redesignation, subdivision and/or developmenindustrial uses, all applications must meet or exceed the minimum performance standards as outlined in this IMDP.Air Contaminants, Visible and Particulate Emissions No commercial or business light industrial use or operation contemplated within the IMDP area shall cause or create air contavisible emissions, or particulate emissions beyond the building that contains them. Nor shall a commercial or business liuse or operation exceed the levels contained within the Province of Alberta Airborne particulate matter originating from storage areas, yards or roads shall be minimized with thewatering/wetting of these areas or by other means considered appropriate and acceptable to the County as defined in a developpermit in accordance with sound environmental practices.Odour No commercial or business lightbuilding which contains the use or operation. Performance standards and development design guidelines contained in this IMDP are intended to provide guidelines for the devcommercial and business light industrial sites, buildings and uses within the applicable and restablish standards for the management of potential nuisances that may result from the activities occurring in those commercilight industrial areas.Performance Standards Policies County of Newell & that to the building ndustrial use areas Appendix B ir flammable ned in this IMDP. emission of noise or vibration beyond the building Areas) for Planning Area 2. t shall be screened from view by all adjacent properties and roads. Intermunicipal Development Plan stics shall comply with the applicable fire regulations of the County or the regulations of any other government ty as part of a development permit. e or operation. The handling, storage, and disposal of any toxic or hazardous material shall be in accordance with (Planning 3 een required and approved by the County as part of a development permit. Village of Duchess Noise and Vibration No commercial or business light industrial use or operation shall cause or create thethat contains the use or operation.Toxic Matter No commercial or business light industrial use or operation shall cause or create the emission of any toxic matter beyond thethat contains the usthe regulations of any government authority having jurisdiction and in accordance with any approved Chemical Management Plan may have b Garbage/Waste Storage Garbage and waste material shall be stored in weather proof and animal proof containers located within buildings or adjacent side or rear of buildings tha Fire and Explosion Hazards All commercial and business light industrial uses that store or utilize material or products that may be hazardous due to theor explosive characteriauthority having jurisdiction and in accordance with any hazard or emergency management plan that may have be required and approved by the CounThe development design guidelines contained within this section shall apply to those commercial and business light industrialas shown on Map When considering applications for redesignation, subdivision or development permit approval of commercial or business light iuses, all applications must meet or exceed the minimum development design guidelines as outli Development Design Guidelines Policies Administrative County of Newell & re nty rnal ional highly Appendix B IMDP shall roved Area the form of submission of a iately adjacent to Highway 550 . In the case of an approved lot layout that quired to implement the appropriate setbacks sible nature of the commercial and business light industrial approved architectural controls shall be implemented at the quality building design and site design (inclusive of landscaping, - bdivision stage. Intermunicipal Development Plan ation with respect to acceptable and high irable and superior quality design aesthetic. Village of Duchess All building elevations considered to be highly visible shall provide for an attractive appearance through the provision of adesThe front elevation (elevation facing a highway or road) of any principal building shall ensure it effectively addresses the visible and sensitive nature of the interface with Highway 550 and Highway 873proposes two highly visible frontages (e.g. a corner lot or a lot that may contain double frontage onto a highway and an intesubdivision road) the lot shall be deemed to have two front yards and will be reand higher levels of architectural and landscaping treatment accordingly. a.b. / Site Design Architectural controls shall be established and provided at the redesignation stage in consistency with this IMDP and any appStructure Plan that may apply to specific lands within the IMDP. The development permit stage.Implementation of the approved architectural controls will be done by the developer (registered as an instrument on title in a restrictive covenant) at the suAll applications for a development permit shall not be deemed to be complete applications and will not be accepted by the Couwithout prior written confirmation of compliance with the approved architectural controls. At the time of thedevelopment permit application to the County, the applicant shall provide written documentation from an architectural professconfirming that the proposed development project complies with the approved architectural controls. The design, character and appearance of all buildings in the proposed commercial and business light industrial areas of this be acceptable to the County and shall demonstrate sensitivity to the highly viinterface with Highway 550 and Highway 873.Highway 550 and Highway 873 shall be considered as the gateways or entranceways to the Village of Duchess and therefore requispecial design considersignage, outside storage, screening, etc.).Principal buildings associated with commercial and business light industrial uses located on lots immedand Highway 873, shall provide a building design and site design consistent with the following: Building County of Newell & Architectural ControlsBuilding / Site Design or his l be erials quality - Appendix B rubs, hedges, grass and ground quality design aesthetic in creating interesting and attractive - parcel/lot area shall be required to be provided as soft landscaping; pment project. sed in those areas of a site determined to be highly visible in providing for a high sign shall be used to compliment and augment the building and site designs for those getation such as trees, shrubs, hedges, grass and ground cover or xeriscaping/xerigardening (as the case sibility of adjacent roadways. Intermunicipal Development Plan ort to minimize large monolithic building facades or elevations, exterior designs that encourage visual breaks in the wall A minimum of 10 percent of the Soft landscaping is highly encouraged to be provided in the form of xeriscaping or xerigardening;If water is readily available, soft landscape consisting of vegetation such as trees, shcover may be provided, with consideration for using native plant species wherever possible;A minimum 6 metre landscaped buffer shall be provided adjacent to any road or highway, which shall be soft landscape consisting of vemay be); and,Any trees, hedges or other vegetation must be sited so as not to impede the corner site triangle, parcel approach access site lines or vi quality landscape plan/de evation shall be visible and shall not be screened from view with outside display, landscaping or fencing and the principal - i. ii.v. iii.iv. Village of Duchess ombination, etc.) should be utilized in providing for a high The front elevation of the principal building shall be considered the elevation that faces Highway 550 and/or Highway 873. Tfront elbuilding shall remain prominent and proud with respect to its placement, design and view from Highway 550 and Highway 873.In an eff(i.e. projection, recession, parapets, revels, articulation, design finish, outcrops, window glazing, paint lines, and/or matcbuildings.Ancillary or accessory buildings or other structures shall be designed, constructed and finished in a manner compatible complimentary with the character and appearance of the principle building(s) or other similar buildings on the parcel.Accessory buildings shall not be located in the front yard of a principal building.A highdevelopments adjacent and fronting onto Highway 550 and/or Highway 873. The landscaping plan must take into consideration the following:Access approaches, parking/loading areas and display areas that may be located in the front yard of a principal building shalpaved or hard surfaced (to the satisfaction of the County).Landscaping provided shall be focusdesign aesthetic adjacent to Highway 550 and Highway 873. Any landscaping approved in a development permit is required to be maintained for the life of the develo c.d.e.f.g.h.i. County of Newell & Landscape Plan ed ment ntial or and the building mitigate ness light Appendix B t to the side he highly visible and the approved architectural a principal building. Whenever include, but is not limited to, the following: ght industrial development be of a lower density and County may /ƚǒƓƷǤ͸ƭ \[ğƓķ ƭĻ .ǤƌğǞ uses; y potential negative impacts and interface issues that may exist. ses that may be adjacent to existing or future grouped country s to buffer or screen uses of negative impact; and iveness and appearance of a site and building from all highways or roads. adjacent land ned by the County) suggested mitigation techniques may be implemented berm d be held until an inspection has been completed by the municipality to determine ments (or a combination of all of the above). s, walls, an be required at the discretion of the fence may that Intermunicipal Development Plan landscaping additional separation, or buffering, between the use of trees, shrubs, the use of trees, shrubs, planting beds, street furniture and surface treatments to enhance the appearance of a proposed development. i. ii. iii. Village of Duchess Any additional j. rear of a principal building provided such storage areas are not located within a minimum required side or rear yard setback Proposed commercial and business light industrial buildings and uresidential or urban residential development areas shall demonstrate through their design how the proposal will successfully any potential negative impacts. In these areas (as determithrough the use of the following: restriction or prohibition of specific land uses, increased development setbacks, maximum heights, increased architectural and landscape treatIn areas where commercial and business light industrial buildings and uses are adjacent to existing and future country resideurban residential uses, it is recommended that the commercial or business liresidential in scale and intensity (comparatively). Additional architectural and landscaping treatment and increased developsetbacks may also be required in such locations to effectively address anLandscaping shall be required for all proposed developments as per the controls. Proposed landscaping shall enhance the visual attractLandscape securities shall be provided if requested by the Development Authority, with the minimum deposit amount as determinsufficient by the Development Authority, which shall compliance.Outside storage including the storage of trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles, and other vehicles may be permitted adjacenorstorage is visually screened (all year long) from any adjacent existing or future country or urban residential areas and tinterface with Highway 550 and Highway 873. All storage must be related to and be an integral part of the commercial or busiindustrial operation located on the subject site. Outside storage is prohibited in the front yard of possible, storage shall be highly encouraged to be located inside buildings. County of Newell & Storage and Display by the rincipal r security Appendix B nclude but adjacent sites the front yard of the IMDP. Planning Areas) Α 3 ondition shall not be allowed to remain outside a building or on a vacant site, as parking shall not be permitted on adjacent municipal roadways. -ditions and design (between differing uses, highly visible areas, etc.). Intermunicipal Development Plan s light industrial use located on the subject site containing the display area, are not located within any required l parking must be provided onsite parking and loading - Village of Duchess Building designBuilding interface treatmentsOnSite lightingOutside storageOutside displayLandscapingFencing and screeningSignageInterface / Transition / Buffer con a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j. Architectural Controls shall comply with this section of the IMDP and inform the quality of the built environment and shall i Extended vehicle parking and/or vehicle storage (e.g. storage of product inventory) is not permitted in the front yard of a pbuilding. AlOutside display areas are permitted provided that they are limited to examples of equipment, products, vehicles or items soldcommercial or businessetback, and are not located on any required and approved landscaping area.A vehicle or equipment which is in a dilapidated or dismantled clot in any commercial or industrial district.Fencing shall only be utilized for the visual screening of outside storage, waste/garbage, equipment, product, vehicles or fopurposes provided it is located in the side or rear yards of the principal building. Decorative fencing may be permitted in ƚŅ ğ ƦƩźƓĭźƦğƌ ĬǒźƌķźƓŭ źƓ ĭƚƒƦƌźğƓĭĻ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ͸ƭ \[ğƓķ ƭĻ .ǤƌğǞ ğƓķ ƷŷĻ ğƦƦƩƚǝĻķ ğƩĭŷźƷĻĭƷǒƩğƌ ĭƚƓƷƩƚƌƭ͵{źƷĻ ƌźŭŷƷźƓŭ ƭŷğƌƌ źƓĭƚƩƦƚƩğƷĻ ͻƓźŭŷƷ ƭƉǤͼ ƌźŭŷƷźƓŭ ǞźƷŷ ŅźǣƷǒƩĻƭ Ʒƚ ķźƩĻĭƷ ƌźŭŷƷ ƷƚǞğƩķƭ ƷŷĻ ŭƩƚǒƓķ ğƓķ ƒźƓźƒźǩĻ źƒƦğĭƷ ƚƓ and uses.Billboard signs are prohibited within the area shown as Planning Area 2 (see Map No signage shall be illuminated by way of any flashing, intermittent or animated illumination within the IMDP area. not be limited to the following (at a minimum): County of Newell & ignage S ndards roposed Appendix B way or within 800 metres of the centerline of an - of - quire a roadside development permit from Alberta Transportation or alternatively, all be submitted by an applicant at the time of submission of a development permit Intermunicipal Development Plan be included in Architectural Controls to be registered as a restrictive covenant on title(s) by the developer. Village of Duchess All development within the development control zone (300 metres from the rightintersection) of Highway 550 or Highway 873 shall rewritten authorization from Alberta Transportation stating that a roadside development permit is not required as part of the pdevelopment project. This information shapplication to the County.As a condition of any development or subdivision approval, the County may stipulate that any or all of the aforementioned staand guidelines 22.23. County of Newell & Appendix B Concept Examples Low Impact Development (LID) Intermunicipal Development Plan Source: ORRSC Village of Duchess County of Newell & Appendix B ͻvǒğƌźƷǤͼ ε {ƷğƓķğƩķƭ sign Examples Development and De Intermunicipal Development Plan Encouraged Minimum Site/Building/Design Village of Duchess County of Newell & Appendix B Development and Design Example Encouraged Buffering/Transition Techniques Intermunicipal Development Plan Village of Duchess Source: ORRSC Note: Drawing not to scale and to be used for illustrative purposes only. County of Newell & Appendix C us if not for a clude a building gically be used for acre) parcels of irrigated nearby land; C be considered to be land containing 8.1 ha (20 acres) or less of farmable may off, a parcel must be separated by: - way, power line, railway, or similar feature and any other land identified in a land use - and subordinate to the principal use of the site on which it is located. of - APPENDIX 4, comprising 64.8 ha (160 acre) parcels of dryland or 32.4 ha (80 DEFINITIONS - 4. - e normally containing water throughout the year, 7 with permanent water rights, with the exception of: - 5 Intermunicipal Development Plan means: y y, watercourse, utility lot, pipeline right Village of Duchess means a building or structure, incidental, subordinate and located on the same lot as the principal building, but does not in a permanent irrigation canal as defined by the irrigation district,a permanent watercoursa railway,a graded public roadway or highway,an embankment, orsome other physical feature, means land that abuts or is contiguous to the parcel of land that is being described and includes land that would be contiguo means a use of a building or land, which is incidental to off parcels of 4.0 ha (10 acres) or less. To be considered a cut - cutwhich makes it impractical to farm or graze either independently or as part of a larger operation, including land which is so badly fragmented by existing use or ownership that the land has a low agricultural productivity or cannot loagricultural purposes. For the purpose of subdivision, fragmented land agricultural land in CLI classes 1 land having a Canada Land Inventory (CLI) classification of 1land;land contained in an irrigable unit;land having a CLI classification of (i)(ii) Accessory Building or structure used for human habitation. Accessory Use Adjacent Land highway, road, lane, walkwabylaw as adjacent for the purpose of notifications under the Municipal Government Act.Agricultural Land, Higher Qualit(a)(b)(c)County of Newell & of rvation gistered by Appendix C or reward, and ly provides a design that al spraying, for agricultural ve interests of clients are met. and maintenance. l Municipal Development Plan for the . These controls may be re Newell , stormwater drainage, fire protection and other cultural services, information and new technology in liaison with other board which provides agri rols applied to development which are often restrictive in nature. Typically this includes a specified Newell ƦƩƚķǒĭƷźƚƓ ğƓźƒğƌƭ ǞźƷŷźƓ ƷŷĻ ƒĻğƓźƓŭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ͻ\[źǝĻƭƷƚĭƉ LƓķǒƭƷƩǤ 5źǝĻƩƭźŅźĭğƷźƚƓ !ĭƷͼ ğƓķ ƦƚǒƌƷƩǤͳ - Intermunicipal Development Plan ural machinery and equipment, including irrigation pumps on site; means the County of means the same as the provincial department of Transportation meaning and refers to Alberta Transportation allowing a portion vincial government legislation that are enforced are the Weed Control Act; the Agricultural Service Board Act; the Soil Conse means an agricultural activity conducted on agricultural land for gain or reward or in the hope or expectation of gain means special standards or cont bearing animals, pheasants or fish; - ransportation, storage, application, use transfer and disposal of manure; and means a statutory plan in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and the County of Village of Duchess e of providing a framework for subsequent subdivision and development of an area of land in a municipality. The plan typical the cultivation of land;the raising of livestock, including gamethe raising of furthe production of agricultural field crops;the production of fruit, vegetables, sod, trees, shrubs and other specialty horticultural crops;the production of eggs and milk;the production of honey (apiaries);the operation of agricultthe application of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, including application by ground and aeripurposes;the collection, tthe abandonment and reclamation of confined feeding operations and manure storage facilities. Agricultural Operation includes:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k) Agricultural Service Board governments, jurisdictions, agencies and industry by establishing policy that insures statutory requirements and the collectiSeveral key pieces of proAct; the Agricultural Pests Act and the Agricultural Chemicals Act. Architectural Controls building scheme that applies to building details, such as building types, finish, colors and materials, fences or landscapinga Restrictive Covenant at the time a plan of survey is filed with Land Titles Office. Area Structure Plan purposintegrates land uses with the requirements for suitable parcel densities, transportation patterns (roads)utilities across the entire plan area. Assignment of Jurisdiction public road located in one municipal jurisdiction to be signed over by agreement to another municipal jurisdiction for contro County of Newell & es, o be used Appendix C division and se, substances, materials ited to, department stores, goods, wares, merchandise, h eparation and sound attenuation of res. l or group of parcels, usually for less than g lot layouts and sizes, roads, topography and he community. Typically, BMPs are stormwater management or services to the general public. tores, shoe stores, and gift stores. Land Use Bylaw definition. ing, berms, walls, fences, or a combination thereof, that is located between land use off characteristics and infiltration components of the undeveloped system as possible and - Newell practices and methods of managing stormwater drainage for adequate flood control and pollutant reduction by premises manufacturing, processing or refining of materials is typically incidental to the sales operation. - Intermunicipal Development Plan means means a building, or part thereof, for the sale of goods sually not adopted by bylaw, but may be if the municipality desires to do so. means commercial development located adjacent to a provincial highway whereby the primary purpose and intent is to means the same as the County of means the retail sales with the use of a building, or part of a building, where goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articl means a general site layout plan which provides for the orderly development of a parce means an area of land including landscap means a design technique that concentrates buildings and/or uses in specific areas on a site(s) to allow the remaining land t effective and practicable means that are economically acceptable to t - Village of Duchess means the use of land and/or buildings for the purpose of public sale, display and storage of goods, merchandi means a specific portion of the land that is the subject of an application on which a building can or may be constructed (Sub means the Intermunicipal Development Plan or Joint Planning Committee established in this Plan. ntense use (e.g. commercial or industrial) from uses such as residential or public institutional. Commercial EstablishmentCommercial, IsolatedCommercial, Highway provide for a broad range of commercial uses to serve the convenience needs of the travelling public and local residents.Commercial, Retail food, or things are stored and are for sale at retail price and includes storage on the premises of limited quantities of sucsubstances, articles, food, or things sufficient only to service such store. Examples of this use may include but not be limhardware stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, clothing s Best Management Practices (BMPs) using the most costƒĻƷŷƚķƭ ƷŷğƷ ğƷƷĻƒƦƷ Ʒƚ ƩĻƦƌźĭğƷĻ ğƭ ƒǒĭŷ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ͷƓğƷǒƩğƌͼ ƩǒƓreduce or prevent water quality degradation. Building Site Development Regulation AR 43/2002). Buffering or buffer strips districts and land uses of different character and is intended to mitigate negative impacts through the physical and visual sthe more i Clustered Development for recreation, open space, transitional/ buffer area, or the preservation of historically or environmentally sensitive featu Commercial Use and/or services on the premises. Any on Committee Conceptual Design Scheme ŅźǝĻ ƌƚƷƭ͵ LƷ źƭ ğ ƦƌğƓƓźƓŭ Ʒƚƚƌ Ǟŷźĭŷ źƭ ğ ƷǤƦĻ ƚŅ ͻƒźƓźͼ ğƩĻğ ƭƷƩǒĭƷǒƩĻ ƦƌğƓͲ ǒƭǒğƌƌǤ ƌĻƭƭ ķĻƷğźƌĻķͲ ƷǤƦźĭğƌƌǤ źƌƌǒƭƷƩğƷźƓgeneral servicing information. It is u County of Newell & use - ultural c Appendix C in to major Agri - to tie d land use, land are not permitted to be under land; or he developer (CFOs) ver or a change in the use of the land or ree to have the developer delay or nt parcels of less than the minimum extensive agricultural where new confined feeding operations agricultural development has been clustered or concentrated in a central area of - non y be installed to or past the property line of the parcel or development project, when the means an agreement made in consideration of sections 650 or 654 of the Municipal Government Act, between a tion of either but does not include turning over soil with no immediate activity on the land in the near future; or by means other than grazing and requires registration or approval under the conditions set forth in the Intermunicipal Development Plan within the Intermunicipal Development Plan means an activity on land that is fenced or enclosed or within buildings where livestock is confined for the purpose of . use of land, the primary purpose of which is for a dwelling or the establishment of a dwelling in a rural area, whether the as amended from time to time, but does not include seasonal feeding and bedding sites. means existing or proposed residential uses on more than two adjace means one or two existing or proposed country residential uses. Newell the area means a means means a defined area within this Plan where future Village of Duchess d and infrastructure servicing alignments and/or linkages. means: means a generalized plan indicating the boundaries of a parcel or parcels of land which identifies (at a minimum) the propose ervicing/Development Agreement means the County of an excavation or stockpile and the creaa building or an addition to, or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing of any of them in, on, oa change of use, or a building, or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in, or is likely to result in, building; or Concept Plan intensity, and roa Confined Feeding Operation (CFO)growing, sustaining, finishing or breeding Operation Practices Act (AOPA), CFO Exclusion Area established or existing operations allowed to expand. Core Area Concept the Plan for future development in a planned, managed and orderly manner. Country Residential, Grouped parcel size, and may consist of the yard site of a former farmstead. Country Residential, Isolated Country Residential Use dwelling is occupied seasonally, for vacation purposes or otherwise, or permanently. County Deferred S developer and the municipality for the provision of services to serve the development, whereby the municipality may agdefer the requirements to provide or construct those services at a later date (as defined in the agreement); or, to require tmunicipal infrastructure at any time in the future whereby it maservices were not initially installed or available in the location of where the development occurred. Development(a)(b)(c)County of Newell & section - Appendix C Map. trict is Plan. apping) in providing for the orderly detached dwellings, modular homes, - site levies attached to any specific parcel. - sion authority may consider a quarter ructure as a front end service that will be a benefit actions of one party in regards to decision making in the does not include a confined feeding operation for which a intensive nature, typically on existing titles or proposed parcels - ch a development permit may be approved at the discretion of the public use. - section of land. The subdivi - to compensate initial developers who may oversize or install infrastructure to in to those services, and is typically addressed through clauses in the Development - act done in relation to land or a building that results in, or is likely to result in, a change in the by a municipality that provides the means by which differences of view between the parties can be settled, in a ha (80 acres) on irrigated land. erly used for a farm home or farm buildings or both and which is impractical to farm because of the existing buildings, Intermunicipal Development Plan means a formal process in buildings for residential use. - contained living premises occupied or designed to be occupied by an individual or by a family as an independent and separate - means the general raising of crops and grazing of livestock in a non means an agreement and process used Village of Duchess mean those individual and defined development areas that are referred to in this Plan (and associated m means the use of land or a building in a land use district for whi means the first subdivision from a previously unsubdivided quarter means self These Endeavour to Assist Agreements are put in place to assist developers who install infrast means an area in use or form means the use of land or buildings for the raising or producing of crops and/or livestock but means a defined area of a municipality as set out in the land use district schedule of uses and indicated on the Land Use Dis a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or anintensity of use of the land. ice their development, where later developments may access or tie (d) Development Cells and managed growth through the appropriate staging or sequencing of development of those specified lands as articulated in th Discretionary Use Development Authority with or without conditions. District Dispute Settlement or Resolution peaceful and cooperative manner. These differences may be over their opinions, interpretations, or IMDP plan area or interpretation of the IMDP policies. Dwelling Unit housekeeping establishment and in which facilities are provided for cooking and sanitation. Such units include singlemanufactured homes and moved Endeavour to Assist servAgreement.to adjacent developers in the future. Any cost recovery required through such agreements is over and above the off Extensive Agriculture usually 64.8 ha (160 acres) on dryland or 32.4 Farmstead vegetation or other constraints. Farming registration or approval is required from the Natural Resources Conservation Board. First Parcel Out to be unsubdivided if the previous subdivisions were for the purpose of public or quasi County of Newell & ; ite or lot ssory to a , including Appendix C truck wash car/ e use does not ilar in nature. environment. Examples f design and appearance r nature of a business light cteristics of an area. like) that are acce utomotive and recreation vehicle storage, a ; offices; professional services; and business iries, and similar specialty uses conducted as the centres cultural resource which is deemed to be hazardous, as are intended for sites typically located in a planned business ed on parcels of land not adjacent to other proposed or existing arm service product sales; bulk fuel storage and sales; f a set of best management practices (BMPs) which seek to reduce stormwater quality development and that operate in such a manner that no nuisance factor is - ia storage, abattoirs, oil and gas plants, seed cleaning plants, bulk fuel depots, livestock sales acturing, fabricating, processing, assembly, production or packaging of goods or products, as well as Land Use Bylaw. e designs). Examples of this use may include but not be limited to, Newell l uses that provide for a high means industry which involves processing of an extractive or agri Intermunicipal Development Plan machinery and equipment sales, rental and service; means industrial uses located or proposed to be locat site natural features to protect water quality. It uses - a term used to describe a land planning and engineering design approach to manage stormwater runoff which emphasizes n means industria means the approximate one to two mile area around the municipal boundary of an urban municipality and includes the designated etrimental impact, potential health or safety hazard, or any nuisance beyond the boundaries of the developed portion of the s storage and distribution, light industrial processing and manufacturing; garden means any concentrated method used to raise crops or to rear or keep livestock, animals, poultry or their products for market means Village of Duchess means development used for manuf means any sign or display supported by a freestanding column or structure. Fringe ulture Light Industrial created or apparent outside of an enclosed building. Limited outdoor activities (loading, service, storage, display, or the principal use may occur providing the scale of such activities does not unduly conflict with the primary purpose, character oindustrial use/district or dominate the use of the site. Business light industrial use arecentre or office park environment that are located in highly visible and accessible locations and display a higher standard o(inclusive of site, building and landscapsales, rentals and service;warehousing;sup port services.Isolated Light Industrial industrial uses, and that, in the opinion of the Development Authority, would not substantially change the agricultural chara Industrial administrative offices and warehousing and wholesale distribution use which are accessory uses to the above, provided that thgenerate any dupon which it is situated.Noxious or heavy Industrial noxious, unsightly or offensive (smoke, dust, glare) and cannot therefore be compatibly located in proximity of a residentialshould include, but are not limited to: anhydrous ammonyards, gravel/sand puts or stone quarries, auto wreckers or other such uses determined by the Development Authority to be sim Freestanding Sign Fringe or Urban Rural Urban Fringe district of the County of Industrial land use: Intensive Agric such operations as horse riding stables, poultry farms, pastures, fur farms, tree farms, sod farms, apiaries, daprincipal use of a building or site. Low Impact Design consideration and use of oquantity and improve stormwater quality at its source.County of Newell & man without site levies - means the Appendix C se of utility with or Newell l health or safety. typically involves some type of tee. ion network, and other services that property. The revenues from the off . 26, as amended - P will govern and is the referral area for the plan and all development Council, and within the boundary of the County of Duchess exist in proximity to population concentrations. - means the Duchess Intermunicipal Development Plan. means the members assigned by each respective council to the Joint Planning Committee for the means the agreed to area the IMD cretionary action is permitted. Duchess range planning tool. - Committee needs that are proposed for the change in use of the property. Intermunicipal Development Plan Village of and means a statutory plan, formerly known as a general municipal plan, adopted by bylaw in accordance with section 632 of the sually industrial or commercial in nature which, by reason of emissions (i.e. air, water, glare or noise), is hazardous to hu Newell being and cannot reasonably be expected to co - Village of Duchess within the boundary of the Village of County of means the use of land or a building in a land use district for which a Development Authority shall issue a development permit means the rate established by a municipal Council that will be imposed upon owners and/or developers who are increasing the u means a use, u means the same as Shadow Plan. means the land or a identified parcel may be used or designated for more than one specific type of land use, and means any use, prevailing condition or activity which adversely affects the use or enjoyment of property or endangers persona Council. means the Municipal Government Act Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M means, within the context of a policy, that a dis means the Site Levy - Intermunicipal Development Plan (IMDP)purposes of administering and monitoring the Intermunicipal Development Plan. Intermunicipal Development Plan (IMDP) Boundary applications and statutory bylaw amendments on lands within the identified plan area that will be referred to the IMDP Commit May MGA Mixed Use residential use mixed with commercial and/or public/institutional. Municipal Council County Municipal Development Plan MGA, which is used by municipalities as a long Noxious Use health, safety or well Nuisance Off services, traffic services, and other services directly attributable to the changes that are proposed to the privatewill be collected by the municipality and used to offset the future capital costs for expanding utility services, transportathave to be expanded in order to service the Overlay Plan Permitted Use conditions providing all other provisions of the Bylaw are conformed with. Plan County of Newell & not n the Appendix C ity, parks or ducational facil ies to the public and includes, but is r corporation under agreement with or franchised by titutes the dominant structure or activity of the lot. zed as a relaxed urban standard or a higher rural standard than what is normally applied or 500, 600, 700 and 800 series or Highways 1 and 36. /retail grouping or cluster of uses subsidiary and dependent upon a larger grouping of similar or related uses. means a building or use which is available to or for the greater public for the purpose of assembly, instruction, Intermunicipal Development Plan of telephone, television or other electronic means; means those policies adopted by the Minister of Municipal Affairs pursuant to section 622(1) of the Municipal Government Act. means development which is somewhat or partially similar in nature, appearance and standards to urban development, but it is means the building or use of land or buildings that cons means a road development as such by Ministerial Order pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act and described by plates published i Village of Duchess Public Building and Uses - way of all or any of the following: means:- of - means a system, works, plant, equipment or service owned and operated by a municipality o means an identifiable commercial street, a local road or statutory road allowance,a service road,a an avenue, ora lane,that is or is intended for public use; or node urban development - - the right(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)a road, street or highway pursuant to the Public Highways Development Act.communication by waypublic transportation by bus or other means; andproduction, transmission, delivery or furnishing of water, gas or electricity to the general public. Principal Building or Use Provincial Highway Alberta Gazette pursuant to Alberta Reg. 164/69 as Provincial Land Use Policies Public and Quasi culture or community activity and includes, but is not limited to, such uses as a school, church, cemetery, community hall, egovernment facilities. Quasi fully at that scale or level. In other words, it may be categoriconsidered typically rural. Public Roadway(a)(b) Public Utility the municipality, or by a corporation licensed under a Federal or Provincial Statute and which furnishes services and facilitnot limited to:(a)(b)(c) Retail County of Newell & site - use and ions and - Appendix C are based and any mitigation y for specific off ding site as specified in not to fragment land or transportation. It means more des summary of the Development Authority, the ated, so as that proposes to manage the quality and quantity of nother or an area which functions as a buffer between land uses of different road system and adjacent highway systems. Duchess to describe approaches to managing the growth and development of communities that aim to improve tion or analysis completed by a licensed professional engineer (typically specializing in traffic) of the effect(s) a plan completed by a licensed professional engineer use, especially along connecting corridors. Smart growth policies are intended to integrate land - means gn drawing which indicates how parcels of land may be further subdivided and typically illustrates minimum sized urban Intermunicipal Development Plan is a term used means an evalua means a conceptual plan for the future road network in the plan area which identifies the general location, layout, intersect means the classification of soils in accordance with the Canadian Land Inventory on the basis of soil survey information, and off, collected and/or released from a parcel(s) into the watershed.Village of Duchess - density and promotes mixed - means, within the context of a policy, that the action is mandatory. means a conceptual desi r Management Plan (SWMP) means an area of land in the process of changing from one use to a means the perpendicular distance that a development must be set back from the front, side, or rear property lines of the buil means within the context of a policy that the action is strongly encouraged but it is not mandatory. means a lot, a group of contiguous lots or portion of a lot on which a building or use exists or which is, in the opinion of e ompact, higher Road Network Concept access points, and also integrates/aligns with the adjacent Village of Setback the particular district in which the development is located. Shadow Plan lots, road alignments to adjacent road networks, servicing corridors and building pockets as to where dwellings should be locinterfere with urban growth plans. Shall or Must Should Sit subject of an application for a Development Permit. Smart Growth or Compact Design environmental, economic and social sustainability, particularly by reducing urban sprawl and dependence on the automobile forcinfrastructure planning, fiscal and taxation measures, sustainable energy and regional governance. Stormwate stormwater, or run Soils Classifications intensity, rather than kind, of their limitations for agriculture. Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA)of traffic generated by a development on the capacity, operations, and safety of a public road or highway and generally incluƒĻğƭǒƩĻƭ ƚƩ ƩƚğķǞğǤ źƒƦƩƚǝĻƒĻƓƷƭ ƩĻƨǒźƩĻķ͵ ŷĻ ğƓğƌǤƭźƭ ƭŷƚǒƌķ ƦƩƚǝźķĻ ğ Ĭğƭźƭ ŅƚƩ ķĻƷĻƩƒźƓźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦĻƩ͸ƭ ƩĻƭƦƚƓƭźĬźƌźƷimprovements. Transition types or intensity. County of Newell & Appendix C on and includes aste processing or a ples that are practical and e bylaw. A waiver cannot be us on it, but on greenery. a hazardous waste management facility, landfill or storage site (Subdivision and Development Regulation AR Intermunicipal Development Plan landscaping and gardening in ways that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigati . Duchess means a relaxation of the numerical standard(s) required of a development as established in the land us Village of Duchess means those areas that are currently being used or that still remain to be used for the placing of waste material, or where w Village of (xerigardening) means means Village Waiver or Variance granted for use. Working Area burning activity is conducted in conjunction with 43/2002). Xeriscaping plants whose natural requirements are appropriate to the local climate are emphasized. Xeriscaping refers to a set of princienvironmentally friendly, and while it may incorporate rocks and gravel it does not foc County of Newell &